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Posts posted by Zeiyan

  1. Just now, Gdevien said:

    What kind of problems do you have with zackdreaver translations? could you detail them?

    Nothing really. I don't exactly remember but there were just some translations that were in asheraf's that were not in zackdreavers. I also included some files from my old files. It's all mixed and matched. I don't think there were errors in zackdreaver's translations. It was just a preference/customization thing for me.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Gdevien said:


    Ragexe - EXE for kRO main server
    RagexeRE - EXE for kRO test server

    If you want to use PRE-RE, just add this to the data that I just shared.  https://github.com/zackdreaver/ROenglishPRE

    Okay.  Well, what I did was have that then overwrite it with Asheraf's translation that I found around here. It worked well so far and translated most things that wasn't translated by zackdreaver.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Gdevien said:

    @Zeiyan if you want to update in client resources.

    i recommend this:

    For data things: https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE this is the most recommended for rAthena.

    I have not used the client 2018-06-20 before, i recommend this one 2018-06-21aRagexeRE

    We are currently using this NEMO for the most updated versions of exe client. In case you want to try that exe client I share a secure diff list.

    257 Use Default Web Browser for <URL>
    1 Use Tilde for Matk
    258 Enable Shortcut All Item
    9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended)
    13 Disable Ragexe Filename Check (Recommended)
    16 Disable Swear Filter
    19 Enable Title Bar Menu
    23 Enable /who command (Recommended)
    24 Fix Camera Angles (Recommended)
    32 Increase Zoom Out Max
    34 Enable /showname (Recommended)
    36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended)
    38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended)
    39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended)
    40 Restore Login Window (Recommended)
    41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended)
    44 Translate Client (Recommended)
    46 Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended)
    47 Use Ragnarok Icon
    48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended)
    50 Skip License Screen
    53 Use Ascii on All LangTypes (Recommended)
    61 Disable Packet Encryption
    64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended)
    65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended)
    73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended)
    75 Enable Flag Emoticons
    76 Enforce Official Login Background
    84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended)
    88 Allow space in guild name
    90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended)
    91 Disconnect to Login Window
    97 Cancel to Login Window (Recommended)
    101 Skip Friend list Cheat Check
    102 Skip Guild Member Cheat Check
    200 Enable Multiple GRFs - Embedded
    208 Restore Cash Shop Icon
    212 Restore Roulette
    213 Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended)
    222 Show Replay Button
    225 Show Register Button
    230 Always load Korea ExternalSettings lua file
    239 Ignore /account: command line argument
    251 Allow close cutin by pressing esc key
    253 Skip some hidden menu icon buttons
    256 Use Default Web Browser In Cashshop

    if you need more help, just keep commenting on this topic ? 


    I took out the enable mutiple embedded GRFs and ticket Read data folder first (for development stage) and it still worked. I don't know why or how but it did. Quick question. What are the difference between non-RE and RE clients? I know renewal support but are there any specifics that I need to be concerned about? I'm running on full pre-re anyway.

  4. 1 minute ago, Gdevien said:

    @Zeiyan if you want to update in client resources.

    i recommend this:

    For data things: https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE this is the most recommended for rAthena.

    I have not used the client 2018-06-20 before, i recommend this one 2018-06-21aRagexeRE

    We are currently using this NEMO for the most updated versions of exe client. In case you want to try that exe client I share a secure diff list.

    257 Use Default Web Browser for <URL>
    1 Use Tilde for Matk
    258 Enable Shortcut All Item
    9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended)
    13 Disable Ragexe Filename Check (Recommended)
    16 Disable Swear Filter
    19 Enable Title Bar Menu
    23 Enable /who command (Recommended)
    24 Fix Camera Angles (Recommended)
    32 Increase Zoom Out Max
    34 Enable /showname (Recommended)
    36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended)
    38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended)
    39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended)
    40 Restore Login Window (Recommended)
    41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended)
    44 Translate Client (Recommended)
    46 Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended)
    47 Use Ragnarok Icon
    48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended)
    50 Skip License Screen
    53 Use Ascii on All LangTypes (Recommended)
    61 Disable Packet Encryption
    64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended)
    65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended)
    73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended)
    75 Enable Flag Emoticons
    76 Enforce Official Login Background
    84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended)
    88 Allow space in guild name
    90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended)
    91 Disconnect to Login Window
    97 Cancel to Login Window (Recommended)
    101 Skip Friend list Cheat Check
    102 Skip Guild Member Cheat Check
    200 Enable Multiple GRFs - Embedded
    208 Restore Cash Shop Icon
    212 Restore Roulette
    213 Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended)
    222 Show Replay Button
    225 Show Register Button
    230 Always load Korea ExternalSettings lua file
    239 Ignore /account: command line argument
    251 Allow close cutin by pressing esc key
    253 Skip some hidden menu icon buttons
    256 Use Default Web Browser In Cashshop

    if you need more help, just keep commenting on this topic ? 


