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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/13 in Posts

  1. I deleted some sentences here, and I forgot what they were. so this mod, will gives script bonus for specified armor or weapon level at specified refine. Example, 0,10,{ bonus bVit,5; } it will makes all armors that +10, player will get VIT +5. 4,10,{ bonus bStr,5; bonus bInt,5; } all +10 level 4 weapons, will give bonus stat +5 STR and INT Download: refine-bonus-rA-20150913-f6964717.diff [spoiler=old releases] refine_bonus-rA-20140125.diff (Tested on latest Git) How if **Please report any bug found, and if there is suggestion too**
    3 points
  2. Channel System r17228 adds a system of chat channels with far greater versatility than the former @main chat. @main is now an alias for the @channel command. All settings are located in trunk/conf/channels.conf. Features New atcommands, @join and @channel, to manipulate chat channels. Speak in a #channel by either: Sending a whisper to #channel. Binding your global chat to the channel (@channel bindto <#channel_name>). Set default channels, available when the server starts: /* Default channels (available to all players) */ default_channels: { /* channel_name : channel_messages_color */ main: "Yellow" support: "Blue" trade: "Red" chat: "Default" /* Add as many channels as you'd like. */ } Automatically join local map channels (#map) and guild ally channels (#ally): /* "map_local_channel" is an instanced channel unique to each map. */ map_local_channel: true map_local_channel_name: "map" map_local_channel_color: "Yellow" map_local_channel_autojoin: true /* Disable autojoin in specific maps through mapflag 'nomapchannelautojoin'. */ /* "ally_channel" is a channel shared by all your guild allies. */ ally_channel_enabled: true ally_channel_name: "ally" ally_channel_color: "Green" ally_channel_autojoin: true Use the 'nomapchannelautojoin' mapflag to disable auto-joining the #map channel on a map:<map_name> mapflag nomapchannelautojoin Allow users to create private channels if 'allow_user_channel_creation' is true: /* Allow users to create their own (private) channels through @channels command? */ /* (must also allow players to use @channels in groups.conf) */ allow_user_channel_creation: true Create a list of colors to use in channels: /* Colors available */ colors: { Default: "0xffffff" /* Custom channels will use the first in the list unless a font is selected through @channel. */ Red: "0xff0000" Blue: "0x83cfe9" Orange: "0xe57c00" Cyan: "0x00b89d" Yellow: "0xffff90" Green: "0x28bf00" Normal: "0x00ff00" /* Add as many channels as you'd like. */ } Credits go to @Ind for the coding, and @Lighta for helping out. Feel free to post all suggestions or reports!
    2 points
  3. File Name: Race Of The Day File Submitter: Emistry File Submitted: 29 Jul 2012 File Category: Utilities Content Author: Emistry This Script will provide players extra EXP , Item or Zeny to Players if they killed designed monsters for the day. Player will get extra EXP randomly everyday for each race of monster. Player might have chances to get some items from the ROTD when they killed the monsters. Click here to download this file
    1 point
  4. As some of you may know, I've had a few scripts and releases scattered through rAthena and it was always lost in the pile since new topics were always being created. Thus, now I decided to create my own SVN for my scripts, files, releases for rAthena. With this SVN I have for my stuff, people can see what I've edited and change and easily download my stuff. Files Graphics Scripts RFYL Event Goblin Invasion Find the Mushroom Find the Mushroom - Manual [*]Coin Exchanger [*]Capture the Flag [*]Bounty Hunter [*]MvP Room [*]Juggernaut Event [*]randoms/OnDeath [*]WeaponForger [*]GuildPrizer [*]Survey NPC [*]Double EXP | On weekends [*]New~! Full Mall [*]New~! Poring Ball System New~! Ball_Main New~! Ball_Start Poring Soccer map: data.rar [*]New~! Marriage System [*]New~! Treasure Hunter Links Project Homepage Viewing SVN Changes As I release more scripts or files, I'll be updating this topic and updating my SVN. Thanks! Disclaimer Some scripts within the SVN are not totally made 100% by me, but fixed, re-edited, and organized in a way to keep it up-to-date with rAthena and to stop it from being outdated or lost.
