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Posts posted by Scylla

  1. Hello there Jogz,


    I have here a very trusty friend named ' google ' and you can ask him anything by clicking this: https://www.google.com/


    That friend of mine helped me alot and because of him, i learned how to make RO, how to script and do source codes as well, not only that google also helps me with my projects and school home works.


    So yeah, better ask him " How to make ragnarok private server rathena " and " How to script rathena ", trust me he'll give you alot of helpful answers!


    Good luck!




    I gave you a helpful troll lol

    • Upvote 3

    So i was actually gonna update my thor patcher from a version since 2008 to version


    Now what happened is like this:




    The notice became like that. I've also tried other images of bg.jpg for notice ( even the original ) and it's still like that. Anyone knows?


    Thank you!

    EDIT: Solved, just made the patcher skin background from jpg to bmp.


    how do you make a patcher skin background @_@



    Well you just go edit any image or use any image you want for your patcher background, then just arrange the buttons and stuff on the config file.


    More info for arranging them here:



  3. Well, let's me see.

    Desperado is not counted as a real 'Multiple Hits' because, as far as I know, it does actually damage in 'Multiple Targets', so, it's correct the 1 on skill_db.


    This line only defines the Success Rate:

    case GS_DESPERADO:
    	if (rand()%100 < src->val1)

    You may comment the If line to get rid of the failure chance.

    Well, finally, I believe that the number of Targets is defined on the mysterious Duration field on skill_cast_db.txt.


    You can try change it to different values, but, If I recall correctly, you will get what you want (5 targets) with 400 or 500.


    It's not reeeally untested, but neither totally tested, tell me if you get any progress.

    It's also possible to make the Skill Level to define that.


    I guess that will make Desperado Lv. 9 or 10 to cast the 5 hits, If I'm correct about all of this (you may also try 400...).


    LOL it worked by changing duration1 from 1000 to 500


    And i was like " It worked by i don't have any idea how " lol


    Thank you very much!

    Well, finally, I believe that the number of Targets is defined on the mysterious Duration field on skill_cast_db.txt.



    It is really mysterious lol

  4. I don't understand it at all. I've checked stuffs in skill_db and skill.c and i don't see anything that says " it does maximum of 10 hits " because i wanted to make it 5 hits only.


    So on skill_db:





    516,0,8,4,-1,0x2,3,10,1,no,0,0,0,weapon,0, GS_DESPERADO,Desperado


    It says it does multiple hits and the number of hits is only 1


    If i changed to 6 it's not working


    And if i changed the number of hits to 5 for example, then It'll become 50 hits in total.


    Now on skill.c



    				case GS_DESPERADO:
    					if (rand()%100 < src->val1)

    That's the line where it says it will do random number of hits with a maximum of 10 hits but i don't know where it defines that it does a maximum of 10 hits


    The other line only defines the Area of Effect formula and the other one is that feature where you can't equip for a short period of time after using the skill.


    So where do i change desperado's hits?

  5. So i was actually gonna update my thor patcher from a version since 2008 to version


    Now what happened is like this:




    The notice became like that. I've also tried other images of bg.jpg for notice ( even the original ) and it's still like that. Anyone knows?


    Thank you!

    EDIT: Solved, just made the patcher skin background from jpg to bmp.

  6. @Stolao Alright, I think I know how to do that, will try later.


    @nanakiwurtz, indeed, I do that in-game and my client won't show the last character of each line, such as the screenshot attached, it won't show the letter N of "ON".


    @Stolao, I've encountered https://rathena.org/wiki/Clif_Specialeffect, which I can add to the src of the skill, but I can't find where it specifies the target where the effect will be shown. I want the target to have the effect, instead of the caster.


    Does anyone happen to know where I can find the text I'm looking for?




