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Posts posted by ZelosAvalon

  1. I need help for configure Putty for check the logs of my ragnarok server, always when i try to loggin with Putty the give me a message : Access Denied , what is this ? any1 know how i can fix it ? please i need help!


  2. -	script	quest_block	-1,{
    	.@map$ = strcharinfo(3);
    	while( .@i++<.len )
    		if( compare(.map_name$[.@i],.@map$) )
    			if( checkquest(.quest_id[.@i])!=2 ) {
    				message strcharinfo(0), "You are not authorized to enter this map.";
    				warp "prontera",100,100;
    	setarray .quest_id[1],  16146;
    	setarray .map_name$[1], "lhz_dun03";
    	.len = getarraysize(.map_name$);
    	while( .@i++<.len )
    		setmapflag .map_name$[.@i], mf_loadevent;

    You can also look in quest_db.txt in your server files under db folder it's a little easier because you don't have to extract your data.



    Thanks, working now =)

  3. I am looking for a script where when a player attempts to teleport to a map which needs quest to access. The player can not teleport for there, and a message appears saying: You are not authorized to enter this map.


     anyone know where I can see the ID of the quests?


    atm i'm try to configure npc for teleport to mid_camp, but first u need to finish the quest "onward to the new world quest"

  4. i have this event : 


    //===== rAthena Script ================================================================================================================

    //= Goblin Invasion
    //===== Created By: ===================================================================================================================
    //= Mysterious
    //===== Current Version: ==============================================================================================================
    //= v1.3
    //===== Compatible With: ==============================================================================================================
    //= TXT & SQL
    //===== Credits: ==============================================================================================================
    //= Mysterious
    //==== Information: =====================================================================================================
    // Keep in mind that the prize amount that is given out is 5 <of the item ID you input> in the NPC.
    // With knowledge, you can change it to whatever you want the prize to be (I.e. cashpoints, etc.).
    jupe_ele,36,53,6 script Event Goblin Invasion 105,{
    set .gm,50;//GM Level to access the GM Menu. Default: 50
    // GM menu 
    //It allows GMs Level 50 or more to Start and Stop invasions.
    if (getgmlevel()>.gm) {
    if (.mobs_left) {
    mes "[Event Goblin Invasion]";
    mes "An invasion is in progress..";
    mes "Location: " + .Map$;
    mes "^FF0000"+.mobs_left+"^000000 Goblins left";
    mes " ";
    mes "Stop invasion?";
    if(select("No:Yes")==1) close;
    donpcevent "Event Goblin Invasion::OnTimer1805000";
    mes "Invasion stopped";
    announce "The Invasion has been stopped by "+strcharinfo(0),bc_all;
    mes "[Event Goblin Invasion]";
    mes "Please customize the Invasion event before starting it.";
    mes "Note - The Goblin Leader drops x5 of the prize.";
    mes "[Event Goblin Invasion]";
    switch(select("Item [" + getitemname(.ItemID) + "]:Start Event")) {
    case 1:
    mes "Which item would you like the Goblin Leader to drop?";
    mes "Please input the item ID:";
    input .ItemID;
    goto Main;
    case 2:
    mes "Starting the event now...";
    goto OnStart;
    // If a player clicks the NPC, it displays:
    mes "[Event Goblin Invasion]";
    mes .mobs_left+" have invaded "+.Map$[.rand_map]+"!";
    //The actual NPC Script//
    OnMinute50: // Change this to your liking
    set .mobs_left, 1;
    sleep2 1000;
    set $@ran, rand(1,6);
    if ($@ran == 6) set .Map$,"splendide";
    if ($@ran == 5) set .Map$,"izlude";
    if ($@ran == 4) set .Map$,"payon";
    if ($@ran == 3) set .Map$,"geffen";
    if ($@ran == 2) set .Map$,"morocc";
    if ($@ran == 1) set .Map$,"prontera";
    sleep2 1000;
    announce "[ Rune-Midgard Guard ]: We have trouble here in the town " + .Map$ + "!", bc_all;
    sleep2 5000;
    announce "[ Rune-Midgard Guard ]: Everyone, we need your help to get rid of these Goblins!", bc_all;
    monster .Map$,0,0,"Goblin",1258,250,"Event Goblin Invasion::OnMyMobDead";
    set .mobs_left, 250;
    OnTimer1805000: // 30 minutes later, kills all the mobs.
    killmonster .Map$,"Event Goblin Invasion::OnMyMobDead";
    set .mobs_left, 0;
    killmonster .Map$,"Event Goblin Invasion::OnMyMobDead";
    killmonster .Map$,"Event Goblin Invasion::OnSpecialMobDead";
    announce "It seems that "+strcharinfo(0)+" has ended the Invasion!",bc_all;
    OnMyMobDead: //When a Goblin is killed
    set .mobs_left, .mobs_left-1;
    if (.mobs_left==0) {
    announce "[ Rune-Midgard Guard ]: The Goblin Leader has spawned in " + .Map$ + "!", bc_all;
    monster .Map$,0,0,"Goblin Leader",1299,1,"Event Goblin Invasion::OnSpecialMobDead";
    } else {
    announce "["+.mobs_left+"/250] Goblins left.",bc_map;
    announce strcharinfo(0)+" has fought off the Goblin Invasion and has been awarded a worthy prize!", bc_all;
    getitem .ItemID,1; //Change the [5] to the amount you wish to hand out.
    donpcevent "Event Goblin Invasion::OnStop";


