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HappyMan last won the day on December 5 2016

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Community Answers

  1. did you set your lua files id?
  2. from : getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0; to : from : getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 1;
  3. prontera,155,187,4 script Healer::healerdup 441,10,10,{ OnTouch: while(getbrokenid(1)) repair(1); sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; set @maxhp,readparam(6); set @curhp,readparam(5); set @heal,@maxhp-@curhp; skilleffect 28,@heal; percentheal 100,100; getinventorylist; for(set @i, 0; @i < @inventorylist_count; set @i, @i + 1) { if (@inventorylist_identify[@i] == 1) continue; delitem2 @inventorylist_id[@i],1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; getitem @inventorylist_id[@i],1; } } try this one.
  4. i know how to apply it in game but i dont know how to put my files into act and spr
  5. @sader1992 can you help me on this one? thanks
  6. i apply the diff correctly but still got error. anyone can help me to fix this error? thanks in advance
  7. How to set or make this sprite file for gm sprite? thanks in advance
  8. The npc can detect the points in character but when checking the top 10 breaker it's not working. image below prontera,164,175,3 script Breaker Ladder 605,{ query_sql "SELECT `char`.char_id,`char`.`name`,global_reg_value.`value` FROM global_reg_value LEFT JOIN `char` ON global_reg_value.char_id=`char`.char_id WHERE global_reg_value.str='brokeemp' ORDER BY CAST(`global_reg_value`.`value` AS UNSIGNED) DESC LIMIT 10", .@char_id, .@name$, .@count; mes "[ ^00FF00 Kaspersky ^000000 ]"; mes "Hello there "+strcharinfo(0)+", what do you want to do?"; menu "Check Emperium Break Points",-,"View Breaker Ladder",Llad,"Exchange Points",Lex,"Nothing",Lno; next; next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Kaspersky ^000000 ]"; mes "Hmm, wait a second, i'll go check my records.."; next; mes strcharinfo(0)+"'s Emperium Break Points is ^FF0000"+brokeemp+"^000000 Point(s)"; end; Lno: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Kaspersky ^000000 ]"; mes "Suit yourself.."; end; Lex: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Kaspersky ^000000 ]"; mes "What points would you like to exchange?"; mes "^FF0000Note: Check your inventory and weight before exchanging with me!"; menu "Emperium Break Points",-,"Nothing",Lno; next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Kaspersky ^000000 ]"; mes "What do you want to exchange with?"; menu "Billow",-,"Emblem of Solar God",Lesg,"Ripple",Lrip,"Silver Ornament",Lsil,"Wrath of Valkyrie",Lval; next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Kaspersky ^000000 ]"; mes "You need 50 Breaker Points for this.."; mes "Do you still want Billow?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",Lno; if(brokeemp < 50) goto Lnep; if(brokeemp >= 50) next; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 7091,1; set brokeemp,brokeemp-50; end; Lnep: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Kaspersky ^000000 ]"; mes "Not enough points!"; end; Lesg: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Kaspersky ^000000 ]"; mes "You need 70 Breaker Points for this.."; mes "Do you still want Emblem of Solar God?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",Lno; next; if(brokeemp < 70) goto Lnep; if(brokeemp >= 70) mes "[ ^00FF00 Kaspersky ^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 7086,1; set brokeemp,brokeemp-70; end; Lrip: mes "[ ^00FF00 Kaspersky ^000000 ]"; mes "You need 50 Breaker Points for this.."; mes "Do you still want Ripple?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",Lno; if(brokeemp < 50) goto Lnep; if(brokeemp >= 50) next; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 7090,1; set brokeemp,brokeemp-50; end; Lval: mes "[ ^00FF00 Kaspersky ^000000 ]"; mes "You need 50 Breaker Points for this.."; mes "Do you still want Wrath of Valkyrie?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",Lno; if(brokeemp < 50) goto Lnep; if(brokeemp >= 50) next; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 7078,1; set brokeemp,brokeemp-50; end; Lsil: mes "[ ^00FF00 Kaspersky ^000000 ]"; mes "You need 50 Breaker Points for this.."; mes "Do you still want Silver Ornament?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",Lno; if(brokeemp < 50) goto Lnep; if(brokeemp >= 50) next; mes "Here you go!"; getitem 7077,1; set brokeemp,brokeemp-50; end; Llad: next; for( set .@x,0; .@x<=9; set .@x,.@x+1 ) { mes "^0000FF"+(.@x+1)+".^000000 "+.@name$[.@x]+" - ^FF0000"+.@count[.@x]+"^000000 Point(s)"; } // .@x starts at 0, but you want to start with '1st', so use (.@x+1);) end; OnInit: waitingroom "BREAKER LADDER!",0; end; }
  9. This is already fixed by creating new classes.
  10. How to fix this? thanks
  11. how to fix this?
  12. @Playtester if i set it 600 i cant spam some skill like bowling bash and also what i want is to have minimal or a little bit cast for like fire bolt etc. even they use kiel card . to avoid any 3rd party programs.
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