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Could you give me strength to fix this silly mistake? I found this script and little by little I was converting to rA, but I couldn't find where the error is.


-	script	 Timmer#AC 	-1,{
	//set $arenac_gate, 1;
	setcell "job_thief1",174,18,185,18,cell_walkable,0;
	setcell "izlude",99,113,107,120,cell_walkable,0;
	setcell "izlude",112,112,97,125,cell_nochat,1;
	setcell "izlude",112,112,97,125,cell_novending,1;
	set $SC_ARMCRIS,15;		//Chance de ir para arena com cristais premiados e PvP.
	set $SC_ARMBLIND,15;	//Chance de congelar por 15 segundos.
	set $SC_ARMDEG,15;		//Chance de diminuir agi.
	set $SC_ARMEXIT,30;		//Chance de ser retirado da sala.
	set $SC_ARMBON1,3;		//Chance de ganhar 2 bandeiras. 
	set $SC_ARMBON2,7;		//Chance de ganhar 1 bandeira. 
	set $SC_ARMAGIL,20;		//Chance de aumentar sua agilidade. 
	set $SC_ARMDISPELL,15;	//Chance de perder todos buffs e de-buffs
	set $SC_ARMIMUN,20;		//Chance de ficar imune a todas armadilhas por 15 segundos
	set $SC_ARMSTRIP,5;		//Chance de divestar algum equip

//=== Não mexer aqui por favor ==//

	OnClock1031: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;
	OnClock1231: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;
	OnClock1431: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;
	OnClock1631: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;
	OnClock1831: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;
	OnClock2031: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;
	OnClock2231: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;
	OnClock0031: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;

//<!----------------------Desabilitando Skills.---------------------------------->
	OnClock1002: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1202: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1402: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1602: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1802: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock2002: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock2202: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock0002: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;

//<!-----------------------------Abrindo a Arena------------------------------------>
	OnClock1010: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
	OnClock1210: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
	OnClock1410: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
	OnClock1610: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
	OnClock1810: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
	OnClock2010: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
	OnClock2210: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
	OnClock0010: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;

//<!-----------------------------Fechando a Arena------------------------------------>
	OnClock1030: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1230: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1430: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1630: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1830: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock2030: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock2230: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock0030: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;

izlude,124,148,5	script	 Arena dos Cristais 	470,{
	set @limite1, 55; //Limite de usuários arena 1
	set @limite2, 50; //Limite de usuários arena 2
	set @limite3, 40; //Limite de usuários arena 3

if($arenac_gate == 1) goto M_start;
	mes "[Arena dos Cristais]";
	mes "Olá ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000, hoje é um ótimo dia para dropar bandeiras, não acha?";
	if($arenac_gate == 1) goto M_start;
	mes "[Arena dos Cristais]";
	mes "Uma pena que a arena está fechada no momento!";
	emotion ET_KEK,1;
	mes "[Arena dos Cristais]";
	mes "A arena fica aberta nestes horários:";
	mes "^FF0000 10:10 até 10:30 ^000000";
	mes "^0000FF 12:10 até 12:30 ^000000";
	mes "^FF0000 14:10 até 14:30 ^000000";
	mes "^0000FF 16:10 até 16:30 ^000000";
	mes "^FF0000 18:10 até 18:30 ^000000";
	mes "^0000FF 20:10 até 20:30 ^000000";
	mes "^FF0000 22:10 até 22:30 ^000000";
	mes "^0000FF 00:10 até 00:30 ^000000";

	mes "[Arena dos Cristais]";
	mes "Qual arena deseja entrar?";
	mes "^309A98Usuários VIP podem entrar na arena mesmo estando lotada^000000.";
	if(getgroupid() >= 20){ mes "^306C2FVocê é um usuário VIP^000000."; }else{ mes "^306C2FVocê não é um usuário VIP^000000."; }
	menu "Arena 1 ^0000FF[" + getmapusers("job_thief1") + "/" + @limite1 + "]^000000",arena1,"Arena 2 ^0000FF[" + getmapusers("que_qaru01") + "/" + @limite2 + "]^000000",arena2;

	if($arenac_gate == 1 && getgroupid() >= 20) { warp "job_thief1",0,0; close; }
	if($arenac_gate == 1 && getmapusers("job_thief1") < @limite1){ warp "job_thief1",0,0; close; }
	if($arenac_gate == 1){ mes "[Arena dos Cristais]"; mes "A arena está lotada."; emotion ET_KEK,1; next; goto L_Init; }
	mes "[Arena dos Cristais]";
	mes "Você está meio atrasado, não é?!";
	mes "[Arena dos Cristais]";
	mes "A arena já fechou!";
	emotion ET_SCRATCH;

