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Posts posted by Scylla


    If there are no errors, and it just closes, usually it related to a file like id2numdesctable.txt.  I find that if you miss a # in one of those, the client just won't open.


    That may be right but the weird thing is how come other RO's works fine? (They're installed in separate folders too)


    If they're in separate folders then they use separate text files.


    In the folder of the RO client you are trying to open, was anything edited to allow extra cards, items, etc?  Were any item descriptions changed?  That would have edited these files.


    You can also backup the files, then replace them one by one with fresh files to see what one is damaged.


    His RO folder with my private server is from me and that RO folder is what i'm also using right now and it works perfectly fine on me.

  2. Hi, a friend of mine can't open my private server because everytime he opens it, nothing happens while other private servers works fine on him. I've already tried running it as administrator but still nothing happens. Also i've already tried editing the setup.exe. (Making it ' No Sound ', changing the graphic to Direct3D HAL, Direct3D T&L HAL and his graphic cards, changing the resolution) and yet it's still not working.


    My client's version is 2010-07-30RagEXE



    is there any error? when you run the client, if yes please post it here..


    There's nothing. When i've tried opening it, It's doesn't open.

    If there are no errors, and it just closes, usually it related to a file like id2numdesctable.txt.  I find that if you miss a # in one of those, the client just won't open.


    That may be right but the weird thing is how come other RO's works fine? (They're installed in separate folders too)

  3. Hi, a friend of mine can't open my private server because everytime he opens it, nothing happens while other private servers works fine on him. I've already tried running it as administrator but still nothing happens. Also i've already tried editing the setup.exe. (Making it ' No Sound ', changing the graphic to Direct3D HAL, Direct3D T&L HAL and his graphic cards, changing the resolution) and yet it's still not working.


    My client's version is 2010-07-30RagEXE

  4. Thank you.

    disable renewal drop rate..


    /// renewal drop rate algorithms
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal item drop rate algorithms
    /// while enabled a special modified based on the difference between the player and monster level is applied
    /// based on the http://irowiki.org/wiki/Drop_System#Level_Factor table
    #define RENEWAL_DROP


    EDIT: Uh it did not work. Oh NVM i got it.

  5. On phpmyadmin:


    create ragnarok2 and log2 database for server #2. Then of course import main.sql and log.sql of your server #2's rathena


    Go inside ragnarok2 database and edit the login table then set s1 and p1 passwords.




    On char_athena, login_athena, map_athena and inter_athena of server #2:


    Edit char_athena and map_athena with your s1 and p1 passwords from ragnarok2 database.


    On login_athena:


    Edit this lines:


    // Account data storage configuration
    // TXT
    account.txt.account_db: save/account.txt
    account.txt.case_sensitive: no
    // SQL
    account.sql.db_hostname: localhost
    account.sql.db_port: 3306
    account.sql.db_username: PHPMYADMIN USERNAME HERE
    account.sql.db_password: PHPMYADMIN PASSWORD HERE
    account.sql.db_database: ragnarok2
    account.sql.case_sensitive: no
    account.sql.account_db: login
    account.sql.accreg_db: global_reg_value


    On inter_athena:


    // Global SQL settings
    // overriden by local settings when the hostname is defined there
    // (currently only the login-server reads/obeys these settings)
    sql.db_hostname: localhost
    sql.db_port: 3306
    sql.db_username: ragnarok2 login table username
    sql.db_password: ragnarok2 login table password
    sql.db_database: ragnarok2
    // MySQL Character SQL server
    char_server_ip: localhost
    char_server_port: 3306
    char_server_id: ragnarok2 login table username
    char_server_pw: ragnarok2 login table password
    char_server_db: ragnarok2
    // MySQL Map SQL Server
    map_server_ip: localhost
    map_server_port: 3306
    map_server_id: ragnarok2 login table username
    map_server_pw: ragnarok2 login table password
    map_server_db: ragnarok2
    // MySQL Log SQL Database
    log_db_ip: localhost
    log_db_port: 3306
    log_db_id: ragnarok2 login table username
    log_db_pw: ragnarok2 login table password
    log_db_db: log2


    Sorry if it's hard to understand. Just if there's still to be a problem here.

  6. I've added a custom skill on my custom class and i've made an NPC on where i can obtain the custom skill (Like Platinum Skills NPC)


    Now my problem is, everytime i reset skills, My custom skill will also reset unlike other Platinum skills on other jobs, they're permanent. So how do make it permanently learned on my skill tree?

