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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/13 in Posts

  1. Translated iteminfo/cskroption.lub (Lua_Project: Revision 272) w/ additional item translations (2011~2012++ items) for 2012-04-18 RagexeRE Clients & up (Sakray) 2012-07-10 Ragexe Clients & up (Main) ■Updates -Initial Realease: Translated malangdo/ bio labs 4 & vellum weapons (rev1) -Update #1: Added translations for some armors/shield/footgears/garments (rev2) -Update #2: Added translations for more weapons/sealed cards and malangdo related stuffs (rev3) -Update #3: Major Cleanup; Added/Translated/Updated/Reworked usable items & more (rev4) -Update #4: Translated Uprade Items/Metal Weapons/Costume Items & etc (rev 5) -Update #5: Merged items up to 03/21/2013, Etc item revamp, Tanos Weapons, bunch of official non-kRO items & more (rev 6) Read the Changelog.txt for more info ■Downloads -cskroption beta 1.rar -cskroption beta 2.rar -cskroption rev 3.rar -cskroption rev4.rar -cskroption rev5.rar -cskroption rev6.rar ■Notes: -Translations for new items(kRO) which are not yet translated in English on any official RO are "Google Translated" which are reworked and rephrased by me (to the best of my knowledge). -This also applies on official non-kRO items from aRO,bRO,cRO,jRO,ruRO,twRO which are not present on any English Server -Also note that many official item descriptions were modified/reworked bec. of official grammatical errors (we all know that) ■Credits: -Lua Project Team members -& all ■Pls visit my post here if you have time... (maybe you can help me.) kindly spare a sec and give me a click if you find my work somewhat helpful or useful.
    3 points
  2. I propose to add multilingual support. Player's language stored in the database (sd-> lang_id, for ex.), default 0 - English language. The idea is to read multiple files msg_conf different languages. sd->lang_id = 0 // English sd->lang_id = 1 // Spanish sd->lang_id = 2 // German etc... For add the new language we must add a new parameter like 'read_msg: 1,map_msg_sp.conf', where '1' - is Language ID 'map_msg_sp.conf' - spanish translation. In-game example: if player havent language (sd->lang_id = 0), he will recive 'Character not found' if(sd->lang_id = 1) // Spanish he will recive 'El carácter no se ha encontrado'. Thus, each player will receive messages from the server in understandable language.
    3 points
  3. Arsinoé : Aerie's Tears EDIT : All scripts and wiki can be found here : https://github.com/dastgir/aerie-pinkpanther DL : https://code.google.com/archive/p/aerie-pinkpanther/downloads?page=1 Description : This is a kind of Stand-Alone, a new continent, independant of the rest of Rune-Midgard (except for the access quest at Alberta). So no conflict with your own modifications. The aim is to increase the quest's interest in Ragnarök, by instancied quests, animated NPC, a true scenario, exploration of new horizons ... Created for a party of 4-5 players, you can't do it alone, it's more like a basic RPG. The Continent of Arsinoé is a single scenario with various quests. You have Four independant campaigns : The Goblin King, UnderWorld, Sidon and The Rana's Empire where you are leading an army in a succession of instances in differents battlefields. See also the second mod compatible with Arsinoé one : Schallmar Islands Contains : - 120+ Maps - 140+ Monsters - 75+ Items - 65+ Quests English Version : A new translation in English by Mirabell and TrueNoir ! Spanish Version : Yatadaid, Racing~, darknessx, Ijct, GMKira, Destiny and Celsius ! Players now you can change directly IG your language (French / English / Spanish), Data files must be gives by Administrators. Administrators choose the main language for announces, you can choose to display one or more languages. (Check Configuration.txt) All