	if($arenac_gate == 1 && getgroupid() >= 20) { warp "que_qaru01",0,0; close; }
	if($arenac_gate == 1 && getmapusers("que_qaru01") < @limite2){ warp "que_qaru01",0,0; close; }
	if($arenac_gate == 1){ mes "[Arena dos Cristais]"; mes "A arena está lotada."; emotion ET_KEK,1; next; goto L_Init; }
	mes "[Arena dos Cristais]";
	mes "Você está meio atrasado, não é?!";
	mes "[Arena dos Cristais]";
	mes "A arena já fechou!";
	emotion ET_SCRATCH;

-	script	OnDie#2	-1,{
	if(@mapn$ == "que_qaru01" || @mapn$ == "job_monk" || @map$ == "job_thief1"){
	specialeffect2 555;
	sleep2 750;
	warp "izlude",96,104;

-	script	OnDie#1	-1,{
	if(@mapn$ == "job_monk"){
	set @charid, getcharid(3);
	set @killer$,rid2name(killerrid);
	set @killed$,rid2name($crist_death);
	if(strcharinfo(0) == @killed$){
	announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" matou "+rid2name($crist_death)+" e ganhou 3 bandeiras!",bc_map; 
	getitem 7549,3;
	specialeffect2 586;
	set $crist_death,0;

job_monk,0,0,5	script	Setter#551	-1,{
	monster "job_monk",0,0,"Cristal Premiado",1395,60,"Setter#551::OnDie";

	set @crist_death, @cristdeath+1;
	set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);
	if(@crist_death > 120){ announce "A cabeça de "+strcharinfo(0)+" está ao preço de 3 bandeiras!",bc_map; set $crist_death,getcharid(3); set @crist_death, 0; specialeffect2 744; specialeffect2 233; end; }
	if(@SC_RANDOM >= 97){ announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" matou o Cristal premiado e ganhou bônus de 2 bandeiras!",bc_map; getitem 7549,2; }
	if(@SC_RANDOM > 79 && @SC_RANDOM < 85){ dispbottom "Armadilha! você será jogado para fora"; warp "izlude",96,104; }
	if(@SC_RANDOM > 4 && @SC_RANDOM < 25){ specialeffect2 744; }
	if(@SC_RANDOM < 4){ announce "A cabeça de "+strcharinfo(0)+" está ao preço de 3 bandeiras!",bc_map; set $crist_death,getcharid(3); specialeffect2 744; specialeffect2 233; }
	monster "job_monk",0,0,"Cristal Premiado",1395,1,"Setter#551::OnDie";

function	script	SC_DISPARM	{
	if(@imun > 0){ emotion ET_KIK,1; dispbottom "Armadilha falhou! Você está imune."; return; }

	set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);
	specialeffect2 69;
	specialeffect2 304;
	dispbottom "Armadilha! Você será jogado para fora";
	warp "izlude",96,104;
	emotion ET_CRY,1;
	} else {
	goto ARMDEG;

	set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);
	specialeffect2 38;
	specialeffect2 234;
	specialeffect2 372;
	emotion ET_FRET,1;
	dispbottom "Armadilha! Velocidade Diminuida!";
	sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,80000,50;
	sc_start SC_CHANGEUNDEAD,50000,0;
	} else {

	set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);
	specialeffect2 235;
	emotion ET_HUK,1;
	dispbottom "Armadilha! Todos efeitos foram retirados!";
	sc_end SC_ALL;
	} else {
	goto ARMIMUN;
	set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);
	specialeffect2 675;
	specialeffect2 749;
	emotion ET_SMILE,1;
	dispbottom "Bônus! Você está imune as armadilhas por 15 segundos!";
	set @imun,1;
	sleep2 15000;
	set @imun,0;
	} else {
	set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);
	case 1: specialeffect2 269; dispbottom "Armadilha! Arma retirada!"; unequip 4; break;
	case 2: specialeffect2 270; dispbottom "Armadilha! Escudo retirado!"; unequip 3; break;
	case 3: specialeffect2 271; dispbottom "Armadilha! Armadura retirada!"; unequip 2; break;
	case 4: specialeffect2 272; dispbottom "Armadilha! Capacete retirado!"; unequip 1; break;
	emotion ET_HUK,1;
	} else {
	goto ARMBON1;
	set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);
	if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMBON1) {
	specialeffect2 100;
	specialeffect2 847;
	emotion ET_KIK,1;
	dispbottom "Bônus! Você recebeu 2 Bandeiras Nacionais!";
	getitem 7549,2;
	} else {
	goto ARMBON2;

