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Posts posted by Santafe

  1. Thank u :)

    Almost forgot about you, here's your NPC!

    // Emperium Ladder
    // 1.0
    // Sandbox
    // It's a script that will show the top 10 Emperium breakers of your server.
    prontera,123,123,4	script	empladder	78,{
    		mes "Here are our top 10 breakers!";	
    query_sql ("SELECT `char`.char_id,`char`.`name`,global_reg_value.`value` FROM global_reg_value LEFT JOIN `char` ON global_reg_value.char_id=`char`.char_id WHERE global_reg_value.str='empladder' ORDER BY CAST(`global_reg_value`.`value` AS UNSIGNED) DESC LIMIT 10", .@char_id, .@name$, .@count);
    		    for( set .@x,0; .@x<10; set .@x,.@x+1 )
    			        mes "^880000"+(.@x+1)+"^000000) ^0000FF"+.@name$[.@x]+"^000000 - ^008800"+.@count[.@x]+"^000000 Point(s)";
    			    } // .@x starts at 0, but you want to start with '1st', so use (.@x+1)

    *hails sandbox for this*

  2. Just change "tool" in sandbox's script to "joinbg" and u shld be done. The script above that is an NPC script which i dont think bindatcmd is available. Thats because theres an auto announcement once 2 or more have joined. its basically like talking to a person instead of using @commands.

  3. When you convert to rathena all calculations change as eathena is pre renewal and rA is renewal. Or u could just use rathena in pre renewal. EAthena is totally different emulator from rA. Structures and everything so yea it will be from the start. If u have 2 years of work which might mean alot of scripts so id say get a renewal scripter who can avoid errors during the server running. And the editing lvls and stuff shld also been done. So yea its like starting from scratch.

  4. Hey all just wondering if its posibble to invite people to a guild even if he/she is offline? When the player invited cms online this is the mesage he gets: The guild "xxx" has invited you to join them. To accept type /accept or to reject type /reject. This should be a mesage in a diferent colour so that the player cn easily see it. It should not be a pop up coz then ths wld iritate players if too many invitations are sent to them. The guild name is also required to accept. Example /accept xxx thx guys :o


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