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Everything posted by sikiro

  1. @NakedWolf an Npc is a script there are different types for example this hourly points npc or script doesn't show on the server it's an invisible npc or script that triggers every hour and gives the player points
  2. If you setup htaccesss to do option indexs in that directory when someone visits that page it will show a blank page. Someone here might have a better solution I have a index.php that will redirect me to my main site
  3. you should be able to put an .htaccess file inside patcher with its own options but remember that flux comes with its own htaccess file as well and i dont see why it would not let you visit flux using domain.
  4. sikiro

    This or That?

    farmville league of legends or dota?
  5. I belive it is this option here Options -Indexes I am not at home at the moment I have it written somewhere but if it does not work I will update this post.
  6. then you need to check your schemas on flux cp it should definately have them or else your donation shop on the web will not work properly.
  7. all tables are part of flux cp if you are using the latest version it should have all of those tables installed by default.
  8. this is meant to be used with Flux cp ill edit first post.
  9. try putting the patcher under a subdomain i had a similar issue when ussing ssl cert on my site patcher would not work. but on a subdomain it would work. for example patch.yoursite.com and have .htaccess block indexing and you should be okay.
  10. cual es el problema podrias poner una foto para poder ver cual es el problema.
  11. @zell so i have been working on concepts and getting things to work the way i want them to so progress is good is there any posibility for you to show me an example of the sql bit of pulling info for a player house and as well as when they buy one inputing the information. so far i can teleport to the house and add remove npcs but it is temporary sadly.
  12. I do not take credit for this nor did i make this script at all i just modified it. THIS NPC REQUIRES FLUX CONTROL PANEL OR IT WILL NOT WORK. i myself was asking for someone to modify an Npc to be able to accept cash points in game but i also decided it would be ideal to give you both options so it was edited to not only give you the option to redeem cash points but also maintain its core function of allowing a player to still redeem items purchased on the web-store. if you have any questions please feel Free to reply to this topic. Databases required. cp_redeemlog.sql CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cp_redeemlog` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `nameid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `quantity` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `cost` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `account_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `char_id` int(11) unsigned default NULL, `redeemed` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `redemption_date` datetime default NULL, `purchase_date` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM COMMENT='Log of redeemed donation items.'; cp_credits.sql CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cp_credits` ( `account_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `balance` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `last_donation_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `last_donation_amount` float unsigned DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`), KEY `account_id` (`account_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Donation credits balance for a given account.'; prontera,139,182,4 script Donor Rewards Redeemer 987,{ // ----------------- NPC Settings ----------------- // --- SET THESE BEFORE LOADING THE SCRIPT! --- // Server Name set .serverName$,"rAthena"; // NPC Name to display during chat. // Default: "[Donor Rewards Redeemer]" set .npcName$,"[Donor Rewards Redeemer]"; // DO NOT CHANGE THIS! // Default: "cp_redeemlog" set .redeemTable$,"cp_credits"; set .itemTable$,"cp_redeemlog"; // Display Credits to FluxCP Creators? // Help promote our product if its useful. // 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable. // Default: 1 set .showCredits,1; // Max number of unique items to redeem at a time. // DO NOT RAISE THIS VALUE ABOVE 128 WITHOUT // MAKING THE NECESSARY SCRIPT ENGINE MODS // FOR SCRIPT ARRAY SIZING! DANGEROUS! // Default: 128 set .numRedemptionsSimul,128; // --------------- End NPC Settings --------------- // ----------------- Begin Script ----------------- mes .npcName$; mes "Well hello there " + (Sex ? "good sir!" : "young madam!"); mes "How may I be of assistance to you on this fine day?"; next; prompt("I wish to redeem My Credits:Collect My items :Check my balance."); mes .npcName$; switch(@menu) { case 1: query_sql("SELECT `balance` FROM `" + escape_sql(.redeemTable$) + "` WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + " LIMIT 0,30", .@credits); if (.@credits > 0){ mes "How many Donation Credits do you wish to redeem?"; next; mes .npcName$; input .@withdrawCredits,1,.@credits; query_sql("UPDATE `" + escape_sql(.redeemTable$) + "` SET `balance` = `balance` - " + .@withdrawCredits + " WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + ""); set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS + .@withdrawCredits; mes .@withdrawCredits + "x " ; } else { mes "My records indicate that there are no rewards awaiting to be redeemed."; mes "My deepest apologies for the misunderstanding."; } break; case 2: query_sql "SELECT `id`, `nameid`, `quantity` FROM `" + escape_sql(.itemTable$) + "` WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + " AND `redeemed` = 0 LIMIT " + .numRedemptionsSimul,.@id,.@nameid,.@quantity; if (getarraysize(.@id) > 0) { mes "Items Pending Redemption: " + getarraysize(.@id); for (set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.@id); set .@i,.@i+1) if (checkweight(.@nameid[.@i],.@quantity[.@i]) == 0) { mes "I'm terribly sorry, but you are carrying too much to accept " + (.@i ? "any more of " : " ") + "your rewards at this time."; mes "Please come back with fewer items."; } else { query_sql "UPDATE `" + escape_sql(.itemTable$) + "` SET `char_id` = " + getcharid(0) + ", `redeemed` = 1, `redemption_date` = NOW() WHERE `id` = " + .@id[.@i]; getitem .@nameid[.@i],.@quantity[.@i]; mes .@quantity[.@i] + "x " + getitemname(.@nameid[.@i]); } if (.@i == getarraysize(.@id)) { mes "Thank you for your patronage " + (Sex ? "fine sir." : "ma'am."); mes "Please enjoy your stay on " + .serverName$ + "!"; } if (.showCredits) callfunc "F_FluxCredits"; } else { mes "My records indicate that there are no rewards awaiting to be redeemed."; mes "My deepest apologies for the misunderstanding."; } break; case 3: query_sql("SELECT `balance` FROM `" + escape_sql(.redeemTable$) + "` WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + " LIMIT 0,30", .@credits); mes "You currently have " + .@credits + " donation credits."; break; } close; // ------------------ End Script ------------------ } // ------------ Credits to FluxCP Creators ------------ // - Please do not modify or delete this function or - // - its contents. To disable the credits from being - // - shown, set .showCredits to 0 in the NPC Settings - // - at the top of this file. - // ---------------------------------------------------- function script F_FluxCredits { mes "-----------------------------------"; mes "Powered by Flux Control Panel."; mes "Copyright © 2008-2012 Matthew Harris and Nikunj Mehta."; mes "http://fluxcp.googlecode.com/"; return; } donation.txt
  13. i am trying to make this Npc take out cp credits and add them as cash points i am successful at doing it to some extend but when i go to the npc again to just add on to the points it will reset the value. Example: i order 1k points reedeem. then later i order 1k more and redeem. total points still 1k. i might be missing something supper simple. prontera,139,182,4 script Donor Rewards Redeemer 987,{ // ----------------- NPC Settings ----------------- // --- SET THESE BEFORE LOADING THE SCRIPT! --- // Server Name set .serverName$,"Stock-RO"; // NPC Name to display during chat. // Default: "[Donor Rewards Redeemer]" set .npcName$,"[Donor Rewards Redeemer]"; // DO NOT CHANGE THIS! // Default: "cp_redeemlog" set .redeemTable$,"cp_credits"; // Display Credits to FluxCP Creators? // Help promote our product if its useful. // 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable. // Default: 1 set .showCredits,0; // Max number of unique items to redeem at a time. // DO NOT RAISE THIS VALUE ABOVE 128 WITHOUT // MAKING THE NECESSARY SCRIPT ENGINE MODS // FOR SCRIPT ARRAY SIZING! DANGEROUS! // Default: 128 set .numRedemptionsSimul,128; // --------------- End NPC Settings --------------- // ----------------- Begin Script ----------------- mes .npcName$; mes "Well hello there " + (Sex ? "good sir!" : "young madam!"); mes "How may I be of assistance to you on this fine day?"; next; prompt("I wish to redeem items:Who might you be?:I am merely perusing the area"); mes .npcName$; switch(@menu) { case 1: query_sql("SELECT `balance` FROM `" + escape_sql(.redeemTable$) + "` WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + " LIMIT 0,30", .@credits); if (.@credits > 0){ mes "How many Donation Credits do you wish to redeem?"; next; mes .npcName$; input .@withdrawCredits,1,.@credits; query_sql("UPDATE `" + escape_sql(.redeemTable$) + "` SET `balance` = `balance` - " + .@withdrawCredits + " WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + ""); set #CASHPOINTS,.@withdrawCredits; mes .@withdrawCredits + "x " ; } else { mes "My records indicate that there are no rewards awaiting to be redeemed."; mes "My deepest apologies for the misunderstanding."; } break; case 2: query_sql("SELECT `balance` FROM `" + escape_sql(.redeemTable$) + "` WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3) + " LIMIT 0,30", .@credits); mes "You currently have " + .@credits + " donation credits."; break; case 3: mes "I am here to allow for the redemption of donation credits for " + .serverName$ + "."; mes "Donations may be made to the server via the control panel."; break; default: mes "Very well then."; mes "Good day to you."; break; } close; // ------------------ End Script ------------------ } // ------------ Credits to FluxCP Creators ------------ // - Please do not modify or delete this function or - // - its contents. To disable the credits from being - // - shown, set .showCredits to 0 in the NPC Settings - // - at the top of this file. - // ---------------------------------------------------- function script F_FluxCredits { mes "-----------------------------------"; mes "Powered by Flux Control Panel."; mes "Copyright © 2008-2012 Matthew Harris and Nikunj Mehta."; mes "http://fluxcp.googlecode.com/"; return; } Problem Solved on by tinkering.
  14. sikiro

