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Everything posted by Psyche

  1. Hello ! I'm requiesting for NPC (NOT npcshop) that sell an item (for example jellopy). and if a player buy this jellopy, in first deal, player will charges 1,000zeny , second deal, player will charges 2,000zeny, etc.. Please help me, thank you
  2. I see... i have wonder that causes the lag on my server. just using my logic, 100 players will be saved spamly at 1 times and it's looped. Am i right?
  3. are you experienced this and having lag issue?
  4. Hi! Seems to be old bug rAthena comes up. with inventory and cart saving issue. It's all flooded in map-server. So my server going lag with good connection Bug Report related : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/1910 This bug also related previous bug in rAthena https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/441 Currently i'm using rAthena on version date 3 july 2017. Please help me solve it :')
  5. Thankyou for your great explain ! If it really ClientSide Date,, wahhh... i just can't do anything :') I have made a test again with my server. collectiong 30 player in pvp map, and all going smooth. and after i find this problem here, 3 topics have same problem. I am thinking logicly, my maintown has 70-80 players there, and causes no lag. also PvP. so maybe the problem is in the woe controller? if it was true its all about the server, like you suggested, maybe i will move to a better server. maybe azure can clear this x_x
  6. its about 100 players normal, 150 players during woe. in 1 castle map there is about 40 players inside.
  7. Hi, I am handle a server which has 13~24ms ping, with memory takes about 40%. But in game (almost War of Emperium) is so lag (spike). How can it possible? my suspection is : 1. NPC Script i have made take a lot of functions? 2. Over mob spawn in 1 map (i make my server mob spawn 1.5x, so there is a over 100 mobs in a map) 3. Skill Effect?? 4. Server (VPS) problem?? Wether has stable ping and 40% memory, it is possible to cause the lag? Please help solving my problem x_x
  8. How to add potion visual effect? for example Image of White Effect and Potion Sound when use white potion. Thankyou!
  9. Errr.. maybe i can show you the error line : https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/re/other/clans.txt At Line : 105 Reproduce : Talk to one of NPC -> Select Join. -> Yes -> NPC says : An error has occurred.
  10. Unfortunately, no error message in map-server . . . @_@
  11. Hello. Is there a way to enable clan system in rAthena? Because i enable the npc https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/re/other/clans.txt by default. My character cannot join a clan. The error message : An error has occurred. Please help me ~ Thankyouu
  12. +1 to this, already set smtport and host from gmail, setting was ok and fine, but still failed to send email verification
  13. Hi, found this error in latest rAthena. npc_parsesrcfile: Detected unsupported UTF-8 BOM in file 'npc/donate.txt'. Stopping (please consider using another character set).
  14. up. can reproduice it's not working
  15. Anyone knows what client programming used? example for idnum2itemdesc, they use ^FFF000 ^000000 which is ^FFF000 is color hex code. but how i make it Bold or Italic, or maybe change their font or font size? what code i should use?
  16. i have just installed custom map. and map_server says : [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' [Warning]: map_gat2cell: unrecognized gat type '116' but the custom map is fine. What that's mean?? is that critical bug??
  17. Instance are quite easy to create since @aleos did the revamp on the system, you should give it a try. For a simple example look at my Emperium Event in my Auto-Event script. I know this is a request section but I'd rather teach you then give you. thankyou for your notice! i had found it in rAthena doc, and thx for your example. i appreciate it. ^^ sorry if i made this topic, i haven't using rA for a long time @_@
  18. Hi, i am requesting simple instance (party), like Devil Square, or anything which is easy to modify. for example, i have seen instance npc, in custom (duplicate) map Glast Heim,, its kinda like 300 monster hunters. 3 wave, and final wave you will against Abysmal knight (middle of the map). thanks!
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