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Everything posted by sikiro

  1. If you are looking for official hairstyles and official palettes they should be already part of your default client if you're uptodate. If you are referring to custom ones then I don't think anyone has made custom hairstyles for dorms yet
  2. es inevitable pero creo que flux tiene una option que chekea el tiempo de servidor i solo deja que puedan votar solo una ves al dia usa flux mas reciente.
  3. El Ip necesita estar Online el paypal no se conecta IP local o a hamachi necesitas que el tu ip de WAN este online i visible i usar no-ip para que si el ip de WAN cambia ese programa lo mantiene por ejemplo tu ip es el lunes i el viernes es : el no-ip no importa si tu ip local cambia el no ip lo registra i siempre funciona. Si quieres saver si tu wan ip esta visible ve a google i escrible cual es mi ip o en ingles whats my ip. i en tu internet escribe http://tuwanip i si te sale tu flux cp eso quiere decir que tu ip esta online lo que te sigue seria estableser el No-ip.
  4. aah makes it easier so far ive been able to create the instance now to learn how to save data to sql and extract it ! ive also noticed there is a housing script you have been hiding Skorm! and i like the idea of renting and selling wouild be it be posible to fix up a bit and making it instance based? http://upaste.me/acb21058336c53f2b
  5. i would try a lower number i have a couple of custom mobs and they work fine.
  6. sounds very confusing T_T ill look into it i have never done any sql work before. thank you!
  7. if the item is already part of the emulator then the effect is already there you dont have to add it again.
  8. what do you mean? are you trying to add this effect to another item?
  9. have you edited this as well datainfo/jobname.lua Example at the end of the file: [jobtbl.JT_GIBBET] = "GIBBET", [jobtbl.JT_DULLAHAN] = "DULLAHAN", [jobtbl.JT_LOLI_RURI] = "LOLI_RURI", [jobtbl.JT_DISGUISE] = "DISGUISE", -- Custom Mobs [jobtbl.JT_JACOB] = "jacobmob", [jobtbl.JT_AQUARING] = "aquaring" }
  10. how can i permanently attach it to a player.
  11. did you register the mob id in the client? I am pretty sure you also have to edit clientside files in order to let the client know that the id you picked matches what monster you are trying to summon.
  12. What patcher are you using? if it is thor check configuration file and make sure that the patcher is not setup to open itself.
  13. i understand the risks but i will never learn if i dont try i asked for some guidance plus yours is very complex with construction i dont need any of that to begin at least.
  14. awww alright well can you at least point me in the right direction as to getting it started. i am not the best at scripting but if iget an idea on how to sort out the houses etc i can do the rest.
  15. hey everyone i have come across a small problem when i try to update the thor .con file using a .thor to replace a single file it never works has anyone had any problems with it? i can patch everything else directories and other single flies except that particular one.
  16. Sorry for reviving an old Post but does this work with lua files instead of lubs.
  17. Kinda reviving this but i would love to see this working on latest Ra i would pay someone to fix it and have it working and also share it with everyone!
  18. would it be possible to create housing using instance system i know there is a very old housing system arround but it required adding duplicate maps to the game and it was very time consuming. i am terrible at scripting but i do understand how it works if you can point me in the right direction i can most likely finish it or add to it.
  19. thanks but if you look closely one of the content boxes the one on the right has shifted down.
  20. yep that fixed the zoom error i had now after aplying that right box shifted down
  21. I will look into that for background its a small image that needs to repeat in order to fill the page also the zoom issue I fixed nut its back :/
  22. thank you for the feedback my biguest issue right now is moving things arround the main content box you see there slightly down and also add more content boxes but the issue i run into everytime is that as soon as i position it when something gets added to one all of them shift or move. EDIT: i managed to fix some of my issues with adding content boxes but i still cant figure out how to prevent it from shifting when zooming in or out.
  23. hey guys just starting off with learning how to use html and css3 what do you guys think of this so far and wat tips can you offer. i know the images provided are not my own they are placeholders. http://shiftro.com please rate it and also if you have good html knowlage please share your wisdom with me i want to learn how to position everything corectly since it seems to be my biggest issue. add me on skype or shoot me a pm if you would like to offer your help. pm me for info. thank you.
  24. try using the search function on the forums it is located on the upper right corner of your screen. http://rathena.org/board/forum/117-web-resources-downloads/ <<<<<<<<<<<, there is a topic here regarding your question
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