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About Oceanid

  • Birthday 08/18/1994

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    Admin of ArcadeRO
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Poring (1/15)




Community Answers

  1. @hardelite It's this line here: set .@j, rand(1,27); It's going to randomly generate a number between 1 and 27 each time and then gets used here: announce "Uh-oh! It seems that we have a plague in the Prontera Villas, house" + .@j + ".",0,0x99CCFF; So it won't necessarily be the house that is occupied.
  2. If the Prontera map file is the only one you have then yes. You will remove: "Villas Geffen",L_VGeffen,"Villas Morroc",L_VMorroc,"Villas Payon",L_VPayon,"Villas Alberta",L_VAlberta,"Villas Izlude",L_VIzlude,"Villas Aldebaran",L_VAldebaran, and L_VGeffen: set Zeny, Zeny - 2000; mes "[Real Estate Agent]"; mes "Have nice trip!!"; close2; warp "rent_md.gat",49,92; end; L_VMorroc: set Zeny, Zeny - 2000; mes "[Real Estate Agent]"; mes "Have nice trip!!"; close2; warp "rent_mc.gat",49,92; end; L_VPayon: set Zeny, Zeny - 2000; mes "[Real Estate Agent]"; mes "Have nice trip!!"; close2; warp "rent_ma.gat",49,92; end; L_VAlberta: set Zeny, Zeny - 2000; mes "[Real Estate Agent]"; mes "Have nice trip!!"; close2; warp "rent_me.gat",49,92; end; L_VIzlude: set Zeny, Zeny - 2000; mes "[Real Estate Agent]"; mes "Have nice trip!!"; close2; warp "rent_mf.gat",49,92; end; L_VAldebaran: set Zeny, Zeny - 2000; mes "[Real Estate Agent]"; mes "Have nice trip!!"; close2; warp "rent_mg.gat",49,92; end; from the script. But that is assuming you have the rent_mb.gat map file. In your code you can remove this block: // Respawn of bugs in the house for (set .@j, 1; .@j < 23; set .@j, .@j + 1) { callfunc "rent_spawnbug","a" + .@j + ""; callfunc "rent_spawnbug","c" + .@j + ""; callfunc "rent_spawnbug","d" + .@j + ""; callfunc "rent_spawnbug","e" + .@j + ""; callfunc "rent_spawnbug","f" + .@j + ""; callfunc "rent_spawnbug","g" + .@j + ""; } You're not using the other maps so you don't need it in there. Try removing these lines: switch (rand(1,1)) { case 1: break; } My server isn't online so I can't test it but when you're only using the prontera map you don't need the switch statement in the code.
  3. From what you described it sounds like they used custom mobs with a sprite that looks like a normal player. http://herc.ws/wiki/Custom_Mobs I know this is the hercules format for custom mobs but it doesn't look like rAthena has put the custom mobs in the wiki since they transferred to git. For what you want to do it's definitely doable. You just have to decide what you want them to look like, skills, hair, clothes, etc.
  4. The first is a for loop that is iterating through the array of required items to check that you have the required items and the correct amount. If you don’t have all of the required it’s its going to display the message that you still require some items. If everything checks out in the first for loop it will move on to the second one which is going to iterate through the array and del the required item and the amount from your inventory
  5. Your best bet would probably be to message the poster for the file or an updated link to the script.
  6. Oceanid

