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Posts posted by Santafe


    1st of all ~ the new maps are only available for renewal so i suggest u go for it. If u dont want 3rd jobs in your server you can do this:




    That isn't true. Maps have nothing to do with non-renewal, pre-renewal or renewal. 

    Same with monsters. At monsters you need only some changes like -> def, mdef etc.


    Oh oops :P "False accusation" sorry xD

  2. Ok guys my name is Frankie and I need some help if you can help I'd appreciate it a lot

    I got some questions and problems

    First off I been playing ragnarok online since 10 years

    And all ways wanted to make my own server

    But I have very little experience on how to do so

    Here's my questions:

    Can Rathena run pre renewal meaning. I want to make a server with trans classes only no 3rd jobs but I wanna be able to use New maps and gears and etc like the newest mvps

    But keep only older classes

    Anyways also can someone please explain to me how to make a server or even give me a easy guide. Also I am using unimited 4G hot spot from my phone so my internet is pretty fast but that Cisco thing that the video showed I can't figure that out at all

    Maybe cuz I'm using hot spot?

    My problems are I tried doing the guide from a YouTube video and came close but got a error saying can't connect to mysql server 10060. I'm sure u know about that

    So what do I really need to make a server and can you help with some advice please. And thank u so much sorry for The long post

    Also I want this to be a online server

    Hello and welcome to rA :D,

    1st of all ~ the new maps are only available for renewal so i suggest u go for it. If u dont want 3rd jobs in your server you can do this:


    Add "//" before all the 3rd job quests in scripts_jobs.txt in rAthena/npc/re folder. and then go to the Job changer npc in rAthena/npc/custom/job_master.txt and add "//" before the last line in job_master txt file. its the 3rd job configuration. if u comment it then a player cannot turn in to 3rd job in ANY way wat so ever. The best Server making tutorial and the LATEST one is in this link: http://rathena.org/board/topic/84746-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2013-client-tutorial/?hl=tutorial


    Just follow the guide to make an offline server. to make it live ~ Just use the vps IP(the vps u buy for hosting) instead of

    and the port i suggest u keep the same port unless u know how to port forward~ Hope this helps u start off ~



    Santa :)

  3. Hey, i wanted to make my equipment 4 slotted and just the shield 1 slotted


    I used this guide -> http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=196355&hl=

    but the slots doesn't come -.-


    changed the slots on


    -item_db in \db\pre-re

    -itemslotcounttable from hercules.grf, data.grf and rdata.grf


    the server is changed on pre renewal 


    Hope someone knows how to solve that

    Hey man. The guide is for mysql users. The standard configuration in ur inter_athena.conf is to use the normal database from the itemdb.txt in the database folder. If u want the sql items as ur main equips for ur server, search for sql database in ur conf folders(such as char,map or login or even inter athena) the sql database would have been commented with a // in front of it. Remove that if u want ur server to follow sql database.

  4. That is the hard part in this. Im alone on the server just now and is  a little bit lag.

    Im hosting in http://myhosting.com/

    Thanks for you reply   :D

    Hey again :) well yea it must be because of the server being hosted in some far away country? distance laggs do occur sometimes, my server was from California while i was in India LOL and the RAM was low too. urs is good so it must be a distance lagg. did u try other hostings? for that kinda budget u get really good hosts from asura host and so on which practically have no lagg(from my frnds who use it) so yea just bring players into ur server and try to see what they feel.(laggish or normal is wat i meant) 

  5. 1. If you using renewal, it dosn't anymore atk rate. I fixed it for you with addrace bonus. It don't give vit rate. I've add now for you max hp 5%.

    3. Like 1. it dosn't give anymore matk rate too. At this sample it gives each refine 5 matk. 

    1. { bonus bAllStats,15; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_NonBoss,(getrefine()*2); bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,(getrefine()*2; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,(getrefine()*2; bonus bMaxHPrate,5; }
    2. { bonus bAllStats,25; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,(getrefine()*1); bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,(getrefine()*1); bonus bDefRate,(getrefine()/-3); }
    3. { bonus bAllStats,40; bonus bMatk,(getrefine()*5); bonus bInt,5;

    (not tested)


     Hope it help you.