services are earned with your quest's level, like : - Savepoints (long trip before found a place for rest) - Teleportation (You need to unlock the map before and by a quest of course) - Healer (Donations to the Church for increase the % of rest) - Train's Stations (For cross quickly a part of the continent) - Shops (A big compagny hold all the commerce, if you help them, they'll give you more interesting supplies) - In other regions, you can found Boatmen. - An Arena system (Look to the screenshots), with different modes of game for won prices. - Integrated Mini-Games in quest. - Snow, Desert, Forest, Swamp Jungle, Volcano, Town, UnderWorld, different types of environnement - 10 Titles, With your name in a Hall of Fame ! - A New Kind of WoE, a mix between GvG and PvE. - Questlog system and also emoticons for help you in your adventure ! - An Introduction for your server who takes place in Arsinoé - Fishing system - A Marathon - Many others games, accessible without quest requierement. Guide : The Guide is done, you can report here : http://code.google.com/p/aerie-pinkpanther/wiki/Sommaire?wl=en Now it's avaible in the svn, you can found here images for put in your website the Guide : Arsinoé Guide - Images Pack v.1.00 Configuration : - Easy system for configurate rewards, for adapting them to your server. (check npc/arsinoe/Configuration.txt) and minimum requiered players in Arena and Instances. - You can choose between local or global annunce when an Instance began. - Easy to install, no source modifications, all explications for install in script archive. - You need a client with the episode 14 (some textures and models used) - For using Introduction just change char_athena.conf by [start_point: ars_fild41,30,54]. The Continent : Map by Elandor. Download : - Scripts files : Here the SVN for scripts : https://github.com/dastgir/aerie-pinkpanther - Maps files : Download(Current version 2.00) For get the last upgrade without download the full archive, use this patch list : Download (only for Map Pack version more than 1.50). You'll recieve separate upgrades in *.gpf format. - BGM files : Download (Current version 1.40) Changelog : //================= //Maps //================= v. 1.00 = Public version v. 1.10 = - ars_fild04 (gat revision) - ars_dun13 / ars_dun14 / ars_dun15 (add map) - ars_in02 (New Zone) - ars_fild22 (gat revision) v. 1.20 = - Fix cliping effect v. 1.30 = - Lightmaps fix for all maps / New Mini-maps - Add ars_dun16 / ars_in08 v. 1.40 = - Add Soulavein's War, Hylarheim and UnderWorld Extension. (+15 maps) v. 1.45 = - Add Introduction maps (+5 maps) v. 1.50 = - Add Sidon, Kargah extension maps (+15 maps) - Add Alberta Modification - Modification of : ars_fild02 / ars_fild03 / ars_fild17 / ars_fild33 / ars_fild36 v. 1.55 = - ars_fild01 / ars_fild04 / coppa / tantale_ile = complete revision v. 1.56 = - ars_fild05 / ars_fild06 / ars_in01 = complete revision - Add ars_dun31 v. 1.57 = - Add quest illustrations and icons - Reduction of mini-maps size v. 1.60 = - ars_in02 / ars_fild51 = revision - Add Neraka maps extension : (+15 maps) v. 1.65 = - ars_fild01 / ars_fild02 / ars_fild03 = fix freezing effects - Add ars_fild56 / ars_fild57 = Gondar extension - ars_dun25 / ars_fild09 / ars_fild23 = complete revision - Water texture change on many maps - Missing minimaps added v. 1.66 = - ars_dun01 / ars_dun02 / ars_fild16 / ars_fild20 / ars_in08 / ars_in10 = complete revision - new models / textures (some from Arcturus) v. 2.00 = - Add ars_fild58 / ars_fild59 / ars_fild60 / ars_fild61 / ars_fild62 / ars_in15 / ars_in16 / ars_in17 / ars_dun40 - ars_fild07 / ars_fild08 / ars_in10 / ars_dun30 = complete revision - new models / textures (some from Arcturus) //================= //BGM //================= v. 1.00 = Public version v. 1.10 = Add Introduction BGM v. 1.20 = Add Sidon and Kargah BGM v. 1.30 = Add Neraka BGM (and some fix) v. 1.40 = Add Abysses BGM (and some fix) How configure the multi-language ? If you have use a previous version, they're compatible but take care all will be in french, you must talk to a Tyr Order member and choose your main language. No problems if the introduction is installed. ~ I hope you'll appreciate my work ! ~ Screenshoots :