    Npc Talk

    Without knowing what you want the NPC to say, script what you want and just use close2; and put sleep 3000; after it.
  7. //===== Athena Script ======================================== //= Poring Race System //===== By: ================================================== //= Zell_ff8 //= -Made for Daegaladh, Admin //= -and RUNE, //= Some Rights Reserved //= //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 0.78 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena SVN 9991+ && Cronus SVN 1268+ //===== Description: ========================================= //= Poring Race //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Tested, eA SVN Stable r10128 working 100% //= Need a lot of clean up... but, WORKS!! WTH xD //= Sorry to C&P the position check after a selection, it's a //= fast fix and don't have time to make it a function. //===== Mapflags: ============================================= p_track02 mapflag nobranch p_track02 mapflag noicewall p_track02 mapflag nomemo p_track02 mapflag noreturn p_track02 mapflag noteleport p_track02 mapflag nowarpto p_track02 mapflag nowarp p_track02 mapflag nopvp p_track02 mapflag nosave //====== Teleporte: ============================================ prontera,146,174,6 script Poring Race#prace0 882,{ if($prace_gate == 0){ mes "[Warper]"; mes "Desculpe, mas a Corrida dos Porings está fechada."; close; } mes "[Warper]"; mes "Olá "+strcharinfo(0)+", você quer ir"; mes "para a Corrida dos Porings?"; if(select("Sim, claro.:Não, obrigado.") == 2) close; close2; warp "p_track02",55,41; end; } //====== Warps: ================================================ hugel,45,57,0 warp p_track001 2,2,p_track02,75,42 p_track02,78,42,0 warp p_track002 1,3,hugel,48,60 //====== Checker: ============================================== p_track02,44,41,0 script Checker#prace0 -1,{ end; OnChequeo: set .@prace_prize, 607; // ID do prêmio para quem vencer.[Padrão: ????] set .@prace_prize_quantity, 1; // Quantidade do prêmio. [Padrão: 1] set $prace_gate,0; for(set .@i,0; .@i < (getarraysize($prace_bidders)); set .@i, .@i + 1){ if(attachrid($prace_bidders[.@i])){ if (@prace_playing!=1) end; set @z, rand(150000,400000); dispbottom "O vencedor é o "+$prace_winner$+" e você apostou em "+@prace_winner$+"."; if (@prace_winner$==$prace_winner$ && @prace_winner$!=""){ dispbottom "Você venceu! Prêmio: 1 "+getitemname(@id); mapannounce "p_track02"," Parabéns! "+strcharinfo(0)+" venceu!",1,0xFFAB54; getitem .@prace_prize,1; emotion 21,1; warp "prontera",150,170; } else { dispbottom "Você perdeu."; emotion 28,1; warp "prontera",150,170; } set @prace_winner$,"";set @prace_playing,0; } //else { announce .@i+" || "+$prace_bidders[.@i],bc_all; } //debug } for(set .@i,0; .@i < (getarraysize($prace_bidders)); set .@i, .@i + 1) set $prace_bidders[.@i],0; } - script Timers#prace0 -1,{ OnClock2135: callfunc "OnCalll"; OnClock0200: callfunc "OnCalll"; OnClock0400: callfunc "OnCalll"; OnClock0600: callfunc "OnCalll"; OnClock0800: callfunc "OnCalll"; OnClock1000: callfunc "OnCalll"; OnClock1200: callfunc "OnCalll"; OnClock1400: callfunc "OnCalll"; OnClock1600: callfunc "OnCalll"; OnClock1800: callfunc "OnCalll"; OnClock2000: callfunc "OnCalll"; OnClock2200: callfunc "OnCalll"; } function script OnCall1 { set $prace_gate,1; announce "A 'Corrida dos Porings' irá começar em breve, façam suas apostas!",bc_all|bc_yellow; end; } //====== Principal: ============================================ p_track02,58,41,2 script Bidder#prace0 765,{ set .@prace_zeny,3000; // Preço para apostar. [Padrão: 3500] if ($prace_random < 1) callsub OnInit; if (@prace_playing==1) callsub AlreadyPlaying; if($prace_gate == 0){ mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Uma corrida está em andamento..."; close; } getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x1,.@y,1,"Poring#prace1"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x2,.@y,1,"Angeling#prace2"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x3,.@y,1,"Metaling#prace3"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x4,.@y,1,"Deviling#prace4"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x5,.@y,1,"Poring Noel#prace5"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x6,.@y,1,"Poporing#prace6"); if (.@x1 != 58 || .@x2 != 58 || .@x3 != 58 || .@x4 != 58 || .@x5 != 58 || .@x6 != 58){ mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Uma corrida está em andamento..."; close; } mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Escolha o poring em que deseja apostar:";mes "Irá custar "+.@prace_zeny+" Zeny.";next; switch(select("Poring","Angeling","Metaling","Deviling","Poring Noel","Poporing")){ case 1: callfunc "OnBid","Poring"; case 2: callfunc "OnBid","Angeling"; case 3: callfunc "OnBid","Metaling"; case 4: callfunc "OnBid","Deviling"; case 5: callfunc "OnBid","Poring Noel"; case 6: callfunc "OnBid","Poporing"; } OnReady: set $prace_bets,$prace_bets+1; set $prace_bidders[$prace_bets],getcharid(3); set @prace_playing,1; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Eu tenho "+$prace_bets+" apostas."; setnpctimer 60000; startnpctimer; npctalk strcharinfo(0)+" fez sua aposta!"; close; Start1: setnpctimer 0; startnpctimer; end; AlreadyPlaying: mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Você apostou em ^00bb00"+@prace_winner$+"^000000."; close; StartRace: donpcevent "Metaling#prace3::OnRace"; donpcevent "Poring#prace1::OnRace"; donpcevent "Poporing#prace6::OnRace"; donpcevent "Angeling#prace2::OnRace"; donpcevent "Poring Noel#prace5::OnRace"; donpcevent "Deviling#prace4::OnRace"; end; OnStopRace: donpcevent "Poring#prace1::OnStop"; donpcevent "Angeling#prace2::OnStop"; donpcevent "Metaling#prace3::OnStop"; donpcevent "Deviling#prace4::OnStop"; donpcevent "Poring Noel#prace5::OnStop"; donpcevent "Poporing#prace6::OnStop"; if ($prace_winner$!