	set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);
	if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMBON2) {
	specialeffect2 100;
	emotion ET_SMILE,1;
	dispbottom "Bônus! Você recebeu 1 Bandeira Nacional!";
	getitem 7549,1;
	} else {

	set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);
	if (checkoption(0x10)){ set @falcon, 1; }
	if (checkoption(0x20)){ set @peco, 1; }
	specialeffect2 108;
	emotion ET_KEK,1;
	dispbottom "Armadilha! Congelado!";
	atcommand "@option 2";
	if (@falcon > 0){ setoption 0x10; }
	if (@peco > 0){ setoption 0x20; }
	sleep2 6000;
	atcommand "@option 0";
	if (@falcon > 0){ setoption 0x10; set @falcon, 0; }
	if (@peco > 0){ setoption 0x20; set @peco, 0; }
	} else { 
	goto ARMAGIL;

	set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);
	dispbottom "Bônus! Você recebeu Aumentar Agilidade Nv. 10!";
	emotion ET_HUNGRY,1;
	sc_start 32,240000,10;
	skilleffect 29,0;
	specialeffect2 507;
	specialeffect2 519;
	} else {
	goto ARMCRIS;

	set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);
	emotion ET_MONEY,1;
	pcblockmove getcharid(3),1;
	specialeffect2 60;
	specialeffect2 501;
	sleep2 2400;
	pcblockmove getcharid(3),0;
	dispbottom "Bônus! Teleporte para a Arena Premiada!";
	specialeffect2 227;
	warp "job_monk",0,0;
	} else {
	goto ARMBONN;

	set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,20);
	if(@SC_RANDOM <= 1){
	if(countitem(7549) > 2) {
	specialeffect2 722;
	specialeffect2 380;
	emotion ET_CRY,1;
	dispbottom "Armadilha! Você perdeu 3 Bandeiras Nacionais!";
	delitem 7549,3;
	goto ARMFIM;
	goto ARMFIM;

	set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,10);
	if(@SC_RANDOM <= 5){
	if(countitem(7549) > 0) {
	specialeffect2 18;
	emotion ET_KEK,1;
	dispbottom "Armadilha! Você perdeu 1 Bandeira Nacional!";
	delitem 7549,1;

function	script	SC_MOVEARM	{
	movenpc getarg(0),rand(2,390),rand(2,390);
	if( !checkcell(.@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chkreach) ){ return 0; }
	if( !checkcell(.@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chkpass) ){ return 0; }
	return 1;

-	script	Warper#AC	-1,{

	areawarp "job_thief1",rand(18,341),rand(18,341),rand(18,341),rand(18,341),"job_monk",0,0;


//<!----------------------------ARMADILHAS ARENA 1------------------------------->

job_thief1,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS#1::ARM1	-1,7,7,{
	callsub SC_MOVEARM;

	callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; 

	movenpc strnpcinfo(0),rand(19,340),rand(27,340);

job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#2	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#3	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#4	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#5	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#6	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#7	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#8	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#9	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#10	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#11	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#12	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#13	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#14	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#15	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#16	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#17	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#18	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#19	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#20	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#21	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#22	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#23	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#24	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#25	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#26	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#27	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#28	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#29	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#30	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#31	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#32	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#33	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#34	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#35	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#36	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#37	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#38	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#39	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#40	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#41	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#42	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#43	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#44	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#45	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#46	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#47	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#48	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#49	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#50	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#51	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#52	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#53	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#54	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#55	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#56	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#57	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#58	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#59	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#60	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#61	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#62	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#63	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#64	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#65	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#66	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#67	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#68	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#69	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#70	-1,7,7

//<!----------------------------------ARMADILHAS ARENA 2------------------------>

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#1	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#2	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#3	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#4	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#5	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#6	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#7	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#8	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#9	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#10	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#11	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#12	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#13	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#14	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#15	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#16	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#17	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#18	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#19	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#20	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#21	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#22	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#23	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#24	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#25	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#26	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#27	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#28	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#29	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#30	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#31	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#32	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#33	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#34	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }
que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#35	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