    Yo dude. I appreciate the reply. I wasn't sure how active people in rathena still are. I'll be giving this a try right now and let you know. Thanks.

  5. Greetings. I have been away for about 6 years from rathena and hercules but I am back to play around with a private server again. I'm a little rusty but not entirely retarded so I would appreciate the help from anybody.

    My set up:

    data.grf and rdata.grf are from herehttps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uzGIJqhenRyGZhG5gzzCIs29GxlJ3QIr

    Translations: Translation from asheraf, zackdreaver along with some of my old ones (mixed and matched)

    My client: 2018-06-20 diffed with NEMO

    Server side: Ubuntu 18.04 in a virtual machine with the latest rathena as of 9 Nov 2019



    As I was setting up my server and client I came across an issue where having the latest data.grf/rdata.grf was not letting me get past the service select screen. As I was trying to troubleshoot (enable/disable doram both client and server side, try different client versions along with changing my packetver on the server side, diffing my clients multiple times, repatching my kro, rebuilding my client folder) I was finally able to fix it by using an older grf  (the above link) rather than the latest one.  My issue now is I have a working client but I lost track of what diffs I have on it or what the exact version is. All I know is it is a 2018-06-20Ragexe. (NOT RE). I also forgot if I used the old nemo or the new one. (I was still using WeeDiff and Shin's Diff when I quit last time).

    I have a working client but no way to update or diff it with nemo if I need to and every other client (2018-06-20c and e) and diff combinations that I tried have not worked so far. Can any one help me out in figuring out why the one I have right now is working and I'm unable to replicate it? Should be a challenge for y'all.


    I've attached the one that is diffed and one that is not. The one that is not diffed is definitely the one undiffed version of the working client. I just don't know what diffs and exact client version of it aside from it's 2018-06-20.

    ZeiyanRO_diffed and working.exe



    EDIT: I forgot to mention my whenever I diff the raw client, I would be able to log in and get to see my characters but after selecting the character it would get stuck and time out displaying "Failed to connect to server". No server side errors/warnings would pop up. It is definitely a client side issue at this point and would not be any of my data folders or grf since I have a client that works. It would be either the diff settings or something. (Defnitely not the packetver either) I am open to using other client versions at this point but would take suggestions of what is the most supported and stable. I am running a pure pre-renewal server.

  6. Hello rathena. I just want to share this script i made. I'm fully aware that the coding style sucks, hard to modify and hard to understand (even i have problems reading it when i finished.)

    nonetheless i wanted to share it and hopefully someone can optimize it and make it easy to modify and clean the whole thing up (if possible add achievements to make it easier)



    for pvp achievement my separate script has variable "KILL" (using ghost's pvp script so don't need to do checking for abuse)

    for event achievement i added the variable "evtjunk" to all my custom events






    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `achievement` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      `char_id` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '',
      `name` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '',
      `achievement` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '',
      `val` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
      KEY (`id`)

    Please leave comments, tips and advices below. (Hoping to hear from people i learned from, emistry and annieruru! :)

    OMG I posted in wrong category.  /hum

    My bad.

  7. @charinfo


    A @command (via script) that gives you and your GM Staff (GM level 2 NOT group level)information about Player account informations without having to login to phpmyadmin. I'm quite used to making very simple scripts but this is my first time to give back to the community and also my first time using sql query in scripts (in short i'm a newbie) Please leave comments about what you think  :). ( I use it on my own server so it includes checking if they have freebies received via account or via mac address)


    You can choose to input Character name or Username


    NOTE: I know the @accinfo almost do the same thing but i'm a big noob in source editing so i made this for my own use ( then i can include the stuff i want to display)

