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Posts posted by ZelosAvalon

  1. 9 hours ago, Brynner said:

    ty very much, did you know how to install this web service or where i need to install it ? I'm trying, but I couldn't make it work.

    this link in git for example is broken: https://getcomposer.org/ and i dont know how to use this getcomposer

    best regards, Zelos Avalon

  2. does anyone know how I can increase the size of the monsters name that is shown inside the game?
    for example, some monsters in bRO(brasilian Ragnarok Online) such as C_TOWER_MANAGER receive the name of "Gerente" (Manager) only, because "Gerente da Torre do Relogio" (Clock Tower Manager) doesn't appear all because the size exceeds the allowed.

    does anyone know if i can increase this?

    best regards ZelosAvalon

  3. On 4/8/2012 at 1:03 AM, Matrixfox said:

    This is designed for the incompetent. The same information can be found in my nfo file. If you wish to keep a little pice of me with you. You can download it off of my public cloud. Spread me around like a cancer! Pour some sugar on me~

    P.S. This will be updated, improved regularly. If I miss something please get in touch with me. Keep it up everyone, let's work together! ^_^V


    SVN Downloader

    KRO Installer

    Clients & Diff Patchers


    LUA/LUB & Data

    Packet_dbs & Packet_lengths

    actRO, Browedit, GRF, Sprite, Client Tools

    Shins Programs

    rAthena's Tools

    Game Server Patchers

    Control Panels

    Guides & Info

    Misc Helpful Links

    Codes / Scripts Paste Sites

    Security / Client Protection











    please update , some links are broken!

    best regards, ZelosAvalon

  4. On 4/21/2020 at 9:38 AM, Start_ said:

    My friends found the same issue, He used the same server & client from me and it's pop error when try to create characters.

    Maybe problems came from Windows, Runtimes, Drivers, etc. I don't know.

    I still have the problem, I've tried everything =( 


    I formatted the machine, installed everything and worked normally without making any changes, I have no idea what this error was!

  5. On 6/19/2016 at 11:48 AM, iubantot said:

    How do i use this? on a npc script for example


    mes "The Item is " + <itemlink>602</itemlink> + ".";


    then a window will pop with the items description.


    im using 2015-11-04 client


    * Edit *


    so i manage to make it work but the text is always at the top




    so im following this format.

    		mes "<ITEM>Apple<INFO>602</INFO></ITEM>";

    it's possible to use it on items, in iteminfo.lua ?

  6. Can anyone tell me if it's possible and where i can change the color of the item name?

    i try to change in iteminfo


    and it didn't work! the item appears with the color code written on it.


    could someone help me make this work?

    best regards, Zelos

  7. 1 hour ago, Secrets said:
    dispbottom "VIP time extended for 24 hours.";


    like this


    8521,Ticket_Vip_1d,Ticket Vip 24h,18,10,,10,,,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ vip_time(60*24); dispbottom "VIP time extended for 24hours."; },{},{}



  8. Some1 can help me with this ? i'm using the emulator vip system, nothing custom.

    now i want to make an ticket for it

    i'm using this one, but don't work: 

    8521,Ticket_Vip_1d,Ticket Vip 24h,18,10,,10,,,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ atcommand "@vip +24h "+strcharinfo(0)+""; dispbottom "+ 24 Horas VIP !"; },{},{}

    when player use this it will add + 24h vip in ur account

    whats wrong with my script ?


    best regards ZelosAvalon

  9. 11 hours ago, StileLed said:

    Me desculpem se postei no lugar errado não sei onde postar esse tipo de tópico .


    Pessoal queria saber se tem como eu adicionar uma outra camera no ragnarok?? Queria adicionar uma camera igual a do "Dragon Nest" se tiver como adicionar. Podem me dar uma ajuda ???



    Discord: ★ऽ৳工ㄥ૯ㄥ૯Ɗ★#2710


    Ou postem aq se puder ficarei feliz ^^

    refaz sua pergunta porque não entendi o que vc quer fazer

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