//Spawns do cristal.
que_qaru01,0,0,0,0	monster	Cristal	1395,95,30000,0,0
job_thief1,0,0,0,0	monster	Cristal	1395,120,35000,0,0

//Warps D:
que_qaru01,346,81,0	script	WBQ#1-1	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0; 

que_qaru01,132,171,0	script	WBQ#1-2	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",114,158;

que_qaru01,149,105,0	script	WBQ#1-3	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",119,103;

que_qaru01,129,102,0	script	WBQ#1-4	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",146,109;

que_qaru01,252,339,0	script	WBQ#1-5	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0;

que_qaru01,73,272,0	script	WBQ#1-6	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0;

que_qaru01,275,298,0	script	WBQ#1-7	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0;

que_qaru01,259,375,0	script	WBQ#1-8	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0;

que_qaru01,244,375,0	script	WBQ#1-9	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0;

que_qaru01,228,297,0	script	WBQ#2-1	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0;

que_qaru01,345,22,0	script	WBQ#2-2	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0;

que_qaru01,114,163,0	script	WBQ#2-3	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",135,172;

que_qaru01	mapflag	nowarpto
que_qaru01	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
que_qaru01	mapflag	nomemo
que_qaru01	mapflag	nobranch
que_qaru01	mapflag	noreturn
que_qaru01	mapflag	noicewall
que_qaru01	mapflag	noteleport

job_monk	mapflag	nowarp
job_monk	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
job_monk	mapflag	nomemo
job_monk	mapflag	nobranch
job_monk	mapflag	pvp
job_monk	mapflag	noreturn
job_monk	mapflag	noteleport

job_thief1	mapflag	noreturn
job_thief1	mapflag	nowarpto
job_thief1	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
job_thief1	mapflag	nomemo
job_thief1	mapflag	nobranch
job_thief1	mapflag	noicewall
job_thief1	mapflag	noteleport


[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#1 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#1 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#2 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#2 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#3 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#3 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#4 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#4 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#5 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#5 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#6 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#6 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#7 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#7 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#8 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#8 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#9 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#9 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#10 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#10 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#11 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#11 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#12 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#12 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#13 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#13 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#14 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#14 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#15 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#15 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#16 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#16 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#17 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#17 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#18 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#18 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#19 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#19 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#20 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#20 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#21 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#21 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#22 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#22 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#23 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#23 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#24 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#24 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#25 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#25 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#26 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#26 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#27 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#27 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#28 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#28 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#29 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#29 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#30 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#30 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#31 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#31 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#32 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#32 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#33 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#33 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#34 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#34 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#35 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#35 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#36 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#36 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#37 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#37 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#38 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#38 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#39 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#39 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#40 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#40 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#41 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#41 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#42 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#42 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#43 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#43 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#44 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#44 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#45 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#45 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#46 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#46 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#47 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#47 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#48 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#48 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#49 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#49 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#50 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#50 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#51 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#51 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#52 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#52 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#53 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#53 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#54 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#54 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#55 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#55 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#56 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#56 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#57 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#57 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#58 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#58 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#59 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#59 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#60 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#60 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#61 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#61 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#62 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#62 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#63 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#63 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#64 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#64 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#65 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#65 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#66 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#66 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#67 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#67 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#68 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#68 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#69 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#69 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#70 at job_thief1 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS#70 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#1 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#1 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#2 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#2 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#3 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#3 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#4 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#4 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#5 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#5 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#6 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#6 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#7 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#7 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#8 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#8 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#9 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#9 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#10 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#10 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#11 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#11 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#12 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#12 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#13 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#13 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#14 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#14 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#15 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#15 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#16 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#16 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#17 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#17 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#18 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#18 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#19 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#19 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#20 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#20 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#21 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#21 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#22 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#22 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#23 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#23 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#24 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#24 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#25 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#25 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#26 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#26 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#27 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#27 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#28 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#28 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#29 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#29 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#30 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#30 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#31 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#31 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#32 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#32 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#33 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#33 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#34 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#34 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt
[Error]: buildin_getarg: Index (idx=0) out of range (nargs=0) and no default value found
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#35 at que_qaru01 (0,0)
[Debug]: Source (NPC): SC_ARMS2#35 is located in: npc/custom/arenacristal.txt


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that is because you call the function without pass in any parameters/arguments or set a defeault value for each of getarg(...)

getarg(0, "default_value")
function	script	SC_MOVEARM	{
	movenpc getarg(0, strnpcinfo(3)),rand(2,390),rand(2,390);
	getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y, BL_NPC,getarg(0, strnpcinfo(3)));
	if( !checkcell(.@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chkreach) ){ return 0; }
	if( !checkcell(.@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chkpass) ){ return 0; }
	return 1;


but as sader mentioned, your label with SC_MOVEARM name isn't suitable, you shouldn't name any label start with SC_ since its predefined for status change constants.

and learn to use duplicate(...) npc instead of copy all npcs like that

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Are you sure that the errors you provided is from the script you provided ? not an edited version ?

