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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/15 in Posts

  1. Hey Guys! I know you haven't heard from me for a bit on the Map showcase forums but I have a free release that I finished today If you know my maps then you might know my OLD Novice Garden map Link to the OLD map : https://rathena.org/board/files/file/2967-novice-garden/ [ Think eA days when I FIRST Started mapping ] Today I present to you a similar styled map, only better models and whatnot. I really hope you guys enjoy it, it's something I wanted to do in my free time. Hopefully in the near future I can present another free release, maybe something for Christmas. Download Link: https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3408-cherry-blossom-field/
    1 point
  2. you should duplicate all codes related to LK_PARRYING but you should change its name example in skill.c i want to duplicate sonic blow original code of sonic blow case AS_SONICBLOW: sc_start(src,bl,SC_STUN,(2*skill_lv+10),skill_lv,skill_get_time2(skill_id,skill_lv)); break; My own duplicated skill same as sonic blow but different name case CUSTOM_SKILL1: sc_start(src,bl,SC_STUN,(2*skill_lv+10),skill_lv,skill_get_time2(skill_id,skill_lv)); break; Note that duplicating skills you should duplicate all codes and stuffs and it is easy to change its name via lua/lub
    1 point
  3. make sure you use the right constant. refer to db/const.txt https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/const.txt#L1219 --> Archer's Attention Concentrate https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/const.txt#L1306 --> Lord Knight's Concentration
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. I instructed her to use GRF Editor instead of the broken Thor Generator and everything went fine.
    1 point
  6. time to read doc/script_command.txt. *bindatcmd "command","<NPC object name>::<event label>"{,<group level>,<group level char>,<log>}; This command will bind a NPC event label to an atcommand. Upon execution of the atcommand, the user will invoke the NPC event label. Each atcommand is only allowed one binding. If you rebind, it will override the original binding. If group level is provided, only users of that group level or above will be able to access the command, if not provided, everyone will be able to access the command. "group level char" is the minimum group level required for the label to be used on others like a char command would, e.g. "#command "target" params", when not provided, "group level char" defaults to 99. "log" whether to log the usages of this command with the atcommand log (1 = log, 0 = no log), default is to not log. The following variables are set upon execution: .@atcmd_command$ = The name of the @command used. .@atcmd_parameters$[] = Array containing the given parameters, starting from an index of 0. .@atcmd_numparameters = The number of parameters defined. Parameters are split on spaces. Multiple spaces aren't grouped together, and will create multiple (empty) arguments. Any leading spaces before the first parameter will be omitted. - script atcmd_example -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "test",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: specialeffect2 338; end; } Parameter splitting example: @mycommand .@atcmd_numparameters -> 0 .@atcmd_parameters$ -> { } @mycommand<space><space> .@atcmd_numparameters -> 0 .@atcmd_parameters$ -> { } @mycommand<space>foo .@atcmd_numparameters -> 1 .@atcmd_parameters$ -> { "foo" } @mycommand<space><space>foo .@atcmd_numparameters -> 1 .@atcmd_parameters$ -> { "foo" } @mycommand<space>foo<space>bar .@atcmd_numparameters -> 2 .@atcmd_parameters$ -> { "foo", "bar" } @mycommand<space>foo<space><space>bar .@atcmd_numparameters -> 3 .@atcmd_parameters$ -> { "foo", "", "bar" } @mycommand<space>foo<space> .@atcmd_numparameters -> 2 .@atcmd_parameters$ -> { "foo", "" } @mycommand<space>foo<space><space> .@atcmd_numparameters -> 3 .@atcmd_parameters$ -> { "foo", "", "" } - script atcmd_example -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "test",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: // This command expects a character name (that may contain spaces) as // the only parameter. .@name$ = ""; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@atcmd_numparameters; ++.@i) { .@name$ += (.@i > 0 ? " " : "") + .@atcmd_parameters$[.@i]; } dispbottom("The specified name is: '" + .@name$ + "'"); end; }
    1 point
  7. Sorry for the late response. I've been rewriting large portions of the project for the past few months and updating all of the project's resources. And I've been spending a great deal of time reading the battle.c, status.c, pc.c, and map.c source for accurate status and bonus translations. 1. Revise all +200 bonus format and translation in res/bonus_db.txt. 2. Recognize and interpret script engine variables in expressions. 3. Implement compound assignment, increment, and decrement operators. 4. Re-implement processing of conditions for if, if-else, ? operator, and for statements. 5. Re-implement scheme for complex expressions show players how bonuses are calculated. 6. Re-implement .txt and .lua generation. 7. Develop a user interface for Windows. 8. Rewrite build script and packaging for Linux / OS X systems. I work on this project for fun and to improve my skills. But, I hope this project will be useful and serve as a decent contribution to the community. The next release will only be for eAthena and rAthena because I don't have time to develop the resources for Hercules.
    1 point
  8. So anyway's I haven't been active in the RO community since 2011ish I have no idea whether its still possible for people to even use granny 3d models for monsters. But I was working on some models back then just before my server ended up closing. I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna end up using any of this work so I figured I'd go ahead and release it. So have fun I guess. Baphomet.rar GiantStormDrake.rar
    1 point
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