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Everything posted by Checkmate

  1. Ermm... I think it is normal for newer client though...
  2. Sure you can but you need to change the variable.. What i mean is.. maybe from @points(Kafra_Points) into @cash(Cash_Points).. Correct me if im were wrong.
  3. Well you can use this //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Item Rewards NPC //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.8 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Useful for event rewards, when a player is not necessarily online. //= Logging is available, if needed (holds 128 names). //= Note: Unclaimed rewards are limited to 64 at a time. //============================================================ prontera,156,195,6 script Item Rewards 836,{ // --------------------- Config --------------------- // Package format is "ID1,Count1,ID2,Count2,..." // GM Access: Level required to open the GM menu. // GM Delete: Level required to erase entries. // GM Logging: Level required to manage logs. set .GMAccess,60; set .GMDelete,80; set .GMLogging,99; set .PackageCount,3; setarray .Package1[0],501,1,502,2,503,3; setarray .Package2[0],601,5,602,10; setarray .Package3[0],607,10; // -------------------------------------------------- if (getgmlevel() >= .GMAccess) goto GM_Menu; mes "[Item Rewards]"; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) { if (strcharinfo(0) == $itemreward$[.@i]) goto GetReward; set .@i, .@i+2; } mes "You have no rewards pending."; close; GetReward: if (((Weight*100)/MaxWeight) > 49) { mes "You are over the weight limit."; close; } if (!checkweight(5055,getarraysize(getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1])))) { mes "Clear space in your inventory."; close; } set .@j,0; while (.@j < getarraysize(getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]))) { getitem getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]+"["+.@j+"]"),getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); set .@j, .@j+2; } specialeffect2 248; deletearray $itemreward$[.@i],2; mes "Here you go!"; close; OnMinute00: OnMinute30: if (!getarraysize($itemreward$)) end; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) { message $itemreward$[.@i],"[You have a reward pending. See the Item Rewards NPC.]"; sleep 10; set .@i, .@i+2; } end; GM_Menu: mes "[Item Rewards]"; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; switch(select(" ~ ^FF55FFPackage information^000000: ~ ^FF55FFList unclaimed rewards^000000: ~ ^00D900Give a reward^000000: ~ "+((getgmlevel()<.GMDelete)?"^777777":"^DE0000")+"Delete a reward^000000: ~ "+((getgmlevel()<.GMDelete)?"^777777":"^DE0000")+"Delete all unclaimed rewards^000000: ~ "+((getgmlevel()<.GMLogging)?"^777777":"^55AAFF")+"Manage logs^000000: ~ [Close]")) { case 1: mes "[Item Rewards]"; set .@j,1; while (getd(".Package"+.@j)) { mes "^660099Package " + .@j + ":^000000"; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize(getd(".Package"+.@j))) { mes " ~ " + getd(".Package"+.@j+"["+(.@i+1)+"]") + "x " + getitemname(getd(".Package"+.@j+"["+(.@i)+"]")); set .@i, .@i+2; } set .@j, .@j+1; } next; goto GM_Menu; case 2: mes "[Item Rewards]"; mes "Used space: ^F52887" + (getarraysize($itemreward$)/2) + "^000000/64"; mes "--------------------------------"; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) { mes "^B041FF" + $itemreward$[.@i] + "^000000: package #" + $itemreward$[.@i+1]; set .@i, .@i+2; } next; goto GM_Menu; case 3: mes "[Item Rewards]"; if (getarraysize($itemreward$) > 127) { mes "No more names can be stored."; mes "Delete some values and try again."; next; goto GM_Menu; } mes "Input a name, then a package number."; input .@name$; query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '"+.@name$+"'",.@charid; if (!.@charid) { mes "The name is invalid."; next; goto GM_Menu; } else set .@charid,0; input .@package,1,.PackageCount; next; mes "[Item Rewards]"; mes "Player: ^B041FF" + .@name$ + "^000000"; mes "Package: ^B041FF#" + .@package + "^000000"; mes " "; mes "Are you sure?"; if (select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes "Request cancelled."; next; goto GM_Menu; } setarray $itemreward$[getarraysize($itemreward$)],.@name$,.@package; message .@name$,"[You have a reward pending. See the Item Rewards NPC.]"; if ($itemlog) { if (getarraysize($itemlog1$) > 127) { deletearray $itemlog1$[0],1; deletearray $itemlog2$[0],1; } setarray $itemlog1$[getarraysize($itemlog1$)],strcharinfo(0); setarray $itemlog2$[getarraysize($itemlog2$)],.@name$; } mes "Reward added."; next; goto GM_Menu; case 4: mes "[Item Rewards]"; if (getgmlevel() < .GMDelete) { mes "You are not permitted to delete entries."; next; goto GM_Menu; } mes "Input a name to cancel a reward."; input .@name$; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) { if ($itemreward$[.@i] == .@name$) { deletearray $itemreward$[.@i],2; mes "Name cleared."; next; goto GM_Menu; } set .@i, .@i+2; } mes "The name is invalid."; next; goto GM_Menu; case 5: mes "[Item Rewards]"; if (getgmlevel() < .GMDelete) { mes "You are not permitted to delete entries."; next; goto GM_Menu; } mes "^FF0000This action cannot be undone.^000000"; mes "Are you sure?"; mes " "; if (select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes "Request cancelled."; next; goto GM_Menu; } deletearray $itemreward$[0],getarraysize($itemreward$); mes "All entries cleared."; next; goto GM_Menu; case 6: Log_Menu: mes "[Item Rewards]"; if (getgmlevel() < .GMLogging) { mes "You are not permitted to manage logs."; next; goto GM_Menu; } mes "Logs are currently "+(($itemlog)?"^00D900enabled^000000":"^FF0000disabled^000000")+"."; next; switch(select(" ~ ^55AAFFView Logs^000000: ~ "+((!$itemlog)?"^00D900Enable":"^777777Disable")+" logging^000000: ~ ^DE0000Delete all logs^000000: ~ [Go back]")) { case 1: mes "[Item Rewards]"; mes "Used space: ^F52887" + (getarraysize($itemlog1$)) + "^000000/128"; mes "--------------------------------"; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemlog1$)) { mes "^B041FF" + $itemlog1$[.@i] + "^000000: sent to ^55AAFF" + $itemlog2$[.@i] + "^000000"; set .@i, .@i+1; } next; goto Log_Menu; case 2: set $itemlog, ((!$itemlog)?1:0); goto Log_Menu; case 3: mes "[Item Rewards]"; mes "^FF0000This action cannot be undone.^000000"; mes "Are you sure?"; mes " "; if (select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes "Request cancelled."; next; goto Log_Menu; } deletearray $itemlog1$[0],getarraysize($itemlog1$); deletearray $itemlog2$[0],getarraysize($itemlog2$); mes "Logs cleared."; next; goto Log_Menu; case 4: next; goto GM_Menu; } case 7: close; } } or in this site LINK Credit to Sir Euphy
  4. Notepad ++ download link Notepad++
  5. You can duplicate the item first when you want to make custom stat food. Please take a look in HERE 1: About on editing it... You just simply edit it on item_db or where the description of those duplicate item been writing on. 2: That gonna need src modification Please take a look in HERE Good Luck doin that. ^ ^ Hi checkmate thanks for the info , but i try the cash item like they mention and i went to item_delay and put it 0 . i dont know why still have delay. any idea to solve it Sorry for the late reply... im in vacation.. Ermm... Delay on those item maybe not configuring only just by item_delay.txt... Try to make a new topic regarding to this and im surely need src modification on HERE
  6. Anda boleh lihat jawapannya disini ROClientSide atau Full DIrectory Client Side
  7. Playing CSS 2013 ( Hell yeah! ) xD

