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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/18 in Posts

  1. Euphy's Scripts Disclaimer You may use, modify, and host all of my released scripts. You may not sell them, re-release them in any way (modified or otherwise), or remove the credits. < Event Manager > < Hunting Missions > < Queue System > < Euphy's WOE Controller > < All-In-One NPC > < Euphy's Quest Shop > < Euphy's Warper > < Item Rewards > < Custom Currency Multi-Shop > < Build Manager + > < Class Mastery System > < Class Specialization > < Badge System > < Guarantee Refine Ticket > < Item Fusion > < Euphy's MVP Ladder > < Card Trader > < NPC Duplicate Generator > < Auto-Potion >
    1 point
  2. View File sader's Garment Files Generator how it work : it make data folder and copy the Garment files in it and rename them since Garment need to renamed on the name of every classes boy and girl you will need : main spirit file, main act file, drop spirit file, drop act file, item bmp, collection bmp in Version 2 ,you will have 2 files , boys_list.txt and girls_list.txt , in it you will have a list of all the classes in the game (up to before the Summoner Update) , you can add any new class there. the files will be named with Korean at the place where the program is it will create the data folder inside it all the files after it done keep in mind that you need to edit spriterobename.lua/spriterobename.lub , spriterobeid.lua/spriterobeid.lub and transparentItem.lua/transparentItem.lub iteminfo.lua/iteminfo.lub [<ItemID>] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "<unidentified InGame Name>", unidentifiedResourceName = "<unidentified_File_Name>", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Description", "^ffffff_^000000", "Weight: ^7777777^000000", }, identifiedDisplayName = = "<InGame Name>", identifiedResourceName = "<File_Name>", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Description", "^ffffff_^000000", "Weight: ^7777777^000000", }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = <ViewID> }, spriterobename.lua/spriterobename.lub RobeNameTable = { [SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_<File_Name>] = "<File_Name>" } spriterobeid.lua/spriterobeid.lub SPRITE_ROBE_IDs = { ROBE_<File_Name> = <ViewID> } transparentItem.lua/transparentItem.lub transparentItemlist = { { <ViewID>, 255, 255, 25500 }, } Source code: https://github.com/sader1992/Garment_Files_Generator My Website: https://sader1992.com/ Contact me for Errors Submitter sader1992 Submitted 07/19/2017 Category Spriting & Paletting Tools Content Author sader1992  
    1 point
  3. Hey everybody, I've mentioned wanting to produce some Browedit tutorials for a long time, so I've finally gotten around to starting. These will be posted/updated a a little infrequently- Basically whenever I have the free time and have come up with a good idea. It's noted in the introduction, but my tutorials will focus more on how to make your maps look good rather than being highly technical explanations of how different edit modes work, or how to use third-party programs. There will be some technical stuff, but again, this will be more about style and design rather than technical things. You can post in this thread to offer feedback on what I've written so far, or suggest topics you would like to see me cover. My tutorials are written in publicly accessible Google Docs- It's a nice, easy to use format and lets me make adjustments, edits, and updates easily. Sage's Browedit Tutorials Introduction How To Make Lightmaps Stop Looking Bad In this first post, I'll also write down a few vague ideas I have for future tutorials. Don't take any of these as promises- They might become part of bigger tutorials, or I might come up with a different way to present the ideas, or whatever. I may come up with something completely different, too. Anyway, here are some tutorials I'm considering writing: Retexturing Models - Syouji's video guides explain how to do this, but I think I could probably make a non-video based guide on how to do this that's a little clearer and easier to follow. Making Town Maps - I see a lot of town maps with similar problems that result in them not being very good- Mismatched models and textures, boring and repetitive streets, etc. Global Height Edit - This is a nifty tool with a couple fun/creative applications. Not sure if there's enough to make up its own guide, however. Custom Models are for Suckers - There are a lot of cool 'custom' models you can make by just arranging existing RO models together to form particular shapes. I have a few fun ones I can share to maybe inspire people. Interior Maps - A tutorial on making RO-style interiors in isometric form, and some style ideas for different settings: Homes, castles, abandoned buildings, etc. You're also free to treat this thread as an 'ask me anything' sorta deal, in case you want a quick answer from me on anything regarding mapping or my process or just about anything. yeet
    1 point
  4. View File Account bound achievement This patch has been made for the June 2018 version of rAthena. It doesn't work with the latest version of rAthena. For more information, you can contact me on Discord. This patch allows you to create account OR character bound achievement instead of only character bound achievement. - Rewards are available once per account for account bound achievement - All characters and newly created characters on the account will get the unlocked titles from account bound achievement I provide you the patch and a README.txt which explains you how to use it. You also need to add a column in the achievement table. I provide you the SQL commands as well. BEFORE to apply any patch, make a save of the current state of your server. If you have issue applying this patch, I will provide support for free for you to have it working and if your emulator is not too old to handle this (have at least the classic achievement working). Exemple of yml achievement account bound (the one in the screen): - ID: 200000 Bound: "Account" Group: "AG_GOAL_LEVEL" Name: "Acquire the first aura!!!!" Condition: " BaseLevel >= 99 " Reward: ItemID: 12549 Script: " specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,30000,10; " TitleID: 1000 Score: 50 By buying this patch, you agree to these terms: - You are not allowed to redistribute this script in any way, shape, or form. - Chargeback scams are not tolerated and will get you punished on rAthena. - I still retain all rights to this script. - Terms above may be changed or adjusted without prior notification. Submitter Aeclis Submitted 06/06/2018 Category Source Modifications Video Content Author Aeclis  
    1 point
  5. I'll start developing the Rockridge script for someone to help? I already have almost everything already done in town mobs, item, stores and all npc of the city, What is missing now are the quests
    1 point
  6. I talk it generally, you can right-click the page then inspect element, it will shows the style and it's line. I never touch flux for years
    1 point
  7. found a bug, http://upaste.me/2d7a496551c99fca3 - fix if the previous week has 2 or more players share the same ranking in the top10, this script will throw error when saving into `mvp_rank_archive` because of the primary key = unique key drop the `mvp_rank_archive` table and rebuilt it drop table mvp_rank_archive; @hendra814 actually nope, the true fact is I forgotten about the mail system when I saw the claim reward in the npc menu XD some server actually prefer to keep their database small (periodically clean their database) so the rodex mail system 14 days auto-deletion is something they love
    1 point
  8. Add conditional statement Use If condition in the starting of onpcdieevent
    1 point
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