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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/14 in Posts

  1. Looking forward to your rate or upvote or comment on this release. Download the files here: LINK (Updated to v1.2!) Hi guys, Some of you may know me from the preview of this project a couple of days ago, I'm here to release the status icons as promised. Here's a preview of freeze effect: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Guide on how to install these status icon (8 Steps) Download the files here: LINK Emulator-Side Step 1: Go to src\map\status.c Look for: /* First we define the skill for common ailments. These are used in skill_additional_effect through sc cards. [Skotlex] */ set_sc( NPC_PETRIFYATTACK , SC_STONE , SI_BLANK , SCB_DEF_ELE|SCB_DEF|SCB_MDEF ); set_sc( NPC_WIDEFREEZE , SC_FREEZE , SI_BLANK , SCB_DEF_ELE|SCB_DEF|SCB_MDEF ); add_sc( NPC_STUNATTACK , SC_STUN ); add_sc( NPC_SLEEPATTACK , SC_SLEEP ); set_sc( NPC_POISON , SC_POISON , SI_BLANK , SCB_DEF2|SCB_REGEN ); set_sc( NPC_CURSEATTACK , SC_CURSE , SI_BLANK , SCB_LUK|SCB_BATK|SCB_WATK|SCB_SPEED ); add_sc( NPC_SILENCEATTACK , SC_SILENCE ); add_sc( NPC_WIDECONFUSE , SC_CONFUSION ); set_sc( NPC_BLINDATTACK , SC_BLIND , SI_BLANK , SCB_HIT|SCB_FLEE ); set_sc( NPC_BLEEDING , SC_BLEEDING , SI_BLEEDING , SCB_REGEN ); set_sc( NPC_POISON , SC_DPOISON , SI_BLANK , SCB_DEF2|SCB_REGEN ); Replace with: set_sc( NPC_PETRIFYATTACK , SC_STONE , SI_STONE , SCB_DEF_ELE|SCB_DEF|SCB_MDEF ); set_sc( NPC_WIDEFREEZE , SC_FREEZE , SI_FREEZE , SCB_DEF_ELE|SCB_DEF|SCB_MDEF ); set_sc( NPC_STUNATTACK , SC_STUN , SI_STUN , SCB_NONE ); set_sc( NPC_SLEEPATTACK , SC_SLEEP , SI_SLEEP , SCB_NONE ); set_sc( NPC_POISON , SC_POISON , SI_POISON , SCB_DEF2|SCB_REGEN ); set_sc( NPC_CURSEATTACK , SC_CURSE , SI_CURSE , SCB_LUK|SCB_BATK|SCB_WATK|SCB_SPEED ); set_sc( NPC_SILENCEATTACK , SC_SILENCE , SI_SILENCE , SCB_NONE ); set_sc( NPC_WIDECONFUSE , SC_CONFUSION , SI_CONFUSION , SCB_NONE ); set_sc( NPC_BLINDATTACK , SC_BLIND , SI_BLIND , SCB_HIT|SCB_FLEE ); set_sc( NPC_BLEEDING , SC_BLEEDING , SI_BLEEDING , SCB_REGEN ); set_sc( NPC_POISON , SC_DPOISON , SI_DPOISON , SCB_DEF2|SCB_REGEN ); Step 2: Go to src\map\status.h Look for: SI_JP_OTP = 816, Add below: SI_STONE = 818, SI_FREEZE = 819, SI_STUN = 820, SI_SLEEP = 821, SI_POISON = 822, SI_CURSE = 823, SI_SILENCE = 824, SI_CONFUSION = 825, SI_BLIND = 826, SI_CHANGEUNDEAD = 827, SI_DPOISON = 828, Step 3: Go to db\const.txt Look for: SI_JP_OTP 816 Add below: SI_STONE 818 SI_FREEZE 819 SI_STUN 820 SI_SLEEP 821 SI_POISON 822 SI_CURSE 823 SI_SILENCE 824 SI_CONFUSION 825 SI_BLIND 826 SI_CHANGEUNDEAD 827 SI_DPOISON 828 Step 4: Re-compile your server! Client-Side (You can skip this step if you use my .grf files to patch your server) Step 5: Go to \data\luafiles514\lua files\stateicon\efstids.lua (You can skip this step if you use my .grf files to patch your server) Look for: EFST_FLOWER_LEAF = 675, Add below: EFST_STONE = 818, EFST_FREEZE = 819, EFST_STUN = 820, EFST_SLEEP = 821, EFST_POISON = 822, EFST_CURSE = 823, EFST_SILENCE = 824, EFST_CONFUSION = 825, EFST_BLIND = 826, EFST_UNDEAD = 827, EFST_DPOISON = 828, Step 6: Go to \data\luafiles514\lua files\stateicon\stateiconimginfo.lua (You can skip this step if you use my .grf files to patch your server) Look for: [PRIORITY_RED] = { Add below: [EFST_IDs.EFST_STONE] = "STONEST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_FREEZE] = "FREEZEST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_STUN] = "STUNST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_SLEEP] = "SLEEPST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_POISON] = "POISONST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_CURSE] = "CURSEST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_SILENCE] = "SILENCEST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_CONFUSION] = "CONFUSIONST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_BLIND] = "BLINDST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_UNDEAD] = "UNDEADST.TGA", [EFST_IDs.EFST_DPOISON] = "DPOISONST.TGA", Step 7: Go to \data\luafiles514\lua files\stateicon\stateiconinfo.lua (You can skip this step if you use my .grf files to patch your server) Look for: StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_HELLPOWER] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Hell Power", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Can not be revived"}, {"Sacrifice is Disabled"}, {"Token of Siegfried disabled"} } } Add below: StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_STONE] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Stone Cursed", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"All DEF contributed by items is reduced by 50%"}, {"If HP is over 25%, you will lose 