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Mumbles last won the day on February 6 2014

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Community Answers

  1. File Name: Utility: Flavor Text Death Announcer File Submitter: Mumbles File Submitted: 23 Jan 2013 File Category: Utilities Content Author: Via File Name: Flavor Text Death Announcer File Submitter: Via File Submitted: 23 Jan 2013 File Category: Utilities Content Author: Via A customizable death announcer that broadcasts on the map pre-defined by the GM configuring the NPC's settings. It helps GMs keep track of player death when hosting events styled to have a last-man-standing winner while adding a creative flair to each situation. It is written so that an announcement with "flavor text" is broadcasted when a player is killed by either a monster or another player. To avoid duplicate announcements, the previous mode is disabled upon activating a new mode. The current release, 1.0, is activated by "whispering" a string of any text to "npc:death". Doing so calls the config panel to set the NPC according to your needs. Click here to download this file
  2. I ended up using something fairly similar. Thanks Akkarin!
  3. I see. I'll try and figure out how to pull an RSS feed from the Tracker, then. I've already been using (e32) Custom Sidebar Blocks and IP.Content Blocks to try and emulate it, but the extra information about it reading from an RSS feed was helpful. Thank you.
  4. I could have guessed that much lol. At this point, I'm more requesting the actual code rather than how to write it.
  5. Hello, I'm aware that the feed displaying the most recent posts from the Tracker in the sidebar is a custom modification; I've done a fair amount of searching for something similar, to no avail. There isn't really a section here for this type of request, but if anyone would be willing to share this code with me, I would greatly appreciate it.
  6. Evidently not. I'm a bit opposed to downloading the entire emulator to test one feature, and I would much rather someone provide the answer(s) if they are able and willing.
  7. Is it currently possible to use an item's Aegis_Name in place of the item ID? If so, at which revision was this implemented? Example: getitem Red_Potion, 1; // Equivalent to: getitem 501, 1;
  8. When loading a script that contains an OnInit label onto a live server, is OnInit automatically initialised, or would I have to use OnWhisperGlobal to sort of cheat the initialisation?
  9. Mumbles


    Couldn't you just force the player to send a packet to close a window with @send (in a script)?
  10. I got 99 problems but a bit ain't one.

  11. Likely, though you'll have to make your own patch and use a third-party client launcher.
  12. The functions Brian wrote were intended to create and retrieve a MAC-based variable, not retrieve a MAC address. His usage of the function getmacaddress() is purely pseudocode. Currently, there is no known method to retrieve a MAC address without Harmony, as Harmony's software and plugins are used to manipulate the client into sending the user's MAC address. If anyone has an alternative method to logging and retrieving MAC addresses, please share. d:
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