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Everything posted by 4n0biz

  1. - shop Sheepy Gonzales -1,12028:1000,12262:500,12016:750 town,22,173,4 script Sheepy 895,{ npcshopattach "Sheepy Gonzales"; callshop "Sheepy Gonzales",3; close; } payon,34,56,4 duplicate(Sheepy) Sheepy Gonzales#1 895
  2. moroccx,215,232,6 script HorseNumber [ 1 ] 938,{ end; OnEffect:for(set $@HM_i,1;$@HM_i<15;set $@HM_i,$@HM_i+1){specialeffect 68;sleep2 500;}end; } moroccx,215,231,6 script HorseNumber [ 2 ] 938,{ end; OnEffect:for(set $@HM_i,1;$@HM_i<15;set $@HM_i,$@HM_i+1){specialeffect 68;sleep2 500;}end; } moroccx,215,230,6 script HorseNumber [ 3 ] 938,{ end; OnEffect:for(set $@HM_i,1;$@HM_i<15;set $@HM_i,$@HM_i+1){specialeffect 68;sleep2 500;}end; } moroccx,215,229,6 script HorseNumber [ 4 ] 938,{ end; OnEffect:for(set $@HM_i,1;$@HM_i<15;set $@HM_i,$@HM_i+1){specialeffect 68;sleep2 500;}end; } moroccx,225,228,6 duplicate(HorseMachineTemp) HorseEnd#01 858 moroccx,225,233,6 duplicate(HorseMachineTemp) HorseEnd#02 858 moroccx,215,228,6 duplicate(HorseMachineTemp) HorseStart#01 858 moroccx,215,233,6 duplicate(HorseMachineTemp) HorseStart#02 858 moroccx,220,226,4 script HorseMachine 930,{ goto Main; Main: mes "^FF0000[ HorseMachine ]^000000"; mes "- Welcome to cabinets"; mes "- What do you want to play for me"; next; menu "- How to play",HowTo,"- Ranking",Stats,"- Start",Play; end; Play: mes "^FF0000[ HorseMachine ]^000000"; mes "- Select the required thrust"; next; input .@HM_Choose; mes "^FF0000[ HorseMachine ]^000000"; mes "- Enter the desired number of coins bet"; next; input .@HM_Coin; if(.@HM_Choose<=0) set .@HM_Choose,1; else if(.@HM_Choose>4) set .@HM_Choose,4; mes "^FF0000[ HorseMachine ]^000000"; mes "- Each horse No. [ ^55AA55"+.@HM_Choose+"^000000 ]"; mes "- You bet on the number [ ^5555AA"+.@HM_Coin+"^000000 ]"; mes "- According to this agreement, right?"; next; if(select("- New thrust","- Ok")==1) goto Play; if($@HM_Playing==1){ mes "^FF0000[ HorseMachine ]^000000"; mes "- Now the horse is running !!"; mes "- Please wait"; close; end; } else if(.@HM_Coin<=0){ mes "^FF0000[ HorseMachine ]^000000"; mes "- You can bet at least 1 coin"; mes "- Please read the new me"; close; end; } else if(countitem(7539)<.@HM_Coin){ mes "^FF0000[ HorseMachine ]^000000"; mes "- You do not have enough coins to bet."; mes "- You want to excuse"; close; end; } delitem 7539,.@HM_Coin; set $@HM_Choose,.@HM_Choose; set $@HM_Coin,.