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Posts posted by Zeiyan

  1. good day rathena. im having trouble bout this button. its stuck to koren (i think)

    i've read a few forums that i have to hex my client to fix this but i didnt find other topic for this specific button and im wondering if anyone knows how? i dont know how to hex. :D and on additional request how do i enable flags? like pressing [ctrl + 1] to wave a flag. :D thankyou rathena.

    -- EDIT

    btw im using 2012-04-10 client.


  2. i just tried it and it's very awesome, still testing if there are bugs but 10/10 for this. thankyou. PS. good job for a very long script.

    ---- i tried to delete my pvp_rank table to reset the recorded stats of every player but it keeps coming back. how do i reset it? :)

  3. good day rathena, im using a vps server via asurahosting and i am now stuck on setting up my fluxcp. ive been following judasbible for quite some time now and it helped me a lot. the thing is i already have a phpmyadmin database setup provided by asurahosting. and im trying to import? im not sure what to do. basically i want players to be able to register to my server, and other stuff on my database to show up on my website like, pvpladder, guild ladder, online players, etc. im very new to using sql and php stuff. so if anyone can help thankyou so much.


  4. good day rathena, im stuck at this.

    im trying to add gunslinger to have additional 5 perfect dodge and 3 perfect dodge per refine if he wears valkyrie manteau, and 5% reflect and additional 5% reflect if my ninja wears the item, i tried to just copy the format (BaseClass==Job_Gunslinger, and BaseClass==Job_Ninja) and add it to the existing item script for my item. can anyone help me? i'd just like to know this one so that i can use it for other items as well, such as my valk shoes etc. thankyou rathena

  5. hello mootie. thanks for the help on my topic. and i want to ask how to add an effect to an item if the job is gunslinger or ninja class (i already know how to add if base class. (if(BaseClass==Job_Mage) etc. i just don't know how to apply on jobs like GS and ninja. thankyou!

  6. it says unknown syntax error in mapflag/novending.txt in line 17. i have not even changed it. -___-

    and the mapflag does not work in payon idk why. maybe payon is spelled differently in my other files but i dont know where to look.

    thanks in advance rathena


  7. good day rathena. im pretty confused since it's my 1st time adding a custom weapon. though i already edited other item and add other wings so i think i know some basic stuffs.

    my sprite is working well except that when i attack it doesnt show the item [will fix later]

    what my problem is when i hit a monster [tried it on poring and undead type] and other player it deals 999999 damage.

    but when i attack other monster [tried on pupa and lunatic] it deals normal damage.

    and for additional information i did not yet add a bonus script for my item.

    thanks in advance rathena.

    i have also included the sprite i am trying to add.




    Custom Blade_of_Dragon.rar


  8. Umm... Why did i get an error?

    luac5.1.4: accessoryid.lua:1008: '}' expected <to close '}' at line 1> near '='

    luac5.1.4: accname.lua:1034: ']' expected near 'S_HAT'

    Press any key to continue . . .

    eventhough I already put it correctly...

    EDIT: Ah.. nothing.. I've spotted it.. lol.. thanks for sharing... I always having problems on custom items... /wah

    how did you fix it?

    great guide. helped me a lot. thankyou!

  9. That is lub files....notepad++ cant read those lub all you have to do is to decompile that so will get lua and can edit it easily

    ask this guy http://rathena.org/b...-dastgir-pojee/ to decompile your lub files

    i got your guide wrong. sorry. now i got it but i get this error for accname. the accessoryid was compiled successfully though.

    what is wrong with mine? i downloaded the latest accname and tried to compile it but it still has this error



    never mind i got it. i forgot the comma. -__-


  10. Hi,

    Try my guide link below in my siggy

    im sorry sir @mootie this is what's showing when i opened it with notepad++


    i tried to save it as a batch file and when i opened it it closes immediately


  11. good day rathena im new to hosting a server but so far i think ive done good except for this part.

    im trying to add a custom item (wing) and ive followed the guide from http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items.

    so far ive put the files in their corresponding folder, ive edited my lua files (accname and accessoryid)

    i have also edited my server side. i have also done the view id. but when i put on my item my client force close. i tried searching for the problem but to no avail. i hope someone can help me or maybe i didnt search enough.

    im going to post some screen shots.

    PS: im not sure what the lub compiling tool was for so i didnt use it and because i dont know how. (besides my files are lua and not lub)

    im using 12-04-10 client with alexandria's data folder.

    i also already rebuilded my grf file so im really stuck. please help me. thanks rathena.






  12. hello guys. ive been working on my server for about 1 week now and im in the middle of fixing bugs. i was testing my @commands when i realize my player (normal account with group id of 0) can not access storage. at first i thought it was just about the @commands. so i edited my groups.conf but it doesnt change then i tried accessing through kafra and it also says "Your GM level doesn't authorize you to preform this action"

    well i thought it's just group id issue or something but i cant find it. i tried changing the level to 1 but to no avail. can anyone help me? thankyou so much




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