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Posts posted by Zeiyan

  1. oh yea forgot about this topic. Solved it by leaving it default.

    for future reference:

    If you're hosting your web from a different server use default nameservers.

  2. I know there's a lot of Guildpack NPC out there but none of them have what i needed. I'm not sure if it's possible also so please correct me if this post is not allowed. thankyou


    NPC features:

    1. Requires guild members and leader to be at level 255

    2. Requires guild to be at level 50

    3. Log the guild and members in the database (guildname, members, date the gpack was received)

    4. Have an option to display all guilds that have received the guild package


    I'm guessing it's got something to do with adding a new sql table


    If anyone can help it will be much appreciated and if you need more info about the request just let me know.

  3. Hey rathena i know this is a little off topic but not entirely. I just got my vps hosting and it was kinda stupid of me to delete the whole trunk folder and replace it with my own which is from windows to linux. Hoping someone knows how to fix it? I can't compile nor run my server at the vps. Thanks.



    not sure where to post, figured it's some sort of related to installation

  4. I'm new to this domain stuff and setting up with networks. Here's what i did so far.

    Purchased a domain name from godaddy.com

    Purchased a service from wanhosting.


    I think i made a mistake in setting up my nameservers in my godaddy account on nameservers these are the defaults:




    But the part that i think where i made a mistake is in setting up my nameserver in wanhosting. -__-

    what should i put in hostname? nameserver1 and nameserver2? It's pretty confusing and I don't really have any networking backgrounds.

  5. I've just finished setting up my server offline. I used to have my old server hosted by asurahosting which we all know what happened. I'm wondering if anyone can give me some advice and refer a good/better/best hosting company as of now? i'm thinking of trinity and ponyvps since they're the one i saw in the ads section of rathena but their post are from last year so i wanna know if anyone can vouche for them and their service now.

  6. I solved this in an unsual way. It seems that the client is like reading both the loading screens in my data.grf and myserver.grf regardless of what i put in my clientinfo.xml (exe only reads files with filenames loading00 - loading10) what i did was just replace the files in the original data.grf and sync them with what i have in myserver.grf

  7. This is the method I know in putting my own custom loading screens.


    1. put jpg/jpeg files (1024x768) into texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/ folder. --- Check!

    2. edit clientinfo.xml and put <loading> filename.jpg </loading> ---- Check

    3. repack grf ----- check


    It's really simple and what's bothering me is why does it not show my loading screens this is my data.ini:


    0=testro.grf ( contains my luafiles, clientinfo.xml etc)

    1=testspritetextture.grf (contains the sprite and texturefolder)

    2=testpallete.grf (contains pallete folder)



    This is my clientinfo.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>
    <display>Test Ragnarok Online</display>

    I'm using 2013-08-07 diffed with NEMO patcher.


    Any help would be much appreciated




    I tried adding 1 loading screen earlier with filename "loading01.jpg" then deleted it and put 5 jpg files named "loadingscreen01,loadingscreen02,loadingscreen03.....) [i changed the file name] the thing is, it's still showing the first "loading01.jpg" I put in along with the other loading screens in data.grf. Which is weird since It's not in my grf anymore and pretty sure i repacked it like 5times already. 



    After some warping (more or less like 5-7 times) i get the client error "can't find file texture/gibberish/loadingscreen01.jpg"

    which i DO have on my testro.grf. 


    It seems the client doesnt read from the clientinfo about the loading screens but instead (im not sure about this) saved it somehow in the exe?

  8. lol i didn't read that well. maybe what he means is this:


    reflect shield + auto guard skill = damage blocked by auto guard skill still reflects the damage ( no damage to paladin but deals reflect damage to the attacker)

    same goes for parry/safetywall and item based reflect damage.

  9. Well it it's not dead im wondering how busy he can be? /heh i've seen other people posting about how they can't get a respond from harmony too. So i guess he's been "busy" for like 4-5months now? If anyone does know him or pretty close to him maybe someone can help me get a reply from him. just saying. /heh I'd really love to get my hands on harmony asap.

  10. Good Day rathena. I'm just wondering if Harmony is still the only active ragnarok protection out there? (not sure if it still even active been contacting them for a month now) I'm just wondering  since I'm currently looking for a security against wpe, grf, and other 3rd party programs on my server. I didnt know where to post so i posted here.

  11. You need to have complete trust in that person to give him/her complete access to your server/database/in game GM commands! personally i give my staff nothing! /heh except event commands (not even @monster or #item or @item) I just got an npc that allows my other admins to give items to players (records logs and announces to whole server when item is given) then on server side only me have access to it and my database well i gave them access to read only. but it still required me to have great trust in them since they can view other's account informations. well that's just me!

  12. Hello rathena! I currently have an effect of Auto Assumptio on one of my Equipment set in game (using item_combo) my problem is i disabled the skill Assumptio in WoE/GvG maps. What i want is the manually casted spell of High priests "Assumptio" to be restricted but the auto casting of assumptio when hit (with my equipment combo) to be an exception to the restriction. I hope i explained my request properly. Hoping to hear from anyone :)

    NOTE: Im not sure where to post since my guess is it will be an src edit but it's still in the database so please forgive me if im in the wrong section. either way please help. /heh

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