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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/19 in Posts

  1. Bonjour! I finished another map of the Gaia Series, totally customized, and with that touch of fantasy. The Enchanted Village! The idea of this map is to be the main city of the Gaia project, an idealized instance created by TioAkima, where there will be PVP, dungeons, fiefdoms, items, NPCs, Mobs, VIP Room, etc ... All this theme. (Below are some prints and video of the Map) One more touch of fantasy of TioAkima ... VIDEO SHOWING THE MAP MORE DETAIL LOOK THE MOVIE! Leets'rooock For those who have not seen yet, the PVP with the same theme, Look the video! LOOK THE MOVIE! GO! Leets'plaaaaaaaay guys This is GAIA PVP End! Thanks
    2 points
  2. roCORD for rAthena Hey everyone, I am currently working on a Discord bot which allows interaction between a Discord server and an in game channel. Support for Version 1 is now dropped! Version 2 can be found under this link -> https://github.com/Normynator/roCORD/tree/development Documentation about installation and configuration can be found here -> https://github.com/Normynator/roCORD/tree/development/docs More updates on Version 2 will follow.
    1 point
  3. The rAthena have changed the default PACKETVER to 20180620 because we support all required features or have them on some pull requests in the Git repository and because of that I'm releasing this client. That's all. Important Note: This client uses sclientinfo.xml instead of clientinfo.xml. Download link: 2018-06-20eRagexeRE.exe (MediaFire).
    1 point
  4. Defined rAthena NPC scripting language for Notepad++. Link: https://github.com/Sehrentos/rAthena-syntax-highlight Keywords contents NPC script commands. Constants from db/const.txt How to add to Notepad++? Open your Notepad++ and go to the Language > Define your language... > Import. Use default styles in the Settings > Style Configurator > Select theme: Default. Or you can download example style theme /themes/rAthenaWhite.xml and import it Settings < Import < Import style theme(s).... Restart Notepad++ after changing language or styles. Make a new style theme or edit existing one: Make a new theme by copying stylers.xml in %APPDATA%\Notepad++ and rename it for your theme and edit it. Save it in %APPDATA%\Notepad++\themes folder. Restart Notepad++ after edit. Auto-completion Copy APIs/rathena.xml to Notepad++ installation folder APIs/rathena. Open menu Settings > Preferences... > Auto-Completion tab, check "Enable auto-completion on each input". Restart Notepad++. Sources: rAthena Script Commands rAthena Constants Happy editing Image: Thanks, @Cydh for auto-completion
    1 point
  5. thanks a lot Annie. the scripts worked. but got 2 questions : 1. is it possible for @mapmoblist only update the current mob on the map that is not including the one is died? eg : I use the command at prt_fild04. let's say I've killed a vocal in the map, then if I use the command again, vocal will not display on bottom chat until next respawn. 2. how to make @whosell search for vending items only? not cash items.
    1 point
  6. Hope it works. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Healer //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.1 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Basic healer script. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Initial script. //= 1.1 Aligned coordinates with @go. //============================================================ - script Healer -1,{ .@Delay = 0; // Heal delay, in seconds setarray .@Item[0], 7539, 10; if ( $healer_rent <= gettimetick(2) && countitem(.@Item[0]) >= .@Item[1]) { message strcharinfo(0), "Do you want to rent this NPC? Price: "+.@Item[1]+" "+getitemname(.@Item[0])+"."; if ( select("No:Yes") == 2 ) { if (countitem(.@Item[0]) >= .@Item[1]) { delitem .@Item[0], .@Item[1]; $healer_zeny = 0; $healer_price = 0; $healer_rent = gettimetick(2) + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; $healer_id = getcharid(3); } } } else if ( $healer_rent > gettimetick(2) && getcharid(3) == $healer_id ) { message strcharinfo(0),"Rent time left: "+Time2Str($healer_rent)+"."; message strcharinfo(0),"Zeny avaiaible: "+F_InsertComma($healer_zeny)+"."; switch(select("Continue:Set cost:"+(($healer_zeny)? "Withdraw zeny" : ""))) { case 2: input $healer_price; break; case 3: if($healer_zeny) { message strcharinfo(0), F_InsertComma($healer_zeny)+" received."; Zeny += $healer_zeny; $healer_zeny = 0; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"There isn't any zeny."; } break; } } if(countitem(.@Item[0])) { message strcharinfo(0),"Currency: "+getitemname(.@Item[0])+"."; for(.@i = 1;.item_amt[.