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  1. Hello Functor,

    I'm interested in your LGP Solution. 
    Could we set it up for my server?

    Thanks in advance

  2. Hi everyone, I'd like to up this post. I'm facing the same issue with 2017-01-25 with Rodex. I'm using Zak files and have no missing texture i guess.. Maybe there's a way to hide Rodex icon? Thanks in advance
  3. I'm running into the same issue, did you find a solution? thanks
  4. It Works ! I didn't see this option. Thank you very much ?
  5. Hi Everyone, I have some issues with 3rd classes. All of them have very low HP/SP even with full stats. I tried to edit job_db1 without any result. Does anyone know what could happen? Thanks in advance. Hello, On the screenshot, i'm using Rune knight trans, id: 4060.
  6. Exactly! Thank you very much for your answers.
  7. Hello, my server is correctly installed (i think) but with many npcs, when i talk to them, it crashes my client. It happens with the npcs of the Novice Training Ground for exemple. I'm using 2012-04-10aRagexeRE. Please, help me.
  8. More precisely in "data\luafiles514\lua files\" am I wrong?
  9. Hello, When i launch my "2012-04-10aRagexeRE.exe" i got this error: [string "buf"]:1: attempt to index global "CmdOnOffList" (a nil value) ... Actually, the client writes on SaveData\Optioninfo.lua but it writes badly. That's why when I replace that file by one from another client, there's no problem as long as nothing has been modified on it. Moreover, if i put the file in "read only" i can't modify the options. Could you help me ?
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