    1 point
  4. File Name: @novendingboards / @novenders File Submitter: Lilith File Submitted: 19 Mar 2013 File Category: Source Modifications Content Author: Lilith Request: @nndsl Post: http://rathena.org/board/topic/80231-notrade/#entry187456 See on YouTube: @novendingboards http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHIT1pRSQZU&feature=youtu.be @novenders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UajUvlzAAc&feature=youtu.be Enjoy Click here to download this file
    1 point
  5. monster command spawns just a regular mob there wont be an owner. i think what you are looking for is the summon script command. This spawns a mob to work as your helper and protector (essentially it becomes a homunculus). summon "--ja--",1904,<timeout in milliseconds>;
    1 point
  6. Hi,k3dT, Thanks for your amazing work..I'm following u these days,Bigfan. if possible,could u do me a favour? https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1k-Z7DOattDQUdJTl80bFU0Yms/edit It's another "ragexe.exe" with themida, I've failded about it for a long time. Drive me crazy so I would be very much obliged if u could unpack it long time? it's exe from 18.3.2013 o_O Here is latest unpacked Ragexe: 2013-03-20eRagexe.exe
    1 point
  7. umm just remove the condition ??
    1 point
  8. https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/npc/custom/events/disguise.txt
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. db/re/item_trade.txt //8:Item can't be sold to npcs
    1 point
  11. thanks for this how about textures of this? Ow sorry i forgot to add the texture's data.rar
    1 point
  12. If you make a duplicate of the npc (the npc for up the healer or the healer), they wouldn't have to re-up the skill... you wanted the guildmaster have to re-up the skill if you had another duplicate npc in another place ? New sql part alter table guild add column buff varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' after emblem_data, add index (buff); NPC for up : - script flop -1,{ if( !getcharid(2) ) { mes "you are not in a guild !"; close; } else if( getguildmaster( getcharid(2) ) != strcharinfo(0) ) { mes "I only talk to your guildmaster, go away !"; close; } query_sql "SELECT buff FROM guild WHERE guild_id = "+ getcharid(2), .@buff_type$; if( getstrlen( .@buff_type$ ) ) explode( .@b$, .@buff_type$, "|" ); else { for( .@i = 0; .@i < .size_buff; .@i++ ) .@b$[.@i] = "0"; } mes "hello "+ strcharinfo(0) +", what do you want to up the skill in the guild healer today ?"; next; .@s = select( .menu$ ) -1; if( atoi(.@b$[.@s]) + .min_Levels == .max_Levels ) { mes "Your current "+ .skills_$[.@s] +" skill's guild healer has already reached the max level."; close; } mes "Your current "+ .skills_$[.@s] +" skill's healer is level ^0000ff("+ ( .min_Levels + atoi( .@b$[.@s] ) ) +")^000000."; mes "It will cost ^0000ff"+ ( .cost_[atoi(.@b$[.@s]) +1] * .rate_buff_zeny[.@s] ) +"^000000 zeny to up this skill for your guild."; next; if( select( "Paid to up "+ .skills_$[.@s], "Leave" ) -1 ) close; else if( Zeny < .cost_[atoi(.@b$[.@s]) +1] * .rate_buff_zeny[.@s] ) { mes "You're kidding me? you don't have enough zeny."; close; } Zeny = Zeny - .cost_[atoi(.@b$[.@s]) +1] * .rate_buff_zeny[.@s]; .@b$[.@s] = atoi( .@b$[.@s] ) +1; .@a$ = implode( .@b$, "|" ); query_sql "update guild set buff = '"+ .@a$ +"' where guild_id = "+ getcharid(2); mes "Your "+ .skills_$[.