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Everything posted by Easycore

  1. @AinsLord Fixed. Waiting for approval.
  2. Pending approval: Updated item_vending_db.yml to Rapid YAML. Updated some deprecated functions regarding item database. Fixed an issue with bound item battle config. Updated to latest GitHash: d93d41
  3. View File @lastteleport command @lastteleport command Description A simple atcommand that allows you to see your last position before you teleport. It ping your mini-map with a red cross (especially for MvP Hunting). ________________________________________________________________ By downloading this file, you agree with my Terms of Service: You are not allowed remove my signature from any of the included files. You are not allowed claim my work as yours. I can give you support, contact me in Discord: Easycore#9709. Submitter Easycore Submitted 09/16/2021 Category Source Modifications Video Content Author Easycore  
  4. // Show currency's name in vending board? (Note 1) show_item_vending: off
  5. Bound items as currency. Apply manual patch.
  6. Still pending. I have uploaded 2 files, both are still pending. One of them is this update.
  7. New Version: Working on latest Git: 6672bf Refactored 'item_vending.txt' to YAML Format 'item_vending_db.yml'. Fixed an issue regarding bound items in the buyer's inventory. Added a config to enable/disable buying with bounded items. Prevent buying if seller has the Max Item in the inventory (30,000 ea). Added GetComma for a better visualization of the amount of zeny received (Vending Report). Code clean-up. Status: Pending Approval.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    @lastteleport command Description A simple atcommand that allows you to see your last position before you teleport. It ping your mini-map with a red cross (especially for MvP Hunting). ________________________________________________________________ By downloading this file, you agree with my Terms of Service: You are not allowed remove my signature from any of the included files. You are not allowed claim my work as yours. I can give you support, contact me in Discord: Easycore#9709.
    10.00 USD
  9. Endless Tower - Insane Mode (pre-re) PS: I had to increase my stats +50 because it was too hard. (x
  10. Instance Difficulty Settings Instance Difficulty Settings is a powerful modification that allows you to set/modify an instance difficulty without touching the whole NPC Script of the instance and adding status penalties to the players. ?How it works?? This Mod works in base of a Custom Database (instance_mode_db.yml). Inside this file you can configurate a bunch of parameters related to Monster, Exp Rate and Drop Rate. ########################################################################### # Instance Mode Database ########################################################################### # # Instance Mode Settings # ########################################################################### # - Mode Instance Mode ID. # Exp Rate Experience rate percentage setting for Instance. (Default: 100) # Drop Rate Drop rate percentage setting for Instance. (Default: 100) # HP Mob's Max HP percentage. (Default: 100) # Speed Mob's Movement Speed percentage. Set it lower to increase speed. (Default: 100) # STR Mob's STR percentage. (Default: 100) # AGI Mob's AGI percentage. (Default: 100) # VIT Mob's VIT percentage. (Default: 100) # INT Mob's INT percentage. (Default: 100) # DEX Mob's DEX percentage. (Default: 100) # LUK Mob's LUK percentage. (Default: 100) # ATK Mob's ATK percentage. (Default: 100) # ATK2 Mob's ATK2 percentage. (Default: 100) # MATK Mob's MATK percentage. (Default: 100) # MATK2 Mob's MATK2 percentage. (Default: 100) # DEF Mob's DEF percentage. (Default: 100) # MDEF Mob's MDEF percentage. (Default: 100) # HIT Mob's HIT percentage. (Default: 100) # FLEE Mob's FLEE percentage. (Default: 100) # FLEE2 Mob's FLEE2 percentage. (Default: 100) # CRI Mob's CRI percentage. (Default: 100) # AMOTION Mob's AMOTION percentage. Set it lower to increase speed. (Default: 100) # ADELAY Mob's ADELAY percentage. Set it lower to increase speed. (Default: 100) # DMOTION Mob's DMOTION percentage. Set it lower to increase speed. (Default: 100) ########################################################################### Currently there are 4 premade difficulty modes ID_EASY: Easy mode, all monster stats are reduced by 20%. Exp & Drop rates reduced by 20%. ID_NORMAL: Default mode. No changes. ID_HARD: Hard mode, all monster stats increased by 50%, speed & ASPD +20%. Exp & Drop rates increased by 20%. ID_INSANE: Very hard mode, all monster stats increased by 100%, speed & ASPD +50%. Exp & Drop rates increased by 50%. You can easily modify each value in this file and even create your custom difficulty modes. ?Instance Penalty Debuffs? Instance penalty debuff is another way to make harder the experience of your players by adding permanents debuff while they are inside the instance. Currently there are 8 debuffs. Cast Time: Increases cast time by <value>%. ASPD: Decreases ASPD by <value>%. MaxHP: Decreases MaxHP by <value>%. MaxSP: Decreases MaxSP by <value>%. AllStats: Reduces All Stats by <value>. Speed: Decreases Movement Speed by <value>%. ATK: Decreases Base ATK by <value>%. MATK: Decreases MATK by <value>%. This all is great! But how can you set instance difficulty and penalties? ?Setting up Difficulty? There are 2 ways to set up this: Setting this up in instance_db.yml: There's a node called Difficulty inside this file where you can setup the difficulty. Setting this up through script command (Recommended): When you create an instance with instance_create script command, you can add an extra argument <difficulty>. Nice! But can I change the mode whenever I want? Yes, you can. There is a script command called instance_setdifficulty that allows you to change this. Whenever the difficulty is changed, all the monsters stats inside the instance are recalculated. So you can make a script that changes the difficulty when X players join from ID_NORMAL to ID_HARD. ?Setting up Penalties? For setup a instance penalty you have the script command instance_setpenalty. instance_setpenalty(<instance id>,<sc_type>,<value>) Example: // This will reduce players MaxHP by 75% when they enter to the instance instance_setpenalty(instance_id(IM_PARTY),SC_ID_MAXHP,75); Additionally this will give you a Status Icon and send you a message when you join the instance. And again, you can make a script that increases a penalty when X players join the instance or that penalty increases by each player in! ?Script Documentation?
  11. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt#L8168 https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt#L8163
  12. This does helps you. Read carefully.
  13. https://github.com/cydh/rathena-wiki/blob/master/Thor_Patcher.md#configmain
  14. El Rune Knight jamás fue de pre-renewal. En la transición a renewal, Gravity cambió las fórmulas de las estadísticas. RE: https://irowiki.org/wiki/Stats PRE-RE: https://irowiki.org/classic/Stats
  15. Easycore

    Patcher setup

  16. That is not related to this script. The only purpose of this is to receive damage from an NPC in order to copy a skill.
  17. Check this: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt#L8122
  18. Increase the values in setunitdata(getnpcid(0),UNPC_ATKMIN,100); setunitdata(getnpcid(0),UNPC_ATKMAX,200); Also check stat point part npcskill <skill id>,<skill lvl>,<stat point>,<NPC level>; https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt#L8469
  19. View File @dance @dance A script-ported-version of source mod @dance (by Anarchist). Usage @dance <1-9> ________________________________________________ Feel free to Donate if you want to support me ________________________________________________ Submitter Easycore Submitted 09/09/2021 Category Utilities Video Content Author Easycore
  20. Easycore


    Version 1.0.0


    @dance A script-ported-version of source mod @dance. (I don't know the original author) Usage @dance <1-9> ________________________________________________ Feel free to Donate if you want to support me ________________________________________________
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