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Posts posted by Santafe

  1. Hey all just wanted to knw if theres any good protection apart from the ALL EXPENSIVE harmony X_X. Internal gaurd is cheap but people say its easy to bypass X_X, Ive heard of ULTRA Core Protector, Can any 1 say if thats good? or nProtect hackshield? any advice or views? thnx guyz ^_~

  2. Hey guyz, No matter WHAT fluxcp i use either its xantara or akkarin's flux, ALWAYS i register a new account in flux but i cant login with the same password ingame -_- i donno y it always says incorrect password. i tried _M and _F with the username already registered in flux bt thats alright since it says there already exists an account with that username. PLZ help me ive been going psycho with this X_X



    How i register passwrd in flux : omg1221

    How it shows in mysql : 1291ruusajfiasiqwuru1u238rr92j(something like this)

    and i cant login ingame JUST because of this thing T_T PLZ help me.


    THnx and regards~ Santafe

  3. Ok ive seen in MANY MANY forums including ratemyserver's forum about pre renewals being much more *INTERESTING* than renwal? im new to all this so can some one be more elaborate on this? Ive heard that Pre renewal is WAY different from renewal and also that the damage/HP of mobs/Skill damages were ALL different. Could some one explain this to me? thnx ^_~

  4. Oh u shouldn't even touch those clients present in kro files. Search for k3dt ragexe clients. Download it along with k3dt different for the same client date and if u r using 2013 clients it's best u use xdiff patcher. If u wanna use 2012 u must use shins different patcher. Rathen is already set to renewal when u download the server files so clients have nothing to do with the renewal or pre renewal.

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  5. Ok so ur confused on clients. This is a basic description of all the clients: there are basically 2 stable clients. One is 10 4 2012 client which is ragexeRE and all the 2013 clients till 7 8 2013. All clients before 2013 are called rag exeRE and it does not READ latest sprites which are updated by kro. Example: rebellion sprite is not readable in 2012 clients. May be in some near future some hex king might make it readable but till then it doesn't read that sprite. 7 8 2013 is the only client which reads rebellion class since it was released just recently.

    About ur kro. Kro can be downloaded as lite or full. Check the nickzai site. Once u download it just click the rag lite patcher it will patch and once that's done click rag re lite patcher. Once everything is patched ur done :)

  6. Nuu a menu doesn't pop out LOL the item description is like : this enables the @aura command . U may choose from the aura range of 1 to 30. Ignore the description it's just a explanation to the player. When he clicks on the item : the command is enabled and he can start choosing by typing the command with the numbers :)

  7. No the actual thing is, u get the item. When u do get it, it automatically enables at command @aura and u can choose frm various auras and once u decided on one, it stays permanently after the item dissappears after 30days get wat i mean guyz? XD

  8. Is it possible to make an item which enables @aura command temporarily till it expires? thnx in advance :3

    well huh a consumable? or when equiped? i guess it's possible by using

    addcommand aura

    if it's for time, how much time? i'm not sure but someauras resets when warping or changing maps, or when using @refresh D:

    Hey kido thx for the rep, its for 30days xD and not a consumable. Its like hmm... If u have the item in ur inventry, that command is enabled
  9. Hi Santafe, even if I did edit the drop table. My items on inventory wont show. When I use @item command to generate any items, nothing happens. :/

    that means ur server doesnt read the item_db.txt file. i suggest u reinstall the GIT server. this doesnt happen usually but do me a favour. when u run the runserver-sql do u  see read/db/re/itemdb.txt? it shows that in map server. if u see something like that please tell me. If it doesnt appear then GIt clone the revision again :)

  10. Good day rAthena! So I was trying to install a new server(since upgrading gave me tons of conflicts).

    Here are the problems I encountered:


    1. Invisible items: I tried generating items via @item but nothing happens. Spawn mobs and kill them but they don't drop anything. Killed another mob and spawned a looter mob to see if it will loot something, it doesn't detect any items on the floor as well. BUT the thing is, when I use the command @itemlist and @storagelist, I can see my items on the list. 

    2. Where is item_db2? I did a git clone on a folder, not once but twice but I can't really find item_db2.


    Are there any huge changes about installing a new server? Did I miss something? I configured all conf files needed, or I think I did... char_athena, map_athena, login_athena, inter_athena....


    What might be wrong? If anyone could help me on this one, I highly appreciate it. Thanks in advance :)



    LOL chill bro u look tensed. its simple. they dont drop because u havnt configured ur drop exp rate which is at a standard 1x

    also item db2 was removed ALONG time ago xD. u should us item_db from now on.


    to edit drop exp Go to: rAthena/conf/batlle/drop_exp.conf(i think) its somewhere in the conf files. edit the max drop exp rate. 10,000 means 100% 100 means 1% drop rate. Hope u get wat i mean! Cheers! :)

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