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Posts posted by ZelosAvalon

  1. You're welcome /no1

    finally finished the npc but it keeps starting automatically, I would like to msm I start the event! or to schedule a date and time for it to start! can review for me, and see which part automatically starts the event?

    I dont want it to start automatically!

    jupe_ele,36,53,6 script Event Invasion 105,{
       set .gm,50;//GM Level to access the GM Menu. Default: 50
    setarray .@mp$[1], "prontera", "morocc", "geffen", "payon", "alberta", "izlude", "aldebaran", "xmas (lutie)", "comodo", "yuno", "amatsu", "gonryun", "umbala", "niflheim", "louyang", "jawaii", "ayothaya", "einbroch", "hugel", "rachel", "veins", "moscovia", "midgard camp", "manuk", "splendide", "brasilis", "el dicastes", "mora", "dewata", "malangdo island", "malaya port", "eclage";
    // GM menu
    //It allows GMs Level 50 or more to Start and Stop invasions.
    if (getgmlevel()>.gm) {
    if (.mobs_left) {
    mes "[Event Invasion]";
    mes "An invasion is in progress..";
    mes "Location: " + .Map$;
    mes "^FF0000"+.mobs_left+"^000000 Monsters left";
    mes " ";
    mes "Stop invasion?";
    if(select("No:Yes")==1) close;
    donpcevent "Event Invasion::onstop";
    mes "Invasion stopped";
    announce "The Invasion has been stopped by "+strcharinfo(0),bc_all;
    mes "[Event Invasion]";
    mes "Please customize the Invasion event before starting it.";
    mes "[Event Invasion]";
    mes "MVP Item Drop:[" + getitemname(.ItemID) + "]";
    mes "Monsters Respawn:[" + strmobinfo(1,.MobID) + "]";
    mes "MVP Respawn:[" + strmobinfo(1,.MvpID) + "]";
    mes "Map Event will Start:["+.Map$+"]";
    switch(select("Item [" + getitemname(.ItemID) + "]:Monster [" + strmobinfo(1,.MobID) + "]:MVP [" + strmobinfo(1,.MvpID) + "]:Select Map Event["+.Map$+"]:Start Event")) {
    case 1:
    mes "Which item would you like the MVP to drop?";
    mes "Please input the item ID:";
    input .ItemID;
    goto Main;
    case 2:
    mes "Please input the monster ID:";
    input .MobID;
    goto Main;
    case 3:
    mes "Please input the MVP ID:";
    input .MvpID;
    goto Main;
    case 4:
    for ( set .@i, 1; .@i < getarraysize(.@mp$); set .@i, .@i + 1 )
    set .@menuE$, .@menuE$ + .@mp$[.@i] + ":";
    set .Map$, .@mp$[select( .@menuE$ )];
    mes "Map Event : "+.Map$;
    goto Main;
    case 5:
    mes "Starting the event now...";
    goto onstart;
    // If a player clicks the NPC, it displays:
    mes "[Event Invasion]";
    mes .mobs_left+" have invaded "+.Map$[.rand_map]+"!";
    //The actual NPC Script//
    OnMinute50: // Change this to your liking
    if( .mobs_left ) end;
    set .mobs_left, 1;
    sleep2 1000;
    announce "[ Rune-Midgard Guard ]: We have trouble here in the town " + .Map$ + "!", bc_all;
    sleep2 5000;
    announce "[ Rune-Midgard Guard ]: Everyone, we need your help to get rid of these monsters!", bc_all;
    monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",.MobID,250,"Event Invasion::OnMyMobDead";
    set .mobs_left, 250;
    killmonster .Map$,"Event Invasion::OnSpecialMobDead";
    OnTimer1805000: // 30 minutes later, kills all the mobs.
    killmonster .Map$,"Event Invasion::OnMyMobDead";
    set .mobs_left, 0;
    OnMyMobDead: //When a mob is killed
    set .mobs_left, .mobs_left-1;
    if (.mobs_left==0) {
    announce "[ Rune-Midgard Guard ]: The " + strmobinfo(1,.MvpID) + " has spawned in " + .Map$ + "!", bc_all;
    monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",.MvpID,1,"Event Invasion::OnSpecialMobDead";
    } else
    announce "["+.mobs_left+"/250] " + strmobinfo(1,.MobID) + " left.",bc_map;
    announce strcharinfo(0)+" has fought off the Invasion and has been awarded a worthy prize!", bc_all;
    getitem .ItemID,1; //Change the [5] to the amount you wish to hand out.

  2. LOL

    scovia", midgard camp", "m

    Yo forgot a " before midgard camp !

    Otherwise it seems to work.

