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Everything posted by Akbare-2nd

  1. maybe someone else needs this file OngoingQuestInfoList_Sakray.lub
  2. hello @Ai4rei I have multiple GRFs in the client, how do I set the patches to go according to which GRF I want? I only see 1 GRF setting in config thank you
  3. Try to Untick here when diff
  4. - script mallroom -,{ end; OnEnter: if(getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_town)){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" has entering Mall Room!",bc_all; warp "yourmap",64,45; }else{ message strcharinfo(0),"you have to be in town to use this command"; } end; OnInit: bindatcmd "mall",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnEnter"; end; }
  5. No KRO, o nome é 20761 C_Wing_Of_Happiness.
  6. try to install : https://www.mediafire.com/file/xb1pjxpsjipaqyq/Visual-C-Runtimes-All-in-One-Jul-2021.zip/file
  7. for example 30000,2nd Class Costume,2nd Class Costume,12,10,,0,,2,,0,0xFFFFFFFE,2,2,1048576,,0,0,0,{},{ if(roclass(eaclass()|EAJL_UPPER)) changebase BaseJob; },{ changebase Class; }
  8. sir, I found this error, can you help? Full Script function script func_CreateCampFire { .@cid = getcharid(3); .@range = getarg(0, 3); // Heal Range .@duration = getarg(1, 60); // Duration .@rate = getarg(2, 1); // Heal Rate getmapxy(.@map$, .@mapx, .@mapy, BL_PC); if(getmapxy(.@npc_map$, .@x, .@y, BL_NPC, sprintf("Camp Fire#CF_%d",.@cid)) == 0) donpcevent "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid) + "::OnCampFireEnd"; showscript "Starting a Camp Fire..."; specialeffect(EF_FIREWALL2, AREA, convertpcinfo(.@cid,CPC_NAME)); progressbar "0xFFFFFF", 1; duplicatenpc("cf_main", "Camp Fire", sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid), .@map$, .@mapx, (.@mapy - 1), DIR_SOUTH, 10252, .@range, .@range); set(getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_range", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)), .@range); set(getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_duration", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)), .@duration); set(getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_healrate", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)), .@rate); donpcevent "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid) + "::OnCampFireStart"; return; } function script func_UpdateCampFire { .@cid = getcharid(3); .@range = getarg(0, 3); // Heal Range .@duration = getarg(1, 60); // Duration .@rate = getarg(2, 1); // Heal Rate getmapxy(.@map$, .@mapx, .@mapy, BL_PC); if(getmapxy(.@npc_map$, .@x, .@y, BL_NPC, sprintf("Camp Fire#CF_%d",.@cid)) == 0) { if (.@npc_map$ != .@map$ || distance(.@mapx, .@mapy, .@x, .@y) > 5) { dispbottom "<Camp Fire> You're too far away from the Campfire."; } else { showscript "!!"; specialeffect(EF_FIREWALL2, AREA, "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)); .@range = min(8, getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_range", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)) + .@range); .@duration = min(300, getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_duration", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)) + .@duration); .@rate = min(15, getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_healrate", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)) + .@rate); set(getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_range", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)), .@range); set(getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_duration", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)), .@duration); set(getvariableofnpc(getd(sprintf(".CF_%d_healrate", .@cid)), "Camp Fire#" + sprintf("CF_%d", .@cid)), .@rate); } } else { dispbottom "<Camp Fire> Start a Campfire..."; } return; } - script Camp Fire::cf_main FAKE_NPC,{ end; OnCampFireStart: getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, BL_NPC); .