    i want to change it, to choose what monster will appear in the invasion and what MVP, 

    in the invasion of every monster kill for a player, this player will got 1 Event Point, and who killing MVP got 10!


    and i need a NPC for trade this Event Point, any1 can help me ? I had this NPC, but I lost when I formated my machine, and has it been 3 years that didn't work with scripts, I went back 1 week ago!


    ty anyway, I hope some help!



    I need something like this, is just one example, does not work!



    jupe_ele,36,53,6 script Event Goblin Invasion 105,{

    set .gm,50;//GM Level to access the GM Menu. Default: 50
    // GM menu 
    //It allows GMs Level 50 or more to Start and Stop invasions.
    if (getgmlevel()>.gm) {
    if (.mobs_left) {
    mes "[Event Invasion]";
    mes "An invasion is in progress..";
    mes "Location: " + .Map$;
    mes "^FF0000"+.mobs_left+"^000000 "getmonstername(.MonsterID)" left";
    mes " ";
    mes "Stop invasion?";
    if(select("No:Yes")==1) close;
    donpcevent "Event Invasion::OnTimer1805000";
    mes "Invasion stopped";
    announce "The Invasion has been stopped by "+strcharinfo(0),bc_all;
    mes "[Event Invasion]";
    mes "Please customize the Invasion event before starting it.";
    mes "[Event Invasion]";
    switch(select("Item [" + getitemname(.ItemID) + "]:Monster [" + getmonstername(.MonsterID) + "]:MVP[" + getmvpname(.MvpID) + "]:Town[" + "town name" + "]Start Event")) {
    case 1:
    mes "Which item would you like the MVP to drop?";
    mes "Please input the item ID:";
    input .ItemID;
    mes "Please input the quantite:";
    input .qnt1
    goto Main;
    case 2:
    mes "what monster you want to summon?";
    mes "Please input the monster ID:";
    input .MonsterID;
    mes "Please input the amount of monster u'll summom:";
    input .qnt2
    goto Main;
    case 3:
    mes "what MVP you want to summon?";
    mes "Please input the MVP ID:";
    input .MvpID;
    goto Main;
    case 4:
    mes "what town you want to monster invader?";
    mes "Select the town:";
    select menu with:
    prontera, payon, geffen, aldebaran, morocc ... ( all towns)
    goto Main;
    case 5:
    mes "Starting the event now...";
    goto OnStart;
    // If a player clicks the NPC, it displays:
    mes "[Event Invasion]";
    mes .mobs_left+" have invaded "+.Map$[.rand_map]+"!";
    //The actual NPC Script//
    OnMinute50: // Change this to your liking
    set .mobs_left, 1;
    sleep2 1000;
    announce "[ Rune-Midgard Guard ]: We have trouble here in the town " + .Map$ + "!", bc_all;
    sleep2 5000;
    announce "[ Rune-Midgard Guard ]: Everyone, we need your help to get rid of these monsters!", bc_all;
    monster .Map$,0,0,"getmonstername(.MonsterID)",.MonsterID,.qtd2,"Event Invasion::OnMyMobDead";
    set .mobs_left, .qtd2;
    OnTimer1805000: // 30 minutes later, kills all the mobs.
    killmonster .Map$,"Event Invasion::OnMyMobDead";
    set .mobs_left, 0;
    killmonster .Map$,"Event Invasion::OnMyMobDead";
    killmonster .Map$,"Event Invasion::OnSpecialMobDead";
    announce "It seems that "+strcharinfo(0)+" has ended the Invasion!",bc_all;
    OnMyMobDead: //When a monster is killed
    set .mobs_left, .mobs_left-1;
    if (.mobs_left==0) {
    announce "[ Rune-Midgard Guard ]: The "getmvpname(.MvpID)" has spawned in " + .Map$ + "!", bc_all;
    monster .Map$,0,0,"getmvpname(.MvpID)",.MvpID,1,"Event Invasion::OnSpecialMobDead";
    } else {
    announce "["+.mobs_left+"/.qtd2] "getmonstername(.MonsterID)" left.",bc_map;
    announce strcharinfo(0)+" has fought off the Invasion and has been awarded a worthy prize!", bc_all;
    getitem .ItemID,qnt1; //Change the [5] to the amount you wish to hand out.
    donpcevent "Event Invasion::OnStop";
    on player kill monster strcharinfo(0)+ get 1 Event POint for each kill
    on player kill MVP strcharinfo(0)+ get + 10 event points
  5. I'm looking for a script for an Invasion Event: 


