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Everything posted by PewN

  1. did you place your npc spr and act on sprite/npc ? if you didn't have the spr and act files of this npc ofcourse your client will be crash
  2. thanks for this how about textures of this? Ow sorry i forgot to add the texture's thanks..
  3. ahhaha use browedit and make your own . its to easy
  4. here // Super Novice 23, 50000,88 , 0 ,100 ,500 ,650 ,700 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,800 ,2000 ,700 ,700 ,650 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 , 650 Super novice and Gunslinger are now same hp
  5. ya .@itemmap a command
  6. thanks for this how about textures of this?
  7. is this possible? example getarg(0, #Ison); then my #ison is set #Ison,5; ?
  8. hi im having a problem with reflect.. how can i revert it on old? cuz example. i cast a fire bolt on enemy ( having reflect items ) then i can resist the reflect by using fire resist. how can i do that reflect can't resist? im using pre-renewal
  9. can i request a archangel wing sprite and texture like this http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=re_item_db&item_id=2573 i already search it but the other download links are already removed please share it to me
  10. download latest ragray. or if you are laze to update just download this http://rathena.org/board/topic/75130-rytechs-client-pack-2012-04-10-v1/ extract then goto client files/data copy the data and merge it to your grf
  11. what. just edit your inter_athena.conf
  12. hi try to check your inter_athena.conf
  13. - script pvpheal -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if(strcharinfo(3) == "guild_01" || strcharinfo(3) == "guild_02"){ percentheal 100,100; end; } end; }
  14. - script storage22 -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "storage",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: setarray .Map$[0],"guild_01","guild_02"; if(strcharinfo(3) == .Map$[0] || strcharinfo(3) == .Map$[1]){ message strcharinfo(0),"You can't open your storage here!"; end; } openstorage; end; } then on your groups.conf remove storage: true
  15. what kind of effect is that on Features? can u teach me? please
  16. For Ragnarok Renewal , the old guide for the old version and EXE server .. And so, more detailed, but little guidance as it has done for Sucker 17/06/2009, but the example of the latest version of the EXE file Ragnarok Renewal I do not know what exact version (just updated from the Korean server at the time of writing the theme ..) deployed file 3928149 bytes Almost from the beginning .. And so we will need some debugger / dizasembler..na your choice, I will show an example ollydbg, because that it is for * Blondes * all intuetivnoe clear and simple) and has a mass of possibilities, which, for example, we will be enough) even need half an hour of free time and tea Introduction to ollydbg miss, we do not ask for anything special .. Problem Statement: We believe that the on the server, as mentioned in the subject line (updated: at the end of Hyde added required) has been changed. should be made ​​on the client: 1. fix the size of the package, which gets the client from the server ( 0x8a ) from 29 bytes to 33 bytes (because we added 4 bytes to the end of the package, with additional information about dmge) 2. correct / add the code that parses the packet ( 0x8a ), ie be 4 byte dmgu of 2 parts by 2 bytes and pass on) Solution: Open the EXE file debugger when it load it load import / biblioteki..proanaliziruet code, it stops at the point of entry. It will look here correct size readable package .. logically assumes that the client has a table with a