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Posts posted by Najara

  1. On 6/9/2017 at 3:44 PM, NexusXVI said:

    My problem isn't actually prontera.. cause when I fully patch my kRO it crashes on pay_arche just before payon dungeon. So I'm currently testing the pay_arche if they update it on the newer patch

    It crashes only before Payon dungeon? Are other parts in the map accessible (i.e warping all the way to the south)? If the answer to both questions is yes, then it sounds like a NPC sprite that isn't in your GRF.

    Try to locate the NPCs on that map and slowly change the sprites 1 by 1.

  2. Have you tried inserting a hex string? This is not a method commonly practiced but, a long time ago, I managed to create sky effect maps without having to re-name an existing map. I have to admit it was rather tricky because there had to be sufficient spaces (#00) between the map names in order to properly work, but it might just work similar for the starry/space effect.

    Worth a shot? Just, please, make a back-up in case it goes wrong. ^_^

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  3. Great to see another mapper! It seems that you make a lot of progress in each map you do. In your last map I'm specifically delighted to see that you've surrounding the map with hills/mountains to get rid of the black borders, which is a common rookie mapper mistake to disregard; I myself, have been guilty of that in the past too.

    Maybe you could try to rotate and tilt some tree models so that, even when they are aligned quite neatly at the borders, there would still be some difference between them. 

    All in all, nice work and please keep it up! Practice makes perfect. ;)

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  4. On 3/22/2017 at 3:35 AM, Sage said:

    If you're already using custom textures for parts of the map, why not take it further? A number of the models you use are much lighter in tone than the ground textures/walls, and IMO they'd look a lot better if you just created duplicate models that use the same texture but darkened/color adjusted. It's easy to do in photoshop. I also think you could replace a few models to get a better effect- You've got a lot of newer RO textures/models which are much higher resolution than some of the old ones, the pillars especially.

    Thanks Sage! Your feedback means a lot. I must shamefully and regretfully admit that I haven't kept my model and texture files up-to-date to correspond higher episode content. While I know that I really, really should - because it offers so much more diversity - it is a chore to do and I simply haven't found the time for it. Time is so limited these days.

    Nevertheless, I'll take your feedback into account and will devote some day soon to updating my files! Thanks again. ^_^ 

    On 3/22/2017 at 4:24 PM, Skorm said:

    Great work if only this was a release. /rice I like the demon guy with the orb, did you make that?

    Thanks Skorm! Maybe it will be released in the future; the server that had it commissioned did not request exclusivity. More about that another time though, because if it'll be released I want it to be a satisfactory release, along with a nice boss floor~
    Also, to answer your latter question; nope, I didn't originally make the demon on the wall, found it in google and photo-shopped it a little to match the atmosphere of the map. :) 

  5. Hello,

    Is it possible that you have tried re-naming the map by right clicking->rename? That unfortunately does not work for RO maps. The only way to change map names is to open them in a Ragnarok Online map editor (such as Brow Edit) and save them with a different name.

    If you have no Brow Edit knowledge; you could attach (or pm me) your files so I can change it to your desired name. ^_^ 

    • Upvote 1
  6. Hi again, dear community. ♥

    Here's another map I wanted to share. The server I made this for liked the idea of adding Endless Cellar but not so much using the Endless Tower map(s) all over again, so they left me with a commission; They wanted something else, something new, something... dark. Well, this is the result. ^_^  

    I will not deny, it's a relatively small area that had to be over-hauled, however, the particular small area had to be copied over about 25 times, which was rather nerve-wrecking considering how brow likes to crash - a lot - when copy/pasting. 

    Thanks for watching. As always, comments and criticism is welcome! ♥

    -- Update! Map can now be purchased with an rA compatible script from > my site <  --





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  7. Hi dear community!

    So, I found this map recently while I was going through my previous laptops' HDD and thought I should put it here for display since it's Easter/spring themed and it'll soon be that season again. :)

    This map has originally been created/requested in 2015. You might think 'why is this seeding field here?', 'what's that big bunny doing there?' etc - All of it is part of the requested design so if you're confused by the concept, worry not because it's more or less understandable. As of 2024, the map can now be purchased through my Payhip Dashboard.