    Thanks alot but could u change the  add race on number 1. to max str or smthing? like (Max str+ 5 or 5% per refine) thnx again :)

  6. Hi guys, 

    I bought a VPS with 

    1500 Bandwith

    1.5 GB ram

    20GB Disk Space

    But when logon in my server and i try to move myself i feel a little bit lag.

    Which could to be the problem?

    I have 10 m Internet connection in my home

    Regards and thanks XD

    Where is ur Pserver hosted? it may depend on the place too. or just that ur vps is having some laggs. my test server also had laggs when i was alone LOL so its ok it just happens if the traffic of ur vps increases.

  7. Guyz i need the following bonus scripts :) i dont think i can do this with the item_bonus.txt so plz help me :I


    1.+15 all stat , 2% atk per refine,5% Vit rate(not per refine just standard.)

    2.+25 all stat, 1% resistance to demihuman per refine,Reduces 3% defence reduction per refine?(like grimtooth? :o)

    3.+ 40 all stat, 2% matk per refine,5% int increase(not per refine).


    Thanks <3

  8. Yes, its a freeware for LOCALHOST only. So you can get yourself familiarize on how to set it up and how it works, when you want to make it ONLINE or hosted on your VPS, this will come the license file which cost you $25. 

    Yo jezu does it have a splash image like Harmony? :P :P :P just askin so that i could edit it for my server when its alive xD

  9. Hey guyz i just rememberd an event script while i played a server some 2-3 years ago? Here it goes:

    The NPC announces that a run for your life event is gonna occur. we must go to the NPC to register and after the specified count down the event starts.


    The map is like a raceway.(like a poring race way but without the fences between the porings xD) and u have to run away from the "Marse" which are spawned within that raceway in each round xD. 1 shot from the marse = Dead. I used to really love that event but i have no idea wat its called xD. The prize is given when one player is left~ Plz do help me remember xD and if you know what its called plz comment xD thnxx :) :)

  10. I made a test server 2 years ago and i used shin'sdiffpatcher. I got back into testing some stuff but for some reason that patcher doesnt work anymore. When i click it nothing happens. 


    Question1; is there and updated version to this patcher


    Question2: Is there a better patcher or another one in general that is as user friendly?

    If ur using 2013 clients then i suggest u use xDiff patcher :)

    • Upvote 1
  11. xD

    the strange thing is that everything loads fine, but when selecting the character to enter the map it stops working.


    map-server_sql.exe stopped working

    windows is looking for a solution to the problem

    Ok then try resetting the mysql databases. Might be something buggy on ur char. O.o
  12. If we got a map server crash, it will says that error is written in /log/map-server.exe.leaks (example)

    but where is log folder? x_x

    Huehue i had that before. Hmm itsp usually occurs if u dont put the logs.sql in ur mysql server. Even if u did that, make sure the logs database name is written in ur inter_athena.conf. Example: make a new schema called "logs" in ur mysql. Open script> rathena>sql files>logs.sql. Now execute and save and go to inter athena.conf. Find database for logs. Change name from ragnarok to logs. :D hope this solves it.

  13. Hi


    I have a problem creating a new group id for GM Event.


    I want add a group id 20, in "GM Eventos".


    All is okay


    I ejecute @reloadatcommand, add the account in the id group 20 and i login with the account and have commands of group id 0.


    Whats wrong?


    Ty for advance.


