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Everything posted by samurai.rukasu

  1. A estas alturas del partido no deberias usar el 10, Bajate el Visual Studio 2013 y proba con ese, abris la solucion rAthena-13.sln, limpias y volves a buildear.
  2. I see the same issue on my server, two players in party when kill a monster both receive less % than if they are in solo killing the same mob, in party the mob give them 3% of exp, but in solo the mob give them 13% Player A has 1 level < than player B. Both are rebirth class. Mob have the same level like Player A and Player B. I Do not know if is some thing different in renewal party system or is a bug and only happens with rebirth and 3rd class.
  3. Esto pasa desde hace unos meses con los cambios realizados en el source de Rathena, no recuerdo con cual. Hasta el dia de hoy no se ha podido solucionar.
  4. The patcher stop working since a 3 weeks, always say "failed to connecto to server", both KRO like KRE. Another issue present is when patcher downloading 2015-04+ patch dates, in some point fail to fully download them and stop there, does not keep going.
  5. The exe i use is from this post in hercules: http://hercules.ws/board/topic/7617-2014-10-22-client-download/ Hedex by mi self with NEMO.
  6. Its not so dificult make the first 2014 works, its more for the last 20141022 that was post in Hercules forum. So far i test it, works 100% for all things inside the game and looks very stable. Any way its need full support from server side for all newest options, like rulette or per-char gender and meaby other stuffs.
  7. Well, i did it, 20141022 exe works so far with last git rathena. The only thing i don´t know is, even if a edit the source for new packets (packet_ver = 51, for 20141022) the emulator still take the exe like it was packet_ver 46 O_o Edit clientinfo to 51 - Done ---> Still take it like 46. Edit Packet_DB for adding new packets - Done ---> New max 51, and Still take it like 46. Edit mmo.h for 20141022 - Done ---> Still take it like 46 Edit utils.c for the new exes for packet_ver 47 to 51 - Done ---> Still take it like 46. Edit clif.h for new Max_Packet_Ver to 51 - Done ---> Still take it like 46 No warnings from emulator server side, but in mapserv the client its reading with packet Ver = '46'. Any way, 20141022 exe it works with rathena, the only thing left its official developement support. So far i test it with nemo patcher, if u use the patch SSO exe will not work, but if u dont apply that, exe login works like old school without the need from a launcher. Other thing, if u need use grf, the pach for multiple grf (embedded one) its with will works. Regards
  8. Not ALL the flux web have variables for language, many others options are hardcoded, you can translate the language file, but u will need to check file by file for translate hardcoded language
  9. I hope this mod can be added to the official proyect
  10. Clients from 2010 don´t use lua files
  11. No es por maldad, tienes que aprender, de lo contrario no podras entender como funcionan las cosas, si no sabes como funcionan no podras arraglar las cosas si por alguna razon fallan o se rompen. NADA en este mundo esta servido en bandeja de plata, nadie hara todo el trabajo por ti, TIENES que aprender a hacer las cosas, de lo contrario ¿Que clase de Admin de RO vas a ser si no puedes mantener/arreglar/modificar los sistemas de los cuales depende tu servidor?
  12. Entonces aprende a usar GIT, el foro te enseñan a usarlo.
  13. El link no te sirve? Es el enlace directo al repositorio GIT del proyecto, funciona de la misma manera que el repositorio de Rathena. No tiene nada del otro mundo, usas el GIT y bajas el proyecto a tu PC. Si usas Rathena como emulador deberias entender el GIT, ya que todos aqui lo usamos para bajarlo y mantener los servidores al dia con fixes y actualizaciones. Si te bajaste el Emulador del servidor alojado en mediafire o donde sea, ese emulador seguramente va a tener muchos bugs, los cuales seguramente ya se encuentren corregidos en el emulador del repositorio GIT. Ve aprendiendo a trabajar con el GIT o no llegaras muy lejos, especialmente con algo que es muy basico en este lugar.
  14. Like that one, but Rathena need support it, the same for older 2014.
  15. Use Secure GRF for encrypt GRF and Exe, works perfect if u want protect them, and exe can read the enc GRF and u can update it by thor or another patcher
  16. No, lo que hiciste fue ir a la "DEMO", no leiste nada del post..... La mayoria de los proyecto se encuentran en repositorios SVN o GIT (lo mas nuevo), vuelve a leer el post de arriba a abajo....
  17. Si quieres levantar un servidor de RO debes aprender todos sus aspectos, eso incluye entender y aprender como manejar sitios web. En el foro "Web Releases" tienes el Flux de Xantaras, investiga y aprende, tienes todo lo que necesitas en ese foro: http://rathena.org/board/topic/79203-xantaras-fluxcp/ Si no te manejas con el ingles, ve poniendole garra, todo lo que necesitas esta en sus foros. No te lo tomes a mal, pero nadie te va a dar todo servido en bandeja, debes aprender todos los aspectos, experimentar, prueba y error, es la unica forma de aprender y crecer como futuro admin de RO, eso se aplica para todo lo que hagas, si no eres capaz de proponerte algo basico como eso, mejor dedicarse a otra cosa.
  18. What is the problem? U need give us more information, only with images and no explanation of the issue we cann´t help
  19. Just open src\map\map.h and edit: #define MAX_EVENTQUEUE 2 Change the value 2 for what u need, i recommend to 16. Remember recompile the server.
  20. I'm aware of that, that's the problem. What is the solution. How do I fix that? Just download a clean Flux from Xantara GIT repository and replace your files, migrate configurations from your actual files and addons IF you don´t want touch the files. I recommend this method, more clean and with out any possible errors. You can see the changes made: http://code.google.com/p/fluxcp-ra/source/detail?r=1147 > Here tell u which files was change and a DIFF of each on of them. OR you can see the codes changes and apply to your files: https://github.com/missxantara/fluxcp-ra/commit/717fea7285f1c8337bd15f88f6a69901219e87d7 Remember, lines whit - tell u who lines where delete and + lines tell u where the changes was or added
  21. Is was almost a year since RagExes change its structure, in mostly part alot of new implementations was made, some nice other neh, but the issue its not the RagExe projects like NEMO or xDiffGen in this case, is server side support. Since the new 2014 RagExe appear, the support in the server side for a lot of users can test them is almost no one. The best we can use, stable is 2013-08-07 and 2013-12-23 exes so far. Guys, we need try to step up to date, we cann´t stay a year without support them, im not saying updated for the last exe like 2014-10-22, but perhaps for low or same 2014-06 exes, give some server side support 2014 exes, at least one of them. By another thing is the server optimization, for example Hercules Project its more optimized, specially in charge, speed and memory use, WPE protection, and another implementation that can be VERY usefully for the entire Rathena. I know its not EASY, but the community need it if Rathena still want to be one of the best Ro server emulator, and not a shadow of others project. Regards
  22. That fix was for the web can recognize witch item database re u using when the system is based in renewal or pre-renewal. That is part of a addon from http://rathena.org/board/topic/59488-flux-cp-cms-addon/
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