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Everything posted by Dynasty

  1. Hi i need a logo plss with these specifications Server name: Mup Size: Medium 200x200 or 400x400 & as a icon 24x24 (if u can of course) Imagen Background: A cool Hexagon Theme: Company Examplo: I'll be eternally grateful.
  2. use tortoise svn for download this : http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/
  3. we're always thanks for devs works, least i'm xD
  4. THK AnnieRuru that was just what i needed
  5. hmmm try to update your rAthena, maybe it is a bug that have been fixed now
  6. Follow this guide http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Maps
  7. please you have to report it in to here http://rathena.org/board/tracker/project-5-skills/
  8. you really have to know that the monster's drops have a orden, 1. drop items and then drops card if you want to see a example go to your sql mob db and see it
  9. go to npc/merchant/refine.txt then go to this line // Weapon/Armor Refiners //============================================================ prt_in,63,60,0 script Hollgrehenn 85,{ callfunc "refinemain","Hollgrehenn",0; end; } morocc_in,73,38,6 script Aragham 99,{ callfunc "refinemain","Aragham",0; end; } payon,144,173,5 script Antonio 88,{ callfunc "refinemain","Antonio",0; end; } alberta_in,28,58,0 script Fredrik 85,{ callfunc "refinemain","Fredrik",0; end; } yuno_in01,171,21,4 script Lambert 88,{ callfunc "refinemain","Lambert",0; end; } ein_in01,24,87,5 script Manthasman 826,{ callfunc "refinemain","Manthasman Pruhag",0; end; } lhz_in02,282,20,7 script Fulerr 869,{ callfunc "refinemain","Fulerr",0; end; } reemplace all the 0 for 1 callfunc "refinemain","Fulerr",0; like this callfunc "refinemain","Fulerr",1;
  10. oohhh no leei bien tu post es que mira esa parte del server esta seteada para que nadie pueda saltar esa configuracion, solo tienes que cambiarle el 100 por 99 a todo y listo (con la opcion de reemplazar de tu notepad)
  11. but also you have to use end instead of close
  12. all_equipment: false - true item_unconditional: false - true Asi deberia de funcionar
  13. Here: http://nn.nachtwolke.com/dev/npclist/?qq=1
  14. I did it just for practice xD, i just want to learn everyhing xD what about the main question about break; .-.? and i have one new question what is the different between these .@item and .item?
  15. I everyone i have a doubt about the function break if i do this mes "Bueno parece que tienes todo para hacer tus municiones"; for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize (.@item2); set .@i,.@i+2){ do {set .@r,.@r+1;} while (.@i <= getarraysize (.@item2)) delitem .@item2[.@i],.@item2[.@r]; break; } next; mes "Habla conmigo en unos segundo para terminar de hacer tus municiones"; set municiones,1; close; where i put break; it means that the npc will continue with the next;? that is everything that i want to know thanks
  16. Hi everyone I have a question, how I can disable the censure of the sv Ex: when I write a bad words the sv censure it with ******* That is evrything Thk bumb!
  17. rathena\npc\re\merchants\renters = Magic Gear Master rathena\npc\re\quests\eden\eden_common = . Eden Teleport Officer
  18. on this map guild_vs3 a try to place this on all the map flags ... pvp, gvg, noparty noguild everything... and still the same.. (I cant kill a member of my guild)
  19. Hi How do i have to configurate my server to set that the members of the same guild can kill each other?
  20. Dynasty

    item_db help

    wut? I'm a bit confused read it. Did u mean "why don't rAthena open a git for client item data?"? yep xD my english is so bad right now ~w~
  21. Dynasty

    item_db help

    i have a question if u guys rathena staff have a repository of the server on git what you dont have view data of these item on another repository on git?
  22. Dynasty

    Mvp Rank

    ill try both. Yonna and annie but in reality i need one for those player that already have some mvp killed.
  23. Dynasty

    Mvp Rank

    Hi everyone and happy new year. i would like to ask for a mvp rank that use sql table mvplogs. emmm that is everything -w- Peace!
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