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Everything posted by Guih

  1. Hey tonelli, thanks for the script. How can I make PvP count only on selected maps?
  2. I have this doubt also, is it supported by NEMO? I'm having the same error...
  3. Hello guys! I need help with a code for the PvP Ladder, i believe the problem is in the query_sql command. mes "^0000FF[Rank de Vitórias no PvP]^000000"; query_sql "SELECT `char_reg_num_db`.`value`,`char`.`name` FROM `char` INNER JOIN `char_reg_num_db` ON `char_reg_num_db`.`char_id`=`char`.`char_id` WHERE `char_reg_num_db`.`key`='pvpkillcount' ORDER BY `char_reg_num_db`.`value` DESC LIMIT 25",.@value,.@name$; for (.@i=0; .@i<getarraysize(.@value); .@i++){ mes "^0000FFClassificação: #"+(.@i+1)+"^000000: ^808000"+ .@name$[.@i] +"^000000 - ^CC6633"+ .@value[.@i] +"^000000 Morte(s)"; } deletearray .@name$[0],10; deletearray .@value$[0],10; The rank is not showing, and there's no error on map console. Is there anything wrong there? Thanks.
  4. Very useful, thank you very much!
  5. Hello Guys! Is there anyway I can show on my FluxCP Monster Database in which maps the mob can be found? Thanks!
  6. Hello guys, I tried to ask for support on Myzter Mining Game post, but no success... I'm having a problem while drilling... If I select to stop mining, my char can't move, and that happens when the mine colapse also... Could someone help me please? Link to the post: here Thanks.
  7. First of all, congrats for the amazing Script Myzter! I'm having a problem while drilling... If I select to stop, my char can't move, could someone help me please? Although I can press the cancel button and it works great. Thanks.
  8. Guih

    Resting System

    Perfect! Thank you very much Skorm!
  9. Hello guys! I don't know how to make a NPC like this one I want, if you guys could help me i'd be grateful I'd like to have a NPC that when a player gets closer to it, it would activate a countdown of 60 seconds and after that, the npc would give the player account +1 point (account variable) and then restart the countdown. If the player moves away, the countdown would be interrupted and by that, the play should not win this point. Could anyone help me out on this one? Thanks!
  10. Nevermind guys, I found the problem. Thanks!
  11. Hello everyone, I would like to change Over Thrust break chance, I presume I will have to change it in the source, where can I find the information for the break chance for this skill? Thanks!
  12. I'm having the same problem with this NPC Can anyone help?
  13. Can anyone help me please? I'm trying to make it work but it doesnt work, it seems like the addon isnt installing... I have all the database tables installed already, but when I click on "View Tickets", FluxCP sends me to "Page not found /?module=support". What am I doing wrong? EDIT: Fixed it. Just put the module folder inside your customized theme folder.
  14. Hello everyone! I don't know alot about scripting, but I have a NPC made by a friend. What I need is that If the leader of the party dies, warp the whole party (if this party is in the map "1@synav") to Prontera. So I came up with this npc: - script quit_pt -1,{ OnPcDieEvent: if(strcharinfo(3) == "1@synav" && getcharid(0) == getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2)) warpparty "prontera",150,150,getcharid(1); end; } But it did not work Does anyone know what's the problem with it? Thanks
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