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  1. wow Releasing... Now, its mine:
  2. Thanks Calcium, my english is too bad. I hope something open the mind of paradox924 to make fluxcp compatible with eAthena and rAthena in the future.
  3. Golen, para conexao mysql remota, a empresa deve permitir acesso entrante sainte pela porta 3306, voce tambem deve criar um usuario com o host que irá acessar este usuario... no caso do cPanel do servidor A basta ir em MySQL Remoto e adicionar o ip do servidor B. Em seguida voce cria o usuario e pronto, estará liberado para conexao remota.
  4. On cronus-emulator project, we forked with rathena we have mirroring our github to svn repo in read-only. Mirroring git to svn is very simple. More info can get in: http://www.kerrybuck...git-repository/ I don't think that GIT is just hyperbole or just because Linus Torvalds is involved with the project but yes, Git is simple to use and the impact that your members can to contribute with fix or for new features to the project through pull requests is amazing. In my opinion this is the best version control I've ever used and i've excited to use git with rAthena. Cheers
  5. +1 for Official rAthena in GitHub.
  6. Hey Calcium, there's not an official fluxcp for renewal right?
  7. Roberto


    @Protimus This attack '0 day' was fixed by Apache team and released in version 2.2.21 and HTTPS connection cant prevent these attacks. 'http flood' however makes your connection table like TIME_WAIT (command win or linux: netstat -an) turn a fireball and your server be very slow. Assuming than rathena.org apparently is hosted in CloudFlare IMHO that this webhost have an better security to prevent some hack attempts from simple injection to complex types of ddos attacks is also possible round-robin system to loadbalance this website into others webservers. Therefore in the case of rAthena whatever if your webserver with https enabled, CloudFlare prevent these attacks by default and without additional costs. Round-robin servers rathena.org has address rathena.org has address @SkzBR If you use any linux OS you just can use Config&Server Firewall (CSF) [1]. This app just use iptable between CSF to make effective rules. Your subsystem LFD listen your log system and block if found something abnormal. Can you consider to use ModSecurity[2] to your webserver. This module is share compiled with your apache webserver and can make custom rules to prevent some PHP/XSS/SQL/FILE injection and others various hack attempts to your websites. His prevent too some flood attacks like slowris but this last is rarely used. [1] http://configserver.com [2] http://modsecurity.org
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