    -	script	charinfo	-1,{
    	bindatcmd "charinfo","charinfo::OnCharInfo", 0, 2;
    	if(getgroupid() >= 2) {
    		mes " [ Character Info ] ";
    		mes " Hello GM ^00CC00"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000!";
    		mes " What would you like to check? ";
    		switch (select("Character Name:Username")) {
    		case 1:
    		input .@chrnm$;
    		query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '" + .@chrnm$ + "'",.@acid;
    		case 2:
    		input .@acnme$;
    		query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '" + .@acnme$ + "'",.@acid;
    		query_sql "SELECT `userid`,`email`,`group_id`,`last_ip`,`birthdate`,`last_mac` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` ='" + .@acid + "'", .@usrd$,.@eml$,.@ggm,.@lstip$,.@brtdy$,.@macad$;
    		if ( .@ggm > 0 ) { mes "[ Account Information ]"; mes "GM Account Information are not available"; close; }
    		else if ( .@acid < 2000000 || .@acid > 3000000 ) { mes "[ Account Information ]"; mes "Character Not Found"; close; }
    		query_sql "SELECT `name`, `base_level`, `job_level` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` =" + .@acid + "  ORDER BY `base_level` DESC",.@chrlst$, .@blvl, .@jlvl;
    		mes "[Character List]"	;
    		for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@chrlst$); set .@i, .@i + 1){
    			mes .@i+1+". ^00CC00"+.@chrlst$[.@i]+"^000000 ";
    			mes "Level: "+.@blvl[.@i]+"/"+.@jlvl[.@i]+" "; 
    		mes "[ Account Information ]";
    		mes "Account ID: "+.@acid;
    		mes "Username: "+.@usrd$;
    		mes "Email: "+.@eml$;
    		mes "Last IP: ^00CC00"+.@lstip$+"^000000";
    		mes "Birthdate: "+.@brtdy$;
    		mes "Mac Address: ^FF0000"+.@macad$+"^000000";
    		query_sql "SELECT `account_id`,`last_mac` FROM `freebies` WHERE `account_id` =" + .@acid + " ",.@rcvfrbs, .@lstmc$;
    		if (.@rcvfrbs > 0) { set .@rcvfrbs, 1; } else { set .@rcvfrbs, 0; }
    		if (.@rcvfrbs > 0) { set .@rcvfrbs$, "^00CC00Yes^000000"; }
    		if (.@rcvfrbs == 0) { set .@rcvfrbs$, "^FF0000No^000000"; }
    		mes "Freebies from account: "+.@rcvfrbs$;
    		for(set .@i1, 0; .@i1 < getarraysize(.@lstmc$); set .@i1, .@i1 + 1){
    		set .@lstmc, .@lstmc +1;	
    		if (.@lstmc < 1) { set .@lstmc$, "^FF0000No^000000"; }
    		if (.@lstmc > 0) { set .@lstmc$, "^00CC00Yes^000000"; }
    		mes "Freebies from MAC: "+.@lstmc$;

    2. @ipinfo


    This one displays all users (displays username) with login count and last login from IP address of a certain character (Input Character name)

    -	script	ipinfo	-1,{
    	bindatcmd "ipinfo","ipinfo::OnIPInfo", 2, 2;
    	if(getgroupid() >= 2) {
    		input .@chrnm$;
    		query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '" + .@chrnm$ + "'",.@acid;
    		query_sql "SELECT `last_ip`,`group_id` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` ='" + .@acid + "'", .@lstp$, .@grplvl;
    		query_sql "SELECT `account_id`,`userid`,`logincount`,`lastlogin` FROM `login` WHERE `last_ip` ='" + .@lstp$+ "'", .@acidlip, .@acidlip$, .@lgncnt, .@lstlgn$;
    		if (.@acid < 2000000 || .@acid > 3000000) { mes "Character Not Found"; close; }
    		if (.@grplvl > 0) { mes "GM Accounts Not Available"; close; }
    		mes "Name: ^00CC00"+.@chrnm$+"^000000 ";
    		mes "IP Address: ^FF0000"+.@lstp$+"^000000 ";
    		mes "Displaying Users with IP: ^00CC00"+.@lstp$;
    		for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@acidlip$); set .@i, .@i + 1){
    			mes .@i+1+". ^00CC00"+.@acidlip$[.@i]+"^000000 ";
    			mes "Login Count: "+.@lgncnt[.@i]+" ";
    			mes "Last Login: "+.@lstlgn$[.@i]+" "; 

    3. @macinfo


    Same as @ipinfo except this one displays mac address information (if you have harmony or in my case have last_mac table)

