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  1. Great! Now I can't see the image without messing with my history because you broke their rule. Thank you! >_>
  2. All I remember about Gloom Under Night is that it's an obvious evolution of a Gremlin/Hordemlin... And yes, Gloom's manifestation is directly related to the Ymir's Hearts in the temple.
  3. ^ That FTP has long since been dead.
  4. You should have reversed the clown's walk cycle animation to correctly represent movement physics.
  5. Difference: the way they are organized, maybe... oh and the code, now that rAthena got forked.
  6. WTF is this shit? Can you even learn Throw Zeny without even mastering Dagger Throwing Practice?
  7. I thought about it too, despite not running servers for a very long time now. I always thought that all donations should have no set stats and that you should buy the one you wanted based on pure looks (aka your taste, your choice). Then you could go to an enchanter that could give you the enchants to make it fit your character. Where you idea and mine differ, though, is in the randomized benefits. I actually didn't think of that one, but I agree that it would be a good solution and it does stick to the fundamental idea of what compensating players for donations is supposed to be (a gift of apreciation for helping keep the server up). Don't know if that was your idea though.
  8. This swap skill has an official version in the Kagero/Oboro skill tree. The name of the skill is Illusion - Attraction. The LimitRO version has 1 second cast time (that can be reduced)... but I'm not sure if it's official (the coder claims he has source data or maybe a kRO player). Just mentioning it.
  9. Hmm, I was reading about the custom Lua files and even about custom windowing, splitting and display, and it kept me thinking. I'm not sure what is it that forces this behavior, but given that it is indeed a client-side issue, could it possibly be made so that you could make any item in the DB to behave like a weapon/shield sprite if the server sends in the apropriate information? I mean, will it show the actual weapon sprite animation (or even the default one) instead of a punch animation? I keep reading that the DBs have a limited amount of slots for the various weapons and that any change would force the punch thing. sometime people just want to make more than the amount of weapon slots avaialble to them.
  10. In LimitRO, they use this bug tracker service and they split skill bug reports into the several classes. Over there it was just assumed that no one would bother to use the search feature and that people wouldn't bother to properly tag/label topics (and so far, they were mostly right). In the end, people actually bothered to read the reports and (excessively) repeated reports, making uncommon unless the skill was still broken after the bug fix. Meanwhile, I go to this board's bug tracker and search for Final Strike, and I find at least three reports about the Mirror Image + FS bug and a lot of other topics where Final Strike was mentioned (even if in passing). Interestingly, I also did a normal search of another skill by simply browsing the skill board and noticed how hard it was to find what I was looking for felt to find stuff. Most things aren't even tagged to make searching easier. So yeah, the main benefit to having the sub-categories is that you can at least reduce the amounts of repeated reports.... and that you can fully focus on one class by simply clicking the category for said class.
  11. I've been curious about Kagero and Oboro, the second class update to ninja. Why is it that there is no information about Kagero and Oboro in the server? Actually, why is it that there is not information about Kagero and Oboro anywhere that's not more recent than last November? I mean, no one eve bothered to show screens/vidideos of all of their skills even before the balance update, and by the time they got rebalanced they were pretty much forgotten. I want to see how they stack up now compared to other classes in their current state, as well was see what difference does having the gears make for them.
  12. Kiso


    OH GOD! THIS! THIS! THIS! YES! DO IT, PLEASE! My idea, why not have the CP that comes integrated with a web market. Access to all of you items in the account so that you could add/remove them from the characters/storage and place them into an universal vending system on the web itself. It would allow people that can't play the game to still have the ability to buy/sell things from their accounts. Of course this would have to be password protected. You could probably have a module to place all of the items that you want to sell and place the price(whether it's for Zeny, Donation Points, Vote Points, etc). That could also be integrated into Kafra shops in-game (or maybe the in-game web browser that comes in the new renewal clients), so as to reduce the need for multiple vending accounts or even the need for @autovend.
  13. I'm not worried much about sprites being non-compatible with other clients... even officials. It's not like they couldn't simply be kept in "raw" (PSD, PNG, BMP, etc) for porting to other clients should it be necessary. Then again, it'd be pretty odd for someone to add "HD" sprites in a normal client that would probably wouldn't understand how to process the image anyways... might wind up showing a giant player character or a strangely disproportionate gear on a character.
  14. I see, so if this were to be implemented I'd have to either code a module with a custom table that tells the client to process specific images in a specific manner. Would it be more dofficult to add metadata on the .spr files themselves and have the custom client look for this information before loading/showing the image?
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