    1 point
  5. View File Limited Items This script will limit the inventory of player if the player bring exceeded limitation items into the map. For Example : Configuration : // func_Add( <gm_level_to_bypass>, <map_name>, <item1>,<max_amount1>,....,<itemX>,<max_amountX> ); func_Add( 100,"prontera", 501,1,502,2,503,3,504,5 ); func_Add( 100,"payon", 501,1,502,2,503,3,504,5 ); func_Add( 100,"izlude", 501,1,502,2,503,3,504,5 ); func_Add( 100,"prt_fild08", 4001,1,4002,3,4003,0,504,5 ); Positive = Player can only bring Maximum of that amount of items. 0 = Totally Disabled, player cant bring any of it. Submitter Emistry Submitted 07/29/12 Category Utilities Content Author  
    1 point
  6. Introduction : Original topic was from eAthena, but I felt it'd be nice to share this map with rAthena community as well :3 I've added a very few slight changes to make the map look a little better. Feel free to post your comments and criticism. Pictures : Video : Download : (Hunter's Village Indoor Map + BGM + Sound Effect Script) Version 1.1 - Direct Link : Hunter's Village.rar (Updated on 06/16/2012) (Hunter's Village Map) Version 1.1- Direct Link : hun_vil.zip Mirror : http://www.mediafire...s56zb92smf2n384 (NEW) (Hunter's Village Indoors Map + Warps) Direct Link : Hunter's Village In and Warps.rar
    1 point
  7. you must refer to this topic. http://rathena.org/board/topic/80202-private-server-rejected-from-server-3/
    1 point
  8. in your map_athena i noticed that you dont have this one "//" in your char_ip are you using eathena emulator? in rathena you dont need to do that // Character Server IP // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. char_ip: and also in your char_athena.
    1 point
  9. just create a new group id that disable trade vend deal... all players will be using that group id upon register... when they login...add a timer...example addtimer.. when the timer triggered...move then to other group id that can trade...or adjust the permission of their...
    1 point
  10. i think your Subnet_athena doesnt match considerable missmatch. At the same time you use the default Address "" So you need to change your subnet_athena address to "" "disregard if i wrong"
    1 point
  11. try this http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=xMCguEAW you stored the array data wrongly.. for(set .@i,0; .@i < getargcount(); set .@i,.@i + 1) { // should start by 0 ..not 2 setarray .@j[.@i],getarg(.@i); } mes "Quest: "+getd(".q_"+@bought_nameid+"[1]")+"x "+getitemname(getd(".q_"+@bought_nameid+"[0]"));// show wrong index mes ""+getd(".q_"+@bought_nameid+"["+(.@i+1)+"]")+"x "+getitemname(getd(".q_"+@bought_nameid+"["+(.@i)+"]"))+""; // show wrong index
    1 point
  12. update for Channel System http://rathena.org/board/topic/80352-multilanguage-support/page-3#entry190848
    1 point
  13. Some news today. Map loading I really improve my map loading : update the zlib unpacker, optimize the mesh compilation. It's now about 2-3 times faster than before. It takes ~3 seconds to load a map like Izlude or Prontera, instant loading for little map. Lighthalzen seems to be the slowest to load : ~5 seconds. I'm quite happy of the result. Sound objects I added sound objects to the map, I'm not certain of the volume to use for this objects (Audio API allow a min volume of 0.0 and max volume of 1.0; there are some sound object with a volume of 2.0 so not sure yet what the max volume is here). You can see the sound visualization of aldebaran (all porings are a sound object): Lub files Since Renewal, a big part of servers use lub files to store data info, so it should be normal for robrowser to load this files at runtime to build its DB. So I wrote a Lub decompiler (PHP, and converted the code to JS), it don't support all opcode but is enough to extract tables (I don't care of extracting functions). Here the PHP code in action: http://www.robrowser.com/prototype/lub/ For now I'm only able to extract lub version 0x51 but it seems some client use the 0x50 version (why ? ), so I will have to extend the code later. Sprite Rendering I re-wrote the whole Entity Manager code, as the old one it support all actions/animations. I added some setter to update automatically the sprites/act/palettes when modifying/setting a new visual look, ex: you change the sex, it will automaticaly reload all sprites/actions (head, hat, weapon, ...). Palettes are applying on the pixel shader to avoid having to re-build each sprite image (faster and easier). I also face the same problem as Shinryo in his topic and used the same way to fix it, but it's definitively not the way to go : collision with roof, weird result when sprite is on the water. The better way is to project the top vertices to the up vector of the bottom part and modifying UVs to match the new form in the screen, but it's more complicate and I lack knowledge on 3D maths. Weather I just add sky and clouds to some maps (yuno, gonryun, thana_boss, 5@tower, ...) using a config file in the DB, it's funny how the client manage it. The result looks good: Other news IE11 will support webgl Web API Device Storage will allow to use local GRF without needed to select it each time at runtime (I hope this standard will be accept...). Firefox added ASM.js in the latest nighty build. It allow to run some js (at this time just arithmetic code) script at 2 times slower than native speed (comparable as Java and C#), by doing some low typage on variables.