    This is my group.conf

    groups: (
    	id: 20
    	name: "GM Eventos"
    	inherit: ( /*empty list*/ )
    	level: 20
    	commands: {
    		identifyall: true
    		killable: [true, false]
    		monster: true
    		monstersmall: true
    		monsterbig: true
    		summon: true
    		size: true
    		duel: true
    		accept: true
    		reject: true
    		invite: true
    		leave: true
    		alive: true
    		cleanmap: true
    		cleanarea: true
    		raisemap: true
    		raise: true
    		disguise: true
    		undisguise: true
    		npctalk: true
    		broadcast: true
    		localbroadcast: true
    		kami: true
    		kamib: true
    		kamic: true
    		lkami: true
    		killmonster2: true
    		kill: true
    		nuke: true
    		doommap: true
    		mute: true
    		mutearea: true
    		unmute: true
    		jail: true
    		jailfor: true
    		unjail: true
    		kick: true
    		ban: true
    		unban: true
    		block: true
    		unblock: true
    		charban: true
    		charunban: true
    		party: true
    		changeleader: true
    		partyoption: true
    		partyrecall: true
    		partyspy: true
    		guild: true
    		breakguild: true
    		changegm: true
    		guildstorage: true
    		disguiseguild: true
    		undisguiseguild: true
    		sizeguild: true
    		guildrecall: true
    		guildspy: true
    		pettalk: true
    		commands: true
    		charcommands: true
    		help: true
    		rates: true
    		uptime: true
    		showdelay: true
    		exp: true
    		mobinfo: true
    		iteminfo: true
    		whodrops: true
    		time: true
    		jailtime: true
    		hominfo: true
    		homstats: true
    		showexp: true
    		showzeny: true
    		whereis: true
    		refresh: true
    		noask: true
    		noks: true
    		autoloot: true
    		alootid: true
    		autoloottype: true
    		request: true
    		channel: true
    		pvpon: true
    		pvpoff: true
    		gvgon: true
    		gvgoff: true
    		skillon: true
    		skilloff: true
    		day: true
    		night: true
    		sound: true
    		snow: true
    		clouds: true
    		clouds2: true
    		fog: true
    		fireworks: true
    		sakura: true
    		leaves: true
    		clearweather: true
    		mapflag: true
    		addwarp: true
    		storagelist: true
    		cartlist: true
    		itemlist: true
    		who: true
    		who2: true
    		who3: true
    		whomap: true
    		whomap2: true
    		whomap3: true
    		users: true
    		where: true
    		accinfo: [true, false]
    		storage: [true, false]
    		identify: [true, false]
    		auction: [true, false]
    		blvl: [true, false]
    		jlvl: [true, false]
    		str: [true, false]
    		agi: [true, false]
    		vit: [true, false]
    		int: [true, false]
    		dex: [true, false]
    		luk: [true, false]
    		stpoint: [true, false]
    		skpoint: [true, false]
    		monsterignore: [true, false]
    		hide: [true, false]
    		mount: [true, false]
    		mount2: [true, false]
    		heal: [true, false]
    		zeny: [true, false]
    		cash: [true, false]
    		points: [true, false]
    		fakename: true
    		recall: true
    		tonpc: [true, false]
    		killer: [true, false]
    		allstats: [true, false]
    		allskills: [true, false]
    		resetstat: [true, false]
    		resetskill: [true, false]
    		reset: [true, false]
    		feelreset: [true, false]
    		jobchange: [true, false]
    		speed: [true, false]
    		changesex: [true, false]
    		spiritball: true
    		clone: true
    		slaveclone: true
    		evilclone: true
    		item: [true, false]
    		itembound: [true, false]
    		refine: [true, false]
    		go: [true, false]
    		repairall: [true, false]
    		storeall: [true, false]
    		save: [true, false]
    		memo: [true, false]
    		load: [true, false]
    		jump: true
    		warp: [true, false]
    		jumpto: true
    		follow: true
    	log_commands: true
    	permissions: {
    		can_trade: false
    		all_equipment: true
    		skill_unconditional: true
    		item_unconditional: true
    		view_hpmeter: true
    		view_equipment: true
    		any_warp: true
    		receive_requests: true
    	id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */
    	name: "Player"
    	level: 0
    	inherit: ( /*empty list*/ )
    	commands: {
    		/* no commands by default */
    		commands: true
    		charcommands: true
    		help: true
    		rates: true
    		uptime: true
    		exp: true
    		mobinfo: true