1% of your HP every 5 seconds"}, {"Changes your elemental status as Earth LV 1"}, {"Ignores Steal and Lex Aeterna"}, {"Impossible to move, attack, pick up items, skill usage, sitting, force disconnection, and item usage"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_FREEZE] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Frozen", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"All DEF contributed by items is reduced by 50%"}, {"Any FLEE will be negated"}, {"If HP is over 25%, you will lose 1% of your HP every 5 seconds"}, {"Changes your elemental status as Water LV 1"}, {"Ignores Steal, Lex Aeterna, Storm Gust and Snow Flake Draft"}, {"Impossible to move, attack, pick up items, skill usage, sitting, force disconnection, and item usage"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_STUN] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Stunned", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Any flee will be negated"}, {"Impossible to move, attack, pick up items, skill usage, sitting, force disconnection, and item usage"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_SLEEP] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Asleep", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"If enemy attacks you, they will have 2x CRIT chance with their attack"}, {"Any flee will be negated"}, {"Impossible to move, attack, pick up items, skill usage, sitting, force disconnection, and item usage"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_POISON] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Poisoned", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Status-oriented DEF is reduced by 25%"}, {"If HP is over 25%, you will lose 1.5% + 2 HP of your max HP every second"}, {"SP Regeneration is disabled"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_CURSE] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Cursed", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Reduce your ATK by 25%"}, {"LUK becomes 0"}, {"Drastically Reduces your Movement Speed"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_SILENCE] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Silenced", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Inability to use any active skills"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_CONFUSION] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Confused", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Causes the character to move into unintended directions when trying to navigate"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_BLIND] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Blinded", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Reduce your HIT and FLEE rate by 25%"}, {"Also graphically reduces range of your visibility"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_UNDEAD] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Turned Undead", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"You become Undead property"}, {"Support buffs such as Blessing and Increase AGI are removed"} } } StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_DPOISON] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { {"Deadly Poisoned", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF}, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, {"Attack speed increased."}, {"Status-oriented DEF is reduced by 25%"}, {"If HP is over 25%, you will lose 1.5% + 2 HP of your max HP every second"}, {"SP Regeneration is disabled"} } } Step 8: (You can skip this step if you use my .grf files to patch your server) Go to \data\texture\effect and add in the .tga files Whew, that's it. Now, pack it up into .grf/.gpf file if you want to and look at it go! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ At first I wanted to charge $1 for the pack because I'm so broke right now but I don't have the heart to do it since it is my first release. So here it is. Free stuff! Looking forward to hear what you guys think. Rate it if you guys have the chance. Enjoy it, Shade
    2 points
  2. Most of you who use fishing scripts on your server have probably checked out my Fishing Script before...Well I've been working on currently enhancing it. Changelog: v1.2 Shortened most of the script Added Sounds and Effects to make it a bit more lively Added two new Configurations - Auto Fish, Auto Fish on fail Enhanced map announce to work with where-ever the script is located Enhanced randomizing caught junk to enable a lot more to be added Removed Chat menu so the script has less clicking Fishing 1.2.txt This one is slightly different then the one below. Fishing 1.2.txt Please read Optional-Addons before using this script. Optional Add-ons Upcoming Changes This script has been abandoned to start work on a Profession System.