    1 point
  14. update this script yeah I knew its made by me lol, but I've learned a lot new techniques by now ( I've level up ! ) by using OnPCDieEvent/OnPCLogoutEvent, this kind of LMS script will no longer has the chance for no winner situation prontera,154,178,5 script Run Or Die 100,{ if ( !.start ) { mes "no event atm"; close; } if ( .start == 2 ) { mes "event is running"; close; } if ( .register_count >= .register_limit ) { mes "this event has reach the maximum player participations"; close; } percentheal 100,100; warp "guild_vs5", 0,0; .register_aid[ .register_count ] = getcharid(3); .register_count+++; end; OnWhisperGlobal: if ( getgmlevel() < 60 ) end; //OnClock0000: // put all your start timer here if ( .start ) end; announce "Run or Die event registration start", 0; .start = 1; sleep 10000; // registration timer here announce "Run or Die event registration close", 0; .start = 2; sleep 3000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "survive as long as you can !", 0; if ( .register_count < .register_min ) { announce "not enough participants for Run or Die event", 0; getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 1; mapwarp "guild_vs5", .@map$, .@x, .@y; goto L_reset; } while ( .start == 2 ) { monster "guild_vs5", 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 0; monster "guild_vs5", 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 1; monster "guild_vs5", 0,0, "Come On Baby!!!", 1904, 5 + rand(5), "", 2; sleep 5000; } end; OnPCDieEvent: OnPCLogoutEvent: if ( .start != 2 || strcharinfo(3) != "guild_vs5" ) end; while ( .register_aid != getcharid(3) && .@i < .register_count ) .@i++; deletearray .register_aid[.@i], 1; .register_count--; warp "SavePoint", 0,0; if ( .register_count > 1 ) end; killmonsterall "guild_vs5"; announce "congratulations ~ the winner of Run Or Die event is "+ rid2name( .register_aid ), 0; getitem .reward_item_id, .reward_item_amount, .register_aid; // winner prize warpchar "SavePoint", 0,0, getcharid( 0, rid2name( .register_aid ) ); L_reset: .start = 0; deletearray .register_aid; .register_count = 0; end; OnInit: .register_min = 2; // minimum amount of players to start this event, or else it auto-abort .register_limit = 100; // maximum amount of players able to participate in this event .reward_item_id = 7539; .reward_item_amount = 1; end; } guild_vs5 mapflag nosave SavePoint guild_vs5 mapflag nowarp guild_vs5 mapflag nowarpto guild_vs5 mapflag noteleport guild_vs5 mapflag nomemo guild_vs5 mapflag nopenalty //guild_vs5 mapflag nobranch guild_vs5 mapflag noicewall
    1 point
  15. It's WORKING! I can't belive, but it's finally working thanks to user ossi0110 ( http://http://rathena.org/board/user/1117-ossi0110/) Who helped me a lot this afternoon (here is Brazil, GTM -3) until now (19:40 PM). He spent a lot of time helping me to find the problems and fix then. God bless him, because we dont a lot of people who has his goodwill to help like him. Cheers to ossi0110 \o/ Cheers to ossi0110 \o/
    1 point
  16. Latest Stable Client Latest Stable LUB Latest Stable Data Files/GRF Clean RO Folder PM Judas if you have any useful content to add, suggestions, or information to make this setup process much easier! Thanks!
    1 point
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