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50 minutes ago, sader1992 said:

Are you sure that the errors you provided is from the script you provided ? not an edited version ?

It really is since scripted. the original version is this: 

-	script	 Timmer#AC 	-1,{
	//set $arenac_gate, 1;
	setcell "job_thief1",174,18,185,18,cell_walkable,0;
	setcell "izlude",99,113,107,120,cell_walkable,0;
	setcell "izlude",112,112,97,125,cell_nochat,1;
	setcell "izlude",112,112,97,125,cell_novending,1;
	set $SC_ARMCRIS,15;		//Chance de ir para arena com cristais premiados e PvP.
	set $SC_ARMBLIND,15;	//Chance de congelar por 15 segundos.
	set $SC_ARMDEG,15;		//Chance de diminuir agi.
	set $SC_ARMEXIT,30;        //Chance de ser retirado da sala.
	set $SC_ARMBON1,3;        //Chance de ganhar 2 bandeiras. 
	set $SC_ARMBON2,7;        //Chance de ganhar 1 bandeira. 
	set $SC_ARMAGIL,20;        //Chance de aumentar sua agilidade. 
	set $SC_ARMDISPELL,15;		//Chance de perder todos buffs e de-buffs
	set $SC_ARMIMUN,20;			//Chance de ficar imune a todas armadilhas por 15 segundos
	set $SC_ARMSTRIP,5;		//Chance de divestar algum equip
//=== Não mexer aqui por favor ==//

OnClock1031: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;

OnClock1231: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;

OnClock1431: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;

OnClock1631: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;

OnClock1831: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;

OnClock2031: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;

OnClock2231: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;

OnClock0031: mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; end;

//<!----------------------Desabilitando Skills.---------------------------------->
	OnClock1002: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1202: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1402: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1602: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1802: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock2002: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock2202: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock0002: setmapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
//<!-----------------------------Abrindo a Arena------------------------------------>
	OnClock1010: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
	OnClock1210: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
	OnClock1410: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
	OnClock1610: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
	OnClock1810: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
	OnClock2010: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
	OnClock2210: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
	OnClock0010: set $arenac_gate, 1; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está aberta!",0; end;
//<!-----------------------------Fechando a Arena------------------------------------>
	OnClock1030: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1230: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1430: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1630: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock1830: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock2030: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock2230: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;
	OnClock0030: set $arenac_gate, 0; announce "A Arena dos Cristais está fechada!",0; mapwarp "job_thief1","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "que_qaru01","izlude",96,104; mapwarp "job_monk","izlude",96,104; removemapflag "izlude",mf_noskill; end;

izlude.gat,104,117,5	script	 Arena dos Cristais 	470,{
set @limite1, 55; //Limite de usuários arena 1
set @limite2, 50; //Limite de usuários arena 2
set @limite3, 40; //Limite de usuários arena 3

if($arenac_gate == 1) goto M_start;
show "[Arena dos Cristais]";
show "Olá ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000, hoje é um ótimo dia para dropar bandeiras, não acha?";
if($arenac_gate == 1) goto M_start;
show "[Arena dos Cristais]";
show "Uma pena que a arena está fechada no momento!";
emotion e_wah,1;
show "[Arena dos Cristais]";
show "A arena fica aberta nestes horários:";
show "^FF0000 10:10 até 10:30 ^000000";
show "^0000FF 12:10 até 12:30 ^000000";
show "^FF0000 14:10 até 14:30 ^000000";
show "^0000FF 16:10 até 16:30 ^000000";
show "^FF0000 18:10 até 18:30 ^000000";
show "^0000FF 20:10 até 20:30 ^000000";
show "^FF0000 22:10 até 22:30 ^000000";
show "^0000FF 00:10 até 00:30 ^000000";