packet length. need to find it) approach can be found as much, for example, you can use a search of the constants in OllyDbg (not the best, but for the example will do. Just know that is a function that inizializiruet package list, so it's easy to find .. No. full of start viewing the top where it is used .. There will be immediately evident that in most cases, 0x8a constant use not for the fact that we ischemia) and we happened to get to the address / location where the cursor (highlighted by a gray stripe on the top the figure). We look here a function that does something interesting (ollydbg function allocates a black brace on the left in Figure signed red if code scroll up / down, you can find the beginning and end brackets) look at the circled piece of code. See .. that there are using the number of our package 0x8a and after calling a function, the value zapisyvaetsya 1D, 1D and it is 29 in hexadecimal .. looks like the right place for us. If you examine the code, we see that there is the same makes no room for other packages. If the details of this piece of code, a local variable zapisyvaetsya packet number lea eax, [local.4] ... mov [local.4], 8A pushitsya on the stack as an argument to a call to the object, to which reference peredaetsya chereh ecx push eax mov ecx, blah blah call function of demand, which bring back into eax address where to write size for a given packet number call blah blah written on the packet size in the address, which returned the feature mov dword ptr: [eax], 1d There can be a lot of things to figure out how to fix the size, just remember the address to which the written value 1D and writes The desired value of 0x21 (0x21 = 33 in desyatirichnoy ..) (well, if you take a little more time and tea, we can dynamically change the size of packets initialization with ... or a text file, allegedly in self-HRee ... takiezhe tables / lists is for all - sprites itemov, skills .. blah blah .. and a cup of tea can be all it's fast and easy to do) The first part is done. Now the client will read all 33 bytes of transmit and parse as necessary .. Now you have to find a place where it parses packets. finds! Switch on the packet number .. (Because we know what it is ...) For example, click the search of all switches (same place where there was a constant search for all .. search for-> all know that a dedicated switch (circled in red and gray), this is a switch on the packet number, we need look at it. A click on the shortcut menu, and go to go to the case is the code that parses come address ebp + ffffa62b, it's just for some reason did not show debugger their normally a negative zanchenie) damage2 word'om read (2 bytes) in ecx and pushitsya as 9th argument damage1 also chitaetsya word'om and pushitsya as 6th argument. (movsx prolongs values ​​up 16, 32 bit, etc. .. and write the first operanad) then we need to write the code to build our 4-byte dmgi of 2 values ​​for 2 bytes) to write the code, we need a place, and now it is not. Therefore put on the space jump (you can file at the bottom, you can Yeshe where .. as you like first jam in the free space in the file (0x007212a4), instead of using movsx (because it takes longer than this jmp, the remaining 2 bytes, filled with NOPs debugger, which in this case is not required. nop - instruction which does nothing) in the place where he is going to jump, we have established damage2 of 2 parts and zapiysvaetsya in ecx (as it was in the original team movsx, only now there's a full damage2) then jump on obrtano 0x005D9922, to continue the code, so once again it does not rewrite. (CX - lower 2 bytes ecx) mov cx, word ptr: [EBP + FFFFA62F]; put in cx upper 2 bytes