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Everything posted by Brynner

  1. lol thats what im trying to say on post #2.
  2. Brynner


    what client version you use?
  3. only @go command you want to disable on that map?or all commands?
  4. Brynner

    pk command

    the maintown is set to mapflag town. if you enable the pk server type. you should make it pvp mapflag. for you to enable pvp on for the maintown.
  5. there is already a release for @pk command here. try to use the search engine before making a new topic. pk_mod_rA_r16215.PATCH
  6. here is the screenshot taken from my server. that the endless tower works. or maybe you enter the endless tower without gettings the quest?once you enter the dungeon without getting the quest or taking a shortcut using the warper. the mobs will not appear.
  7. all clients supported that kind of fonts. it was a default arial fonts. the custom fonts works only for chattings,
  8. its not a custom font. simply type /showname 0, 1 or 2.
  9. when you get the quest and got dc. you need to wait for another 7days to get that quest again. try to update your client files. maybe there is some missing files that makes your client crash. im using the latest revision and enless tower works.
  10. Red: Means which Classes can use it, the value is in Hexadecimal, for your needs, don't touch it. Blue: Means wich Types of Classes can use it. Plus the values you want to make it work. For what you asked, the value must be changed to 3 (1 + 2 = Normal and Reborn Classes) or 7 (1 + 2 + 4 = Normal, Baby and Reborn Classes). Green: Sets wich gender can use the item, 0 for male, 1 for female and 2 for both. Good luck. problem solve. the problem is on the Upper. i forgot to make an combination.
  11. update your kro.maybe your client files is not updated or missing some files.
  12. im not sure if that client version supported new mounts. if not try to update your cient version.
  13. how to modified this Perfect Hit effect? i just want to modified it just like this. single point it will surely hit the target. and also it can hit the perfect dodge player.
  14. did you add your custom map conf\maps_athena.conf and db\map_cache.dat?
  15. opps sorry.i forgot i modified the pickup functions. btw its working now.
  16. there is a bug here. sometimes it happens. when your character is overwieght at 90% when you drop some item then you pickup it. the item is missing.
  17. Brynner

    @go mall

    why the others automatically warp at prontera if they type @go mall. but for me. it brings me to malangdo map?
  18. just check the conf\groups.conf
  19. Brynner

    Flux Control Panel.

    does the error occured after installation of fluxcp on your webhost?
  20. the latest revision. maybe you got a problem when applying the fakename.diff
  21. it works for me. even i use the @fakename. the name change but the guild and party still remain.
  22. don't forget to add it to your mapcache
  23. please close this issue. i already fix this issue thanks.
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