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Everything posted by Dori

  1. I want to disable the adoption request option from the client. I know that you can't make the option go away, but I know that you can make it not do anything. I've done it before with help of a friend but I've forgotten how to do it. Anyway here's what I did. I opened packet_db.txt replaced this: 0x01f9,6,adoptrequest,2 with this: 0x01f9,48 So with this, when I send the request to a novice to adopt, the novice doesn't receive the message to be adopted. Now, the problem is, the character that sends the request freezes and disconnects after a little while. I forgot if there were any source related to this, but any help on this would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  2. Yes, I was given a fixed username and a password. Thank you very much for all the information you've provided. I will go on and have my sql password changed. Thank you Najara.
  3. I'm posting this topic in hopes of finding a solution to my issue. I am currently in the process of developing a server. I am hosting my server with Trinity Networks. So far I have only been with them for a short while. Anyhow, In the first week I noticed a couple of random accounts (in-game) have been created, which were not created by me. At this point the registrations in the CP were not disabled. So I deleted the 2 random accounts and disabled registrations in Flux CP. Registering with _M/_F are also disabled in-game (just in case). My client is not released any where on the web either. I checked the 'login' table in phpmyadmin 2 days ago and saw over 10 random accounts have been created. None of the created accounts had e-mails. Some of them had different IP addresses while some had the same or similar IP addresses. I checked my char_log and it showed up 2 characters from 2 of these randomly created accounts. Some of the accounts had 5~10 login counts, but I know that no one is able to log in-game since I have only allowed Gm level 99 users to login. I reported this problem to Trinity, so far we have not found what is causing the problem. I have been with other hosting companies before and I have never experienced something of this sort. So I am hoping some one here will be able to help me or guide me in to finding what's going on. Thank you in advance!
  4. I'm trying to make a pet taming item that allows the user to catch multiple pets. I tested on the poring and drops monsters by making both of their lure id to 619 (unripe apple), but that did not work. also tried to put both mob ids in to the taming item script, like this: 619,Unripe_Apple,Unripe Apple,2,1000,,50,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ pet 1002; pet 1113; },{},{} But this only catches Drops and doesn't catch Poring. I also know that setting pet 0; would allow to catch all monsters in the pet_db, but I don't want that. I only want a certain few monsters. Is this possible to do? If yes, any help on this would be appreciated~! Thank you.
  5. Thank you very much! I was not aware of that command. Is there away to have this command already enabled when the players first start playing?
  6. Hello, I'm just wondering if this is a renewal feature. I had a renewal server where when the player clicks one time on the monster, the player will keep attacking (without having to hold the mouse button down). Now I have a pre-renewal server with the same client and everything from previously and the one 'click + keep attacking' is not working. I have to keep holding the mouse key to keep attack. If this is a renewal feature, could someone tell me how to enable it for pre-renewal? Thanks in return!
  7. Dori

    Ghost Helm?

    Can you patch jro without having an account? I got the client but I'm not sure how to patch. Any guidance? Edit: hm check this out
  8. I've used secure grf all this time and this is the first time im encountering this problem. It is the same client I configured before. Every other time it was fine but this time when I try to configure my client, I keep getting this error message from secure grf: The client executable file is not the orignal file! Any help regarding this would be greatly appreciated. Edit: Nevermind, figured it out. You have to make a new client each time you want to configure. It seems that you can't re-configure a client that has already being configured.
  9. Dori