    Need this: 


    an NPC Invasion set with this options: 


    - What monster will summon 

    - What boss will summom map When clean (when all monsters die, the boss will summom) 

    - How many monsters (Amounts que of monsters are summoned on the map) 

    - Where this will Appear monsters (I would choose the map where the invasion will happen) 

    - When this monster will Appear (same npc to WOE configuration for example: saturday: 5:00 pm | sunday: 1:00 am.) When I would choose the event will start and time 


    a script which will show the amounts of monsters, still alive on the map. 

    The players will get 1 Event Point for every monster killed. 

    The player to kill the MVP (boss) at the end of the event will earn 20 Point Event. 


    an NPC Reward Event where players can exchange their Points Event for items


    my old npc "monsterinvasion" is annexed so that you can help me, it contains some scripts that can be useful!


  6. -	script	vip_timeleft	-1,{
    query_sql "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`vencimentoVip`) FROM login WHERE account_id="+playerattached(), .@vencimentoVip;
    if (.@vencimentoVip) {
    	dispbottom "[Controle VIP] : expires in " + callfunc("Time2Str", .@vencimentoVip);

    dont work =(

    ty man working , but if a player use the vip ticket 15 days and later use vip ticket 30 days, they don't add up, he loses the 15 days VIP, and won vip 30 days, instead of staying with 45 days vip.

    you know how i can fix it ?

    I fixed my script so if the player already has a VIP Rental, any new rentals will stack.


    dont work too with this items :

    8036,Ticket_VIP_15,Ticket Vip (15 days),2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "F_VIPstart", 1296000; },{},{}
    8037,Ticket_VIP_30,Ticket Vip (30 days),2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "F_VIPstart", 2592000; },{},{}

  7. I've got many problems with the WOE.

    1 - HP and the HP% of Emperium is showing up for all players during WOE.

    2 - The Emperium is showing up without WOE be active!

    please, the last time I'll ask somebody help me! ja is the fourth topic I do about it and no one helped me!

  8. This is the src mod =)

    * Sleep (@sleep)
    int atcommand_sleep(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message)
    if (agit_flag) // skill not useable in WOE [A17kaliva]
    	clif_displaymessage(fd, "Cannot use this command during WOE.");
    	return -1;
    if(!battle_config.prevent_logout || DIFF_TICK(gettick(), sd->canlog_tick) > 10) {
    if(sd->sc.opt1 != 0 && sd->sc.opt1 != OPT1_SLEEP){
    	clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(807));
    		return -1;
    if(sd->sc.opt1 != OPT1_SLEEP){
    	sc_start(&sd->bl, SC_TRICKDEAD, 100, 1, 1000);
    	sd->sc.opt1 = OPT1_SLEEP;
    	clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(805));
    } else {
    	sd->sc.opt1 = 0;
    	status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_TRICKDEAD, -1);
    	clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(806));
    		return 0;
    	clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(807));
    		return -1;

    I suggest that change my displaymessages n_nU cause the newest versions have that messages busy n_nU ~~

    i put but dont work =/ where i need to put it ? i need to change more .conf ? or just atcommand ? help me please and this messages you can post for me what messages is : 806, 807 ... for i can change ?