    Thank you for watching. Like always, any feedback/criticism is very welcome. ♥

    - Najara




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  8. Thank you all for your kind words. <3 

    That's right, Chemi, RO unfortunately doesn't offer a lot autumn models and textures by default, such a shame because it's a beautiful season; Very warm, color-wise. :)

    On 11/8/2016 at 2:45 AM, Kakaroto said:

    Did not want to use the new prontera?

    Correct. I enjoy the look of the old Prontera. Matter of personal preference~ :P 

  9. Moved to Graphic Requests.

    Please mind the section you post into. This will not only help us (the rAthena staff) to keep the forum nice and tidy but also you (as user), because you'll likely have more luck finding what you're looking for in the appropriate section.

    Thank you for understanding and good luck with your search! ;)

  10. NAJARA! Lovely as always! My favorite season too.

    Looks like a few NPCs might need to be moved in the town square but otherwise its awesome. Chemi and I were just talking about you yesterday and here you are posting. You should join us in Discordapp sometime to chat (link in my signature or Chat tab of rAthena). Can we expect more Najara posts moving forward?


    ~Azura Skyy


    Ian! Hi! c:

    You were talking about me? Such a coincidence~ And for sure! I shall join you guys on discord (probably tomorrow)! Would love to catch up.


    You will. My next project is a 4-floor Endless Cellar dungeon that was customized for the same server I did this edit for. It'll take some time as dungeon maps are quite tedious to do, but I'll definitely post how these turn out. :)


    About those NPCs, this is our test server so a lot of NPCs are missing but I see what you mean, haha. It looks pretty off, doesn't it?

  11. Hello everyone, how is it going? :)

    It's been a while, hasn't it? To be honest I don't even remember the last time I posted a thread in the showcase section. it's not that I have been MIA though; just haven't had the time to show anything lately, haha. ^^;


    Anyway! I'm here to present you a map that I did the past week or so~ A fall/autumn themed Prontera. It was quite a challenge to make it give this warm vibe as RO doesn't really offer "warm" textures/models by default, so some content had to be created from scratch and others had to receive a make-over. Which is okay, just a little time consuming.


    Hopefully it turned out alright. :3


    Note #1; The spinning Emperium crystals in the center have been created by my dear friend Olrox. Credits to him for that. ♥
    Note #2; I'm aware that the center is off-theme, but that's because the server I'm working for is about to promote a WoE event so we really wanted an Emp there.



    Thank you for watching~

    • Upvote 1
  12. At what part of the tutorials are you stuck?


    In BrowEdit there's an option to convert .3ds file formats to .rsm but you are correct, it can only have this many pixels/polygons. I believe the limit RO can handle is a total of 1700 (don't quote me on it though; it might be slightly more/less). Otherwise your client will either crash or become extremely laggy.

    • Upvote 1

    The cursor/ground bug can be resolved by re-patching your map in map-cache when it's 100% completed. By this I mean that the gats should have also been properly set. Right now, it's calculating the wrong height/gat ratio.


    The servername.dll bug sounds like you're using something that was protected with Secure GRF, but I may be mistaken. Unfortunately it's difficult to provide a solution for this without further details.



    sorry i have almost no idea what you're talking about :c 

    i've started mapping like 1 week ago only...



    Ah, I see. Well, you've made great progress for someone that only has 1 week of experience! :)

    I strongly recommend you to take a look at Syouji's tutorials, in this particular case his Gat Editing video. Things should become more clear then.

  14. The cursor/ground bug can be resolved by re-patching your map in map-cache when it's 100% completed. By this I mean that the gats should have also been properly set. Right now, it's calculating the wrong height/gat ratio.


    The servername.dll bug sounds like you're using something that was protected with Secure GRF, but I may be mistaken. Unfortunately it's difficult to provide a solution for this without further details.

  15. Did you re-name your map by right-clicking it?

    You should only re-name maps by opening it with a RO map editor and save it with your desired new name. Re-naming it with the mouse/cursor function directly will make messages such as these appear.

  16. Is this the case with just this particular texture? If not, it might has to do with your resolution settings. Try to use different dimensions, for example (in your brow/data/configs/ro.xml):

    I hope this will resolve your problem.
  17. Do you have similar issues with other custom maps, or is it only these selected few? Also (this might be a silly question but) have you tried it with a different client and if yes, were you able to reproduce the problem?

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