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Everything posted by ZelosAvalon

  1. Some1 can help me i'm using this to convert my lua files to lub but stop to working idk why, look: but nothing happens when I run this bat, some1 can help me ?
  2. opa ai sim em, eu tinha trabalhado com Hercules e começado uma tradução com o arquivo .po pelo poedit é bem bacana, porém parece que o rATHENA não usa o @lang igual o hercules com o arquivo PT-BR.po ( por exemplo ) se usasse seria bem mais fácil traduzir eu tinha tipo 30% de todos os NPCs traduzidos eu tinha feito sozinho se for pensar era muita coisa traduzida se levar em consideração a quantidade de NPC existente no jogo
  3. Salve salve comunidade BR do rATHENA aqui quem vós fala é o Zelos sou desenvolvedor e contribuo como posso para alguns fóruns de Ragnarok, já venho observando a tempos que o rATHENA se mantém o emulador mais atualizado e por isso estou com um projeto para traduzi-lo para português, porem sozinho é praticamente impossível porque demandaria muito tempo coisa que eu não tenho, e o brAthena mudou e está seguindo os padrões do Hercules pelo que me parece, então iremos traduzir tudo na mão, de uma forma que sempre que houver uma atualização iremos precisar traduzir apenas os novos NPCs, pretendo manter o projeto sempre atualizado, mas para isso preciso de uma equipe que me ajude e até incentive em continuar porque sozinho é desmotivador, caso alguém se interesse em participar da equipe iremos disponibilizar para toda comunidade BR isso ajudaria muito para futuros servidores de Ragnarok Brasileiros ou Portugueses, os requisitos mínimos são: Boa vontade e conhecimento em Inglês, Caso queiram participar da equipe favor me mandem uma mensagem aqui no fórum mesmo no privado para mantermos contato e trocarmos umas ideias, a tradução será toda dividida para que a equipe não fique sobrecarregada e demandará tempo ou seja pessoas que se interessarem no futuro em entrar para a equipe podem me procurar pois teremos uma rotação de pessoas. Lembrando que todos que participarem do projeto terão seus nomes citados como contribuintes para o projeto! PS: Mesmo que não possa ajudar no projeto se você gostou dessa iniciativa e quer nos apoiar deixe seu comentário ai da um Upvote no tópico! Desde já agradeço, Att; Zelos
  4. how can i fix it ? my items are in Korean i want it on English, I think it's iteminfo.lub, but I always create one from itemInfo.lua I get this error:
  5. Can someone help me edit my CMS News? I'm trying to leave it that way, but I've received many errors I still don't have much knowledge, but I'm doing a web designer course, soon I'll contribute more to the forum, but if anyone can help me now I'll be grateful! this is what i want in my view: I hope you understand what I wanted to show! When we create a news item we will inform if the news are: news, update or event, so when it appears in the view it will be distinguished from each other. The IMG orange will be where an image will appear that will show if the news is: event, update or news, it will be declared in the menu during the creation of the news The green IMG will be where the image of the link entered in the creation will appear my news is based in warp portal news thanks anyway, best regards ZelosAvalon
  6. Can someone help me edit my CMS News? I'm trying to leave it that way, but I've received many errors I still do not have much knowledge, but I'm doing a web designer course, soon I'll contribute more to the forum, but if anyone can help me now I'll be grateful! this is what i want in my view: I hope you understand what I wanted to show! When we create a news item we will inform if the news are: news, update or event, so when it appears in the view it will be distinguished from each other. The IMG orange will be where an image will appear that will show if the news is: event, update or news, it will be declared in the menu during the creation of the news The green IMG will be where the image of the link entered in the creation will appear my news is based in warp portal news thanks anyway, best regards ZelosAvalon
  7. I tried, but I could not get it to work! Could you help me ?
  8. I am creating the NPC scripts from the Dorams initial map, if anyone can help me in this one: Applicant MacCanie & Paul [NEED HELP] i don't know how to set the npctalk with two diferents NPCs with the same script, and I have some problems with questinfo if som1 wanna test this one already working like oficial iRO Vigilante Ajegna [WORKING] when i finish all NPC's from lasagna maps I'll put them all in one script according to the map All the help is welcome! i have more dialogs but dont work yet! The replay was attached to the post! Assistentes.rrf
  9. ty very much, it's the script from Vigilante Ajegna from Dorams maps, i'll share all when i finish it! thanks for you help!
  10. How do I get NPC to speak this message only once, the first time I log in! And when I click on npc it runs the script below and doesn't repeat and keep talking again! my npc script: http://upaste.me/c84142578dd22ebb5 when i click in npc every time repeat the message: Hey, newbie! Get over here! Come on over here! Click me, quick! and try to give me the quest 7711 but i already got it in the first time so emulator send me an error!
  11. View File Ragnarok Online Daily Reward [PSD Only] illust's for a system of daily rewards, created by me, based on the official theme of ragnarok online. It works with the script [rathena]: Daily_Reward_System PS: If you like it, and give me reputation, it's important to me and encourages me to continue with my work! best regards, ZelosAvalon Submitter ZelosAvalon Submitted 03/01/2017 Category Other Video Content Author ZelosAvalon  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    illust's for a system of daily rewards, created by me, based on the official theme of ragnarok online. It works with the script [rathena]: Daily_Reward_System PS: If you like it, and give me reputation, it's important to me and encourages me to continue with my work! best regards, ZelosAvalon
  13. i have two problems in my script (Note: this scripts was made for hercules and now i'm return to rathena) 1st: When my event is finished by a GM or by the npc itself, the map monsters aren't being killed, they are still alive. 2nd: When my event starts the npc appears an emotion / hlp above his head, but it is only appearing in an npc, just in what you started the event, I would like it to appear in all npcs of the world! my NPC Script: http://upaste.me/0c9a34036a75a2370 when i finish it i'll share here in rathena forum! NPC Invasion + NPC Ranking Invasion best regards ZelosAvalon
  14. I put the mode diplicate in my event npc, so that it appears in all cities, but when the event is started, the / hlp emoticon only appears in the npc that was run the event, I wanted it to appear in all npcs of the World while event was running. Could someone help me modify this? my npc script: http://upaste.me/0c9a34036a75a2370 Explanation: If I start the event by Prontera's NPC "Invasion Event", only that npc will show the emotion /hlp on top of its head, others in other cities will not be affected by emotion /hlp and I wish it appeared at all! PLEASE SOME1 HELP ME ? ^^
  15. The sprite of my custom robe is not showing up in General, someone could help me with this error? Example below of the robe "Kirin Wing" where the sprite appears in General: this should happen with my custom robe however not appear! some1 can help me ?
  16. Genetic_Pig = Á¦³×¸¯¸äµÅÁö Dancer_Ostrich = Á¦³×¸¯¸äµÅÁö same name!
  17. i see, the system was implemented, but doesn't work, ty for the information anyway!
  18. Achievments system working in the new clientes 2015?
  19. achievements system working in client 2015-11-04a ? i can access the archive system, but don't working, when I complete one achieve, isn't adding in the count on the progress bar,I need other files to make it work? I need to change something in the lua or system files?
  20. i see this topic but what i need to do ? you have any tutorial to explain me ? i need to use --generate-translation where?
  21. any1 know how i can fiz this when i install my fluxcp i got this error please i need help! Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ragnare4/public_html/lib/Flux.php on line 305
  22. I have an event that when a player kills a monster he gains 1 Event_Point. How can I create a top 10 ranking of the players who have more Event_Point?
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