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Posts posted by Najara

  1. Please clarify what you mean with 'can't mean it work'. Are you erroring? Do they not show up? Did you make the correct server-side edits? Does your client support it?


    Tell us which steps you have taken so far, and we will be able to assist you further. :)




    Lordok, this is a answer to your post, but at the same time it's a mini guide for chromus24.


    Rename the special_spr.spr/act files into mob_special.spr/act. We are going with that name for now. (Path: data\sprite\ó½ºÅÍ)


    jobidentity.lua (Path: data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo)

    Isn't really required, so un-do your changes in that file.


    npcidentity.lua (Path: data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo):

    [JT_MOB_SPECIAL] = 3300,


    Increase the JT_MONSTER_LAST value in this file to like 3400.


    jobname.lua (Path: data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo):

    [jobtbl.JT_MOB_SPECIAL] = "mob_special",


    mob_db2 (Path: trunk/db/mob_db2):

    3300,MOB_SPECIAL,Custom Mob Name Here,Custom Mob Name Here,(etc)



    Also, your client might first read .lubs, so convert lua to lub once the changes have been applied.


    Hope this helps! :)

  3. Hello. Since you have seemed to miss it, I'd like to bring the "reason for editing" line that I've included in your post approx 2 weeks ago to your attention:


    Users may not provide paid content without an approved paid service thread. - Naja


    Once more, your paid service attempt will be edited out. For future reference, refrain from adding more paid content otherwise warning points will be doled out.


    Thank you for understanding!

  4. THIS



    into these


    the zoom i am saying

    Hello, can you please be more specific.

    Do you mean you want to zoom-lock your client, or increase the zoom-out percentage? If the latter, by how much?



    Could you try the following? Assuming you know how to do hex editing....


    Find hex:  00 66 43 00 00 C8 43

    Replace: 00 66 43 00 00 4C 44

  5. When you signed up at Trinity, were you given a fixed username and password to connect to the SQL database, or did you get to choose your own?

    If the latter, I don't know. If the first, the cause might be that you were given the same connection info as a server that only recently ended their plan with Trinity. 


    I've experienced this too, if a hosting provider loses a customer, they often times give that service slot to another (new) customer. With other words, the accounts that are being created might just be old players trying to see what's up with their old server. If the previous customer of Trinity still has a website/CP up with enabled registration, they are registering that way. An easy solution is to request a SQL password change.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Hello dear community,
    I haven't done a public release in quite a while so I wanted to do something for you all again, but this time in a different category than maps. 
    This is a big pet pack that I've been using for my own server, the players loved it. It was definitely one of the bigger attractions that caused the server to be successful. There are approx 627 pets (including the commented pets) and I followed up until episode 14. All pets can be tamed with the same taming item (#12105). Currently, immovables and the bigger monsters (Anubis, Abysmal Knight, Detale, Bapho, Naght, Dark Lord, etc) are commented. If you wish to enable them, simply uncomment them; although I do not advice this for immovables to avoid lost pets!
    Server-Side Installation
    Just paste the following entries in your trunk. Needless to say, but don't replace the whole thing, just add it at the bottom.
    Client-Side Installation
    Same as above, copy and paste the content of these links in your data folder.
    About the universal tame...
    Since I've used an existing item ID for this, you should change the script of it:
    12105,Monster_Tame,Monster Tame,2,10000,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ pet 0; },{},{}
    It's up to you to change the data/text files appropriately to match its effect!
    Questions & Answers
    Q: Have all pets been tested?
    A: No. I did not go through them all, that said you might come across an egg that summons the wrong monster but that's not very difficult to fix. 
    Q: I see these are done with the old text files, do you also have a 2013+ client (itemInfo.lua) version?
    A: No. I do not. My server was running on the old client files so I never needed this. If you want to make it happen, I recommend you to use kind sir xazax's converter. ;)
    Q: How to change the capture rate?
    A: Refer to the pet_db2.txt structure and the conf/battle/pets.conf file.
    Q: Some pets do not open! The egg turns red as it is an broken item! What do I do?
    A: The MAX_PET_DB in pet.h must be increased to 3000 (or up), make sure to re-compile after. Your one broken egg might still not work though, drop it and make another, you'll see that it works fine now.
    Q: I un-commented the MVPs/Mini-Bosses, but I still can't capture any! How come?
    A: Servers by default do not support capturing Boss Mosters, if you wish to enable this, go to src/map/pet.c and search for "// catch_target_class == 0 is used for universal lures (except bosses for now). [skotlex]" and change the lines below into:
        if (sd->catch_target_class == 0)
            sd->catch_target_class = md->class_;
        if(i < 0 || sd->catch_target_class != md->class_) {
            clif_emotion(&md->bl, 7);    //mob will do /ag if wrong lure is used on them.
            sd->catch_target_class = -1;
            return 1;
        } // (Don't forget to re-compile after)
    Have fun with this! :)


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  7. And if you don't want to re-diff your client all over again, you could hex it manually (not everyone is a fan of diffing!).