    -	script	macinfo	-1,{
    	bindatcmd "macinfo","macinfo::OnMacInfo", 2, 2;
    	if(getgroupid() >= 2) {
    		input .@chrnm$;
    		query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '" + .@chrnm$ + "'",.@acid;
    		query_sql "SELECT `last_mac`,`group_id` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` ='" + .@acid + "'", .@lstp$, .@grplvl;
    		query_sql "SELECT `account_id`,`userid`,`logincount`,`lastlogin` FROM `login` WHERE `last_mac` ='" + .@lstp$+ "'", .@acidlmac, .@acidlmac$, .@lgncnt, .@lstlgn$;
    		if (.@acid < 2000000 || .@acid > 3000000) { mes "Character Not Found"; close; }
    		if (.@grplvl > 0) { mes "GM Accounts Not Available"; close; }		
    		mes "Name: ^00CC00"+.@chrnm$+"^000000 ";
    		mes "Mac Address: ^FF0000"+.@lstp$+"^000000 ";
    		mes "Displaying Users with Mac: ^00CC00"+.@lstp$;
    		for(set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@acidlmac$); set .@i, .@i + 1){
    			mes .@i+1+". ^00CC00"+.@acidlmac$[.@i]+"^000000 ";
    			mes "Login Count: "+.@lgncnt[.@i]+" ";
    			mes "Last Login: "+.@lstlgn$[.@i]+" "; 
    • Upvote 1
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  8. Yea I posted here also just in case (sorry about that I'm a fan of both rathena and hercules no offense)


    uhmm if i leave my equip break rate at 100% then have my item bonus at bonus bBreakWeaponRate,300; will that break those weapons at 3%?

    if (where&EQP_WEAPON) {
    switch (sd->status.weapon) {
    case W_FIST: //Bare fists should not break 
    //case W_1HAXE:
    //case W_2HAXE:
    //case W_MACE: // Axes and Maces can't be broken [DracoRPG]
    //case W_2HMACE:
    //case W_STAFF:
    //case W_2HSTAFF:
    //case W_BOOK: //Rods and Books can't be broken [Skotlex]
    //case W_HUUMA:
    where &= ~EQP_WEAPON;

    Solved by commenting these lines

  9. Hello hercules. Well I'm not sure if it's a bug or something i did or anything that i'm not aware of. 1st of all here are some of my modification




    // Overall rate of which your own equipment can break. (Note 2)
    // This rate affects penalty breaking rate of skills such as power-thrust and your natural breaking rate
    // (from equip_natural_break_rate). If a Sage's endow skill fails and this is above 0, the selected char's
    // weapon will be broken.
    equip_self_break_rate: 10

    // Overall rate at which you can break target's equipment. (Note 2)
    // This affects the behaviour of skills like acid terror and meltdown
    equip_skill_break_rate: 10





        Id: 4361
        AegisName: "B_Harword_Card"
        Name: "Whitesmith Card"
        Type: 6
        Buy: 20
        Weight: 10
        Loc: 2
        Script: <"
            callfunc "ccount"; if(@cardcnt < 3) {
                bonus4 bAutoSpell,486,3,30,0;
                bonus4 bAutoSpell,42,10,30,1;
                bonus bBreakWeaponRate,300;
                bonus bBreakArmorRate,300;
        Trade: {
            nodrop: true



     The armor so far is working properly (breaking the armor), However there are some instances that the bonus "bBreakWeaponRate" is not working. It's that it's not working at all but it does not work on some characters/weapon types maybe. (i'm not sure we tested it on high wizard with survivor rod and knife = knife gets broken, survivor rod = survives :P)


    We tested it on some more characters and weapons but i'm having trouble determining what is causing this.


    NOTE: We also tried 100% break rate to determine if it really is working or not and there really is something wrong.



    Another question


    their defaults are 100 and i set them to 10. How does this affect the bonus bBreakWeapon and bBreakArmor?

  10. Something may have changed on FB's end that i haven't accounted for. I'll look into it tomorrow and see if a random structure has changed.


    Also, stop bumping your topics or we'll be having words.

    uhmm. my bad i guess. I thought that bumping was allowed? i didnt know. sorry

  11. Good day rathena. First of all these are my files


    Fluxcp RA


    Drawmove Free Black theme


    My problem is when i set my News Option to "4"


    // News Options
    'CMSNewsType' => 4, // Type = source of news feed:
    // 1 = Built-in news page
    // 2 = RSS Import
    // 3 = Import from text file (!NOT IMPLEMENTED IN THIS VERSION!)
    // 4 = Facebook page feed
    // 5 = Twitter feed (!NOT IMPLEMENTED IN THIS VERSION!)
    'CMSNewsRSS' => 'http://spriterepository.com/index.php?/rss/forums/1-tsr-news/', // Use if CMSNewsType = 2
    'CMSNewsFile' => 'http://location.to/file.txt', // Use if CMSNewsType = 3
    'CMSNewsFbID' => '565715233573835', // Use if CMSNewsType = 4
    'CMSNewsTwFeed' => 'http://twitter.com/accounttoshow', // Use if CMSNewsType = 5
    'CMSNewsLimit' => 4, // Number of news items to display

    It keeps saying "Facebook feed not found".