    FluxCP npc import

    Problem has been fixed for those who are atempting to do this please make sure your theme supports it or run it on the default theme prior to moving to a custom flux theme.
  15. hey everyone atempting to import npcs to flux seems to be broken has anyone had any luck getting this to work? flux error logs show nothing when atempting to upload the npc folder in zip format it will upload successfully and my ftp does show the following but the panel will not populate it.
  16. omg would be awsome i think the reasoning behind the instances is to prevent duplicating maps.
  17. the system work with the exception of this one error i have enountered because it says failed to close refine fails 100% of the time
  18. and i have to do this to every freaking item dont i.... i might die right now.
  19. hey guys i am just fidling with customs and i keep encountering the nill value error can any of u help me pinpoint the problem? accessoryid.lub accname.lub i know it says like 1560 but i promise you i have looked at that line 50 million times and still cannot figure out the problem.
  20. please refer to the guides provided by rAthena https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/Custom_Items the location is not inside the GRF but system/iteminfo.lua/lub
  21. the client defaults to iteminfo.lua/lub i dont think it connects to itemdesctable anymore. it always will prioritize iteminfo
  22. The gif ragnashield provides are no encrypted
  23. please refer to the client suppor section here supported clients as for data look under client support/release section for clean data folder. Cheers
  24. hey welcome to rAthena please refer to the link bellow for all guides on how to setup a server. on Linux and windows. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki as for your question reguarding if it is legal or not it is a difficult question to answer and a topic on that can be found by searching the forums.
  25. any idea on how i can fix this? the script works fine it just generates this when its created.
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