    LOL fixed i dont see it ty man =)

    when send BC and talk to the npc again, a message appears: "Sorry you have to wait for 3min.";


    if(@Broadcast> gettimetick(2)) {


    mes @header$;

    mes "Sorry you have to wait for 3min.";


    I would like to know how to configure that when I talk to the npc, missing 2 minutes, the message appears: "Sorry you have to wait for 2min."; and also 1 min appears "Sorry you have to wait for 1min." when they pass the final 1 min message appears: Broadcasting Service Is Now Available. and send me to the beginning of the npc.

  3. //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    // Broadcaster NPC:
    // version: 1.0
    // Custom Server NPC:
    // scripted: Zelos
    prontera,183,215,4 script Broadcaster 94,{
    //what's the npc name to show in messages?
    set @npcname$, "Broadcaster";
    //NPC Name:
    set @header$,"[^0000ff" + @npcname$ + "^000000]";
    //NPC cost per Broadcast:
    set @broadcastfee, 50000;
    //Base LVL you need for Broadcast:
    set @Baselvl,6;
    //Check base lvl for broadcast:
    set @checklevel,6;
      setarray .@mp$[1], "splendide", "izlude", "payon", "geffen", "morocc", "prontera";
    mes @header$;
    mes "Hello ^3355FF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000";
    mes "I am the ^FF0000Broadcaster^000000.";
    mes "I can Broadcast a message for you";
    mes @header$;
    mes "It costs ^ff0000"+ @broadcastfee +"^000000 zeny ";
    mes @header$;
    mes "Would you like to Broadcast?";
    switch (select("Yes","No")){
    case 1:
    if (Baselevel <@Baselvl){
    mes @header$;
    mes "I'm sorry, you must be at least Base Level ^0000FF"+@Baselvl+"^000000, before you can use the Broadcaster.";
    if(@Broadcast> gettimetick(2)) {
    mes @header$;
    mes "Service will be available in 3 minutes.";	
    mes "Service will be available in 2 minutes.";	
    mes "Service will be available in 1 minute.";	
    mes "Broadcasting Service Is Now Available.";  
    mes "Where would you like to announce";
    if( select("Whole Server:Particular City") == 2 )
    mes @header$;
    mes "Input the name of the map you want to send the message";
    for ( set .@i, 1; .@i < getarraysize(.@mp$); set .@i, .@i + 1 )
    set .@menuE$, .@menuE$ + .@mp$[.@i] + ":";
    set .Map$, .@mp$[select( .@menuE$ )];
    mes @header$;
    if(Zeny<@broadcastfee) goto $nozenybc;
    set Zeny,zeny - @broadcastfee;
    mes "What would you like to say?";
    input @broadcast$;
    mes "Ok, i'm gonna broadcast that now";
    mapannounce .Map$, strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",bc_map,0xB1FB17;
    mes "Message broadcasted";
    set @Broadcast, gettimetick(2)+180;
    mes @header$;
    if(Zeny<@broadcastfee) goto $nozenybc;
    set Zeny,zeny - @broadcastfee;
    mes "What would you like to say?";
    input @broadcast$;
    mes "Ok, i'm gonna broadcast that now";
    announce strcharinfo(0)+": "+@broadcast$+"",0,0xB1FB17;
    mes "Message broadcasted";
    set @Broadcast, gettimetick(2)+180;
    case 2:
    mes "Suit yourself";
    mes "I have to check that you have";
    mes "enough money";
    mes @header$;
    mes "Im sorry but you dont have ^ff0000"+@broadcastfee+"^000000 zeny";
    mes "Go get it if you want to Broadcast";

    Well post your current script (use codebox)

    posted above!

    when i put all citys npc script get error:

    "prontera", "morocc", "geffen", "payon", "alberta", "izlude", "aldebaran", "xmas (lutie)", "comodo", "yuno", "amatsu", "gonryun", "umbala", "niflheim", "louyang", "jawaii", "ayothaya", "einbroch", "hugel", "rachel", "veins", "moscovia", midgard camp", "manuk", "splendide", "brasilis", "el dicastes", "mora", "dewata", "malangdo island", "malaya port", "eclage";

    and when i put all citys on NPC Invasion also get error!

  4. Edit : I forgot to add this !

    OnMinute50: // Change this to your liking
    if( .Map$ == "" ) set .Map$, .@mp$[ rand(1, getarraysize(.@mp$)) ];
    if( !.ItemID ) set .ItemID, 601;
    if( !.MobID ) set .MobID, 1001;
    if( !.MvpID ) set .MvpID, 1002;

    I did not understand where should I add it? and what are those numbers at the end? 601, 1001, 1002?

    NPC work thank you man =)

    I did not understand where should I add it? and what are those numbers at the end? 601, 1001, 1002?