    		iteminfo: true
    		whodrops: true
    		time: true
    		hominfo: true
    		homstats: true
    		autoloot: true
    		alootid: true
    		autotrade: true
    		breakguild: true
    		who: true
    		noks: true
    		noask: true
    		changeleader: true
    		changegm: true
    		pettalk: true
    		homtalk: true
    		die: true
    		showexp: true
    		refresh: true
    		duel: true
    		accept: true
    		reject: true
    		invite: true
    		leave: true
    	permissions: {
    		/* without this basic permissions regular players could not 
    		trade or party */
    		can_trade: true
    		can_party: true
    	id: 1
    	name: "Super Player"
    	inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can and more */
    	level: 0
    	commands: {
    		/* informational commands */
    		commands: true
    		charcommands: true
    		help: true
    		rates: true
    		uptime: true
    		showdelay: true
    		exp: true
    		mobinfo: true
    		iteminfo: true
    		whodrops: true
    		time: true
    		jailtime: true
    		hominfo: true
    		homstats: true
    		showexp: true
    		showzeny: true
    		whereis: true
    		/* feature commands */
    		refresh: true
    		noask: true
    		noks: true
    		autoloot: true
    		alootid: true
    		autoloottype: true
    		autotrade: true
    		request: true
    		go: true
    		breakguild: true
    		channel: true
    		langtype: true
    	permissions: {
    	id: 2
    	name: "Support"
    	inherit: ( "Super Player" )
    	level: 1
    	commands: {
    		version: true
    		where: true
    		jumpto: true
    		who: true
    		who2: true
    		who3: true
    		whomap: true
    		whomap2: true
    		whomap3: true
    		users: true
    		broadcast: true
    		localbroadcast: true
    	log_commands: true
    	permissions: {
    		receive_requests: true
    		view_equipment: true
    	id: 3
    	name: "Script Manager"
    	inherit: ( "Support" )
    	level: 1
    	commands: {
    		tonpc: true
    		hidenpc: true
    		shownpc: true
    		loadnpc: true
    		unloadnpc: true
    		npcmove: true
    		addwarp: true
    	log_commands: true
    	permissions: {
    		any_warp: true
    	id: 4
    	name: "Event Manager"
    	inherit: ( "Support" )
    	level: 1
    	commands: {
    		monster: true
    		monstersmall: true
    		monsterbig: true
    		killmonster2: true
    		cleanarea: true
    		cleanmap: true
    		item: [true, true]
    		zeny: [true, true]
    		disguise: [true, true]
    		undisguise: [true, true]
    		size: [true, true]
    		raise: true
    		raisemap: true
    		day: true
    		night: true
    		skillon: true
    		skilloff: true
    		pvpon: true
    		pvpoff: true
    		gvgon: true
    		gvgoff: true
    		allowks: true
    		me: true
    		marry: true
    		divorce: true
    		refreshall: true
    	log_commands: true
    	permissions: {
    		can_trade: false
    		any_warp: true
    	id: 5
    	name: "VIP"
    	inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can */
    	level: 0
    	commands: {
    		rates: true
    		who: true
    	permissions: {
    		/* no permissions by default */
    	id: 10
    	name: "Law Enforcement"
    	inherit: ( "Support" )
    	level: 2
    	commands: {
    		hide: true
    		follow: true
    		kick: true
    		disguise: true
    		fakename: true
    		option: true
    		speed: true
    		warp: true
    		kill: true
    		recall: true
    		ban: true
    		block: true
    		jail: true
    		jailfor: true
    		mute: true
    		storagelist: true
    		cartlist: true
    		itemlist: true
    		stats: true
    	log_commands: true
    	permissions: {
    		join_chat: true
    		kick_chat: true
    		hide_session: true
    		who_display_aid: true
    		hack_info: true
    		any_warp: true
    		view_hpmeter: true
    	id: 99
    	name: "Admin"
    	level: 99
    	inherit: ( "Support", "Law Enforcement" )
    	commands: {
    		/* not necessary due to all_commands: true */
    	log_commands: true
    	permissions: {
    		join_chat: true
    		kick_chat: true
    		can_trade: true
    		can_party: true
    		all_skill: false
    		all_equipment: true
    		skill_unconditional: true
    		use_check: true
    		use_changemaptype: true
    		all_commands: true
    		channel_admin: true
    		can_trade_bounded: true
    		item_unconditional: true
    		/* all_permission: true */