of damage2 shl ecx, 10; mix left by 16 bits, so they are in the upper 2 bytes ecx mov CX, Word ptr: [EBP + FFFFA62B] , write the lower 2 bytes of damage2 CX jmp 005D9922; jam back to the continuation of the original code Further, instead of reading damage1, set just below the jump back to where we collected damage2. Gather there full damage1 (opyatzhe in ecx, as was the case with movsx) and jam back to 0x005D9937 mov cx, word ptr: [EBP + FFFFA62D]; put in cx upper 2 bytes of damage1 shl ecx, 10; mix left by 16 bits, so they are in the upper 2 bytes ecx mov CX, Word ptr: [EBP + FFFFA626] , write the lower 2 bytes of damage1 CX jmp 005D9937; jam back to the continuation of the original code part: In addition to patches on the client, you will need a small izmneniya clif.c on the server for a simple action / attack are using the package 0x8a. Packet length 29 bytes. It is a place for dmgi the left hand (2 bytes) and the right-hand (2 bytes). Since we want to transfer to 4 bytes on each hand) to expand the package from 29 to 33 bytes ( 2 bytes for each dmge) To fix this, or in the code below is what all zabivaetsya default, including 0 version) taking defaynom packet_len (cmd) (this is the easiest option (IMG: style_emoticons / default / ani_no.gif ) ) or open packet_db.txt and add bottom line (the correct version of the package for you ...) 0x008a, 33 If you used packet_db.txt, then the same must be corrected to take a long package of packet_db [packet_ver] [cmd], because at current Revision eateny in all functions are using defayn of clif.h # Define SERVER 0 # define packet_len (cmd) packet_db [SERVER] [cmd]. len it will not return you to Correctly length, and takes forever clogged poumochaniyu value (IMG: style_emoticons / default / ani_omg.gif ) (bug or crafty intent? (IMG: style_emoticons / default / ani_rice.gif )) It is better to write your defayn if you do not have ... something like: # Define get_packet_len (cmd) (packet_db [clif_config.packet_db_ver] [cmd]. Len) or # Define get_packet_len (bl_src, cmd) (packet_db [((struct map_session_data *) bl_src) -> packet_ver] [cmd]. Len) and wherever we wanted to get the right size of the package, for our version, use these defayny (IMG: style_emoticons / default / ani_ok.gif ) Next clif.c otkryaem function int clif_damage (struct block_list * src, struct block_list * dst, unsigned int tick, int sdelay, int ddelay, int damage, int div, int type, int damage2); dmgi correct the record in the bag ... if (battle_config.hide_woe_damage map_flag_gvg && (src-> m)) { WBUFW (buf, 22) = damage? div: 0; WBUFW (buf, 27) = damage2? div: 0; } else { WBUFW (buf , 22) = GetWord (damage, 0); WBUFW (buf, 27) = GetWord (damage2, 0); } WBUFW (buf, 24) = div; WBUFB (buf, 26) = type; WBUFW (buf, 29) = GetWord (damage, 1); WBUFW (buf, 31) = GetWord (damage2, 1); ... and if you do not correct the length of the packet in the code, and made ​​their defayn .. then take long to fix unforgettable package (in all functions, which are using the package 0x8a .. vzyatitem, sit down, stand up ..) function example in toyzhe clif_damage ... (If you've fixed the code, it does not need it ..) # Define get_packet_len (cmd) (packet_db [clif_config.packet_db_ver] [cmd]. Len) ... if (Disguised (DST)) { clif_send (buf, get_packet_len (0x8a), DST, AREA_WOS); WBUFL (buf, 6) =-DST-> ID; clif_send (buf, get_packet_len (0x8a), DST, SELF); } else clif_send (buf, get_packet_len (0x8a), DST, AREA); if (Disguised (src)) { WBUFL (buf, 2 ) =-src-> ID; if (Disguised (DST)) WBUFL (buf, 6) = DST-> ID; if (Damage> 0) WBUFW (buf, 22) = -1; if (damage2> 0) WBUFW (buf, 27) = -1; clif_send (buf, get_packet_len (0x8a), src, SELF); this backend ready ... Conclusion: Done: 1. Modified packet size 0x8a. Why do we find the function initialize the package list and change the start value for the size of the package. 