    pet talk off

    Is there a way to turn off pet talk?
  10. Im using rAthena and latest revision.
  11. hm I tried this script out and i get debugs when using with a normal account (none gm) debugs saying that it failed to execute the commands.. THis is the issue with all of these scripts I tried but why is it only working for gm accounts? [Warning]: script: buildin_atcommand: failed to execute command '@autoloot 70' [Debug]: Source (NPC): Settings at prontera(159,159) [Debug]: Source (NPC): Settings at prontera(159,159) [Warning]: script: buildin_atcommand: failed to execute command '@rates' [Debug]: Source (NPC): Settings at prontera(159,159) [Debug]: Source (NPC): Settings at prontera(159,159) [Warning]: script: buildin_atcommand: failed to execute command '@showexp' [Debug]: Source (NPC): Settings at prontera(159,159) [Debug]: Source (NPC): Settings at prontera (159,159)
  12. I'm looking for a working command setter npc, similar to the one anniruru made. The script below looks really good but it doesn't work when normal players use it. it debugs. If anyone got a good command setter npc with autoloot, showexp and noks, please do share x.x thank you! or even better if someone could fix the one by annie attached to this post... atcommand.txt
  13. it works now. thank you
  14. Thanks Skorm! but i get a warning saying 'incorrect use of close command!' it happens when 2 people tries to open the guild storage.
  15. This is the guild storage part of my script: case 4: if(guildopenstorage() == 1){ // Guild Storage is already used mes "^00C5EF[Kafra Employee]^000000"; mes "I'm sorry but another guild member is using the guild storage"; mes "right now. Please wait until that person is finished."; close2; cutin "", 255; end; } else if(!getcharid(2)){ // No Guild mes "^00C5EF[Kafra Employee]^000000"; mes "I'm sorry, but you do not have a guild."; mes "You must belong to a guild in order to access the guild storage."; close2; cutin "", 255; end; } mes "^00C5EF[Kafra Employee]^000000"; mes "Here, let me open"; mes "your Guild Storage for you."; mes "Thank you for using"; mes "the Kafra Service."; close2; cutin "", 255; end; The problem is, the guild storage opens without having to close the following part: mes "^00C5EF[Kafra Employee]^000000"; mes "Here, let me open"; mes "your Guild Storage for you."; mes "Thank you for using"; mes "the Kafra Service."; close2; cutin "", 255; end; I want the guild storage to open only after closing what the kafra says above.Any help would be appreciated.
  16. Thanks that worked~! How would I go about fixing the script for the Dark Bacilium? Would you mind showing me this as well? is it like this? if(getrefine()<11){ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,2000+(getrefine()*200); } else { bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,1000; } And do I have to do this separately for each stat like this? if(getrefine()<11){ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,2000+(getrefine()*200); } else { bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,1000; } if(getrefine()<11){ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,2000+(getrefine()*200); } else { bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,1000; } if(getrefine()<11){ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,2000+(getrefine()*200); } else { bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,1000; }
  17. How can I make a item script that give +1 str for each refine level until refine level 10? with this it goes above 10.. bonus bStr,(getrefine()*1 I took the Dark Bacilium script as an example and noticed that it doesn't have a limit of 10 either ...O.o look: { bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,2000+(getrefine()*200); bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,2000+(getrefine()*200); bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,2000+(getrefine()*200); },{},{} how it's supposed to be like is this: Add a 20% resistance against Stone, Freeze, Stun. Each refine increases resistance by 2%. However, the resistance increases only up to + 10 refine. so how is this item script reading if the upgrade level is 10 or not?
  18. Thank you very much Capuche! It's working perfect
  19. 99 is fine, Thank you so much. There is one more thing, Could you take Rebellion class out of this script for me? @offtopic: Is rebellion class even officially released in rathena? Thank you again, I will test this out right away!
  20. Hello, I am using the official jobmaster npc available in the npc/custom folder. I really want to take re-birth out of this script, so it would be something like this: Novice > Swordsman > Knight > Lord Knight or Rune Knight (non trans) > Rune Knight (trans) I have attached the script below. I would really appreciate anyone who could help me out with this, Thank you in return! Edit: forgot to mention that im willing to even pay for this. jobmaster.txt
  21. I just checked and these are my setting for the bellow: session.save_path = "/tmp" session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
  22. no, I have 48 there
  23. So my website it flux integrated. The problem is, I can't stay logged in to the site. maximum like 1 hour or 2 I can stay logged in and then it will automatically sign me out. Is there away to make it keep me logged in forever?
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