    Well i tried looking for the problem my self and found out that i have two news modules.

    One in my theme folder and one in my modules folder.


    my question is how do i make fluxcp read from the modules folder? It seems to be reading the one from my themes folder which is not able to retrieve my fb news feed




    Tried it with just the default theme. Still says "facebook feed not found"

    bump anyone?


    anyone please?


    bumping :)





  12. prontera,100,100,5 script testing 100,{
    if ((agitcheck() && agitcheck2()) && ( strcharinfo(3) == .@testmaps)) { // Check if woe is on and if you entered a castle
    set WoeReward, WoeReward +1; // set points
    if (WoeReward >= 15) { // if points is 15 or more get item
    getitem, 501,1; // reward
    set WoeReward, 0; // reset the points
    set .@testmaps,"prontera";
    set WoeReward,0;

    there edited it. didnt test it tho

  13. <map name>,<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2> TAB monster TAB <monster name> TAB <mob id>,<amount>,<delay1>,<delay2>,<event>{,<mob size>,<mob ai>}

    map name: Name of the map. Use /where along with the following coordinates 

    x1: X axis coordinates. It start from the left side of the map, and the higher it gets, the more it gets closer to the right side of the map. 

    y1: Y axis coordinates. It start from the bottom, and the higher it gets, the more it gets closer to the top of the map. 

    x2: X axis coordinates. It start from the left side of the map, and the higher it gets, the more it gets closer to the right side of the map. 

    y2: Y axis coordinates. It start from the bottom, and the higher it gets, the more it gets closer to the top of the map. 

    These 4 coordinates will make a spawn area where the mob will spawn, however it won't limit its movement, so lets say you put 120,150 on the first pair, and 130,160 pair- That's a 10x10 cell area where the mob will spawn randomly. 

    If you want the mob to spawn at a random point, use 0 for all the coordinates. 

    monster name: The name of the mob you want to be shown (using --ja-- in place of a name will display the "Japanese Name" from your database). 

    You can specify a custom level to use for the mob different from the one of the database by adjoining the level after the name with a comma. eg: "Poring,50" for a name will spawn a monster with name Poring and level 50. 

    mob id: The ID of your mob. 

    amount: How many mobs you want to be spawned. 

    delay1: Minimum amount of time before a monster respawns. 

    delay2: Maximum amount of time before a monster respawns. 

    delay1 and delay2 are used to define the time it takes for a monster to respawn; in milliseconds. Normal mobs usually have 0 (Instant Respawn), while MVPs have 7200000 (2 hours). If delay2 is greater than delay 1, the mob won't respawn until the map server restarts. 

    event: Script event to be executed when the mob is killed. The event must be in the form "NPCName::OnEventName" to execute, and the event name label should start with "On". As with all events, if the NPC is an on-touch NPC, the player who triggers the script must be within 'trigger' range for the event to work. 

    size: Optional. Size can be 0 (medium), 1 (small), or 2 (big). 

    ai: Optional. AI can be 0 (default), 1 (attack/friendly), 2 (sphere), 3 (flora), or 4 (zanzou).

  14. jaypee mateo is fucking bull shit i have this error he is fucking bugger scripter 


    i get this fucking error and i lost my players because of this fucking bull shit script I want to die fast in this earth .. u are not belong here devilish fucking jaypee mateo i hope u die soon in reallife u really fucking as hole fuck u u die bitch bitch bitch fuck u jaypee u release script with bugs fuck you... go to hell


    Notice: Undefined variable: vp in/home/bitesro/public_html/addons/voteforpoints/themes/default/voteforpoints/index.php on line 2

    Notice: Undefined variable: vp in/home/bitesro/public_html/addons/voteforpoints/themes/default/voteforpoints/index.php on line 41

    No voting sites found


    Just saw this now. You do know that he released his script for free right? You're getting stuff for free and that's what you show in return? Learn some respect kid. Developers, scripters or any kind of coders don't type those codes as if they're curse words. It took a lot of trial and error to get the code to work. It's not always perfect that's why we have this forum.

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