    1 point
  3. Peopleperson49's Script Collection Please enjoy my work. If you have any suggestions or find any issues/bugs please let me know! If you like or download my work please click the "Vote this post up" button to the right of the post and check out my server Ragnarok Underground. My scripts are written as I would use it for my Ragnarok Underground server, you might need to configure them before use. My scripts are written to work with the rAthena emulator. When reporting and bug/error/suggestion in this topic please give the emulator version, version of the script your using, and the issue in detail! Super Magnifier Identifys all unidientified items a player is holding at once. I made this a long time ago for my server, but I added here for Nipsino after reading a post he left. Function_SuperMagnifier.txt Rock, Paper, Scissors Roulette This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. This script was recreated in this same way. It is very similar to the original in design. Allows the player to play roulette with a 5 chamber pistol. Only one bullet is loaded at a time. The script will continue to loop until somebody is shot. Version 2.0: rpsroulette.txt BlackJack Scratchcard Blackjack script that designed to work like a scratchcard. It is based on using eight decks or cards and both numbers and suits determine winning hands. Buster prize for scoring a 30 or 31, which can only be done if you already have a 20 or 21 adding one more element of gambling to it. Item data is included at the bottom of the script. Version 3.3: Scratchcard_BlackJack.txt Powerball Lottery This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. This script was recreated in this same way. It is very similar to the original in design. Powerball lottery picks 5 miniballs and 1 powerball. Different pay amount based on type of matches made. Version 1.7: lottery.txt Advanced Banker This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. This script was recreated in this same way. It is very similar to the original in design. Bank with varying account and interest based directly on balance. Also has trustfund which pays out only when the character reaches BaseLevel 150. Most of my scripts give trustfund bonuses and also 1% of any zeny spent goes toward the trustfund. Version 1.4: bank.txt Heads Or Tails This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. I remember making this one, but I'm not sure if I based it off of another script or not. Player starts by betting 500z and then flips a coin. If heads their money is disabled, if tails they loose all their money. Version 2.4: hot.txt Jackpot Leon This was one of my first scripts I ever made. I learned to script by breaking these type of scripts down and recreating them from scratch. This script was recreated in this same way. It is very similar to the original in design, however I'm not sure where to find that script anymore. The script picks a number between 1 and 100. The player pays 10,000z to make a guess. Each guess increases the size of the Jackpot by 9,000z until somebody wins. Version 2.3: jackpot.txt Double Dice Roll Very simple dice gambling game created for my custom Comodo casino package. You bet various amounts of zeny and roll two dice. The winner is the one with the highest total score. This was created from scratch as part of my casino package and had nothing to do with the rolladice script. Version 2.1: roll_a_dice.txt Saving Angel This script was written for my lovely wife after we were player and our whole party was wiped out in majos. It allows a character to resurrect another character anywhere in the server for a fee. Version 1.8: Saving_Angel.txt Magic 8 Ball Custom script that works just like using a magic 8 ball. Version 2.2: MagicEightball.txt Wishing Well Custom script that allows a player to throw zeny into the wishing well and make a wish. The wish is then sent to any online GM using @request. It is restricted to one use per day to help prevent annoying the crap out of the GM's! Version 1.7: WishingWell.txt Arch Bishop Job Quest This script was written for MelMel on rAthena.org. It is a compltely new version of the third job change quest for an Arch Bishop. I did not use any other scripts as a base. It allows a Priest/High Priest to gather items and then change jobs to an Arch Bishop. The Sub-scripts can be