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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/24 in all areas

  1. View File Mir4 Enchant It allows you to enchant equipment using a random system between possibilities, and each registered title has 4 categories of rarity: S,A,B,C and each one with its respective chances. Submitter Hyroshima Submitted 05/07/24 Category Utilities Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eB84Us_hmE Content Author Hyroshima  
    1 point
  2. Search for this function: function gviewid { set .@n,getarraysize(.viewid); while(1) { set .@zt,.@zt+1; if(.@zt&13)sleep2(1); if(set(.@u,.viewid[set(.@t,rand(.@n))])) break; } for(;.@t<.@n;set .@t,.@t+1) set .viewid[.@t],.viewid[.@t+1]; return .@u; } and replace with this: function gviewid { set .@n,getarraysize(.viewid); if(.@n<=1) set .@rnd,0; else set .@rnd,rand(.@n); //dispbottom "."+getarraysize(.viewid)+""; while(1) { set .@zt,.@zt+1; if(.@zt&13)sleep2(1); if(set(.@u,.viewid[set(.@t,.@rnd)])) break; } for(;.@t<.@n;set .@t,.@t+1) set .viewid[.@t],.viewid[.@t+1]; return .@u; }
    1 point
  3. My fork of rA is heavily modified, so a diff isn't easy for me to slap together. Sometime in the next few days I will find time to implement this fix on a clean rA and make a diff from there. I'll post another message here when I get around to it.
    1 point
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Hello rAthena! I have been struggling with adding large amounts of custom items into my client-side, so I made a little tool that would help with just that, and I'd like to share the tool with the community! I will continue to update this project over time; adding a user interface & specific parameter options. Important Reminders: - You need the latest Java Verison to run this program. Download: JDK 15 Download - Both input_sprite.txt & input_display.txt must have the same number of lines. - input_sprite.txt MUST have a underscore (_) for white spaces. - If there is one-character-value or less in the input_sprite.txt & input_display.txt files, that line will be omitted with a empty line. - Once Java has been installed, you must use the run.bat file to open the program. Helpful Articles: - How to Open Jar | Reference: https://www.wikihow.com/Run-a-.Jar-Java-File - Java SE Downloads | Link: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html Click for Demo Video
    1 point
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