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Everything posted by ccjosh

  1. I see.. Is there by any chance you know how to reload this script when the player logs out? Thanks
  2. Hi Community! I'm looking for a working War over Rune && a Last Man Standing script. WoR - Basically, there are two teams battling, think of it as a team deathmatch LMS - Everybody kills each other til 1 dude left I saw this scripts at eAthena.ws/board last time, but it seems that eA.ws/board is down atm. Big thanks to whoever shares these scripts. Josh
  3. It doesn't matter if it runs on ssd. The only thing will improve when using ssd is the I/O. RAM should be your main focus here, since *athena is memory intensive. And yes, 512mb is enough for 1-50+
  4. You can use Unity3D together with an android emulator too though, for free. I prefer Unity3D cause its user-friendly & has a good community support. Made a thesis project using unity3D, got a 1.25 grade because of its built in AI scripts =p
  5. ps is basically the same thing with window's task manager, you look for processes that are running. So, just run ps aux | grep server Where as aux is the parameter, grep is like a search tool, and server is for the key word. In a fully running scenario, usually that command gives out 4 results, map, char, login and the grep command. make sure that map, char, login servers are running. Anyway, I'm guessing you already fixed the issue, just for added info.
  6. Thanks! But for some reason, that doesn't work. I used gettime(2) + 3 instead. Solved.
  7. Hi, Can anyone modify this script? I need to set it to 3minute delay - script at_ecall -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd("@ec","at_ecall::OnEcall"); bindatcmd("@ecall","at_ecall::OnEcall"); end; OnEcall: if( !getcharid(2) ){dispbottom "You are not apart of a guild."; end;} if( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ){dispbottom "Can only be used by guild leader."; end;} if( gettimetick(2) < getd(".guild"+ getcharid(2) +"") ){dispbottom "Command Failed. Still on cooldown."; end;} progressbar "0x00FF00",5; //5 seconds is how the skill acts. getmapxy(.@m$,.@x,.@y,0); warpguild .@m$,.@x,.@y,getcharid(2); setd ".guild"+ getcharid(2) +"", gettimetick(2) + 300000; end; }
  8. Same experience I had last May. I had my files and backup files 'accidentally' deleted. They did refund my money back though. This is the problem with hosting companies that are managed by kids. By kids, I mean, lack of experience in the industry. I suggest to look for another host, and never look back. LOL!
  9. Currently using BuyVM (Frantech) VPS boxes. Haven't have a down time since May.
  10. cd /path/to/rathena/ ls -lhart #there should be a core file here, usually its the last file after the map server crashes. gdb map-server_sql <core file> #without the < > bt full
  11. Check if all servers are running.. Run a ps command. ps aux | grep server Also, check your server and client config.
  12. Quick question, how do I change the delay though?
  13. Hi, So my server is experiencing random mapserver crashes since last night. I'm trying to figure out what's causing this. Tried to look at server's log, nothing special there. I'm currently running a 512mb vps with 30 people. As I heard, 512's can support at least 1-75 right? Before I upgrade my VPS, I want to make sure that this is RAM problem, not rA's. Anyone has experienced this? Thanks, Josh Bump here's the gdb dump file. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 0x080ff808 in script_getfuncname (st=0xad913ffc) at script.c:633 633 if(data->type == C_NAME && str_data[data->u.num].type == C_FUNC) Running on Revision: 17339
  14. From 17339, how do I use those SQL updates?
  15. I recently updated my svn version to the latest 17401. However all of my items are wiped out? How do I solve this issue?
  16. Problem was, the 1st login server is still connecting to my old cloud box's MySQL. Ergo, the username that the 2nd char-server doesn't exist on the old MySQL. Anyway, this problem is solved. Any mods can close this topic, that'll be great. Thanks, Josh
  17. Possible. But not efficient. You can use just 1 login server then 2 char & map servers. There's a brief guide on wiki regarding this. Not complete, but it's enough if you know the basics. I hired someone to do it for me 'cause I was intimidated by the setup and too lazy do it, but even him can't friggin install this setup. I could have done it myself in the first place.
  18. Hello, I'm trying to set up a multiple server rathena in my VPS. I'm already done with the first server, I can now connect. But the problem is starting my 2nd character server. I'm having this error. [Error]: Can not connect to login-server. [Error]: The server communication passwords (default s1/p1) are probably invalid. Though, I checked my DB, I already inserted the username, password and gender for that server's login. Also, how do I configure the clientinfo.xml for this? Thanks so much so those who would help, Josh
  19. Hello, Anyone here have tested this setup? Any known issues regarding multiple map & char servers? I'm planning to run a multiple tier server in one machine. Besides rA's wiki, is there a guide for this? Thanks, Josh
  20. use screen when you go ./athena-start to install screen: yum install screen command for screen: screen -DR to exit: ctrl + A + D Basically it will saves your last session in screen.
  21. On your trunk folder. ./configure && make clean && make sql
  22. Hello, I was wondering if rA can be setup with a fail over server. Basically, 2 nodes acts as 1 server. One will be the main server and the other will be a slave. The slave will fail over when the main server goes down. This ensures stability of a server. Is this even possible? Thanks, Josh
  23. Cool sprite. How do you add this though?
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