2. Improved the handling of the new package size with more information on Demag in the last 4 bytes That's probably lured address in the packet) count yourself ... it feels right or it may change the package? I have not tested it, but in general everything is clear) and should work, and if something is not, correct the problem should not arise. Get You can increase the limit to 999,999 dmgi display to, for example, 999 999 999 (9 digits) ... get a more lazy (IMG: style_emoticons / default / smile.gif ) Here's the address and the values ​​that need to change, they change the limit to 9 digits (for the same EXE, old. dizasemblere possible to see when will enter the values ​​that these values changed ..) <mixture is> <originalnoe_znachenie> <значение_на_которое_следует zamenit_originalnoe> 17945B: B9 E9 17945C: 3F 37 17945D: 42 21 17945E: 0F 18 179 563: CC C0 1794B0: 8B E9 1794B1: C1 19 ​​1794B2: BF 21 1794B3: 0A 18 1794B4: 00 00 1794B5: 00 90 1794B6: 00 90 2FB597: 00 81 2FB598: 00 F9 2FB599: 00 7F 2FB59A: 00 96 2FB59B: 00 98 2FB59D: 00 7D 2FB59E: 00 07 2FB59F: 00 BE 2FB5A0: 00 07 2FB5A4: 00 EB 2FB5A5: 00 28 2FB5A6: 00 81 2FB5A7: 00 F9 2FB5A8: 00 FF 2FB5A9: 00 E0 2FB5AA: 00 F5 2FB5AB: 00 05 2FB5AC: 00 7D 2FB5AD: 00 07 2FB5AE: 00 BE 2FB5AF: 00 08 2FB5B3: 00 EB 2FB5B4: 00 19 2FB5B5: 00 81 2FB5B6: 00 F9 2FB5B7: 00 FF 2FB5B8: 00 C9 2FB5B9: 00 9A 2FB5BA: 00 3B 2FB5BB: 00 7D 2FB5BC: 00 07 2FB5BD: 00 BE 2FB5BE: 00 09 2FB5C2: 00 EB 2FB5C3: 00 0A 2FB5C4: 00 B9 2FB5C5: 00 FF 2FB5C6: 00 C9 2FB5C7: 00 9A 2FB5C8: 00 3B 2FB5C9: 00 BE 2FB5CA: 00 09 2FB5CE: 00 8B 2FB5CF: 00 C1 2FB5D0: 00 BF 2FB5D1: 00 0A 2FB5D2: 00 00 2FB5D3: 00 00 2FB5D4: 00 00 2FB5D5: 00 99 2FB5D6: 00 F7 2FB5D7: 00 FF 2FB5D8: 00 B8 2FB5D9: 00 67 2FB5DA: 00 66 2FB5DB: 00 66 2FB5DC: 00 66 2FB5DD: 00 89 2FB5DE: 00 55 2FB5DF: 00 C0 2FB5E0: 00 F7 2FB5E1: 00 E9 2FB5E2: 00 C1 2FB5E3: 00 FA 2FB5E4: 00 02 2FB5E5: 00 8B 2FB5E6: 00 C2 2FB5E7: 00 C1 2FB5E8: 00 E8 2FB5E9: 00 1F 2FB5EA: 00 03 2FB5EB: 00 D0 2FB5EC: 00 8B 2FB5ED: 00 CA 2FB5EE: 00 8B 2FB5EF: 00 C1 2FB5F0: 00 99 2FB5F1: 00 F7 2FB5F2: 00 FF 2FB5F3: 00 B8 2FB5F4: 00 67 2FB5F5: 00 66 2FB5F6: 00 66 2FB5F7: 00 66 2FB5F8: 00 89 2FB5F9: 00 55 2FB5FA: 00 C4 2FB5FB: 00 F7 2FB5FC: 00 E9 2FB5FD: 00 C1 2FB5FE: 00 FA 2FB5FF: 00 02 2FB600: 00 8B 2FB601: 00 CA 2FB602: 00 C1 2FB603: 00 E9 2FB604: 00 1F 2FB605: 00 03 2FB606: 00 D1 2FB607: 00 8B 2FB608: 00 CA 2FB609: 00 8B 2FB60A: 00 C1 2FB60B: 00 99 2FB60C: 00 F7 2FB60D: 00 FF 2FB60E: 00 B8 2FB60F: 00 67 2FB610: 00 66 2FB611: 00 66 2FB612: 00 66 2FB613: 00 89 2FB614: 00 55 2FB615: 00 C8 2FB616: 00 F7 2FB617: 00 E9 2FB618: 00 C1 2FB619: 00 FA 2FB61A: 00 02 2FB61B: 00 8B 2FB61C: 00 C2 2FB61D: 00 C1 2FB61E: 00 E8 2FB61F: 00 1F 2FB620: 00 03 2FB621: 00 D0 2FB622: 00 8B 2FB623: 00 CA 2FB624: 00 8B 2FB625: 00 C1 2FB626: 00 E9 2FB627: 00 8C 2FB628: 00 DE 2FB629: 00 E7 2FB62A: 00 FF
  17. are you using 2012 clients? if yes update your grf
  18. @itemmap @itemmap <mapname> <item name> <quantity> it means all player who are on the map will get item
  19. //= - Enables Stewards inside Guild Strongholds which let's //= the guild master invest in Defense and Economy, and //= to summon guardians, a Kafra, and enter master's room. on your trunk/npc/guild/agit_main.txt
  20. atcommand "@mute "+.@min_mute$+" "+.@c_name$;
  21. PewN

    Guild Maker

    i think it's a item script.
  22. ok i will try this.. i will update you if the custom weapon works. thanks for helping me..
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