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Status Updates posted by Najara

  1. *Huuuuuugs* ^_^

    1. Olrox


      Hi <3 *hugs back*

  2. At long last, my site has been updated/organised with maps that were lost, had dead links, etc. Now it even includes new maps and some maps that were only 'showcase' previously. Come take a peek. c:

    1. Kido


      Woa :o ! The site is amazing! I just gave it a quick check. Are you returning to mapping? I will contact you in Skype <3

  3. Hey all. I'll be on a cruise until October 20th, so messages sent through the communication platforms that I use (Skype, Discord, rAthena, FB, e-mail) will likely be answered with severe delay. My apologies in advance and thank you for your patience!

  4. Hiii folks! Since I'm not very good at staying in touch with the community (both through rA and social media platforms), I thought I should create a Discord channel because that's where I tend to be most active.

    Whoever is interested to join - for chit chat or otherwise - here is the link~

    1. Archetype Saber

      Archetype Saber

      busy playing with some other games? lol see you in your discord server.

  5. *hugs back* ^___^

  6. *map map map*

    1. Azura Skyy

      Azura Skyy

      Teaser screenies please ;D

    2. Najara


      I will when I made a little more progress~ c:

  7. A little early, but to all the members of rAthena; I wish you very pleasant celebration days with friends and family! :)

    1. EvilPuncker


      same for you and your family :D

  8. Anyone else that can't redeem their customers purchases? My status has been on "processing" for almost two weeks now. >:

  9. Back from vacation. :)

  10. Back from vacation~ :3

  11. Can't wait for Christmas. :3

  12. Christmas and all coming - I'll have a reduced activity this month! Wishing you all amazing celebration days~

  13. Currently working on a Winter / Christmas edition of Prontera that I'm probably going to release for a very low price. You may contact me for details/info. <:

  14. Doing a bit of mapping here and there.

  15. Hmm... what kind of map to do next?~

  16. I am here to provide the rAthena community graphical support and answer requests (if within my knowledge), so keep in mind that other categories/sections do not often catch my attention!

  17. I can't give it up, to someone elses touch~

  18. I don't care about money, but I do care about time. It does not make sense for me to put 20+ hours of my time in something, and not even get my paid job's hourly wage out of it. >:

  19. I wish users would stop attempting to upload files in Nexus that aren't their property to release.... =l

    1. EvilPuncker


      they will never stop :(

  20. I'll be inactive (due to a vacation to Egypt) from Jan 26th ~ Feb 4th. So keep in mind that any PMs, quotes, etc will not be answered during stated period. Many apologies!

  21. I'll be on vacation from the 10th until the 18th of May, so I won't be checking the rA boards during this time.

  22. I'm having yet another mapping break. Sorry all, running a server is time consuming... ):

  23. I'm sometimes inactive for a day or two because life comes to look around the corner. Please be patient with me~

  24. It's actually crossing my mind to get back into mapping, hopefully I still got what it takes. What do you guys think?

    1. Olrox


      I think you should. You are really good at it, as also your contributions to now rAthena, will be really appreciated by this new community... I mean, new forum, new maps, new people :3

  25. Mapping, mapping and more mapping! [:

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