="") callsub WinRace; end; ReturnRace: donpcevent "Poring#prace1::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Angeling#prace2::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Metaling#prace3::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Deviling#prace4::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Poring Noel#prace5::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Poporing#prace6::OnReturn"; end; WinRace: set $prace_gate,0; mapannounce "p_track02","O vencedor é o "+$prace_winner$+".",1,0xFFAB54; donpcevent "Checker#prace0::OnChequeo"; setnpctimer 30000;startnpctimer; end; OnInit: set $prace_random,70; set $prace_random2,600; set $prace_winner$,""; set $prace_bets,0; set $prace_bidders,0; end; OnTimer500: mapannounce "p_track02","Porings, em suas marcas...",1,0xFFAB54; end; OnTimer3000: mapannounce "p_track02","...3...",1,0xFFAB54; end; OnTimer4000: mapannounce "p_track02","...2...",1,0xFFAB54; end; OnTimer5000: mapannounce "p_track02","...1...",1,0xFFAB54; callsub StartRace; end; OnTimer6000: stopnpctimer; mapannounce "p_track02","Gooo!!!",1,0xFFAB54; end; OnTimer35000: set $prace_winner$,""; set $prace_bets,0; stopnpctimer; callsub ReturnRace; OnTimer90000: npctalk "Eu tenho "+$prace_bets+" aposta(s). Alguém mais?"; end; OnTimer110000: npctalk "A corrida irá começar em breve. Última chance."; end; OnTimer120000: callsub Start1; } //====== Função Apostar: ======================================= function script OnBid { getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x1,.@y,1,"Poring#prace1"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x2,.@y,1,"Angeling#prace2"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x3,.@y,1,"Metaling#prace3"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x4,.@y,1,"Deviling#prace4"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x5,.@y,1,"Poring Noel#prace5"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x6,.@y,1,"Poporing#prace6"); if (.@x1 == 58 || .@x2 == 58 || .@x3 == 58 || .@x4 == 58 || .@x5 == 58 || .@x6 == 58){ if (Zeny < .@prace_zeny) { callsub OnZeny; } else { set Zeny,Zeny-.@prace_zeny; } set @prace_winner$,getarg(0); callsub OnReady; } mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Uma corrida está em andamento..."; close; OnZeny: set @prace_winner$,""; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Você não tem Zeny suficiente."; close; OnReady: set $prace_bets,$prace_bets+1; set $prace_bidders[$prace_bets],getcharid(3); set @prace_playing,1; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Eu tenho "+$prace_bets+" apostas."; setnpctimer 60000; startnpctimer; npctalk strcharinfo(0)+" fez sua aposta!"; close; } //====== Monstros: ============================================== p_track02,58,38,2 script Poring#prace1 1002,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,38; end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Poring#prace1"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2); startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Poring"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } } p_track02,58,36,2 script Angeling#prace2 1096,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,36; end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Angeling#prace2"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2); startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Angeling"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } } p_track02,58,34,2 script Metaling#prace3 1613,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,34; end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Metaling#prace3"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2); startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Metaling"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } } p_track02,58,32,2 script Deviling#prace4 1582,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,32; end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Deviling#prace4"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2); startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Deviling"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } } p_track02,58,30,2 script Poring Noel#prace5 1062,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,30; end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Poring Noel#prace5"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2); startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Poring Noel"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } } p_track02,58,28,2 script Poporing#prace6 1031,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,28; end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Poporing#prace6"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2); startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Poporing"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } } Fixed the errors and tested it. Should be working now.
  8. prontera,159,193,4 script PVP Warper 715,{ The tabs didn't carry over from the text editor. Next time post your error so you get a quicker response.
  9. When using the Ex Job Changer in my server I get this error when trying to unlock a job: [Error]: script:op_2: invalid data for operator C_EQ
  10. If anyone is still wanting the files for the houses I added the script to my sever so i'm working on adding the files for all of the maps. For now here is a download link for all the files for the villas in prontera. http://www.mediafire.com/download/m4wfe47te4435by/Prontera_Housing.zip I'll update this with the links for the other maps as I get them done.
  11. Just a heads up, on the E-Inquiry script players are able to access the GM menu and see the messages the GM's receive. ( getgmlevel() < .GMLevel )?"":"^FF0000[ GM ]^000000 Manage Messages" )){
  12. - script Open Warp -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: getmapxy @map$,@x,@y,0; if (@map$ == "Geffenia") { (PASTE BROADCAST MESSAGE HERE) } else close; } Try this.. Just make sure you have the loadevent mapflag active on Geffenia
  13. You can change the HP rate in player.conf but this will change the HP rate for all classes not just royal guard.
  14. "PETINFO_CLASS" isn't a type. Refer to this link https://rathena.org/wiki/Getpetinfo and replace "PETINFO_CLASS" with the corresponding number for what you want to check.
  15. // Set new Castle Occupant SetCastleData strnpcinfo(2),1, .@GID; // Announce that the Emperium is destroyed, and respawn all but new castle-occupants. mapannounce strnpcinfo(2),"The emperium has been destroyed.",bc_map|bc_woe,"0x00CCFF",FW_NORMAL,12; MapRespawnGuildID strnpcinfo(2),.@GID,6;
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