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[Tutorial] How to Create Ragnarok Offline 2015 client


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Hi Everyone,


    This is an updated and detailed guide on how to setup a Ragnarok Offline 2015 client. Thanks to Scylla for assisting me step by step on how to setup!

  Let me know if I should clarify/change some information in the tutorial



Required Software/Files




Xampp (for the mysql database and sql script execution)

Visual Studio Community Edition (for compiling rAthena solution. Couldn't find any earlier version of VS express)



Latest KrO client (Update the client using the patchers before proceeding with the client side setup)

Lastest Client (Executable file)

RO Translation


I suggest you download all the files first so you dont need to go back in configuring other things


Setup Server Side


Configuring rAthena


Change packet_db_ver


1. Open rAthena/db/packet_db.txt

2. Modify packet_db_ver: default to packet_db_ver: XX      where XX is the version of the packet_db_ver of your KrO client

3. Save


Change  #define PACKETVER


1. Open rAthena/src/common/mmo.h

2. Modify #define PACKETVER YYYYMMDD      where YYYYMMDD is the date of the client. Example, #define PACKETVER 20150916

3. Save




1. Open rAthena/config/core.h

2. Modify #define PACKET_OBFUSCATION to //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION <-- if error occurs in the end of the guide such as server disconnects you after character select, as per user iantoom, do not modify. Do not check Disable Packet Encryption in the Diff Ragexe using nemo, refer to the Setup Client-Side below) Note: You have to recompile rathena if you have changed this setting

3. Save


Compile rAthena using a compiler(I used Visual Studio)

I wont go into further details in compiling rAthena for it is already explained specifically at the wiki .



Setup rAthena config


I wont go into further details in configuring IP in rAthena for it is already explained specifically at the wiki . IP address should be




Setup Database


You may refer at the wiki regarding how to setup the database. In my case, I use a different approach by using Xampp.

Xampp Setup


1. Install Xampp

2. Launch Xampp Control Panel
3. Start Apache

    If Apache doesnt start, do the following configurations:

    Modify ports 80,443

      -Click Config button for apache

      -Select httpd.conf

      -Modify Listen 80 to Listen 81



      -Click Config for apache

      -Select httpd-ssl.conf

      -Modify Listen 443 to Listen 444


    You should be able to start apache now


4. Start MySql


Create account and database setup


1. On your web browser go to http://localhost:81/phpmyadmin/ (or http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ if you did not modify the ports 80 and 443)

2. Click User Accounts

3. Click Add User Accounts

4. Set username and password to ragnarok

5. Select hostname as local

6. Check Create database with same name and grant all privileges.

7. Check All in Global Priveleges (just to be sure)

8. Click Go


Execute all SQL scripts in rathena

1. In phpmyadmin, click the ragnarok database

2. Click SQL

3. Open rathena\sql-files folder

4. Open .sql files(one by one, including ,sql files in subfolders) and copy paste it in the SQL phpmyadmin textarea

5. Click Go

6. Repeat step 4 until all .sql files are executed.


Create Account in Database

1. In phpmyadmin, expand the ragnarok database

2. Click Login table

3. Click Insert

4. Fill in username, password and gender

5. Set group id to 99

6. Click Go


Run rAthena Server

1. Open rAthena folder.

2. Run runserver.bat


The 3 servers should be running properly :)


My screenshot of the 3 running servers I configured




Setup Client Side


Diff Ragexe

1. Open NEMO

2. Browse for Input Exe File. Locate the Client Exe file you have downloaded

3. Click Load Client.

4. Click Select Recommended.

5. Just click OK to the Window that pops up

6. Check Disable Packet Encryption <-- if error occurs such as server disconnects you after character select, as per user iantoom, do not check. Enable Packet Obfuscation instead, refer to the configuring rathena above.

7. Check Use Ragnarok Icon

8. Check Read data folder first

9. Click Apply Selected


You should now have a patched exe file in the same folder location(of the exe you downloaded)


Placing all processed files in one folder


1. Create New Folder

2. Copy Data and System Folder from your downloaded RO Translation folder to your New Folder

3. Copy BGM and SaveData folder from your downloaded/installed kRo Folder to your New Folder

4. Copy data.grf from your downloaded/installed kRo Folder to your New Folder

5. Copy All dll files from your downloaded/installed kRo Folder to your New Folder

6. Copy Setup.exe  from your downloaded/installed kRo Folder to your New Folder

7. Copy patched exe file to your New Folder


Modify ClientInfo.xml


1. Open data/clientinfo.xml in your New Folder

2. Modify Address to

3. Modify Version to XX    where XX is the packet_db_ver



Launch patched exe file


Login using the account created earlier. Enjoy Playing!

