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  1. Today
  2. Is it possible to revert back to the older login GUI and not the new poring one with newer clients (2020+)
  3. I will do a quick re install. Edit* Yep! It was fixed. Thanks @Tokei!
  4. That is... a strange issue, I'm not able to reproduce it. If you opened GRF Editor without the "Always reopen latest opened GRF", you will get a template GRF as such: As you can see, the window title is "GRF Editor - new *", with a star at the end, meaning it hasn't been saved yet. It also has a "data" folder in it. In your screenshot, you have neither. That means you've opened an actual GRF, but that also doesn't make sense since an opened GRF will display the full path in the title. As much as I'd like to fix this issue, it doesn't seem possible to reproduce. The error shows that the magic string is empty instead of "Master of Magic". That looks like an empty file...? That also doesn't make much sense. I would need additional information (well, assuming that error is worth fixing since it doesn't seem to trigger normally at all).
  5. Yesterday
  6. [Showcase] PCM Iron Man Mark III บันทึก_2024_05_05_03_21_02_379.mp4
  7. Something to do with the header thingy. Also i always do this settings to prevent opening the previous opened grf.
  8. I get that, i still wanna edit the sprite of the effect
  9. Hi guys, I'm trying to add some items in the laphine system, I have already modified the server file "db/re/laphine_upgrade.yml", but it seems that there is anything else that needs to be modified on the client side. Can anyone teach me how to modify it? thanks.
  10. What does it shows when you click the ! button ?
  11. thanks but i have problem to understand the script, it kinda too complicated for me to understand, i had no idea how to modify that script to my needs..
  12. It fixes my problem. But every time i will open GRF Editor i see this error were detected. I thought you should know.
  13. Your writings stick out to me since the content is interesting and simple to understand loan calculator. Even though I've read a lot of websites, I still like yours more. Your essay was interesting to read. I can understand the essay better now that I've read it carefully. In the future, I'd like to read more of your writing.
  14. I disabled all the expanded classes in my server through not allowing people to class change into them. Simple as that. You can change the level cap through source modification of map.hpp. Edit it to any number you want and then work on the database parts (job_exp.yml and statpoint.yml) There's a guide out there available but simply, you need to add a new skill ID into skill.hpp, add how it works into skill.cpp, if it has damage values, also add it into battle.cpp, then add the new skill data into skill_db, then also modify your client files to allow players to read up on that skill description and skill tree values.
  15. For gathering quest you can check out npc\re\quests\eden\26-40.txt
  16. Try to search that RixSquirrel. I think that's just font of RO. The quierytransparentiteminfo try that ignore error patch from warp? maybe that'll work
  17. im trying to add custom BGM with same hz and same bit rate of the original songs but its not working, any clue on this?
  18. Last week
  19. View File Falcon Higher from Master Hello, Small change but I think falcon's height is too low, and maybe somebody out there is interested. Thank you, Submitter namerpus18 Submitted 05/01/24 Category Spriting & Paletting Tools Content Author namerpus18  
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