    Add it after OnMinute50

    If you don't configure mob, item (gained) or mvp and auto event start, your event wouldn't work. These numbers prevent an error in the mapserv, it's just a trick lol

    601 = fly wing

    1001 = scorpion

    1002 = poring

    I tried using the menu cities you've created in my npc a broadcaster, but did not work!

    you can help me about it ?

    npc broadcaster: broadcaster3.txt

    i try to put menu city but dont work

    npc original broadcaster: ( my old script work but i need to input city name , and if you put inccorect name you will lost you zeny and dont send BC, i want a city menu in this npc: broadcaster1.txt

  5. Edit : I forgot to add this !

    OnMinute50: // Change this to your liking
    if( .Map$ == "" ) set .Map$, .@mp$[ rand(1, getarraysize(.@mp$)) ];
    if( !.ItemID ) set .ItemID, 601;
    if( !.MobID ) set .MobID, 1001;
    if( !.MvpID ) set .MvpID, 1002;

    I did not understand where should I add it? and what are those numbers at the end? 601, 1001, 1002?

  6. getmonstername() / getmobname()

    These script command don't exist. You can try strmobinfo(1,<ID>) to display monster's name.

    monster .Map$,0,0," + getmobname(.MobID) + "," + .MobID + ",250,"Event Invasion::OnMyMobDead";

    Wrong synthaxe. " + .MobID + " must be a number, not a string.

    There is a Label OnTimer but not an initnpctimer /hmm

    Well there are many thing that you forget (if it's your script), here a fast fix !

    jupe_ele,36,53,6	script	Event Invasion	105,{
    set .gm,50;//GM Level to access the GM Menu. Default: 50
    // GM menu
    //It allows GMs Level 50 or more to Start and Stop invasions.
    if (getgmlevel()>.gm) {
    	if (.mobs_left) {
    		mes "[Event Goblin Invasion]";
    		mes "An invasion is in progress..";
    		mes "Location: " + .Map$;
    		mes "^FF0000"+.mobs_left+"^000000 Goblins left";
    		mes " ";
    		mes "Stop invasion?";
    		if(select("No:Yes")==1) close;
    		donpcevent "Event Invasion::OnStop";
    		mes "Invasion stopped";
    		announce "The Invasion has been stopped by "+strcharinfo(0),bc_all;
    	mes "[Event Invasion]";
    	mes "Please customize the Invasion event before starting it.";
    	mes "Note - The Goblin Leader drops x5 of the prize.";
    	mes "[Event Invasion]";
    		switch(select("Item [" + getitemname(.ItemID) + "]:Monster [" + strmobinfo(1,.MobID) + "]:MVP [" + strmobinfo(1,.MvpID) + "]:Start Event")) {
    	case 1:
    		mes "Which item would you like the MVP to drop?";
    		mes "Please input the item ID:";
    		input .ItemID;
    		goto Main;
    	case 2:
    		mes "Please input the monster ID:";
    		input .MobID;
    		goto Main;
    	case 3:
    		mes "Please input the MVP ID:";
    		input .MvpID;
    		goto Main;
    	case 4:
    		mes "Starting the event now...";
    		goto OnStart;
    // If a player clicks the NPC, it displays:
    mes "[Event Invasion]";
    mes .mobs_left+" have invaded "+.Map$[.rand_map]+"!";
    		//The actual NPC Script//
    OnMinute50: // Change this to your liking
    if( .mobs_left ) end;
    set .mobs_left, 1;
    sleep2 1000;
    set .@ran, rand(1,6);
    if (.@ran == 6) set .Map$,"splendide";
    if (.@ran == 5) set .Map$,"izlude";
    if (.@ran == 4) set .Map$,"payon";
    if (.@ran == 3) set .Map$,"geffen";
    if (.@ran == 2) set .Map$,"morocc";
    if (.@ran == 1) set .Map$,"prontera";
    sleep2 1000;
    announce "[ Rune-Midgard Guard ]: We have trouble here in the town " + .Map$ + "!", bc_all;
    sleep2 5000;
    announce "[ Rune-Midgard Guard ]: Everyone, we need your help to get rid of these monsters!", bc_all;
    monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",.MobID,1,"Event Invasion::OnMyMobDead";
    set .mobs_left, 1;
    killmonster .Map$,"Event Invasion::OnSpecialMobDead";
    OnTimer1805000:	// 30 minutes later, kills all the mobs.
    killmonster .Map$,"Event Invasion::OnMyMobDead";
    set .mobs_left, 0;
    OnMyMobDead: //When a mob is killed
    set .mobs_left, .mobs_left-1;
    if (.mobs_left==0) {
    	announce "[ Rune-Midgard Guard ]: The " + strmobinfo(1,.MvpID) + " has spawned in " + .Map$ + "!", bc_all;
    	monster .Map$,0,0,"--ja--",.MvpID,1,"Event Invasion::OnSpecialMobDead";
    } else
    	announce "["+.mobs_left+"/250] " + strmobinfo(1,.MobID) + " left.",bc_map;
    announce strcharinfo(0)+" has fought off the Invasion and has been awarded a worthy prize!", bc_all;
    getitem .ItemID,1; //Change the [5] to the amount you wish to hand out.

    thank you very much you save my life =)

    you can explain on how I could create an option to choose the map where the event would start?

