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  1. msgstringtable.txt lines 2472 and 2473 For %d minutes, item drop rate from defeating monster is increased by %d%%.# For %d minutes %.2d, item drop rate from defeating monster is increased by %d%%.#
  2. Acho que isso vai funcionar {if (readparam(bStr) > (readparam(bInt))){bonus bAtkRate,10; bonus bHit,30;} if (readparam(bStr) < (readparam(bInt))){bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bDelayrate,-3;} if (readparam(bStr) == (readparam(bInt))){bonus bAtkRate,5;bonus bMatkRate,5; bonus bDelayrate,-5;}},{},{}
  3. Hello people, I would like to know if it is possible to save the amount of cash spent at the mall. Ex: Ygg costs 50 cash's, I buy 10 will give 500 cash's I wanted this amount to be saved and added to amounts spent in the future. Is it possible? and how can i do?
  4. Não sei se entendi bem, mas o que você quer é colocar mais de um prêmio para ser entregue? Caso seja isso é só você seguir as instruições no script. // Itens Recompensa Diária (Max 128 dias): // "<Zeny>|<Pontos>|<BaseExp>|<JobExp>|<itemID-1>|<quantidade-1>|<itemID-2>|<quantidade-2>...etc", // Dia 1 // "<Zeny>|<Pontos>|<BaseExp>|<JobExp>|<itemID-1>|<quantidade-1>|<itemID-2>|<quantidade-2>...etc" // Dia 2 // ...; // Comprimento total de qualquer seqüência de dias deve ser 255 ou mais curto // * Se os jogadores sessão mais longa do que o último dia set, eles vão continuar a receber o último prêmio. setarray .Rewards$[1], "0,0,0,0,12259,20,ID DO ITEM, QUANTIDADE", Espero ter ajudado.
  5. Bom dia. Não tenho certeza mas acho que é no system/OngoingQuestInfoList.lub Espero ter ajudado.
  6. Boa noite, O procedimento ainda é o mesmo, procure na pasta npc/mapflag/nowarpto.txt Espero ter ajudado.
  7. Hello everyone! I wonder if is can enable upe from a certain level only if you complete a certain quest. For example: maximum level is 1000 and the player can freely level up to level 150, after that level he will have to do a quest to level up 151, 152, 153.... Each level will need to do a quest to enable the up.
  8. Na pasta do emulador tem uma pasta doc dentro dela tem um arquivo chamado 'item_bonus' dê uma olhadinha nele, tem práticamente tudo relacionado a bonus de itens.
  9. use -> {bonus bMagicHPGainValue,n;}
  10. Sorry for the delay in answering, I was at work ^^ Try this one now: prt_in,44,100,3 script CP Converter 532,{ .@name$ = strcharinfo(0); // Char Name .@item = 7227; // Item ID .@amount = 6; // Item Quantity Required to Receive Cash .@cashpaid = 1; // Cash amount to be paid .@countitem = countitem( .@item )/ .@amount; // Countitem if( .@countitem < 1) { mes "[ Cash Converter ]"; mes "You don't have any ^0000FF"+ getitemname(.@item) +"^000000 in your Inventory to be exchanged for Cash Points."; mes "Please come back to me if you have it already."; close; } mes "[ Cash Converter ]"; mes rand(2) ? ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" I'm Cash Converter, of Prontera Rune-Midgard City." : ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" I can able to exchange your ^0000FF"+ getitemname(.@item) +"^000000 to Cash Points."; mes " "; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; mes "[ Cash Converter ]"; mes "^FF0000Information:^000000"; mes "^777777 -------------------- ^000000"; mes "Exchange Rate: "+ .@countitem * .@amount +" x "+ getitemname( .@item ) +" to "+ ( .@countitem * .@cashpaid ) +" Cash Point"+ (.@countitem * .@cashpaid > 1 ? "s" : "") +""; next; if( select("- Convert","- Cancel") == 1 ) { progressbar "0x11CC99",1; specialeffect2 EF_REMOVETRAP; delitem .@item,.@countitem * .@amount; #CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + ( .@countitem * .@cashpaid ); message .@name$,"You have recieved "+ .@countitem * .@cashpaid +" Cash Point"+ (#CASHPOINTS > 1 ? "s" : "") +" and a of Total: "+ #CASHPOINTS +" Cash Point"+ (#CASHPOINTS > 1 ? "s" : "") +""; mes "[ Cash Converter ]"; mes "You have successfully exchanged."; } close; } https://prnt.sc/p34xca https://prnt.sc/p34xhj https://prnt.sc/p34xjo https://prnt.sc/p34xoe
  11. nomade

    erro script

    Não sei se entendi bem, você quer que apareça um menu ao invés de fechar? Seria interessante se postasse esse npc da print para que possamos dar uma resposta mais concreta.
  12. The colleague above already answered, but here is the same npc, with the modification that requested. prt_in,44,100,3 script CP Converter 532,{ .@name$ = strcharinfo(0); // Char Name .@item = 7227; // Item ID .@amount = 6; // Item Quantity Required to Receive Cash .@cashpaid = 1; // Cash amount to be paid .@countitem = countitem( .@item )/ .@amount; // Countitem if( .@item < .@amount) { mes "[ Cash Converter ]"; mes "You don't have any ^0000FF"+ getitemname(.@item) +"^000000 in your Inventory to be exchanged for Cash Points."; mes "Please come back to me if you have it already."; close; } mes "[ Cash Converter ]"; mes rand(2) ? ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" I'm Cash Converter, of Prontera Rune-Midgard City." : ""+callfunc("F_Hi")+" I can able to exchange your ^0000FF"+ getitemname(.@item) +"^000000 to Cash Points."; mes " "; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; mes "[ Cash Converter ]"; mes "^FF0000Information:^000000"; mes "^777777 -------------------- ^000000"; mes "Exchange Rate: "+ .@countitem +" x "+ getitemname( .@item ) +" to "+ ( .@countitem * .@cashpaid ) +" Cash Point"+ (.@countitem * .@cashpaid > 1 ? "s" : "") +""; next; if( select("- Convert","- Cancel") == 1 ) { progressbar "0x11CC99",1; specialeffect2 EF_REMOVETRAP; delitem .@item,.@countitem * .@amount; #CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + ( .@countitem * .@cashpaid ); message .@name$,"You have recieved "+ .@countitem * .@cashpaid +" Cash Point"+ (#CASHPOINTS > 1 ? "s" : "") +" and a of Total: "+ #CASHPOINTS +" Cash Point"+ (#CASHPOINTS > 1 ? "s" : "") +""; mes "[ Cash Converter ]"; mes "You have successfully exchanged."; } close; }
  13. I need help!!!! I added the system correctly with no errors at the time of compiling the emulator. It works everything normal in the game. My problem is when I buy the item from a store, the map-server restarts. When I'm entered the game again, the sale was not made.
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