    Change to:


    bl = to target

    756 = effect ID (you can change this if you want, find the existing effects at your rathena folder/doc/effect_list.txt)

    AREA = where it will be seen

  7. Like Mary Magdalene said: Use 3ceam. It's allmost eAthena compatible and got support for 2012 / 2013 and even an 2015 ragexe client. ^^


    Yeah, 3CeAM is actually eAthena with 3rd classes (Stands for: 3rd Class eAthena Modification) and i think it only supports upto 2013 client.

  8. Try doing this:




    // Login Server IP
    // The character server connects to the login server using this IP address.
    // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
    // a machine with multiple interfaces.
    // The character server listens on the interface with this IP address.
    // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces
    // while using the same ports for each server.
    // Login Server Port
    login_port: 6900
    // Character Server IP
    // The IP address which clients will use to connect.
    // Set this to what your server's public IP address is.
    char_ip: YOUR IP ADDRESS




    // Character Server IP

    // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address.
    // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on
    // a machine with multiple interfaces.
    // The map server listens on the interface with this IP address.
    // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces
    // while using the same ports for each server.
    // Character Server Port
    char_port: 6121
    // Map Server IP
    // The IP address which clients will use to connect.
    // Set this to what your server's public IP address is.
    map_ip: YOUR IP ADDRESS
    • Upvote 1
  9. If you have teamviewer, I'll HAPPILY paypal you $10 if you can work out my issue?

    Feel free to add me on skype, oh godly one :3 I just can't get the client to connect to the server :(

    skype username: mrmordy

    Everything seems set up perfectly, but connection refused and failed, nothing showing on any of the servers, firewall disabled, ports are correctly forwarded in my router etc. Won't even work with

    I've quadrupled checked the packet version settings etc, should all be ok >.<


    Go on, but i don't need the money. Since you're already in discord many people will help there.

  10. Thanks heaps for the reply! I found that clientinfo.xml was the file I was after. I've got a dedicated computer and a 100/40 unlimited bandwidth connection I'll be running it on :)

    I have all of the server & SQL up and running perfectly now, but getting a basic client to work has seemed like a freakin nightmare.

    I followed the server instructions to the letter and it's all going well, but the client's always seem to fail to connect. The port for the login server is definitely open according to Advanced Port Scanner. I'll keep trying!



    But your rA is running good with your WAN IP?

  11. I guess the title says it all, I've had a bit of a look around, but can't seem to find any answer!


    If you're going to host your server yourself, then you should use your WAN ip: https://www.whatismyip.com/


    And you should forward your ports as well.


    If you're going to officially open it, then you'll need to buy a VPS hosting for it.


    Also, you can use Hamachi for you and your friends to connect.


    Steps for using hamachi:


    - Download hamachi here (click me) [ Download Unmanaged ] then install.


    - After installing, press that power button you see at the upper right corner ( You'll need to register first )



    - After that, you should be seeing Create a new network / Join an existing network. Click Create a new network



    - Then just input any network ID together with any password [ For our example, my network id is 123testro123 and passwords are all 12345 ]



    - After that, you should have your own network room, now modify your IP's on your clientinfo.xml, char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf with your hamachi IP [ So mine is, then I'll put that IP onto those files i mentioned. ]



    - After that, try running your server, it should run fine.


    Now for your friends, let them install hamachi as well, but this time, they should click Join an existing network then all they have to do is input the network ID and the password of your created network, also their IP on their clientinfo.xml should be the same as your network's IP address.

  12. Hi, guys... now thor patcher wont update...

    I use the latest thor patcher but they wont update...someone have any idea why this happen?


    Could you please elaborate more about your problem?


    Post screenshots of your config and etc so we would know the problem.