Sample Screens of my server





- Make sure you set the group id of your account in the database to 99. This will make the account a Game Master

- On the first login, characters are spawned in the bugged izlude map (black screen and unable to move). Use the @go 0 command to teleport to prontera

- Also I apologize that I can't help you guys with the other concerns (Weird server errors etc.) . I made this guide based on how Scylla helped me step by step. I am also not that knowledgeable to determine your issues. It is preferable you go at discord and ask our awesome veteran members for concerns like this :)

Edited by Einjerin
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thanks for the guide 

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Modify ClientInfo.xml


1. Open data/clientinfo.xml in your New Folder

2. Modify Address to

3. Modify Version to XX    where XX is the packet_db_ver



is this true? cos it doesnt work for me with the client 2015

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am I supposed to get errors when loading sql files? I followed your guide but when setting up database, Im getting errors loading the sql.

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after following this guide...


1) I get a Black Screen as if (iz_int) map is not there (but when replaced with data.grf from other game like myro it worked) but i know that this is only temporary, from this point I can play the game)


2) packet_db_ver of 46 gives warning so changed it to 53 which is what the console is saying.


3) cannot chat any type of chat doesn't work, and I am getting this "malformed packet error" no chat logs as well


4) gm commands doesn't work maybe because the chat isn't working...


I think there is something wrong with the latest client... because it can't load the map sprites...

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client character_info size error 144

after following your tutorial on client side 

then after that message



Failed to Connect to Server

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How to make online server, pls give me guide 2015-2016 y.! Help me(

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i was gona try to download xampp but there is no available download for 64bit...is it just for 32bit systems?

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Hi Eveyone sorry for the late reply. Been busy lately





Modify ClientInfo.xml


1. Open data/clientinfo.xml in your New Folder

2. Modify Address to

3. Modify Version to XX    where XX is the packet_db_ver



is this true? cos it doesnt work for me with the client 2015



It should are you sure you have set the ragexe diff to read data folder first? This tutorial is having both servers and the client in one pc



am I supposed to get errors when loading sql files? I followed your guide but when setting up database, Im getting errors loading the sql.



I have encountered some sql scripts that have errors. I just let go one with the next file if that occurs



after following this guide...


1) I get a Black Screen as if (iz_int) map is not there (but when replaced with data.grf from other game like myro it worked) but i know that this is only temporary, from this point I can play the game)


2) packet_db_ver of 46 gives warning so changed it to 53 which is what the console is saying.


3) cannot chat any type of chat doesn't work, and I am getting this "malformed packet error" no chat logs as well


4) gm commands doesn't work maybe because the chat isn't working...


I think there is something wrong with the latest client... because it can't load the map sprites...


1. use @go 0 I forgot to mention that starting map is bugged(I believe it is because it is a renewal map as per scylla)


2. Obviously you did not set the packet version to 53. You are using a different client


3-4 related to the packet issue






client character_info size error 144

after following your tutorial on client side 

then after that message



Failed to Connect to Server



 up to where you are able to log in? server selection?



How to make online server, pls give me guide 2015-2016 y.! Help me(


I think you can modify the ip address in the config files


i was gona try to download xampp but there is no available download for 64bit...is it just for 32bit systems?


I am using a 64bit atm I think you werent just able to see the 64bit download

 so you can make it online. But I'm not sure how to exactly set that. 

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Hi i got the following Errors after the Serverselection and right before the Charselection. After those two Messages the Exe Crashs everytime, anyone got an Idea what to do?





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Got it to work, thanks a lot!


Even after my SQL scripts failed, my server is running until now at least those   \'   are the problem, even inside the #


A minor bug, my novice is wearing non-novice clothes (idk which class it is, prob. 3rd).


Thanks again!

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Hi i got the following Errors after the Serverselection and right before the Charselection. After those two Messages the Exe Crashs everytime, anyone got an Idea what to do?

Did you download the client from a different link? I think you are missing a file try to patch the fiels first.



Got it to work, thanks a lot!


Even after my SQL scripts failed, my server is running until now at least those   \'   are the problem, even inside the #


A minor bug, my novice is wearing non-novice clothes (idk which class it is, prob. 3rd).


Thanks again!



Welcome :)

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any idea how to translate this UI? I already using this https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation

Thanks before :)

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for Black screen issue go here

Got it to work, thanks a lot!


Even after my SQL scripts failed, my server is running until now at least those   \'   are the problem, even inside the #


A minor bug, my novice is wearing non-novice clothes (idk which class it is, prob. 3rd).


Thanks again!