  7. Yup.. Multiple check it.. If im using the #1 server user/pass it still refuse it.. When im use the #2 server user/pass it will shows this kind of error.. Hmmmm.. Any working guide how to setup 2 server at once? im use wiki guide and got this error.. I dont know which wrong.. I also already change inter_athena hmmmm...


    Did you already made 2 databases?


    For example, database for server #1 = ragnarok and database for server #2 = ragnarok2 same with log database. (log, log2)

  8. thxxx

     how can i  thank u ?

    but sorry i dont understand  what do u mean by (Starting it on a vps host is somewhat automatic since some hosting

    companies offers a package where they're gonna be the one to setup the

    databases, control panel(flux/ceres), patch site. all you need to do is

    give them your customized rathena/eathena/3ceam (or in short, that

    package is already ' ready to play ')


    if  u can explain ^^


    Actually, i kinda don't understand your first question too and i also don't know what that vps creator program is. Since you stated VPS, then i thought you mean on how to online your server through hosting (Or in short make your server officially online) is it?


    Well if anything goes wrong on adding items and those loading screen and login screen stuffs, just post it here.


    And by the way, for the login background, it's better to use this: http://rathena.sourceforge.net/tools/login_background/

  9. Hello, rAthena.

    I have a problem with custom mobs.

    The mobs look like Porings but ID's and mob ID's doesn't lead to something like a Poring.

    Maybe I forgot something. I would appreciate it, if somebody could help me with that.

    best regards



    May i know what are the things you've done?

  10. Your questions as stated:


    1. Starting it on a vps host is somewhat automatic since some hosting companies offers a package where they're gonna be the one to setup the databases, control panel(flux/ceres), patch site. all you need to do is give them your customized rathena/eathena/3ceam (or in short, that package is already ' ready to play ')


    2. Visit http://rathena.org/board/topic/57207-login-screen/ | and for the loading screen, go to data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º then go make/search images that has a size of 1024x768 JPEG image then rename them 1 by 1 to loading01, loading02 (and so on) then paste it on the folder i mentioned. Then find clientinfo.xml inside the data folder.




    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> 

      <desc>RO NAME HERE</desc>
        <display>RO NAME HERE</display>
        <balloon>BALLON MESSAGE HERE</balloon>
        <image>loading10.jpg</image> // and so on....
    3. I don't know what do you mean by that ' gate '
    4. See my answer on no. 1
    5. I dunno how to make all jobs to have mounts | For adding custom items, read http://rathena.org/board/topic/83136-adding-custom-items-renewal/
    Maybe this will help you. I learned to develop RO by just searching and reading with the help of Mr. Google. I recommend you do the same too.
  11. You're doing it wrong. What's that ip 121.xx.xxx.xx? Is that your host's IP or your IP?


    If you're gonna make an offline server:

    (Those bright red-colored font are the corrections from your post)


    map server:


    // Character Server IP
    // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address.
    // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
    // a machine with multiple interfaces.
    // The map server listens on the interface with this IP address.
    // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces
    // while using the same ports for each server.
    // Character Server Port
    char_port: 6121
    // Map Server IP
    // The IP address which clients will use to connect.
    // Set this to what your server's public IP address is.
    // Map Server Port
    map_port: 5121




    // Login Server IP

    // The character server connects to the login server using this IP address.
    // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
    // a machine with multiple interfaces.
    // The character server listens on the interface with this IP address.
    // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces
    // while using the same ports for each server.
    // Login Server Port
    login_port: 6900
    // Character Server IP
    // The IP address which clients will use to connect.
    // Set this to what your server's public IP address is.




    subnet: << Remove this line





  12. Is the NPC script working? Mine is not or there's something i still need to edit? I've successfully installed the V4P on my flux. Problem is when i load the NPC then use @reloadscript, i can't talk to it.


    NVM Fixed it.

  13. @item2 <item name/ID> <quantity> <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4>




    @item2 5137 1 1 10 0 4403 0 0 0


    So to be exact, I've made one identified +10 Alice Doll with a Kiel Card on it.

  14. When you add a custom map, you also need to add that map to the mapcache.


    Uhm, that's the part where you use the mapcache.exe, right?


    If it is, I'm sure that I did it correctly, and it also said that the map has been successfully cached.


    Well even if it says " successfully cached ", that doesn't mean your map has already been added because it'll just re-cache your maps again. Can you tell how did you use mapcache?

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