  8. You can duplicate the item first when you want to make custom stat food. Please take a look in HERE 1: About on editing it... You just simply edit it on item_db or where the description of those duplicate item been writing on. 2: That gonna need src modification Please take a look in HERE Good Luck doin that. ^ ^
  9. Ingin juga turut serta tapi mungkin dalam bahasa melayu.. Saya dapat online 24/7 kerana mempunyai perniagaan sendiri. ^ ^
  10. Ouch.. double format [ .txt.txt ] Why im asking cuz i have this issue too actually.... and i submit it on bug section.. lol
  11. Sorry, I figured it out. I'm an idiot. I didn't have a manner.txt in my custom grf and added one but I named it "manner.txt" but, instead of it saving it as a txt, it set the name as that. So the file name, including extension, was "manner.txt.txt" and so, as a result, the game resorted to the data.grf's manner.txt. I fixed the name and now it works properly. Thanks for trying to help me, unfortunately it was something so small. So the solution is added a new one manner.txt inside custom.grf?..?
  12. I totally agree with you... 1 person only handling ro... Btw can your share maybe forum or chit chat to join the others?..?
  13. Thx sir darristan and miss nanakiwurtz... ^ ^
  14. Yap... While opening the @storage a.k.a Kafra Storage,you cannot consumed anything item that can cosume except equip and unequipment.. It been set by default... Maybe it was created to avoid exploiting.
  15. I suggest to add a ".jpg" format image (resolution: 1024 x 768) with the name "loadingscreen01" in the path the error show you. This can be added in your ".grf" file with "GRF builder" or similar software. The message is telling you an image is missing, so to fix it you need to add it. I think what XIxJEALOUSxIXwas true.. Try to add.jpg..
  16. I think is must be something wrong while you make the patcher of it.. Look carefully on their name,path and maybe in your clientinfo.xml Take a look in here too for more detail
  17. Are you mean by this?..?
  18. Hi there... Sorry if im post in the wrong section.. Move it if it was wrong.It abot the skill Exceed break. One of player found this error and try to report to me... But im dont know either this is a bug or it was allowed. I dont have idea on it. Someone can explain it... Thank you so much. Check here Chat box while talking to it Thx again
  19. Yeah... It workd sir.. Thanks alot.. but... How come player also can click to that npc which is can make the npc spam more and more and more... -.- How to make player cannot click it.. or maybe just hide ir from player clicking?..? **Or maybe we can make NPC 'A' to make an @effect on NPC 'B' which is on the other map??**
  20. By giving the variable?..? Can you show me how to do that?..
  21. I will try it out sir... Thx sir.. Its been long time did not see you active... ^ ^ Are you busy?..?
  22. Like above topic says... I wonder is there another way to add @effect pemanently in certain map example in center prontera have a waterfall beside editing map **I was thinking about creating a hidden npc which activated some kind @effect when player walkthrough it** Is that possible?..?
  23. Hye all... Like a title say... Here the script that need to change from Baby Job into Novice I mean how can we change it or edit script that only Novice can reenter the pvp map Thanks
  24. Checkmate


    Err... In IRC chat room?..?
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