@i] > 0;.@i++) { .@start = .index[.@i - 1]; if(!(#healer_unlock & 1 << (.@i - 1))) .@menu$+= "Unlock "+.buff_name$[.@i]+" ("+.item_amt[.@i]+")"; .@menu$+= ":"; } .@buff = select(.@menu$); if(countitem(.@Item[0] >= .item_amt[.@buff]) { #healer_unlock^= (1 << (.@buff - 1)) } if (@HD > gettimetick(2)) end; if ($healer_price) { message strcharinfo(0), "Healing costs " + F_InsertComma($healer_price) + " Zeny."; if (Zeny < $healer_price) end; if (select("^0055FFHeal^000000:^777777Cancel^000000") == 2) end; if(Zeny < $healer_price) end; Zeny -= $healer_price; $healer_zeny += $healer_price; } specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100; if(#healer_unlock) { for(.@i = 1;.item_amt[.@i] > 0;.@i++) { if(#healer_unlock & (1 << (.@i - 1))) { .@start = .buff_index[.@i - 1]; .@end = .buff_index[.@i]; for(.@i = .@start;.@i <= .@end;.@i++) sc_start .buff_id[.@i],240000,.buff_lv[.@i]; } } } if (.@Delay) @HD = gettimetick(2) + .@Delay; end; OnInit: .@id$ = strnpcinfo(2); if(.@id$ != "") { // add_buff(<item amount>,"name",<buff>,<lvl>{,<buff>,<lvl>}); add_buff(1,"Agi and Blessing",SC_INCREASEAGI,10,SC_BLESSING,10); //add_buff(2,...); .buff_id = 0; .total_buffs = 0; } end; function add_buff { .buff_name$[++.buff_id] = getarg(1); .item_amt[.buff_id] = getarg(0); .@args = getargcount(); for(.@i = 2;.@i < .@args;.@i+= 2) { .buff_id[.@i + .total_buffs - 2] = getarg(.@i); .buff_lv[.@i + .total_buffs - 2] = getarg(.@i + 1); } .total_buffs+= ((.@i/2) - 1); .buff_index[.buff_id] = .total_buffs; } } // Duplicates //============================================================ alberta,25,240,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#alb 909 aldebaran,135,118,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#alde 909 amatsu,200,79,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ama 909 ayothaya,207,169,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ayo 909 comodo,184,158,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#com 909 einbech,57,36,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#einbe 909 einbroch,57,202,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#einbr 909 geffen,115,72,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#gef 909 gonryun,156,122,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#gon 909 hugel,89,150,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#hug 909 izlude,121,150,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#izl 909 //Pre-RE: (125,118) jawaii,250,139,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#jaw 909 lighthalzen,152,100,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#lhz 909 louyang,226,103,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#lou 909 manuk,272,144,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#man 909 mid_camp,203,289,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mid 909 moc_ruins,72,164,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#moc 909 morocc,153,97,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mor 909 moscovia,220,191,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mos 909 niflheim,212,182,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#nif 909 payon,179,106,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#pay 909 prontera,162,193,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#prt 909 rachel,125,116,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#rac 909 splendide,201,153,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#spl 909 thor_camp,249,74,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#thor 909 umbala,105,148,3 duplicate(Healer) Healer#umb 909 veins,217,121,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ve 909 xmas,143,136,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#xmas 909 yuno,164,45,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#yuno 909 // Duplicates (Renewal) //============================================================ brasilis,194,221,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#bra 909 dewata,195,187,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#dew 909 dicastes01,201,194,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#dic 909 ecl_in01,45,60,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ecl 909 malangdo,132,114,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mal 909 malaya,227,204,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ma 909 mora,55,152,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mora 909
    1 point
  7. Whenever I change the langtype to 1 it won't load. I'm using the most recent data folder but everytime I change the langtype I get the error nil value. UPDATE: Fix with this:
    1 point
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