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  1. thank you @sader1992 the script is working fine now
  2. hellow can someone fix this warper script, i can't fix infinity loop here script and SS from console warpersql.txt
  3. @skymia when i want join event with @joinevent error on console [Error]: buildin_callfunc: Function not found! [dispell]
  4. hello, @sader1992 can you add if VIP member get double point ?
  5. can someone update the new link, all links broken thanks
  6. hello, @Emistry can add the npc script will announce when the player takes the prize ?
  7. Yesterday I asked for a script to monitor mvp card, and cyro made one for me. Script can work, but this script can not display player which have mvp card in storage, cart, and can not search player through search card id, can i help me to show player that have mvp card through search card id.? thank you aldebaran,128,123,5 script cardcheck 637,{ mes "[MVP Card Monitoring]"; mes "Masukan Nickname Character yang ingin kalian cek"; next; select "search by input player name/ID", "search by card ID"; if ( @menu == 1 ) { switch ( select ( "Char Name", "Account ID", "Char ID" ) ) { case 1: input .@id$; if ( isloggedin( getcharid( 3, .@id$ ) ) ) { .@cid = getcharid( 0, .@id$ ); .@aid = getcharid( 3, .@id$ ); .@name$ = rid2name( getcharid( 3, .@id$ ) ); } else { if ( !query_sql( "select char_id, account_id, name from `char` where name = '"+ escape_sql( .@id$ ) +"'", .@cid, .@aid, .@name$ ) ) { mes "There is no such Character Name exist"; close; } } break; case 2: input .@id; if ( !( .@nb = query_sql( "select char_id, name, char_num, account_id from `char` where account_id = "+ .@id +" order by char_num asc", .@cid, .@name$, .@gid, .@aid ) ) ) { mes "There is no such Account ID"; close; } for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ ) { mes ( .@gid[.@i] +1 )+". "+ .@cid[.@i] +" "+ .@name$[.@i]; .@menu$ = .@menu$ +( .@gid[.@i] +1 )+". "+ .@cid[.@i]; } next; .@s = select( .@menu$ ) -1; .@cid = .@cid[.@s]; .@aid = .@aid[.@s]; .@name$ = .@name$[.@s]; break; case 3: input .@id; if ( !query_sql( "select char_id, account_id, name from `char` where char_id = "+ .@id, .@cid, .@aid, .@name$ ) ) { mes "There is no such Character ID exist"; close; } } mes "The player ^0000FF"+ .@name$ +"^000000 is "+( ( isloggedin(.@aid) )?"^00FF00Online":"^FF0000Offline" )+"^000000"; if ( isloggedin( .@aid, .@cid ) ) { .@origin = getcharid(3); attachrid .@aid; getinventorylist; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++ ) { if ( compare( .mvpcard_compare$, "#"+ @inventorylist_id[.@i] +"#" ) || compare( .mvpcard_compare$, "#"+ @inventorylist_card1[.@i] +"#" ) || compare( .mvpcard_compare$, "#"+ @inventorylist_card2[.@i] +"#" ) || compare( .mvpcard_compare$, "#"+ @inventorylist_card3[.@i] +"#" ) || compare( .mvpcard_compare$, "#"+ @inventorylist_card4[.@i] +"#" ) ) { .@itemid[.@c] = @inventorylist_id[.@i]; .@amount[.@c] = @inventorylist_amount[.@i]; .@identify[.@c] = @inventorylist_identify[.@i]; .@refine[.@c] = @inventorylist_refine[.@i]; .@broken[.@c] = @inventorylist_attribute[.@i]; .@card1[.@c] = @inventorylist_card1[.@i]; .@card2[.@c] = @inventorylist_card2[.@i]; .@card3[.@c] = @inventorylist_card3[.@i]; .@card4[.@c] = @inventorylist_card4[.@i]; attachrid .@origin; mes @itemname2_info$[0] + callfunc( "getitemname2", .@itemid[.@c], .@identify[.@c], .@refine[.@c], .@broken[.@c], .@card1[.@c], .@card2[.@c], .@card3[.@c], .@card4[.@c] ) +":^000000 "+ .@amount[.@c] +" ea."; attachrid .@aid; .@c++; } } attachrid .@origin; } else { .@nb = query_sql( "select nameid, amount, identify, refine, attribute, card0, card1, card2, card3 from inventory where "+ .query_sql$ +" and char_id = "+ .@cid, .@itemid, .@amount, .@identify, .@refine, .@broken, .@card0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3 ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ ) mes @itemname2_info$[0] + callfunc( "getitemname2", .@itemid[.@i], .@identify[.@i], .@refine[.@i], .@broken[.@i], .@card0[.@i], .@card1[.@i], .@card2[.@i], .@card3[.@i] )+":^000000 "+ .@amount[.@i] +" ea."; } } close; OnInit: query_sql "select dropcardid from mob_db where mexp != 0 and dropcardper = 1", .mvpcard; .mvpcard_size = getarraysize( .mvpcard ); .mvpcard_compare$ = "#"; for ( .@i = 1; .@i < .mvpcard_size; .@i++ ) { .@nameid$ = .@nameid$ +","+ .mvpcard[.@i]; .@card0$ = .@card0$ +","+ .mvpcard[.@i]; .@card1$ = .@card1$ +","+ .mvpcard[.@i]; .@card2$ = .@card2$ +","+ .mvpcard[.@i]; .@card3$ = .@card3$ +","+ .mvpcard[.@i]; .mvpcard_compare$ = .mvpcard_compare$ + .mvpcard[.@i] +"#"; } for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .mvpcard_size; .@i++ ) { } .query_sql$ = "( nameid in ("+ .mvpcard + .@nameid$ +") or card0 in ("+ .mvpcard + .@card0$ +") or card1 in ("+ .mvpcard + .@card1$ +") or card2 in ("+ .mvpcard + .@card2$ +") or card3 in ("+ .mvpcard + .@card3$ +") )"; end; }
  8. i am sorry cyro, this script can't search mvp card on storage and cart ? and i can't use search via Card ID
  9. you can use roullete ticket item 22869 and consume it
  10. Work Perfectly Thank you Cyro
  11. excuse me cyro, sorry took so long for test this script, i got problem here, when iam search player id i got this error on my console, and if i try search card id always close dialog
  12. thank you cyro i will check it letter
  13. Excuse me, can i request a npc that can see and monitor all the players that get mvp card, both in storage, inventory and in equip? With sql ?? thank you
  14. why not mapflag ?? while there mapname ??
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