show "[Arena dos Cristais]";
show "Qual arena deseja entrar?";
show "^309A98Usuários VIP TOTAL podem entrar na arena mesmo estando lotada^000000.";
if(getgmlevel() >= 20){ show "^306C2FVocê é um usuário VIP TOTAL^000000."; }else{ show "^306C2FVocê não é um usuário VIP TOTAL^000000."; }
menu "Arena 1 ^0000FF[" + getmapusers("job_thief1") + "/" + @limite1 + "]^000000",arena1,"Arena 2 ^0000FF[" + getmapusers("que_qaru01") + "/" + @limite2 + "]^000000",arena2;

if($arenac_gate == 1 && getgmlevel () >= 20) { warp "job_thief1",0,0; close; }
if($arenac_gate == 1 && getmapusers("job_thief1") < @limite1){ warp "job_thief1",0,0; close; }
if($arenac_gate == 1){ show "[Arena dos Cristais]"; show "A arena está lotada."; emotion e_wah,1; next; goto L_Init; }
show "[Arena dos Cristais]";
show "Você está meio atrasado, não é?!";
show "[Arena dos Cristais]";
show "A arena já fechou!";
emotion e_hmm;

if($arenac_gate == 1 && getgmlevel () >= 20) { warp "que_qaru01",0,0; close; }
if($arenac_gate == 1 && getmapusers("que_qaru01") < @limite2){ warp "que_qaru01",0,0; close; }
if($arenac_gate == 1){ show "[Arena dos Cristais]"; show "A arena está lotada."; emotion e_wah,1; next; goto L_Init; }
show "[Arena dos Cristais]";
show "Você está meio atrasado, não é?!";
show "[Arena dos Cristais]";
show "A arena já fechou!";
emotion e_hmm;


-	script	OnDie#2	-1,{
    if(@mapn$ == "que_qaru01" || @mapn$ == "job_monk" || @map$ == "job_thief1"){
    specialeffect2 555;
    sleep2 750;
    warp "izlude",96,104;


-	script	OnDie#1	-1,{
	if(@mapn$ == "job_monk"){
    set @charid, getcharid(3);
    set @killer$,rid2name(killerrid);
    set @killed$,rid2name($crist_death);
    if(strcharinfo(0) == @killed$){
    announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" matou "+rid2name($crist_death)+" e ganhou 3 bandeiras!",bc_map; 
    additem 7549,3;
	specialeffect2 586;
   set $crist_death,0;

job_monk,0,0,5	script	Setter#551	-1,{
monster "job_monk",0,0,"Cristal Premiado",1395,60,"Setter#551::OnDie";

	set @crist_death, @cristdeath+1;
	set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);
	if(@crist_death > 120){ announce "A cabeça de "+strcharinfo(0)+" está ao preço de 3 bandeiras!",bc_map; set $crist_death,getcharid(3); set @crist_death, 0; specialeffect2 744; specialeffect2 233; end; }
	if(@SC_RANDOM >= 97){ announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" matou o Cristal premiado e ganhou bônus de 2 bandeiras!",bc_map; additem 7549,2; }
	if(@SC_RANDOM > 79 && @SC_RANDOM < 85){ dispbottom "Armadilha! você será jogado para fora"; warp "izlude",96,104; }
	if(@SC_RANDOM > 4 && @SC_RANDOM < 25){ specialeffect2 744; }
	if(@SC_RANDOM < 4){ announce "A cabeça de "+strcharinfo(0)+" está ao preço de 3 bandeiras!",bc_map; set $crist_death,getcharid(3); specialeffect2 744; specialeffect2 233; }
	monster "job_monk",0,0,"Cristal Premiado",1395,1,"Setter#551::OnDie";

function	script	SC_DISPARM	{
if(@imun > 0){ emotion e_gg,1; dispbottom "Armadilha falhou! Você está imune."; return; }


set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);

        if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMEXIT) {
        specialeffect2 69;
		specialeffect2 304;
        dispbottom "Armadilha! Você será jogado para fora";
        warp "izlude",96,104;
		emotion e_sob,1;
        } else { 
        goto ARMDEG;

set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);

        if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMDEG) {
        specialeffect2 38;
		specialeffect2 234;
		specialeffect2 372;
		emotion e_an,1;
        dispbottom "Armadilha! Velocidade Diminuida!";
		sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,80000,50;
        sc_start SC_CHANGEUNDEAD,50000,0;
        } else { 
        goto ARMDISPELL;


set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);