@npcname$ = strnpcinfo(2); do { .@range = getd(sprintf(".%s_range", .@npcname$)); .@healrate = getd(sprintf(".%s_healrate", .@npcname$)); specialeffect EF_DRAGONSMOKE, AREA; showscript "HEAL: "+.@healrate+"% | AREA:"+.@range+" | TIME: "+getd(sprintf(".%s_duration", .@npcname$)); setd(sprintf(".%s_duration", .@npcname$)), getd(sprintf(".%s_duration", .@npcname$)) - 1; areapercentheal(.@map$, (.@x - .@range), (.@y - .@range), (.@x + .@range), (.@y + .@range), .@healrate, .@healrate); sleep 1000; .@counter++; if (.@counter > 0 && .@counter % 10 == 0 && .@healrate > 1) // every 10 seconds reduce heal rate setd(sprintf(".%s_healrate", .@npcname$), getd(sprintf(".%s_healrate", .@npcname$)) - 1); if (.@counter > 0 && .@counter % 30 == 0 && .@range > 1) // every 30 seconds reduce range setd(sprintf(".%s_range", .@npcname$), getd(sprintf(".%s_range", .@npcname$)) - 1); } while (getd(sprintf(".%s_duration", .@npcname$)) > 0); setd(sprintf(".%s_range", .@npcname$), 0); setd(sprintf(".%s_duration", .@npcname$), 0); setd(sprintf(".%s_healrate", .@npcname$), 0); duplicateremove(strnpcinfo(3)); end; OnCampFireEnd: .@npcname$ = strnpcinfo(2); setd(sprintf(".%s_duration", .@npcname$), 0); awake strnpcinfo(3); end; OnTouch: specialeffect(EF_HEAL, AREA, strcharinfo(0)); dispbottom("You are feeling warm and cozy."); end; } when the npc is gone an error appears like this thx for advanced
  9. how can I fix this? thx for advance SOLVED !!! mmo.h #define MAX_GUILDSKILL 20 ///Max Guild skills
  10. check your webserver and check the port used whether it is blocked or not. don't forget to customize on the clientside
  11. no just ip server and port for emblem
  12. this seems to be a pre-renewal, repack the pre-re mapchace with the existing map file and make sure the npc script used matches the map used.
  13. check mysql online status and make sure the username and password match
  14. Akbare-2nd


    try checking the packetver server and hexed they must be the same
  15. use @reloaditemdb or restart your server
  16. Check your default shirt in data.grf or you might be using a custom shirt color. [palette]
  17. Is the evolutions feature already on? conf/battle/feature.con // Pet evolution (Note 1) // Requires: 2014-10-08aRagexe or later feature.petevolution: on and what is the error message on the client side?
  18. use notepad to open the iteminfo.lub to avoid writing mistakes
  19. please check the system/iteminfo.lub folder the name of the item may not be appropriate or there may be an error in writing.
  20. Try it function script FreebieFuns { if(##FreebiesPackageRapierLatest== 1){ next; mes "You already claimed your Freebies Package."; dispbottom "You already claimed your Freebies Package!"; close; }else{ goto gpack; } gpack: mes "[Freebies Package]"; mes "Please choose a 1 Headgear"; next; switch(select("[White Saiyan Aura] White Saiyan Aura[0]:[Red Saiyan Aura] Red Saiyan Aura[0]:[Black Saiyan Aura] Black Saiyan Aura[0]:[God Saiyan Aura] God Saiyan Aura[0]:[Yellow Saiyan Aura] Yellow Saiyan Aura[0]")) { case 1: setarray .@RORGWeap[0],50367; break; case 2: setarray .@RORGWeap[0],50364; break; case 3: setarray .@RORGWeap[0],50359; break; case 4: setarray .@RORGWeap[0],50361; break; case 5: setarray .@RORGWeap[0],50368; break; } mes "[Freebies Package]"; mes "Here are your supplies!"; close2; set .@itemsrecieved$,"You recieved the items : "; for ( set .@i,0; .@i != getarraysize(.@RORGWeap); ) { getitembound2 .@RORGWeap,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,Bound_Account; set .@itemsrecieved$, .@itemsrecieved$ + .@RORGWeap[.@i] + ", "; set .@i, .@i + 1; } //set .@itemsrecieved$, .@valkyriehelm$ + .@middlegear+ ", " + .@lowergear + .@weapon; dispbottom "You succesfully claimed your Freebies Package"; specialeffect2 248; set ##FreebiesPackageRapierLatest,1; delitem 38816,1; end; }
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