completed in any order and all work off of each other. Version 1.1: Job_AB.txt Guillotine Cross Job Quest This script was written to supplement the fact that the Guillotine Cross still has no official script release on rAthena.org. It is a compltely new version of the third job change quest for a Guillotine Cross. I did not use any other scripts as a base. It allows a Assassin/Assassin Cross to gather items and then change jobs to a Guillotine Cross. Version 1.2: Job_GC.txt Monster Of The Day Another Monster Of The Day script. I made this one from scratch to be very simple and work automatically. Uses almost the full list of monsters from the mob_branch. I included the dispbottom here when players login, but I actually perfer to use a login script with this in it. Version 1.4: MOTD.txt Security Manager Allows a player to set up a password to help protect their account. It uses a simple OnWhisperGlobal function. I nolonger support the use of the whisper system in my Security Manager script after version 1.3. I will still provide support for other issues that might be discovered in scripts prior to v1.4, but they will be fixed in a version that now uses bindatcmd. Version 1.5: Security_Manager.txt GM Headquarters Allows access to a part of the sec_in01 map that doesn't have any warps anyway. This is a nice areas to setup special NPC's or events. Whatever anybody wants to do with it. However the secutiry code is fun for everybody to try to crack. This script currently has shops that be used once a day as a reward for cracking code. It's my intent to eventually add a full warper script that can be used once a day also. Version 1.3: GMHeadquarters.txt Monster Hunter This script was written for vgrebirth on rAthena.org. It allows one party at a time to do the Monster Hunter event. If any member is killed the entire party looses and are warped out. If you kill all the mini-boss monsters the boss monster is spawned. Version 2.7: Monster_Hunter.txt
    1 point
  4. Hi.. the first topic was started by Judas.. Refer to this thread : http://rathena.org/board/topic/70962-recommended-client-setup/ So, i have diffed 2012-04-10 client with recommended patch and build the grf using latest data folder and LUB files provided in Judas post. It was setting up for localhost/ only.. If you want replace the IP, you need to edit clientinfo.xml and rebuild the grf. You can download here : Tested 28 April 2013 Full Version : http://goo.gl/lEWQ2 Lite Version (kRO not included) : http://goo.gl/vGTFS Things need to do on server-side/rAthena SVN folder : 1. open mmo.h ( located at src/common/mmo.h ) #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20120410 //put 20120410 since i'm using 2012-04-10 client 2. open packet_db.txt ( located at db/packet_db.txt ) packet_db_ver: default packet_ver: 30 // put 30 for packet_ver and Done... run your server and open 2012-04-10.exe.. Any problem's regarding this client pack pls post here.. *thnx to Judas and rAthena development team..
    1 point
  5. 4,5k of views un just some months o:! we all love your work :33333!
    1 point
  6. have you use one from "2013" folder? https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/client-side-translation/Data/luafiles514/lua%20files/quest/2013/ replace it with that one
    1 point
  7. I think you just have to restart your vps :-) pc_bonus is caused by item scripts? Im not sure just trying to help :-) hehe
    1 point
  8. Something like this? http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2252-rathena-database-editor/
    1 point
  9. Thanks, that worked!
    1 point
  10. its already fix you need go to >Profile > Client Area > Billing information thanks brianL
    1 point
  11. check in your db/pre-re (or re) /skill_require_db.txt change this 214,0,0,20,0,0,0,99,0,0,hiding,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //RG_RAID#ƒTƒvƒ‰ƒCƒYƒAƒ^ƒbƒN# to this 214,0,0,20,0,0,0,99,0,0,none,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 //RG_RAID#ƒTƒvƒ‰ƒCƒYƒAƒ^ƒbƒN#
    1 point
  12. I have zero knowledge on Hercules, but based on the error, it is just stating that there are no such thing as bleeding status. What you can do is to delete any lines that are related to bleeding. See if this works for you. Do you mind posting the error message?
    1 point
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