        if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMDISPELL) {
        specialeffect2 235;
		emotion e_omg,1;
        dispbottom "Armadilha! Todos efeitos foram retirados!";
        sc_end SC_ALL;
        } else {
        goto ARMIMUN;

set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);

        if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMIMUN) {
        specialeffect2 675;
		specialeffect2 749;
		emotion e_heh,1;
        dispbottom "Bônus! Você está imune as armadilhas por 15 segundos!";
        set @imun,1;
		sleep2 15000;
		set @imun,0;
        } else {
        goto ARMSTRIP;

set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);

        if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMSTRIP) {
		case 1: specialeffect2 269; dispbottom "Armadilha! Arma retirada!"; unequip 4; break;
		case 2: specialeffect2 270; dispbottom "Armadilha! Escudo retirado!"; unequip 3; break;
		case 3: specialeffect2 271; dispbottom "Armadilha! Armadura retirada!"; unequip 2; break;
		case 4: specialeffect2 272; dispbottom "Armadilha! Capacete retirado!"; unequip 1; break;
		emotion e_omg,1;
        } else {
        goto ARMBON1;

set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);

        if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMBON1) {
        specialeffect2 100;
		specialeffect2 847;
		emotion e_gg,1;
        dispbottom "Bônus! Você recebeu 2 Bandeiras Nacionais!";
        additem 7549,2;
        } else {
        goto ARMBON2;


set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);

        if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMBON2) {
        specialeffect2 100;
		emotion e_heh,1;
        dispbottom "Bônus! Você recebeu 1 Bandeira Nacional!";
        additem 7549,1;
        } else {
        goto ARMBLIND;


set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);

        if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMBLIND) {
		if (checkoption(0x10)){ set @falcon, 1; }
		if (checkoption(0x20)){ set @peco, 1; }
        specialeffect2 108;
		emotion e_wah,1;
        dispbottom "Armadilha! Congelado!";
		atcommand "@option 2";
		if (@falcon > 0){ setoption 0x10; }
		if (@peco > 0){ setoption 0x20; }
		sleep2 6000;
		atcommand "@option 0";
		if (@falcon > 0){ setoption 0x10; set @falcon, 0; }
		if (@peco > 0){ setoption 0x20; set @peco, 0; }
        } else { 
        goto ARMAGIL;


set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);

        if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMAGIL) {
        dispbottom "Bônus! Você recebeu Aumentar Agilidade Nv. 10!";
		emotion e_rice,1;
        sc_start 32,240000,10;
        skilleffect 29,0;
		specialeffect2 507;
		specialeffect2 519;
        } else {
        goto ARMCRIS;


set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,100);

        if(@SC_RANDOM <= $SC_ARMCRIS) {
		emotion e_cash,1;
		pcblockmove getcharid(3),1;
		specialeffect2 60;
		specialeffect2 501;
		sleep2 2400;
		pcblockmove getcharid(3),0;
        dispbottom "Bônus! Teleporte para a Arena Premiada!";
		specialeffect2 227;
		warp "job_monk",0,0;
        } else {
        goto ARMBONN;


set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,20);
	if(@SC_RANDOM <= 1){
                if(countitem(7549) > 2) {
                specialeffect2 722;
				specialeffect2 380;
				emotion e_sob,1;
                dispbottom "Armadilha! Você perdeu 3 Bandeiras Nacionais!";
                delitem 7549,3;
		    goto ARMFIM;
		  }else{ goto ARMFIM; }

set @SC_RANDOM,rand(1,10);
if(@SC_RANDOM <= 5){
    if(countitem(7549) > 0) {
		specialeffect2 18;
		emotion e_wah,1;
		dispbottom "Armadilha! Você perdeu 1 Bandeira Nacional!";
		delitem 7549,1;

function	script	SC_MOVEARM	{
movenpc getarg(0),rand(2,390),rand(2,390);
if( !checkcell(.@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chkreach) ){ return 0; }
if( !checkcell(.@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chkpass) ){ return 0; }
return 1;

-	script	Warper#AC	-1,{

areawarp "job_thief1",rand(18,341),rand(18,341),rand(18,341),rand(18,341),"job_monk",0,0;