@s] +" skill's healer is now level ^0000ff("+ ( .min_Levels + atoi( .@b$[.@s] ) ) +")^000000. Congratulation !"; close; OnInit: deletearray .cost_; deletearray .skills_$; deletearray .skill_$; deletearray .min_Levels; deletearray .max_Levels; deletearray .rate_buff_zeny; setarray .skills_$, "agi", "bless", "Kyrie Eleison"; // add more skill here - think to add them also in the healer setarray .min_Levels, 5, 5, 0; // min level of the skill boost in the healer setarray .max_Levels, 10, 10, 10; // max level of the skill you can up setarray .rate_buff_zeny, 1, 1, 1; // rate for zeny - ex: 2 to kyrie -> cost *2 ; 2/5 -> cost *2/5 setarray .cost_[1], 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000, 60000, 70000, 80000, 90000, 100000; // cost zeny to up the healer .size_buff = getarraysize( .skills_$ ); .menu$ = implode( .skills_$, ":" ); end; } prontera,160,185,6 duplicate(flop) flop#1 909 Healer - script Healer -1,{ if( getcharid(2) ) { query_sql "SELECT buff FROM guild WHERE guild_id = "+ getcharid(2), .@buff_type$; if( getstrlen( .@buff_type$ ) ) explode( .@b$, .@buff_type$, "|" ); } set .@Price,0; // Zeny required for heal set .@Buffs,1; // Also buff players? (1: yes / 0: no) set .@Delay,0; // Heal delay, in seconds callfunc "F_ClearGarbage",0; if (@HD > gettimetick(2)) end; if (.@Price) { message strcharinfo(0),"Healing costs "+.@Price+" Zeny."; if (Zeny < .@Price) end; if(select("^0055FFHeal^000000:^777777Cancel^000000") == 2) close; set Zeny, Zeny-.@Price; } specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100; if (.@Buffs) { for( .@i = 0; .@i < .size_buff; .@i++ ) { .@sum = atoi(.@b$[.@i]) + .min_Levels[.@i]; .@j = .Buffs$[.@i]; if( .@sum ) sc_start .@j,240000,.@sum; } } if (.@Delay) set @HD, gettimetick(2)+.@Delay; close; OnInit: deletearray .Buffs$; deletearray .min_Levels; setarray .Buffs$, SC_INCREASEAGI, SC_BLESSING, SC_KYRIE; // in the same order than .skills_$ in guild up healer setarray .min_Levels, 5, 5, 0;// min level of the skill boost - default: agi (5), bless (5), kyrie (0) .size_buff = getarraysize( .Buffs$ ); end; } prontera,163,185,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#alb 909
    1 point
  13. Replace 'successrefitem' with 'downrefitem' in any refiner script to turn it into a de-refiner. (Or try this.)
    1 point
  14. Is this helpful? Packets I could extract from 2013-03-13cRagexeRE: http://pastebin.com/6cbSuCba 2012-07-24aRagexeRE: http://pastebin.com/xYhVZL8f Also, k3dt and giv:
    1 point
  15. There is a small typo error close; } } OnPCLoginEvent: should be close; } OnPCLoginEvent: bindatcmd("security","SecurityManager::OnAtcommand"); add a new command, @security
    1 point
  16. That means others guild couldn't warp on the map ? I have done something but it's a little weird, feel free to hate it xD and it's global : all guild have access to the npc, but only the guildmaster can up the healer. bwt if you want to test it sql part alter table guild add column buff tinyint(3) default 0 after emblem_data, add index (buff); NPC to UP the healer - script flop -1,{ if( !getcharid(2) ) { mes "you are not in a guild !"; close; } else if( getguildmaster( getcharid(2) ) != strcharinfo(0) ) { mes "I only talk to your guildmaster, go away !"; close; } query_sql "SELECT buff FROM guild WHERE guild_id = "+ getcharid(2), .@buff_type; if( .@buff_type == .max_buff ) { mes "sorry you can't no more up the healer"; close; } mes "Up your guild's healer to level ^0000ff("+ ( .@buff_type +1 ) +")^000000 ?"; mes "- It will cost ^0000ff"+ .cost_[.@buff_type +1] +"^000000 zeny to up the healer for your guild."; mes "- With this the buffer will add/up ^ff0000"+ .skills_$[.@buff_type +1] +"^000000 skills."; next; if( select( "Paid", "Leave" ) -1 ) close; else if( Zeny < .cost_[.@buff_type +1] ) { mes "You're kidding me? you don't have enough zeny."; close; } Zeny = Zeny - .cost_[.