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Posts posted by Najara

  1. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=2512

    File Name: Najara's Map Package (7)

    File Submitter: Najara

    File Submitted: 01 Aug 2012

    File Category: Maps & Textures


    Content Author: Najara

    Hi all.

    You might know me. I've released a good amount of free maps in the past.

    However, mapping is very time consuming and I figured it would keep me motivated if I'd get something in return for my hard work.

    Therefore I've decided to make a few maps which aren't available for free.

    So, beside my collection of free maps I'd like to introduce you my purchasable maps! (:

    Allow me to explain which files are into this package:

    Yiore - Town/Island

    Altzibar V2 - Town/Island

    Lunette V2 - Town

    Lacie V3 - Can be used as town and/or Field

    Abshir - PvP Arena

    Wish Maidens' Plateau - Sky Platform (client hex required)

    Odin's Sky Temple - Sky Temple (client hex required)

    This package of (7) unique maps can be bought for only $50,-

    If you wish to buy them seperately; this is also possible. I suggest you to message me to discuss this matter.

    Thank you and have fun with the maps! (:

    Click here to download this file

  2. It's been awhile since I posted any work.

    This request was originally done for a server that contacted me for a paid service.

    The context might confuse you, but this is how the owner wanted it to be; spacey/starry, lovey, and colorful.


    • Upvote 1
  3. Thanks CC. [:

    Yeah, got kinda distracted with that custom texture. It's the first I've ever made in Brow. xD

    Its cute.

    • (+) Floor block levels
    • (+) Mountain levels (like 3 high levels on the map very cool)

    • (-) Town Style. This would be my personal opinion I know, but, I think that sometimes is good to focuss an unique style and build the entire map from that. I Just dont like "town mixings" the most of the cases (like rachel + alberta in this case). A little innotavion is allways welcome too.
    • (-) Mountain textures. Some are horizontaly, other vertically.

    Overall its good. Around 9/10 I guess

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I can see what you mean by town mixings, I usually do my best to avoid that but it isn't always possible. Aldebaran for example doesn't have to many house-buildings, and I didn't want to make like 10 buildings with one or two of the same model. So I thought buildings that have a similar colour would be the best alternative. ><

    As for the mountains; granted. But then again I used the exact mountain textures from Moscovia. So let's blame Gravity! Jk jk. ;p

  4. Syouji, thanks for the feedback, yeah you're so right, not only that, I've also noticed that the map appeared (just slightly) bigger in-game than it was supose to be (compared to the character), probably the fault of the 8x8 textures. >; I thought if I used a bigger texture for a change, it would be done quick. Which it did, but sadly patience is the key to success. =P

    I as well have done a really quick update with the map; Added some fairy-like effects, changed the looptime of the waterfall, modified the water amplitude, corrected the gat tiles (just the big walkable spaces), and a few others which aren't worth mentioning.

    Still gotta work on the lights, specially at the north side of the map which are too dark shaded.

    This is how it is now (download not up yet)


    Oh, while I'm at it, I've also done a quick update for another map, which is Lunette (also, download not up yet)

    • Upvote 1
  5. Thanks for the kind words, everyone. :)

    New map added. It's been in my bin since a year but never found the time to finish it. Today I finally found some time, so here it is.

    Not perfect, I know. I'm not really satisfied with the lightmaps myself... if I'll ever be bored, I'll make a more dark edition of this map, with properly setted shades and lights.

    Eek. I'd update the topic title but it doesn't let me edit it, lol. Nvm, got it. ;D

  6. Hey everyone. <3

    It's me from eA. I thought I might as well bring my maps to rA.

    The fact that these maps are free does not mean that I don't expect credits.

    Creditting me is all I ask for, though. A tiny favor in exchange for days of hard work, so please! <:

    Like my maps? Please be kind to consider buying my Purchasable Maps. Thank you! ♥

    Don't forget to let me know when the links are dead!

    - Altzibar -

    Info: Pretty much a more exotic (though a much smaller) version of Alberta.


    BGM: El Cazador De La Bruja OST 17 - Walk down to your freedom

    Download: Click

    Mirror: Click

    - Crystilia -

    Info: My first custom town ever, more of a mansion some people said. Kinda random actually. @_@


    BGM: Strawberry Panic! - Ending (last episode) soundtrack

    Download: Click

    Mirror: Click

    Minimap: ^Download contains minimap!

    - Flaris -

    Info: Based on a (part of a) FlyFF map.


    BGM: FlyFF BGM - Flaris Theme

    Download: Click

    Mirror: Click

    - Jazeera -

    Info: Jazeera means "island" in Arabic, lol that's all the info I'm able to provide.


    BGM: You and I (unfulfilled feelings) - Gundam Seed Destiny

    Download: Click

    Mirror: Click

    - Lunette -

    Info: This could be the perfect beginners(/Novice) town, especially if your server has some sort of story line.


    BGM: The Last Exile OST - Lost Friend

    Download: Click

    Mirror: Click

    [New] Minimap: Click

    - Welgaia -

    Info: An angelic town, big enough to be used as main city for your server.


    BGM: Nana Mizuki - Fiat Lux/Hikari Are (Tales Of Symphonia OST)

    Download: Click

    Mirror: Click

    Minimap: ^Download contains Minimap!

    That's it for now.

    If I happen to make more maps in the future I'll add 'em here. ani_lv.gif

    Much love,


    • Upvote 12
  7. Hello!

    I love drawing and do it whenever I find the time for it. Here are some drawings I've done in the past few months, some are RO-related and there are also a few non-RO. I'm not good at colouring so most are just sketches or line-art.

    - Most Recent [RO] -

    Mastersmith X Biochemist [Yuri]

    - RO Stuff -


    Valkyrie Couple

    Two men [Yaoi]

    - Non-RO -

    Glimpse Of Eternity

    Back to back [in solitude, where we are atleast alone]

    My DA for more: DeviantArt

    Feedback/criticism appreciated! [:

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