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Everything posted by Psyche

  1. hmm, it works, but hunting mission shop still in hunting mission script. if it possible if i split that script (hunting mission shop) ?
  2. Hi, i want to ask like the title say, how to remove delayed sp recover from asura strike ? so my player can spam it @_@ thanks.
  3. Hi, i want to request a quest shop, the shop system is similar to http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/npc/custom/quests/hunting_missions.txt (hunting mission/mission shop script) but mission point replaced with poring coin. thanks.
  4. that's strange.. as usually, if i got that error, that means packet_db has missing, and i solved it by put the client's packet. i dunno what's wrong, sorry i can't help X_X.
  5. yeah! that's what i mean. but how can know the x and y ?
  6. you have to put your client's packet into .../db/packet_db.txt //2011-10-25aRagexeRE 0x01FD,15,repairitem,2 0x0887,26,friendslistadd,2 0x023B,5,hommenu,2:4 0x08AB,36,storagepassword,0 0x0288,-1,cashshopbuy,4:8 0x08A8,26,partyinvite2,2 0x0363,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0369,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x07EC,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 0x08A2,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8 0x0888,18,bookingregreq,2:4:6 0x0803,4 0x0804,14,bookingsearchreq,2:4:6:8:12 0x0805,-1 0x0806,2,bookingdelreq,0 0x0807,4 0x0808,14,bookingupdatereq,2 0x0809,50 0x080A,18 0x080B,6 0x0815,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 0x0817,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0360,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x0281,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x0819,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0362,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x0838,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x0437,5,walktoxy,2 0x035F,6,ticksend,2 0x0894,5,changedir,2:4 0x0835,6,takeitem,2 0x0893,6,dropitem,2:4 0x089B,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x08A6,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0885,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0366,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x08AD,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0368,6,solvecharname,2 0x08D7,28,battlegroundreg,2:4 //Added to prevent disconnections
  7. yeah i know, but how can i determining the position ? -__- like put the button on right side, and top side, i mean it's impossible huh i determine them by ruler ?
  8. Hi, i just want to ask.. about thor patcher skins, how the thor patcher designer can determine the buttons (position) left, right, height, width, top ?
  9. yeah, i take it from your link. https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/client-side-translation/
  10. so .lua files would be change to .lub ? i have already do that in skillinfo, and skillinfo still use korean language, all is now english.
  11. @Shakto thx shakto! my problem is solved now.. just deleted <hideaccountlist> and <passwordencrypt> in clientinfo.xml. my bad! btw, this client still korean ? all things in my client just korean language.
  12. i've no problem in sql entry, even i change to ragexeRE client, it can login normally, but not to this client X_X. but i found a strange report in log_server sql,
  13. yes, i have already set it to 0. but still error..
  14. Ok, now come up other problem, after i was inputing username and password, ragexe opened, but there's a message show up that say failed to auth (5011) or rejected from server (30). other error show up, client's say that my id is unregistered, i was checking in my database id and password is correct.
  15. Psyche


    malicious script is something like hidden npc that give an items, maybe you're use some services? or you're build your server by yourself?
  16. Do you launch the exe with the launcher ? (R.O.Lex) hmm... still error dude,
  17. Please help, i got an error in 2013-05-22, already follow the instruction in first post, i'm wondering this problem come when i was diffing
  18. I like metropanel's theme, especially for left-side bar. but i think that would be nice if you add 1 more color, maybe yellow or something better, hmm.. and i slightly dislike about the main logo (server stats, online user, and login form) i dunno what's wrong about that, but it feels weird. sorry for my review, i'm not a designer like you so i can't give you a solution. 7/10 for metropanel's theme.
  19. Psyche

    Guild Creator

    Sorry, i didn't check this thread for many days :3 Okay, i'll test your script, Skorm. thank you
  20. Psyche

    Guild Creator

    yeah, i've already try that, but still same error message,
  21. Psyche

    Guild Creator

    still not working. that appears same error message, "guild name already exist"
  22. Just want to ask, why btn_ok.bmp become 'Exit' button ? *and some button in guild botton isn't working. x_x thx for share it btw, most pin code buttons are working aswell
  23. Psyche

    Guild Creator

    not working. i'm use 2012-04-10 and try to type it and it says guild name already exist.
  24. Hi, may i ask an npc which can make guild with database edit ? the script is similar to http://rathena.org/board/topic/78989-guild-maker/ but i don't want to use @guild, because in newer client, space is disabled, and can't use special char like • ™ † dll. and, it requires 1 emperium, and max guild char is 23. Thank you.
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