    Search  : 55 8B EC 8B 45 08 8B 55 10 89 41 04 8B 45 0C 89 51 0C 89 41 08 5D C2 0C 00 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 55 8B EC

    Replace: C2 0C 00 8B 45 08 8B 55 10 89 41 04 8B 45 0C 89 51 0C 89 41 08 5D C2 0C 00 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 C2 14 00

    • Upvote 1
  8. If you're using a 2012-04-10 client or below, a missing inventory image is usually one of these problems:


    - The item does not have an assigned sprite in the resnametable.txt. (You can basically disregard this, as you already provided a screenshot of your item entry in there).

    - The item does not have a data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/item image. Judging by your post I think this is your problem, as the collection image isn't present either.


    Hopefully this helps. ;)

  9. A client crash generally means a graphical/client-side problem. If it was a problem in the emulator, it would cause your server(s) to crash.


    Since this is the case with new accounts too, there are a few options....


    1) Your spawn map is a custom map (with textures/models) that's missing in your data folder/grf.

    2) Your spawn map has custom monsters in view that are missing in your data folder/grf.

    3) Your spawn map has a NPC sprite in view that's missing in your data folder/grf.


    That said I hope you can trace down the problem, good luck! ;)

    • Upvote 1
  10. Just a word of warning that Olrox has shared with me in the past- it is best to upload pictures/videos of in-game views, as BrowEdit lighting can appear drastically different than in-game, especially when you use colors or blend them.



    ~Azura Skyy


    I haven't actually tested the map, but in his mini icon image (after clicking the "Click here to download this file" link), it seems that at least the center screenshots has been taken in-game. But other than that, I second your comment!~  /no1


    *Edit* By the way, beautiful lightning I must say, a bit too high in certain places but it nicely smooths over.


    most common tool that you can get around here is secure grf


    Aren't there ways of encrypting files for further protection? How secure is 'secure grf'?


    Thanks in advance,

    ~Azura Skyy



    Secure enough. I've yet to find someone who is able to decrypt secured GRF files. Although, just like with about every other software out there, it wouldn't surprise me if it can be done, but it'd probably require average programming knowledge.


    For now, SecureGRF is one of (if not) the best applications to lock your files.  /ok

  12. It seems like server-side there are just a few missing script entries, so no worries. Check your NPC(/re) or /pre-re)/kafra.txt file and look for brasilis.


    In case nothing is there....


    // Brasilis
    brasilis,197,221,4 script Kafra Employee::kaf_bra 117,{
    cutin "kafra_01",2;
    callfunc "F_Kafra",0,3,0,80,700;
    savepoint "brasilis",195,259;
    callfunc "F_KafEnd",0,1,"in the city of Brasilis";
    The same goes for the warps. Best of luck! ;)
  13. When i installed flux.. IT keeps saying my Table's already excist. so when i delete them and refresh / reinstall it keep saying the same..


    Did you delete them from your SQL database? If you delete (not truncate) all "cp" tables, this problem should be resolved.


    When my flux Cp works ( after refreshing and reinstalling evre time) some features dont work/dont save files. And...  my server status says its offline.. while its online.. when i log in it even shows Offline server status but players online will be set to 1.


    What do you mean with features? Changes you make in your template through an ftp client? Silly question, but have you tried to press F5?

    As for your server status, contact your web hosting provider and file in a port forward request. The default ports that required to be opened are 6900, 6121 and 5121.


    Hope this helps.


    Hi there 
    I bought your map, like others on this site, but this not work for me, maybe a missing file. 
    Your you can check? 
    thank you



    I've already responded to the user who was sending a message on your behalf, but haven't received a reply of her yet.

    Please get the latest (1.3) version, that should fix it. If not, please message me and I shall assist you. Thank you!

  15. Have you properly given the sprites a 'collection' and 'item' image (texture folder)? If yes, your problem is pretty much the same as this, only this user's client defaults to the 'null' image:




    If doing my solution doesn't work for you, please refer back to your texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/item and texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/collection and see if your sprites are present. Good luck~

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