  9. Here's one VIP Rental script: vip_rental.txt

    It can be used in an item script or npc script:

    { callfunc "F_VIPstart", <ticks>; }

    ticks = how long their VIP will last, in seconds

    - 1 day = 86400

    - 7 days = 604800

    - 14 days = 1209600



    8036,Ticket_VIP_15,Ticket Vip (15 days),2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "F_VIPstart", 1296000; },{},{}
    8037,Ticket_VIP_30,Ticket Vip (30 days),2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "F_VIPstart", 2592000; },{},{}

    ty man working , but if a player use the vip ticket 15 days and later use vip ticket 30 days, they don't add up, he loses the 15 days VIP, and won vip 30 days, instead of staying with 45 days vip.

    you know how i can fix it ?

    //==Abaixo o controle dos dias vip
    - script vip -1,{
    query_sql "SELECT `vencimentoVip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '"+ getcharid(3) +"'", .@vencimentoVip;
    dispbottom "[VIP Control]: viptime "+.@vencimentoVip+".";

    my sql :

    message when i log :

    i need to show when i log : date vip will expire example : post-10870-0-70709100-1359225330_thumb.jpg

    Here's one VIP Rental script: vip_rental.txt

    It can be used in an item script or npc script:

    { callfunc "F_VIPstart", <ticks>; }

    ticks = how long their VIP will last, in seconds

    - 1 day = 86400

    - 7 days = 604800

    - 14 days = 1209600



    8036,Ticket_VIP_15,Ticket Vip (15 days),2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "F_VIPstart", 1296000; },{},{}
    8037,Ticket_VIP_30,Ticket Vip (30 days),2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "F_VIPstart", 2592000; },{},{}

    ty man working , but if a player use the vip ticket 15 days and later use vip ticket 30 days, they don't add up, he loses the 15 days VIP, and won vip 30 days, instead of staying with 45 days vip.

    you know how i can fix it ?

    //==Abaixo o controle dos dias vip
    - script vip -1,{
    query_sql "SELECT `vencimentoVip` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '"+ getcharid(3) +"'", .@vencimentoVip;
    dispbottom "[VIP Control]: viptime "+.@vencimentoVip+".";

    my sql : post-10870-0-76406500-1359225395_thumb.png

    message when i log : post-10870-0-12928000-1359225399_thumb.jpg

    i need to show when i log : date vip will expire example : post-10870-0-70709100-1359225330_thumb.jpg

  10. i did already //renewal

    i did change the script in the item db still from aspd of 160 when Doppel card is not equip up to 147 aspd if equiped.. how to fix sir?

    Sorry Trial and Error Method!


    hello man,

    if you are using a weapon, some weapons decrease your aspd! especially two-handed

    you can increase the dopple effect in u item_db:

    Original: 4142,Doppelganger_Card,Doppelganger Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus bAspdRate,10; },{},{}

    bonus Attack speed + 10%

    just change it if you want increase effect.

  11. i need a script for two items:

    8036,Ticket Vip 15,Ticket Vip 15,0,50,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ ????? },{},{} 15 days vips

    8037,Ticket Vip 30,Ticket Vip 30,0,50,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ ????? },{},{} 30 days vips

    the item is consumable, and when someone use, will get time vip

    and i need a script similar to that message "mtod" that appears whenever someone logs in, but this appears, the time vip that you possess, and the time remaining for your vip expires.

    my sql vip table is located in: FROM `login` `vencimentoVip`

    SELECT `ID` FROM `login` `account_id` `vencimentoVip` i need to configure query_sql to show, vip time when the char login.

    and when i change it by item ticket vip or on website will show too!

  12. I here again, and still can't configure my event :(


    i need to add on this script a command line which will give a reward for the 3 players who kill more monsters in the event.

    note : for the first player (who kill more monsters) will earn reward 1

    for the second player will earn reward 2

    for the third player will earn reward 3

    the other players did not gain any reward, unless you kill the mvp

  13. The errors were mostly from not nesting correctly the IF parentheses.

    For the rest, just some missing ; and some line that didn't have mes.