    • Upvote 1
  13. i think i messed up my refine_db



    // Refine Database [Pre-Renewal]

    // Structure of Database:
    // Type,Stats per level,Random bonus start level,Random bonus value,Chance+1:Bonus+1,Chance+2:Bonus+2,Chance+3:Bonus+3,...
    // For armors, values of 100 add 1 armor defense.
    // For weapons, values of 100 add 1 ATK.
    // Type:
    // 0 - Armors
    // 1 - Level 1 weapons
    // 2 - Level 2 weapons
    // 3 - Level 3 weapons
    // 4 - Level 4 weapons
    // Stats per level:
    // This value is applied for every upgrade level.
    // Random bonus start level:
    // This value specifies the start point for those levels that give a random bonus value.
    // Random bonus value:
    // A random number between 0 and (Random bonus start level - Upgrade level + 1) * this value is applied for all upgrades past
    // Random bonus start level (usually the first unsafe upgrade). This is only applied for weapons, and not displayed client-side.
    // Chance:
    // 100 = 100%
    // Notes:
    // Changing the number of upgrade levels requires modifying MAX_REFINE in src/map/status.h.
    // Armors
    // Level 1 weapons
    // Level 2 weapons
    // Level 3 weapons
    // Level 4 weapons


    >..< i wanted it to give

    level 1 12 additional attack per level

    level 2 13 additional attack per level

    level 3 15 additional attack per level

    level 4 17 additional attack per level


    but whatever i do it wont change in game :/

    can anyone explain to me how this works XD



    Uh yeah, that's actually right.


    Maybe you did it via using @reloadscript?


    Try restarting your server.

    • Upvote 1
  14. Well, I guess if that does the work, sure.

    What I am looking for is the effect it originally had, when the 3rd class were new. The bonus atk when the Rune Knight applies it to himself, I am looking for the same effect on other players.


    Well so far i tested it and made it to ' target-friendly ' type skill.


    And yeah it does grant me damage.


    Could you please tell me what was its original effect?

  15. Hello everyone,


    I would like to change Enchant Blade effect to how it worked at first, so you can give it to other players with the benefits of:

    1 - Not spending any type of ammo with this buff.

    2 - Grant bonus attack damage.


    I have managed to modify it in skill_db so it's target-able, so point #1 works, but not #2.


    Anyone here can help me out with this?

    Thanks in advance!


    You mean a custom effect where it gives additional bonus other than its original effect?

  16. the old version yes, this is virus total result >click me<, uploaded file: Thor.exe from Thor_Patcher[], but it was false positive its not actual virus just the behaviour of patcher match virus so the anti virus decked it


    Yeah, most people are actually picky when it comes to those viruses saying it can harm their pc so i thought there's a way to remove em lol.


    Anyway thanks!




    So I was trying out a tanky build as a GM and I got myself an Ahura Mazdah and apparently from what I heard it doesn't count as a shield? Is there a way to change it to a shield? Cause I was trying to use Reflect Damage as a crusader and it didn't work @@


    Item DB:

    2199,Ahura_Mazda,Ahura Mazdah,4,1,,10,,10000,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,32,,1,1,0,{ bonus bAllStats,50; bonus bMdef,99; bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,100; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,95; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,95; skill "CR_FULLPROTECTION",5; skill "WZ_ESTIMATION",1; skill "ST_FULLSTRIP",5; skill "HW_MAGICPOWER",10; skill "ECL_SNOWFLIP",1; skill "ECL_PEONYMAMY",1; skill "ECL_SADAGUI",1; skill "ECL_SEQUOIADUST",1; bonus bMaxHPrate,200; bonus bNoKnockback,0; bonus bDelayRate,-20; bonus bSpeedRate,25; bonus bIntravision,0; },{ sc_start4 SC_ENDURE,60000,10,0,0,1; },{ sc_end SC_ENDURE; }


    Try changing the 4 beside the item name so it will become like this:



    2199,Ahura_Mazda,Ahura Mazdah,5,1,,10,,10000,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,32,,1,1,0,


    2199,Ahura_Mazda,Ahura Mazdah,5,1,,10,,10000,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,32,,1,1,0 I did it already but it still isnt working .-.?



    If i may ask, what do you mean by



    from what I heard it doesn't count as a shield?


    You mean you can equip it but it's not on the shield slot?

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