//<!----------------------------ARMADILHAS ARENA 1------------------------------->

job_thief1,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS#1::ARM1	-1,7,7,{
OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; 

callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; 

movenpc strnpcinfo(0),rand(19,340),rand(27,340);

job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#2	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#3	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#4	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#5	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#6	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#7	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#8	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#9	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#10	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#11	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#12	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#13	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#14	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#15	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#16	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#17	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#18	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#19	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#20	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#21	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#22	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#23	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#24	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#25	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#26	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#27	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#28	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#29	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#30	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#31	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#32	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#33	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#34	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#35	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#36	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#37	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#38	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#39	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#40	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#41	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#42	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#43	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#44	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#45	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#46	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#47	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#48	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#49	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#50	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#51	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#52	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#53	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#54	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#55	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#56	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#57	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#58	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#59	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#60	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#61	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#62	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#63	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#64	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#65	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#66	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#67	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#68	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#69	-1,7,7
job_thief1,0,0,5	duplicate(ARM1)	SC_ARMS#70	-1,7,7

//<!----------------------------------ARMADILHAS ARENA 2------------------------>

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#1	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#2	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#3	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#4	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#5	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#6	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#7	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#8	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#9	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#10	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#11	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#12	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#13	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#14	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#15	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#16	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#17	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#18	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#19	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#20	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#21	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#22	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#23	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#24	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#25	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#26	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#27	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#28	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#29	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#30	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#31	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#32	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#33	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#34	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

que_qaru01,0,0,5	script	SC_ARMS2#35	-1,4,4,{ OnInit: callsub SC_MOVEARM; initnpctimer; end; OnTouch: callfunc "SC_DISPARM"; OnTimer60000:SC_MOVEARM: if( !callfunc("SC_MOVEARM",strnpcinfo(0)) ){ callsub SC_MOVEARM; } initnpctimer; end; }

//Spawns do cristal.
que_qaru01,0,0,0,0	monster	Cristal pbRO	1395,95,30000,0,0
job_thief1,0,0,0,0	monster	Cristal pbRO	1395,120,35000,0,0

gld_dun02,0,0,0,0	monster	Cristal pbRO	1395,25,1800000,0,0
schg_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Cristal pbRO	1395,25,1800000,0,0

//Warps D:
que_qaru01,346,81,0	script	WBQ#1-1	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0; 

que_qaru01,132,171,0	script	WBQ#1-2	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",114,158;

que_qaru01,149,105,0	script	WBQ#1-3	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",119,103;

que_qaru01,129,102,0	script	WBQ#1-4	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",146,109;

que_qaru01,252,339,0	script	WBQ#1-5	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0;

que_qaru01,73,272,0	script	WBQ#1-6	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0;

que_qaru01,275,298,0	script	WBQ#1-7	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0;

que_qaru01,259,375,0	script	WBQ#1-8	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0;

que_qaru01,244,375,0	script	WBQ#1-9	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0;

que_qaru01,228,297,0	script	WBQ#2-1	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0;

que_qaru01,345,22,0	script	WBQ#2-2	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",0,0;

que_qaru01,114,163,0	script	WBQ#2-3	45,1,1,{
	warp "que_qaru01",135,172;

que_qaru01	mapflag	nowarpto
que_qaru01	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
que_qaru01	mapflag	nomemo
que_qaru01	mapflag	nobranch
que_qaru01	mapflag	noreturn
que_qaru01	mapflag	noicewall
que_qaru01	mapflag	noteleport

job_monk	mapflag	nowarp
job_monk	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
job_monk	mapflag	nomemo
job_monk	mapflag	nobranch
job_monk	mapflag	pvp
job_monk	mapflag	noreturn
job_monk	mapflag	noteleport

job_thief1	mapflag	noreturn
job_thief1	mapflag	nowarpto
job_thief1	mapflag	nosave	SavePoint
job_thief1	mapflag	nomemo
job_thief1	mapflag	nobranch
job_thief1	mapflag	noicewall
job_thief1	mapflag	noteleport

gld_dun02	mapflag	pvp
schg_dun01	mapflag	pvp

As I mentioned I tried converting to rA.

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the only thing that I can suspect of

is SC_ Something is a bad way to call a function or a label or a npc

maybe try to rename the labels and functions ? specifically "SC_MOVEARM" "SC_ARMS" "SC_DISPARM"

because I didn't check but maybe the server is translating it to a SC_ variables like SC_STUN and other variables

to make it more readable I suggest to name the functions F_WhatEverYouWant , and labels as an event like OnWhatEverYouWant , NPCs rename them to WhatEverYouWant just don't use a prefix of a variables at the start

not sure if this would fix the problem, but I don't see any problem in the script code from the error you are getting , this is my only conclusion.

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