  7. please i need help, when WOE start all mobs inside the castles 1.0 die, but i don't want that! i want the mobs still alive inside all castles for people to fight against the monsters to conquer the castles!

    because they are still uninhabited castles, there must be monsters inside it!

    I think some script is killing mobs but can not find if someone can send me a sript for WOE would be grateful!

  8. I need help my vote painel on fluxcp

    when the player votes by the site, on the "vote for credits" menu, he receives an ammount of credit vote.

    But if these credits aren't added on the player's account.

    When I enter the game to change it for itens, I don't have any credit.

    please i really need help!

    i will be grateful if anyone can help me.

    PS: I NEED NPC FOR CHANGE CASH FOR ITENS IN-GAME ( I need one that works! for none that I downloaded here in the forum so far it's working! )

  9. 1) {bonus bAgi, 2; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,500;}


    you can help me again man please ?

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]STR +10, 20% Resistance to Fire Property Attack But Take 20% More Damage From Water Property Attack[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]AGI +10, 20% Resistance to Wind Property Attack But Take 20% More Damage From Earth Property Attack[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]INT +10, 20% Resistance to Water Property Attack But Take 20% More Damage From Fire Property Attack[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]LUK +10, 20% Resistance to Holy Property Attack But Take 20% More Damage From Dark Property Attack[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]VIT +10, 20% Resistance to Earth Property Attack But Take 20% More Damage From Wind Property Attack[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]DEX +10, 20% Resistance to Silence + 20% To Inflict Silence On Monster[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]STR +15, 20% Resistance to Fire Property Attack But Take 20% More Damage From Water Property Attack. 5% walking speed bonus.[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]STR +20, 20% Resistance to Fire Property Attack But Take 10% More Damage From Water Property Attack[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]LUK +10, AGI +3. 10% Critical rate and 5% extra Critical damage.[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]all custons have 1 slot for card ![/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]if anyone can help me I will be very grateful![/font][/color]

  10. STR +10, 20% Resistance to Fire Property Attack But Take 20% More Damage From Water Property Attack

    AGI +10, 20% Resistance to Wind Property Attack But Take 20% More Damage From Earth Property Attack

    INT +10, 20% Resistance to Water Property Attack But Take 20% More Damage From Fire Property Attack

    LUK +10, 20% Resistance to Holy Property Attack But Take 20% More Damage From Dark Property Attack

    VIT +10, 20% Resistance to Earth Property Attack But Take 20% More Damage From Wind Property Attack

    DEX +10, 20% Resistance to Silence + 20% To Inflict Silence On Monster

    STR +15, 20% Resistance to Fire Property Attack But Take 20% More Damage From Water Property Attack. 5% walking speed bonus.

    STR +20, 20% Resistance to Fire Property Attack But Take 10% More Damage From Water Property Attack

    LUK +10, AGI +3. 10% Critical rate and 5% extra Critical damage.

    all custons have 1 slot for card !

    if anyone can help me I will be very grateful!

  11. i need a script for 3 class,Knight, Hunter and Merchant.

    similar to the Falcon Flute ( if(getskilllv("HT_FALCON")) if(checkoption(Option_Wug)||checkoption(Option_Wugrider)) end; if(checkfalcon()==1) setfalcon 0; else setfalcon 1; )

    but i need a script that will check the class.

    if (knight / lord knight) he mounts it on peco-peco.

    if (Cruzader / Paladin ) he mounts it on peco-peco i think xD

    if (Hunter/ Sniper) he will take the falcon.

    if (Merchant or Whitesmith) he will take the cart.

    his item could be used to call the peco-peco, falcon and cart, anywhere!

    and i need a 2nd script now for the 3rd class

    similar to first script but now we add 3rd class

    if anyone can help me I will be very grateful.

  12. when using @ recall at some player, he can not move after being teleported.

    when any player use @ go or @warp, in some cases your character does not move, does not open the menus, just closing the game and re-logging it back to normal.


  13. here's how:

    Click Open create Thor patch File Name.

    1. Click File.

    2. Click Single File and Select the Client.exe you'll be patching and Press Generate after that.


    3. Press [root]



    how i can put file.grf for update ? all my grfs when i try convert to .thor get error when updater in my thor.exe

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