GM Cloth - none GMs/normal players usally after 4th player or to be more accurate account ID=2000003



Modify ClientInfo.xml


1. Open data/clientinfo.xml in your New Folder

2. Modify Address to

3. Modify Version to XX    where XX is the packet_db_ver



is this true? cos it doesnt work for me with the client 2015



Hi i got the following Errors after the Serverselection and right before the Charselection. After those two Messages the Exe Crashs everytime, anyone got an Idea what to do?

2. Copy Data and System Folder from your downloaded RO Translation folder to your New Folder

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anyone had there server freeze up just before killing a monster, not sure what it is.??


server does not report any errors.

client does not freeze up.

but just before you kill a monster nothing opens up NPCs do not respond or any menu's and you cannot move.

your just stuck in attack stance.


Solved - Client was too new for server

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can you post some pictures on how the 3 running server looks like. Just want to make sure the results are the same as yours.

cause i'm woried bout 2 of mine saying "Connecting to loginserver" and the mapserver stops after it display read 23 message etc etc.



Client side:

And about the client side setup whenever i open the patched exe no windows pops up but i can still see it on task managers' processes.


also i haven't patched it yet but should i get the setup.exe after i patched the KrO client??



just now i test it again after i patched it. there is no setup.exe and the same result. now screen display still inside task manager.



i downloaded this and I managed to see ragnarok login screen



the client here:




i'll try to connect to the server tomorrow.

Edited by ryuji296
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can you post some pictures on how the 3 running server looks like. Just want to make sure the results are the same as yours.

cause i'm woried bout 2 of mine saying "Connecting to loginserver" and the mapserver stops after it display read 23 message etc etc.



Client side:

And about the client side setup whenever i open the patched exe no windows pops up but i can still see it on task managers' processes.


also i haven't patched it yet but should i get the setup.exe after i patched the KrO client??



just now i test it again after i patched it. there is no setup.exe and the same result. now screen display still inside task manager.



i downloaded this and I managed to see ragnarok login screen



the client here:




i'll try to connect to the server tomorrow.


I'm getting the same problem as this gentleman. Although im running the server on a linux box and the client on my windows,the client just lingers in task manager with around 40mb loaded in ram. I'm using the latest kRo files (01/13/2016) with 'recommended setting' diff 2015-09-16aRagexe. The server seems to be up, but i have yet to connect to it successfully. I managed to get a Ragnarok server running when i was around 15.. and i cant do it now when im in my twenties. I will probably try an older client tomorrow after i get sleep. Meanwhile any help is appreciated.

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can you post some pictures on how the 3 running server looks like. Just want to make sure the results are the same as yours.

cause i'm woried bout 2 of mine saying "Connecting to loginserver" and the mapserver stops after it display read 23 message etc etc.



Client side:

And about the client side setup whenever i open the patched exe no windows pops up but i can still see it on task managers' processes.


also i haven't patched it yet but should i get the setup.exe after i patched the KrO client??



just now i test it again after i patched it. there is no setup.exe and the same result. now screen display still inside task manager.



i downloaded this and I managed to see ragnarok login screen



the client here:




i'll try to connect to the server tomorrow.


I'm getting the same problem as this gentleman. Although im running the server on a linux box and the client on my windows,the client just lingers in task manager with around 40mb loaded in ram. I'm using the latest kRo files (01/13/2016) with 'recommended setting' diff 2015-09-16aRagexe. The server seems to be up, but i have yet to connect to it successfully. I managed to get a Ragnarok server running when i was around 15.. and i cant do it now when im in my twenties. I will probably try an older client tomorrow after i get sleep. Meanwhile any help is appreciated.


Why cant they just release an offline version of Ragnarok? not everybody is a wizard.


Edit: I mean share, the tutorial is very difficult to follow not to mention if it's 100% working, judging from the comments.

Edited by AnnaMay89
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I made it work using your tutorial as a base, thank you very much.


The only real problem I found is that the data folder you're linking doesn't have all the sprites and images for some of the recent gears and items. I had to get some from external sources.


Having your own offline ragnarok is really, really nice!


Now all I wish is that I could make Openkore work in my own offline server, I tried EVERYTHING I could possibly do and couldn't extract recvpackets.txt from the 2015 client I used no matter which tool or guide I tried.


Anyway, thank you once again for the awesome tutorial!

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can you post some pictures on how the 3 running server looks like. Just want to make sure the results are the same as yours.

cause i'm woried bout 2 of mine saying "Connecting to loginserver" and the mapserver stops after it display read 23 message etc etc.