    gonryun,37,22,6 script Valkyrie Crafter 801,{
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Oh! A visitor. That's do rare!";
    mes "Welcome to the portal to God's Realm.";
    mes "I'm the guardian of this place.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "What are you seeking stranger? The words of God himself?";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Or are you interested in my special crafting abilities?";
    switch(select("Yeah, I'd like to hear God' voice:So, what can you craft exactly?:That's very interesting but i have to go."))
    case 1:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "oh, so you want hear God's voice.";
    mes "Well, only angels can hear him. Are you an angel?";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Mmm, no. You don't seem to propagate any Holy Waves of the Angels.";
    mes "I'm sorry but you won't be able to hear him today.";
    mes "Maybe if you do become an anel one day.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "In this case, I wish you a good day traveler!";
    case 2:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "I'm the finest crafter of heaven.";
    mes "I can make wings that are completely out of this world.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "My finest work consist of crafting elemental wings from normal wings.";
    mes "It's like refining existing wings if you prefer.";
    mes "You simply need to hand me the elements that i need to do them.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes"Oh! There is however a litte special request I would have to ask you before starting doing any crafting.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "i'm a big lover of rare precious stones. They're a real source of inspiration to me !";
    mes "So, for any wings you want me to craft, could you please bring me at least 10 of each of those ores:";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "10x Ruby";
    mes "10x Sapphire";
    mes "10x Topaz";
    mes "10x Opal";
    mes "10x Emerald";
    mes "10x Amethyst";
    mes "10x Aquamarine";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "So what wings would you like me to craft for you ?";
    switch(select("Artic Wings:Demon Wings:Phoenix Wings:Gargoyle Wings:Torn Wings:Nothing for now, tahnk you."))
    case 1:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Those water element wings are said to provide extra knowledge about the world we live in.";
    mes "Ok, I will need the following:";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "1x Angel Wings";
    mes "25x Mystic Frozen";
    mes "10x Frozen Rose";
    mes "50x Ice Cubic";
    mes "10x gold for the crafting fees";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "So, do you want me to make them now ?";
    switch(select("Sure, I got all the items!:Mm, can I choose another wings?:No, I don't have all items yet..."))
    case 1:
    if(countitem(723) < 10 && countitem(726) < 10 && countitem(728) < 10 && countitem(727) < 10 && countitem(721) < 10 && countitem(719) < 10 && countitem(720) < 10)
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Oh! ssems that you didn't do the most important task: that's to bring to me all the precious stones i requested.";
    mes "They are my source of inspiration and motivation. Without them, i can't do your wings.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Come back when you have them please!";
    if(countitem(8002) < 1 && countitem(995) < 25 && countitem(749) < 10 && countitem(7066) < 50 && countitem(969) < 10)
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Mm, I'm sorry. It seems that some items are missing.";
    mes "Please, feel free to come again when you have everything.";
    if(countitem(8002) >= 1 && countitem(995) >= 25 && countitem(749) >= 10 && countitem(7066) >= 50 && countitem(969) >= 10 && countitem(723) >= 10 && countitem(726) >= 10 && countitem(728) >= 10 && countitem(727) >= 10 && countitem(721) >= 10 && countitem(719) >= 10 && countitem(720) >= 10)
    delitem 8002,1;
    delitem 995,25;
    delitem 749,10;
    delitem 7066,50;
    delitem 969,10;
    delitem 723,10;
    delitem 726,10;
    delitem 728,10;
    delitem 727,10;
    delitem 721,10;
    delitem 719,10;
    delitem 720,10;
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "great! I'll start making them right now. Ok, just wait a few minutes please.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "*Waiting impatiently for the wings*";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "( 15 minutes later )";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Holy God! That's some great work i just did! Here yo ugo young traveler.";
    mes "Those are you Arctic Wings.";
    getitem 8005,1;
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Bye and don't hestate to come back! Enjoy your new wings ^^";
    case 2:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "So, do you want me to make them now ?";
    goto Main;
    case 3:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Very well. Good bye traveler and please come back again!";
    case 2:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "WoW, I see that you show interest in the Demons Wings. Be careful with its power!";
    mes "Well, I only need those to make them:";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "1x Devil Wings";
    mes "100x Dragon Scale";
    mes "100x Evil Horn";
    mes "50x Tiger's Footskin";
    mes "10x gold for the crafting fees";
    mes "So, do you want me to make them now ?";
    switch(select("Sure, I got all the items!:Mm, can I choose another wings?:No, I don't have all items yet..."))
    case 1:
    if(countitem(723) < 10 && countitem(726) < 10 && countitem(728) < 10 && countitem(727) < 10 && countitem(721) < 10 && countitem(719) < 10 && countitem(720) < 10)
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Oh! ssems that you didn't do the most important task: that's to bring to me all the precious stones i requested.";
    mes "They are my source of inspiration and motivation. Without them, i can't do your wings.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Come back when you have them please!";
    if(countitem(8001) < 1 && countitem(1036) < 100 && countitem(923) < 100 && countitem(1030) < 50 && countitem(969) < 10)
    mes "Mm, I'm sorry. It seems that some items are missing.";
    mes "Please, feel free to come again when you have everything.";
    if(countitem(8001) >= 1 && countitem(1036) >= 100 && countitem(923) >= 100 && countitem(1030) >= 50 && countitem(969) >= 10 && countitem(723) >= 10 && countitem(726) >= 10 && countitem(728) >= 10 && countitem(727) >= 10 && countitem(721) >= 10 && countitem(719) >= 10 && countitem(720) >= 10)
    delitem 8001,1;
    delitem 1036,100;
    delitem 923,100;
    delitem 1030,50;
    delitem 969,10;
    delitem 723,10;
    delitem 726,10;
    delitem 728,10;
    delitem 727,10;
    delitem 721,10;
    delitem 719,10;
    delitem 720,10;
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "great! I'll start making them right now. Ok, just wait a few minutes please.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "*Waiting impatiently for the wings*";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "( 15 minutes later )";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Holy God! That's some great work i just did! Here yo ugo young traveler.";
    mes "Those are you Arctic Wings.";
    getitem 8006,1;
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Bye and don't hestate to come back! Enjoy your new wings ^^";
    case 2:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "So, do you want me to make them now ?";
    goto Main;
    case 3:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Very well. Good bye traveler and please come back again!";
    case 3:
    goto Main;
    case 4:
    goto Main;
    case 5:
    goto Main;
    case 6:
    case 3:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Very well. Good bye traveler and please come back again!";

