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Everything posted by Mumbles

  1. Sounds like you've either got a missing sprite or didn't assign the proper ViewID in your item db. Is your client diffed to support ViewIDs up to 2000? Also, double check your Male/Female sprite folders, as well as the drop folder; you're crashing at character select because the item is (presumably) equipped and your client isn't reading the sprite properly.
  2. If you have luac.5.0.2.exe, just rename it to luac.exe so it's more convenient to run commands. Copy luac.exe and paste it into the same directory as your LUAs. Go back up one level so you can see the folder datainfo; then, hold Shift and right-click on the folder; choose Open command window here. To compile your LUAs into LUBs, type the following: luac.exe -o "accname.lub" "accname.lua" luac.exe -o "accessoryid.lub" "accessoryid.lua" This works for all LUAs; just make sure you put the correct file names in. These two commands will work for what you are trying to accomplish. When you're done, delete luac.exe from your datainfo folder and test it out.
  3. 20003,Arch_Angel_Wings,Arch Angel Wings,5,10,1,1,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1,,1,0,1001,{ bonus bMdef,7; bonus bInt,7; bonus bStr,-5; },{},{} The number, 1001, is the View ID. The number you defined in accessoryid.lua for your Arch Angel Wings should be the same as your View ID. Also, make sure that the sprite's correct file name is defined in your accname.lua file. If this doesn't solve your issue, you may need to compile your LUAs in to LUB. Similarly, if your client reads the luafiles514 folder, you'll need to add your files to luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\
  4. @topic: As an alternative, I connected to my server with VNC and used the terminal on the machine itself to run the map-server so I could continually view the console without worrying about disconnecting.
  5. I'm not running the server on my own computer lol. The remote server I connect to cuts off and blocks open connections sometimes as a security measure. Its kinda annoying but resetting my router just resets my IP, not the server's.
  6. I'd like to be able to view the map server console while it's running, by means of SSH. Is this even possible? Or more to the point, could this be something added if it doesn't exist? I need to reset my router, which will disconnect me from the console. I am unaware of any way to view the map-server via SSH while it's already running; if anyone has a solution, it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Additional note: The OS my server is running on is Linux CentOS5.
  7. Now there's something I wasn't aware of; it'd make for a neat "Master Ball" effect. However, if you created such an item with this script, it would allow the capture of all obtainable pets, correct? In doing so, this would inadvertently allow capture of other non-Pokemon monsters; if you don't want every monster being tamable, I would recommend using my method.
  8. Using the edit I provided, there is no reason it would skip the error menu - unless, as Dastgir said, you had the item 7608 in your inventory when you tested it. o-o
  9. farebury,101,146,3 script VIP Warper 714,{ mes "Would you like to enter the VIP Room?"; mes "Only players with Premium Ticket can enter this room"; if(select("Got it:Bye") == 1){ if(countitem(7608) < 1){ mes "I'm sorry, but you don't meet the requirements!"; close; } mes "You will now be warped to the VIP Room!"; close2; sleep 500; warp "home_c01",24,55; end; } mes "Have a nice day."; close; } I reversed the check to display the error message if you don't have the required item. If you do, however, that error will be skipped and the player will be warped to the VIP Room.
  10. You would simply have to set the taming item ID for the same item for all Pokemon; in this example, the taming item is 619 (Unripe Apple). 2002,BULBASAUR,Bulbasaur,619,9001,10013,531,80,20,50,100,250,20,2000,400,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; } 2003,IVYSAUR,Ivysaur,619,9001,10013,531,80,20,50,100,250,20,2000,400,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; } 2004,VENUSAUR,Venusaur,619,9001,10013,531,80,20,50,100,250,20,2000,400,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; }
  11. You may need to change getgmlevel to getgroupid if you are trying to do this on an rAthena emulator.
  12. getmapxy( .@Map$,.@X,.@Y,0,strcharinfo(0) ); clone .@Map$,.@X,.@Y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,5000;
  13. Your brackets, "{ }", will always start after the conditional statement, "if( )", if you are executing more than one script function within the conditional statement. Example: if(Class == Job_Whitesmith) { bonus bAtkRate,10; bonus bDef,4; }
  14. Yes; just make sure to add return to the end of your function. I'm not sure what you mean by "illusion".
  15. I think you're looking for this? Download: Latheesan's Itemizer Script
  16. bonus bAtkRate,10; bonus bDef,4; bonus bMdef,4; bonus bStr,6; bonus bVit,6; if(Class == Job_Lord_Knight) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"KN_BOWLINGBASH",5; bonus bAtkRate,5; bonus bStr,4; } if(Class == Job_Champion) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MO_FINGEROFFENSIVE",5; bonus bMaxSPrate,7; bonus bStr,4; } if(Class == Job_Star_Gladiator) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"TK_JUMPKICK",10; bonus bAtkRate,5; bonus bStr,5; }
  17. You can use a function and call it within the item script. { callfunc "MyFunction" },{ },{ } function script MyFunction { // Insert code that would be invoked when equipment is worn }
  18. I'm unaware of a way to check your party member's equipment. Typically, item skills bypass any prerequisites, meaning you won't need a partner to use an ensemble. if(isequipped(2285)) itemskill 311,1; Variations of this include: if(isequiped(2285)) itemskill 311,1; and: if(isequippedcnt(2285) == 1) itemskill 311,1; I've had my own issues with typos and isequipped not working; isequippedcnt serves the same purpose though.
  19. Awesome. I'll suggest too that the tabs would be much more efficient if they displayed the active file's name, and the directory in the title bar; Notepad++ is a good example
  20. You can achieve this same effect in a more organized fashion by using FluxCP.
  21. A small workaround would be to add a scroll or consumable that checks for the equipped headgear. if(isequipped(2285)) itemskill 311,1; This (scroll or consumable) checks for Apple of Archer and casts Loki's Veil upon use.
  22. If you're just plugging it into an existing script, this will work fine: if(#CASHPOINTS >= 10000) set #CASHPOINTS,3000;
  23. Original script: {},{ set eff877,1; while(eff877==1){specialeffect2 877; sleep2 6000;} },{set eff877,0;} . This appears to be a part of an item script. If so, then when the item is equipped, this will run: set eff877,1; while(eff877==1){specialeffect2 877; sleep2 6000;} . When the item is unequipped, this will run: set eff877,0; . Let's break it down: set eff877,1; // This defines the permanent player variable 'eff877' as 1. while(eff877 == 1){ // This runs a loop, which checks if the attached player's eff877 variable is 1. specialeffect2 877; // This runs the special effect 877 (@effect 877) on the attached player. sleep2 6000; // This pauses the script for 6 seconds, adding a delay when it loops. } . Since the variable eff877 is set to 0 when the player unequips the item, the loop will no longer run; thus, the contained script will not be invoked either.
  24. Would be nice for a basic syntax error check (semi-colons, commas, etc.). Aside from that, this a sweet release!
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