Client side:

And about the client side setup whenever i open the patched exe no windows pops up but i can still see it on task managers' processes.


also i haven't patched it yet but should i get the setup.exe after i patched the KrO client??



just now i test it again after i patched it. there is no setup.exe and the same result. now screen display still inside task manager.



i downloaded this and I managed to see ragnarok login screen



the client here:




i'll try to connect to the server tomorrow.

Probably same issue with soniku, your client is much new for the server. you need to change the packet_db_ver

regarding the login server, you might need to configure your ip address?






can you post some pictures on how the 3 running server looks like. Just want to make sure the results are the same as yours.

cause i'm woried bout 2 of mine saying "Connecting to loginserver" and the mapserver stops after it display read 23 message etc etc.



Client side:

And about the client side setup whenever i open the patched exe no windows pops up but i can still see it on task managers' processes.


also i haven't patched it yet but should i get the setup.exe after i patched the KrO client??



just now i test it again after i patched it. there is no setup.exe and the same result. now screen display still inside task manager.



i downloaded this and I managed to see ragnarok login screen



the client here:




i'll try to connect to the server tomorrow.


I'm getting the same problem as this gentleman. Although im running the server on a linux box and the client on my windows,the client just lingers in task manager with around 40mb loaded in ram. I'm using the latest kRo files (01/13/2016) with 'recommended setting' diff 2015-09-16aRagexe. The server seems to be up, but i have yet to connect to it successfully. I managed to get a Ragnarok server running when i was around 15.. and i cant do it now when im in my twenties. I will probably try an older client tomorrow after i get sleep. Meanwhile any help is appreciated.



Probably due to the linux/windows issue. you need to port forward and change the IP address properly. The guide I made is intended for the single unit server. I havent configured myself my server trying other units/clients connect to mine.







can you post some pictures on how the 3 running server looks like. Just want to make sure the results are the same as yours.

cause i'm woried bout 2 of mine saying "Connecting to loginserver" and the mapserver stops after it display read 23 message etc etc.



Client side:

And about the client side setup whenever i open the patched exe no windows pops up but i can still see it on task managers' processes.


also i haven't patched it yet but should i get the setup.exe after i patched the KrO client??



just now i test it again after i patched it. there is no setup.exe and the same result. now screen display still inside task manager.



i downloaded this and I managed to see ragnarok login screen



the client here:




i'll try to connect to the server tomorrow.


I'm getting the same problem as this gentleman. Although im running the server on a linux box and the client on my windows,the client just lingers in task manager with around 40mb loaded in ram. I'm using the latest kRo files (01/13/2016) with 'recommended setting' diff 2015-09-16aRagexe. The server seems to be up, but i have yet to connect to it successfully. I managed to get a Ragnarok server running when i was around 15.. and i cant do it now when im in my twenties. I will probably try an older client tomorrow after i get sleep. Meanwhile any help is appreciated.


Why cant they just release an offline version of Ragnarok? not everybody is a wizard.


Edit: I mean share, the tutorial is very difficult to follow not to mention if it's 100% working, judging from the comments.



It is indeed working. I created the tutorial so others can have it as well. Thanks to others who helped me step by step(I just posted like what Scylla guided me, even more detailed). If I have time I can upload my server and send it to you. Just message me here at the forums and remind me.



I made it work using your tutorial as a base, thank you very much.


The only real problem I found is that the data folder you're linking doesn't have all the sprites and images for some of the recent gears and items. I had to get some from external sources.


Having your own offline ragnarok is really, really nice!


Now all I wish is that I could make Openkore work in my own offline server, I tried EVERYTHING I could possibly do and couldn't extract recvpackets.txt from the 2015 client I used no matter which tool or guide I tried.


Anyway, thank you once again for the awesome tutorial!


Thank you for the feedback. Glad I could help. 



Also sorry all for my late response. I have been busy lately and just remembered about rathena.

Edited by Einjerin
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[info]: clif_parse: Disconnecting session #3 with unknown packet version (p:0x6b


map server disconnected me when I choose my char, anything I can do to fix this?
Help me guys..


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[info]: clif_parse: Disconnecting session #3 with unknown packet version (p:0x6b



map server disconnected me when I choose my char, anything I can do to fix this?

Help me guys..


Solved, Dont check Disable packet encryption when you patch client with NEMO, then enable packet obfuscation..


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[info]: clif_parse: Disconnecting session #3 with unknown packet version (p:0x6b



map server disconnected me when I choose my char, anything I can do to fix this?

Help me guys..


Solved, Dont check Disable packet encryption when you patch client with NEMO, then enable packet obfuscation..




I assume you enabled it by removing the comment in the #define PACKET_OBFUSCATION in core.h?  and recompiling?

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Closed Connection from Can you help me please.

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This should be obvious but how do i know which is my kRO packet_db_ver xx?

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