@HM_Coin; set $@HM_ID,getcharid(3); donpcevent "HorseMachine::OnPlaying"; close; end; Stats: mes "^FF0000[ HorseMachine ]^000000"; mes "- ^008800The horse 1 Point ^555599[ "+$HM_Number_1+"^000000 ]"; mes "- ^00AA00The horse 2 Point ^555599[ "+$HM_Number_2+"^000000 ]"; mes "- ^00CC00The horse 3 Point ^555599[ "+$HM_Number_3+"^000000 ]"; mes "- ^00DD00The horse 4 Point ^555599[ "+$HM_Number_4+"^000000 ]"; mes "- ^FF0000Number of customers^555599[ "+$HM_Number_Same+"^000000 ]"; next; goto Main; end; HowTo: mes "^FF0000[ HorseMachine ]^000000"; mes "- 1.Choose your horse (1-4)"; mes "- 2.Enter the amount you want to bet"; mes "- 3.Waiting to go with it !!"; next; mes "^FF0000[ HorseMachine ]^000000"; mes "- If you correctly predict the Will receive a *5"; mes "- If there is more than one horse to the finish line."; mes "- You will not get anything"; next; goto Main; end; OnPlaying: set $@HM_Playing,1; set $@HM_Check,0; set $@HM_Count_Win,0; for(set $@i,0;$@HM_Check==0;set $@i,$@i+1){ if(rand(2)==0){ set $@HorseNumber1X,$@HorseNumber1X+1; movenpc "HorseNumber [ 1 ]",$@HorseNumber1X,232; if($@HorseNumber1X==225){ set $@HM_Check,1; set $@HM_Count_Win,$@HM_Count_Win+1; } } if(rand(2)==0){ set $@HorseNumber2X,$@HorseNumber2X+1; movenpc "HorseNumber [ 2 ]",$@HorseNumber2X,231; if($@HorseNumber2X==225){ set $@HM_Check,2; set $@HM_Count_Win,$@HM_Count_Win+1; } } if(rand(2)==0){ set $@HorseNumber3X,$@HorseNumber3X+1; movenpc "HorseNumber [ 3 ]",$@HorseNumber3X,230; if($@HorseNumber3X==225){ set $@HM_Check,3; set $@HM_Count_Win,$@HM_Count_Win+1; } } if(rand(2)==0){ set $@HorseNumber4X,$@HorseNumber4X+1; movenpc "HorseNumber [ 4 ]",$@HorseNumber4X,229; if($@HorseNumber4X==225){ set $@HM_Check,4; set $@HM_Count_Win,$@HM_Count_Win+1; } } sleep2 1000; } if($@HM_Count_Win==1){ specialeffect 68; donpcevent "HorseNumber [ "+$@HM_Check+" ]::OnEffect"; setd "$HM_Number_"+$@HM_Check,getd("$HM_Number_"+$@HM_Check)+1; npctalk "Congratulations !! The horse [ "+$@HM_Check+" ] Finish line"; if($@HM_Check==$@HM_Choose) getitem 7539,$@HM_Coin*5,$@HM_ID; } else{ npctalk "Oops !! A horse to finish more than 1 unit."; set $HM_Number_Same,$HM_Number_Same+1; for(set $@HM_i,1;$@HM_i<15;set $@HM_i,$@HM_i+1){specialeffect 68;sleep2 500;} } sleep2 10000; movenpc "HorseNumber [ 1 ]",215,232; movenpc "HorseNumber [ 2 ]",215,231; movenpc "HorseNumber [ 3 ]",215,230; movenpc "HorseNumber [ 4 ]",215,229; set $@HorseNumber1X,215; set $@HorseNumber2X,215; set $@HorseNumber3X,215; set $@HorseNumber4X,215; set $@HM_Playing,0; end; OnInit: set $@HM_Playing,0; // set $@HM_Check,0; // set $@HM_Count_Win,0; // set $@HorseNumber1X,215; set $@HorseNumber2X,215; set $@HorseNumber3X,215; set $@HorseNumber4X,215; end; }
  3. I wanted to make a new agit_template.txt. Water extract of the original system. The new command @ agitstart3 @ agitend. I've done it since. @ agitstart3-8. My requirement is. Into the water system, a guild vs guild. To assist me. I want to break out of the same water system. And a new command. I have already solved the src. I used the map guildvs01 - guildvs05.
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