    working , but with directories is wrong, i tried fix , but i'm failed :( dont can give me this scrip on txt ? cuz when i copy it adont have no1 tab and missing directories, cuz have alot cases

    a need it : Valkyrie_Crafter.txt check this

  14. file txt npc quest : Valkyrie_Crafter.txt

    erro line : 90 and have others erros anyone can check this script for me ?

    gonryun,37,22,6 script Valkyrie Crafter 801,{
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Oh! A visitor. That's do rare!";
    mes "Welcome to the portal to God's Realm.";
    mes "I'm the guardian of this place.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "What are you seeking stranger? The words of God himself?";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Or are you interested in my special crafting abilities?";
    switch(select("Yeah, I'd like to hear God' voice:So, what can you craft exactly?:That's very interesting but i have to go.")) 
    case 1: 
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "oh, so you want hear God's voice.";
    mes "Well, only angels can hear him. Are you an angel?";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Mmm, no. You don't seem to propagate any Holy Waves of the Angels.";
    mes "I'm sorry but you won't be able to hear him today.";
    mes "Maybe if you do become an anel one day.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "In this case, I wish you a good day traveler!";
    case 2:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "I'm the finest crafter of heaven.";
    mes "I can make wings that are completely out of this world.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "My finest work consist of crafting elemental wings from normal wings.";
    mes "It's like refining existing wings if you prefer.";
    mes "You simply need to hand me the elements that i need to do them.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes"Oh! There is however a litte special request I would have to ask you before starting doing any crafting.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "i'm a big lover of rare precious stones. They're a real source of inspiration to me !";
    mes "So, for any wings you want me to craft, could you please bring me at least 10 of each of those ores:";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "10x Ruby";
    mes "10x Sapphire";
    mes "10x Topaz";
    mes "10x Opal";
    mes "10x Emerald";
    mes "10x Amethyst";
    mes "10x Aquamarine";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "So what wings would you like me to craft for you ?";
    switch(select("Artic Wings:Demon Wings:Phoenix Wings:Gargoyle Wings:Torn Wings:Nothing for now, tahnk you."))
    case 1:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Those water element wings are said to provide extra knowledge about the world we live in.";
    mes "Ok, I will need the following:";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "1x Angel Wings";
    mes "25x Mystic Frozen";
    mes "10x Frozen Rose";
    mes "50x Ice Cubic";
    mes "10x gold for the crafting fees";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "So, do you want me to make them now ?";
    switch(select("Sure, I got all the items!:Mm, can I choose another wings?:No, I don't have all items yet..."))
    case 1:
    if(countitem(723) < 10 && countitem(726) < 10 && countitem(728) < 10 && countitem(727) < 10 && countitem(721) < 10 && countitem(719) < 10 && countitem(720) < 10)
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Oh! ssems that you didn't do the most important task: that's to bring to me all the precious stones i requested.";
    mes "They are my source of inspiration and motivation. Without them, i can't do your wings.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Come back when you have them please!";
    if(countitem(8002) < 1 && (countitem(995) < 25 && countitem(749) < 10 && countitem(7066) < 50 && countitem(969) < 10)
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Mm, I'm sorry. It seems that some items are missing.";
    mes "Please, feel free to come again when you have everything.";