@buff_type +1]; query_sql "update guild set buff = buff +1 where guild_id = "+ getcharid(2); mes "It's done. Congratulation !"; close; OnInit: deletearray .cost_; deletearray .skills_$; setarray .cost_[1], 10000, 20000, 30000; // cost zeny to up the healer setarray .skills_$[1], "Kyrie Eleison (3), agi (8), bless (8)", "Kyrie Eleison (5), agi (9), bless (8)", "Kyrie Eleison (9), agi (9), bless (9)"; .max_buff = 3; // can up the healer 3 time end; } prontera,160,185,6 duplicate(flop) flop#1 909 // geffen,163,185,6 duplicate(flop) flop#2 909 // payon,163,185,6 duplicate(flop) flop#3 909 // yuno,163,185,6 duplicate(flop) flop# 909 Then the npc healer (the script is based on the healer in the svn) - script Healer -1,{ if( getcharid(2) ) query_sql "SELECT buff FROM guild WHERE guild_id = "+ getcharid(2), .@buff_type; set .@Price,0; // Zeny required for heal set .@Buffs,1; // Also buff players? (1: yes / 0: no) set .@Delay,0; // Heal delay, in seconds callfunc "F_ClearGarbage",0; if (@HD > gettimetick(2)) end; if (.@Price) { message strcharinfo(0),"Healing costs "+.@Price+" Zeny."; if (Zeny < .@Price) end; if(select("^0055FFHeal^000000:^777777Cancel^000000") == 2) close; set Zeny, Zeny-.@Price; } specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100; if (.@Buffs) { switch( .@buff_type ) { case 3: specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,9; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,9; sc_start SC_KYRIE,240000,9; break; case 2: specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,8; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,9; sc_start SC_KYRIE,240000,9; break; case 1: specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,8; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,8; sc_start SC_KYRIE,240000,3; break; default: specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,5; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,5; } } if (.@Delay) set @HD, gettimetick(2)+.@Delay; close; } prontera,163,185,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#alb 909 I just add :
    1 point
  17. you need paste this to your .vmx file: monitor_control.restrict_backdoor = "TRUE" isolation. tools.getPtrLocation.disable = "TRUE" isolation. tools.setPtrLocation.disable = "TRUE" isolation. tools.setVersion.disable = "TRUE" isolation. tools.getVersion.disable = "TRUE" monitor_control.disable_directexec = "TRUE" and change display adapter name to empty string (in registry). HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Class/{4D36E968-E325-11CE- BFC1-08002BE10318}/0000 Double Click on "DriverDesc" and erase the value. Then uninstall VMware tools and shutdown windows (!) an start again. Tested only on VMware Fusion (OSX 10.8.3) and Windows XP SP3 as host. Unpacking newer RagRE/RagEXE's should not be problem.. now it's quick and easy. EDIT: http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/ http://k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/ Now Yommy can unpack EXE's too...
    1 point
  18. That's weird, because that bug is very similar to the last 'close;' bug in previous SVN version, but now it has been fixed. If clicking on Sprakki and other official NPC makes you and your players stucked, then probably it's server related problem.
    1 point
  19. Hi Yommy, Here is unpacked 2012-10-17bRagexeRE client (all credits goes to my friend giv). http://k3dt.eu/2012-10-17bRagexeRE-unpacked.exe if you need unpack some other versions, contact me at irc://irc.reborn.cz/reborn
    1 point
  20. Hello. Sorry I'm a chinese and I can't speak BM well but hope you understand. Saya fail bahasa melayu haha 1. Jangan menguna client yang sangat baru, cuba menguna 04-10 or 05-15. 2. Cuba link ini dari Malaysia (Credits to RedBoss)
    1 point
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