    Did u compile? Be sure to compile if u touch anything on the conf files :)

  14. Map add more files to the Sprite Extra files and how to do?


    The map, add a file to the file of extra sprite, how to do it?


    Help Please


    한국인분들도 계실지도모르니..


    커스텀맵파일중 Extra파일과 Sprite파일 bin파일 추가 어떻게하는건가요?


    그리고 커스텀직업 추가법좀아시는분 부탁드립니다! ra위키를 봤지만 어코맨드.c 부분이나 등등 찾기하라는곳 찾아도 그찾기가없어서 당황스럽네요..

    Um i dont understand what ur trying to say but ill try. If ur asking how to put custom maps on server then follow the guide on our wiki. Its quite easy.

  15. why reject from server...

    i think is the swordman....

    when i use novice it's okay

    but when i use the other char that is swordman....it willl reject from server.

    help me guys!!!

    It might be caued by a bugged item on ur swordsman. Do u know what he has equipped or in inventory?

  16. Hi !!


    I have a problem after updating the emulator

    when I go to enter the map the map server stops working, i change the emulator but the new have the same error.


    the map server,login and char server don't show nothing



    If ur using windows 7 u must run the server as administrator. And plz do tranlate whats written on the pic so that i can try to help more? XD

  17. Good evening folks, I'm starting to create a server for ragnarok online and I've been doing some testing with emulators to use the rAthena was what caught my attention, but I noticed that the emulator is consuming a fixed amount of RAM memory of the computer where the server is hosted, while other emulators has a low consumption, which will be increasing, rAthena has a fixed consumption does not rise but not low at all. I wonder if this is a feature of emulator, or a bug, and if that can influence server performance.Thank you in advance, thanks!

    Well to be exact rathena pccupies about 150~200. MB space when u use svn and just 150 if u use Git. When u run the server it just takes some more memory. Its not a bug its just the way it works. :)

  18. So I had my own server about 6 years ago or so & i've decided now... to reopen another one, mine seemed to go quite well with over 100 people playing at the time until unfortunately I had to shut it down... Things have changed though! :P

    Anyways, I've been searching the forums for some sort of guide on how to go about it now! everything's changed (My server was a txt. based server) It was pretty simple then! - now im hearing things like hercules & rEthena?

    Can anyone direct me to a decent link where I might find a decent guide on setting up a server which I can open to the public? ( I've literally become clueless now! =/)

    I'll also be spending some weeks on customizing before fully opening, but im completely open to any suggestions on what might be the best way to start again?

    Thanks! :)

    This is a real good 1 go here: http://rathena.org/board/topic/84746-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2013-client-tutorial/?hl=tutorial

  19. im sorry if this topic is in wrong section.


    well i've got a problem with the bg NPCs. 

    i want to disable the npc for KvM and Tierra NPCs. But after i did it, the npc still exist. @.@

    Permission is set to 0777 already.

    Then i delete all the BG script  the bg folder in npc/battleground and disable all the script in script_eathena. The NPC's is still exist...


    anyone have face this problem before, because i'd search on the net regarding this problem, i've found nothing.... :(


    anyone can help me with this...?

    If ur talking abt the battleground shortcut key its just a guide on how to play those bgs. So its not much of a problem

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