    if(countitem(8002) >= 1 && (countitem(995) >= 25 && countitem(749) >= 10 && countitem(7066) >= 50 && countitem(969) >= 10 && countitem(723) >= 10 && countitem(726) >= 10 && countitem(728) >= 10 && countitem(727) >= 10 && countitem(721) >= 10 && countitem(719) >= 10 && countitem(720) >= 10)
    delitem 8002,1;
    delitem 995,25;
    delitem 749,10;
    delitem 7066,50;
    delitem 969,10;
    delitem 723,10;
    delitem 726,10;
    delitem 728,10;
    delitem 727,10;
    delitem 721,10;
    delitem 719,10;
    delitem 720,10;
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "great! I'll start making them right now. Ok, just wait a few minutes please.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "*Waiting impatiently for the wings*";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "( 15 minutes later )";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Holy God! That's some great work i just did! Here yo ugo young traveler.";
    mes "Those are you Arctic Wings.";
    getitem 8005,1;
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Bye and don't hestate to come back! Enjoy your new wings ^^";
    case 2:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "So, do you want me to make them now ?";
    goto Main;
    case 3:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Very well. Good bye traveler and please come back again!";
    case 2:
    [Valkyrie Crafter]
    WoW, I see that you show interest in the Demons Wings. Be careful with its power!
    Well, I only need those to make them:
    [Valkyrie Crafter]
    1x Devil Wings
    100x Dragon Scale
    100x Evil Horn
    50x Tiger's Footskin
    10x gold for the crafting fees
    mes "So, do you want me to make them now ?";
    switch(select("Sure, I got all the items!:Mm, can I choose another wings?:No, I don't have all items yet..."))
    case 1:
    if(countitem(723) < 10 && countitem(726) < 10 && countitem(728) < 10 && countitem(727) < 10 && countitem(721) < 10 && countitem(719) < 10 && countitem(720) < 10)
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Oh! ssems that you didn't do the most important task: that's to bring to me all the precious stones i requested.";
    mes "They are my source of inspiration and motivation. Without them, i can't do your wings."
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Come back when you have them please!";
    if(countitem(8001) < 1 && (countitem(1036) < 100 && countitem(923) < 100 && countitem(1030) < 50 && countitem(969) < 10)
    mes "Mm, I'm sorry. It seems that some items are missing.";
    mes "Please, feel free to come again when you have everything.";
    if(countitem(8001) >= 1 && (countitem(1036) >= 100 && countitem(923) >= 100 && countitem(1030) >= 50 && countitem(969) >= 10 && countitem(723) >= 10 && countitem(726) >= 10 && countitem(728) >= 10 && countitem(727) >= 10 && countitem(721) >= 10 && countitem(719) >= 10 && countitem(720) >= 10)
    delitem 8001,1;
    delitem 1036,100;
    delitem 923,100;
    delitem 1030,50;
    delitem 969,10;
    delitem 723,10;
    delitem 726,10;
    delitem 728,10;
    delitem 727,10;
    delitem 721,10;
    delitem 719,10;
    delitem 720,10;
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "great! I'll start making them right now. Ok, just wait a few minutes please.";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "*Waiting impatiently for the wings*";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "( 15 minutes later )";
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Holy God! That's some great work i just did! Here yo ugo young traveler.";
    mes "Those are you Arctic Wings.";
    getitem 8006,1;
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Bye and don't hestate to come back! Enjoy your new wings ^^";
    case 2:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "So, do you want me to make them now ?";
    goto Main;
    case 3:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Very well. Good bye traveler and please come back again!";
    case 3:
    goto Main;
    case 4:
    goto Main;
    case 5:
    goto Main;
    case 6:
    case 3:
    mes "[Valkyrie Crafter]";
    mes "Very well. Good bye traveler and please come back again!";

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